A Fantastic Day

FIVE K READS GUYS!!!!!!! OH MY GOD I MIGHT EXPLODE OUT OF PURE JOY!!!!!!! You peepsles are all fantastic and I owe all of my readers so much. Thank you to those who have been here since the beginning, and thank you to those who haven't, and those who might just read the entire thing in a day and decide to stick to it. You peepsles are what make me get up and do this torture called school, where we learn lots of shiz that we'll never use. Shoutout to mycupofteaplease, lebble, WholockInHogwarts, and RoseRiverPond. You guys are freaking AWESOME and are really faithful with my story. (Commenting and voting.) PLEASE comment, seeing new comments on my story literally makes my day worth getting out of bed. I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating as often as I used to I've just been really busy with school and what-not. Hope you peepsles won't hate me for it. If you would do so in your comment, if you leave one) I'd like you to rate my story from 0 to 10. I just wanna know what you peepsles think of this story.So, just so that I don't bore you to death like Hermes did to Argus, I will get on with the story.

Kazrans POV:

I noticed a tombstone. It read:

Kazran Luke Sigma, son of Rose Sigma and the Doctor. Born December 15 2006, Died on the 14 of January, 2014. Rest in peace.

I had tears in my eyes. I had actually died. I looked even closer at my grave. There were flowers on it, my favorite ones. Lilies. I love lilies. It was a bouquet of them, tied in a neat bow with a TARDIS blue ribbon. The flowers looked like they were dying. I heard it. I heard the noise. I spun around. There before my eyes, my home was appearing. The beautiful TARDIS, wheezing in the air. It landed, and I heard slow footsteps. The door opened, and my parents walked out. They looked very sad and both had tears in their eyes. My mum was holding a fresh bouquet of lilies, facing my dad whom was closing the door. They turned around. My mum dropped the flowers, and they both dashed towards me and embraced me in a bone-crushing hug. We were all crying out of joy. My dad sniffled and moved back a bit.

"We thought that we'd lost you. We missed you, so much." He said this trough sniffles. A blonde girl in jeans walked out of the TARDIS.

"Mum, dad, are you two okay?" She asked, coming over to us. My mum and I were still holding on tightly to each other, but my dad got up and walked over to her.

"Jenny, this is Kazran. He's back." He said, looking at me and smiling. She rushed over to me.

"I'm so happy you're back! They spoke so highly of you. It's great to finally meet you!" She was smiling a big grin.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but who are you?" I asked her, ending the hug with my mother. She got up and was standing a bit behind me to the side, wiping off her tears with the sleeve of her jacket.

"I'm Jenny, your sister. I found dad and then I found out that he married Rose, and that they had a son. I also learned what happened to you. I'm very sorry about that, nobody should have to go through that. I'm glad you're here now though, were gonna be such great friends!" She said to me. She came up to me and hugged me. I gave her a hug back, which she seemed very glad about. I heard four heartbeats. I pulled away from the hug.

"You're Time Lord!! Well, Time Lady, but, wow!" I exclaimed. She laughed. It was a warm, gentle laugh filled to the brim with joy. I could tell that we were going to be great friends, just like she had said.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Are you hungry?" She asked me out of the blue. It was in that moment that I realized that I was starving.

"I'm starving, actually! Allows-y!" I said, dashing into the TARDIS. I'd missed this place so much. The coral columns were a sight for sore eyes, the console, the metal grating, everything looked so perfectly disorganized in here. My parents and Jenny walked in. Jenny and mum walked up to me while dad stayed behind to close and lock the door.

"I missed this place so much." I said, rubbing my hand on the console. My mum hugged me from the back.

"We missed you too." She said, giving me a tight squeeze before letting go. Dad started over.

"Well, how about we all go get some food. What sounds good to you, Kazran?" Be asked me. We all started walking towards the kitchen.

"Well, I don't really care, to be honest. I just want some food." I hadn't eaten the entire time I was in........ there.

"Sounds good." Dad said, putting an arm around my shoulder. Mum came up on the other side of me and held my hand as we continued our trek to the kitchen. My new sister Jenny walked behind us. I looked back to see her smiling. It wasn't a forced smile to hold in the true emotion, it was a genuine smile. I was proud to have Jenny as my sister, even though I hadn't even known her for five minutes. We arrived at the kitchen. Dad removed his arm from my shoulder and walked over to a cupboard. Mum, Jenny and I sat down at the table.

"Want a PBJ, Kazran? They're your favorite." He said, pulling out some peanut butter. I smiled.

"I can't believe you remembered! That sounds fantastic, thank you dad." I said. I truly could not believe that he had remembered.

"Of course I remembered! You are most certainly welcome, Kazran." He said, yanking out the banana jelly.

"So, how old are you, Jenny?" I asked her. She looked to be about 16 years old. She got a bit confused looking.

"Well, I'm physically 5, but I suppose that I should say something more like 16. I look to be 16 rather than 5, wouldn't you think?" She asked me.

"Well, I suppose you're right. You don't look to be 5." I said as dad placed the sandwich on the table in front of me. Jenny seemed very content with the comment that I had made and started a conversation wit mum.

"Oh, thank you dad. This looks marvelous!" I said.

"That's not all, either!" He said before he placed a glass of cold milk next to it.

"You spoil me, you know that?" I said to him playfully.

"You spoil me, you know that?" He replied in a mock-tone. I attempted to have a good poker face, but I bust out into laughter. He laughed too, while mum and Jenny didn't know what was going on.

"What's so funny?" Mum asked, confusion written all over her face. We laughed even harder.

"I need to know what's so funny!" She said, getting very serious. Even Jenny was laughing by now.

"Stop it!" Mum said in such a tone of confusion and seriousness that only made us laugh harder. I almost fell out of my chair, actually. We tried to calm down, we really did, but it took a while and a bit of effort.


After we ended our fit of laughter and I are, we all were sitting down and had a good talk. I didn't talk of there, but I really was thankful for that. I yawned.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm exhausted. Dying and then coming back to life, laughing my head off and eating food is actually more tiring than it sounds." I said, getting up. Everyone else shot up.

"Goodnight, Kazran. Sleep well." Dad said, hugging me so tightly that I thought he'd collapse my lungs.

"Goodnight, dad." I said to him. The hug lasted for a quick moment and then I was freed to receive an equally strong hug from mum.

"Goodnight, sweetheart. I missed you so much. We'll see you in the morning, yeah?" She said to me.

"Missed you too. Don't let me sleep for too long please. Stayed up for a month once and then slept for over a week. Teachers were not happy. We laughed for a moment.

"Alright Kazran, I won't let you sleep for too long." She said to me.I was released from mum to go hug Jenny.

"Goodnight, little brother. It's great to finally meet you. Now, go get some rest, we've all got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." She said. She released me from the hug.

"Night Jenny. I look forward to it more than you could imagine!" I said, smiling. I walked over to the door. I turned around and waved.

"Goodnight everyone!" I sad before darting into the hallway. I found my way to my room and walked in. I walked over to my dresser, which was Time Lord technology, as were most things in the TARDIS. I pulled out a light blue fuzzy pajama outfit and dressed in it. There were little TARDIS's on it. They were my favorite pair. I turned around to see my bed. I walked over to it and crawled in. I'd missed my bed so much. I breathed in the scent of the pillows, which smelled like Time itself. I was wrapped in the blanket like a taco, and I soon drifted off into a deep slumber.

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