Chapter 5

Aru and J was right. They told me I'd never end this with just another chapter. Deep sigh.This will have one more chapter :DHere's the most anticipated fight!


The night was cold and lonely. Gentle night breeze ruffled the white cotton curtains and carried a hint of moisture. The moon loomed behind the dark clouds that did their best to hide her from his view. But she shone brightly just like his silvery eyes.

His mother often said he was moon blessed, touched by the moon herself, and was prophesied to achieve greater things. However, Jimin didn't know how much truth her words held. Because he didn't feel blessed.

All his life he felt like an outcast. Only his found family treated him like a treasure but others not much. As a child, he too was a curious and a playful pup. But the others refused to mingle with him because his appearance made him stand out from the crowd.

People were afraid of the things they didn't know about. In a village where everyone had dark hair and dark eyes, he was the only one with silver hair and silver eyes. The village elders were quick to blame him if it rained a bit too much or the harvest was a little low.

His distinct silver eyes and silver hair had always been a burden. The spell-binding beauty as others called it often brought trouble to his doorstep. Therefore, he didn't really count it as a blessing. But then it also brought Jungkook to him. Jungkook was the first alpha, who had seen past his outward beauty. The first one to properly court him. The only one to respect his wishes and put his needs first.

Jimin sighed, stroking the fur of his ferret. The albino ferret was such a surprising gift from his soulmate. Taehyung always carried a ferret with him. They never asked the mercenary why he always carried the critter around. The animal always slept curled inside his furs and was rarely out and about. Jimin had only seen it when Taehyung let it out to play or hunt on its own under his watchful eyes.

Taehyung's black ferret was territorial and never allowed anyone to touch, until one day it decided Jimin's chest was warmer than Taehyung's fur. It was amazing how the little critter responded to commands and how well trained he was.

Jimin, who never really had any pet apart from his horse, loved how soft and warm the ferret was. When he said, he was going to steal the ferret one day, his best friend just laughed.

Then earlier this afternoon, this little one showed up with a note from his best friend. It also gave him a glimpse into the softer side of Taehyung, which he never showed otherwise. His little note warmed his heart because Taehyung was the first outsider who called him by his given name. His first real friend.


This runt of the litter is Snow. She's my Yale's littermate.

She's precious to me. She almost died because she was the weakest of them all. Snow is a fighter and she never gave up. Maybe because of that, she's a little different from the others and maybe that's why whenever I see her, it reminds me of you.

Snow is calmer and doesn't like to play much. She's a cat in a ferret's body if you ask me. This one...I always wanted to give her to someone special. Someone who can love her and cherish her for the rest of her life.

She's well-trained and good with carrying messages and you know. She also loves to be praised. Also, my mother believes she brings good fortune with her heart even purer than her albino fur. Take good care of her.

'- Taehyung

Snow was exceptionally calm and clung to Jimin immediately. He thought the little critter recognized him because of the small piece of cloth Taehyung placed inside the box that Snow came with.

He didn't know when Taehyung managed to steal that knitted shawl from him. It carried his scent. He was genuinely surprised to see the ferret wrapped in his shawl, which was also doused in his scent. So here he was, hugging the ferret to his chest, relishing the soft weight of its body on him.

The Fortune Moon for some reason unsettled his omega. He couldn't bring himself to relax or sleep since he arrived here yesterday. He trained inside his room and wore himself out, yet the sleep was too far. Even Snow wasn't able to help him sleep.

Hoseok was fast asleep beside him in the bed. Jimin kept tossing and turning until Hoseok simply threw an arm around him and pulled him flush to his body. The omega prince instinctively dug his nose into the crook of his brother's neck, relaxing instantly. Snow shifted a little but settled immediately.

Hoseok's scent was too mellow for an alpha, a scent that was a rare mixture of their parents. He smelled like home. The omega relaxed with memories of his small, mediocre nest from his teen years filling his mind.

Jimin sighed, fighting the overwhelming urge to nest again. He hadn't nested in forever. An omega's nest was a special place to them. A place where they were most vulnerable yet safe. Jimin hasn't had a proper nest as far as he could remember.

He often snuggled into his mother's nest whenever she allowed. It smelled like his parents and a bit of his brothers. Then when he presented, he made a nest in the corner of the single room he shared with his brothers.

However, he stopped when one day he heard his mother crying to his father about not being able to provide a personal space for him to nest or the lack of soft furs. So to stop his mother from worrying, he stopped nesting.

He pretended he didn't have the need and instead curled to his brother's side whenever he felt that urge. It was mostly Hoseok because he was the cuddliest of the three and his scent always comforted Jimin's omega.

Jimin was thankful to his wolf who was always understanding. There were times he could tell his wolf was hurting and needed comfort, but the wolf never pushed his human side to do something he never wanted.

The omega prince was about to drift into sleep when he felt it. The ferret on his chest was suddenly stirring with a warning hiss. His senses went on high alert and his hands found the hilt of his sword in the dark. However, he didn't see it coming. It was his fast reflex and his wolf's instincts that made him react. Snow screeched and let out a distressing scent.

In a blink of an eye, he brought the sword over Hoseok, blocking the blade aimed for his brother. The threatening growl his wolf let out woke his brother.

Jimin was up with his knees bracketing his brother's side as he fought the intruder. Snow climbed to his neck, almost wrapping its soft body around it as if it was trying to protect him.

Hoseok didn't waste time either. While Jimin scuffled with the masked intruder, he had pulled his blade and plunged to the attacker's side.

The man went down with a grunt but more poured in through the windows. The distant sound of swords clashing reached his ears and he immediately knew they were surrounded. It also explained why Namjoon wasn't there first. He must be fighting downstairs.

Jimin and Hoseok had their backs pressed to each other as they moved with practiced ease. It was dark, but his wolf surfaced just beneath his skin, his senses heightened and he was able to see clearly, as if it was a day.

The clash of swords was too loud for that time of the night. More grunts and groans followed as they fought vigorously. The omega prince was glad to put his skills to use after a long time. In the small gap he got, he grabbed Snow and let it inside the tunic. It fretted a bit but stayed put when he growled in warning.

Putting the little critter in harm's way was the last thing he wanted. However, the little protectiveness it showed didn't go unnoticed by the wolf. The critter, even if it had only spent less than a day with him, showed him loyalty and to Jimin, it was everything he could ask for. He would lay down his life before he let anything happen to his ferret.

The attackers were all dressed in dark red and brown uniforms and one of the badges he retrieved from a dead wolf said his father sent them. His lips curved in a snarl and he pocketed the badge and continued to fight.

Their scents were muted, which was making it harder for them to track. His ears strained listening to any noises or movements.

"We need to leave," Hoseok announced after he slayed the last attacker of the group. "They keep coming and we can't fight the entire troop at once."

As much as he wanted to stay and fight, he knew when to pick his fights and when not to take the risks. Now was not the time to take risks. They were surrounded. It wasn't just his life that was in danger. His brothers were in danger as well. There was a hell lot to lose.

Jimin just nodded and together they moved to the other side of their rooms where they left their things. Fortunately, they never unpacked while traveling, always having anticipated things like this.

Both had their satchels secured to their bodies soon. Jimin patted his satchel, confirming his alpha's gift was there before hurrying out of the place with Hoseok hot on his heels.

Snow, like the intelligent critter it was, moved from his chest to the satchel. Jimin smiled, realizing his shawl was inside the satchel as well. He let the critter inside and relaxed further knowing it would be safe inside for the time being.

As expected, there were more men outside. The entire place swarmed with soldiers and Jimin realized how dire the situation was. They expected this but didn't think it'd happen this fast. They'd covered their trail so well this far.

"To the stables!" He heard Seokjin holler from the other end of the corridor fighting three men at a time.

Jimin nodded. They didn't know where they'd go from here but they had to leave and find a shelter. Getting caught by his father's men wasn't an option.

They descended the stairs while fighting anyone who crossed their path. He kept glancing back to see if Hoseok and Seokjin were following and they were.

He saw Namjoon engaged in a vicious fight with at least six men who attacked him like a horde. With a snarl, he launched himself right into the fight, slicing through his enemies. The sounds of blades echoed around the walls of the inn accompanied by the sounds of their blades tearing through human flesh. The overwhelming smell of blood permeated the air.

"Out!" Namjoon yelled, grabbing Jimin's wrist, putting him behind his large frame, and shielding his body with his.

Just as they stepped outside, the arrows began to rain at them. Jimin was quick to open the shield he now wore every day as a part of his accessory. He stepped in front of his brother, blocking the incoming arrows.

"Which way?" he asked.

"That one." Namjoon pointed to their right.

Jimin looked behind him to see his other two brothers hiding behind the wooden tables they found at the inn, rolling it to the floor and hiding behind it.

With a nod, they began to move. It wasn't an ideal way to run but they had no choice. It hindered their speed but kept them safe from the arrows.

They ducked through the alleyway, ditching the table and pressing their backs to the wall as they broke into a run. They didn't make it to five feet before a body fell into a heap at their feet.

Jimin jumped back with a hiss, sword extended to attack but the man was already dead, blood oozed from his neck and pooled underneath him. Looking up, he found nothing unusual, but he could tell someone was there.

They stepped over him and continued to move only to come across another body. The omega prince caught a flash of black on the roof and instinctively brought his shield forward.

His breath caught in his throat as he saw the silhouette fighting skillfully on the roof.


There was no mistaking those stealthy moves that were a blur to human eyes. He'd been training enough with his new friend to identify some of his signature moves and mannerisms. Taehyung's ferret Yale, stood on its hind legs, greeting him with a screeching sound from its perch on the roof. Snow let out a responding screech from his satchel, but stayed inside.

His friend dropped another body unceremoniously and looked his way. His face was entirely covered but he lifted a hand, waved at Jimin and his brothers before he jumped to the roof of the next building.

Jimin smiled. They had come back. He didn't know when they said they'd watch over him; this was what they meant.

"Let's go," Namjoon urged and got them moving.

Just as they rounded the corner to the stables there were more bodies and the sound of clashing swords greeted them. There were more men. One group wore red and brown, while the other group wore all black.

Jimin's horse, already saddled and ready to ride, approached him amid chaos. He grabbed the reins, scratching her neck fondly, and watched the fight with wonder. There was no doubt these were Jungkook and Taehyung's men.

Where is Jungkook?

He had his nose pointed in the air, sniffing eagerly. The fight was messy and it was hard to see who was who. Namjoon and Seokjin joined the fight while Hoseok stuck to his back like a shield.

One man turned to him, their eyes locking briefly and Jimin's omega yipped inside him. It was his alpha.

Jungkook sliced the throat of the man he was fighting with and came over to him. His eyes crinkled as if he was smiling under the mask. Jungkook's eyes seemed to shine brighter even in the darkness.

He fought two more men, killing them with ease before he strode toward Jimin. His free hand patted at his hip as if searching for something.

"Here," he offered him something and Jimin took it immediately. "Chew at this, my prince."

Jimin immediately popped it into his mouth without even checking what it was. Once he began to chew, he realized it was a root his brother, Seokjin often added while brewing his scent-blocking tea.

"Get on it." Jungkook patted their mount. "We have a long way to go."

More men charged at them but Jungkook stepped in front of him and fought them while Jimin hoisted himself up, threw his leg over the horse, mounting it with ease. He couldn't believe Jungkook was here. He really was watching him. His throat tightened with thick emotion.

You have chosen well, he told his wolf who preened and puffed its chest inside his mind.

Jungkook whistled as soon as the last men went down. His black mare came out of nowhere and Jimin admired the way the alpha just used one hand to lift himself and mount the horse elegantly.

"Come on," Jungkook growled, and then he was charging through the night.

Jimin followed him, noticing more men in black, covering them and fighting men off their backs. Jungkook's horse was as fast as the wind and Jimin's horse kept up with its speed. With a nudge to his steed's ribs, it took off, soon falling in pace with his alpha.

They rode through the dark path, weaving through the trees. The hooves hit the ground, sending dust and debris in their wake. They flew over fallen logs and small rocks, ducked under low branches, and zigzagged through the dark tree line. Jimin kept looking behind them and saw they had somehow lost the soldiers and was now alone.

Once again, it was like the old times. It brought memories of all the time they rode together to reach The Fortune Moon.

Jungkook was covered from head to toe in black. Though he couldn't see his handsome features, the aura he radiated was so powerful that Jimin's omega whined. He didn't know why Jungkook was different today, but he loved it. That was his mate.

Warmth flooded his chest and he couldn't help the grin that stretched from ear to ear. Jungkook came for him when he least expected him. He kept his word.

They traveled for at least an hour, reaching the foot of the hill that marked the borders of The Fortune Moon and the Ember Moon. Jimin watched with wide eyes at the mountain he'd only seen on maps.

These hills were sacred. It was believed, the moon herself lived on these mountain peaks once upon a time and even now would visit her children now and then. There was a temple at the very peak of the mountain, buried in the clouds. It was said only the moon blessed wolf with a selfless heart could climb to her temple and visit her.

Warmth wrapped his entire being and he felt an unexplainable amount of comfort and safety enveloping him. Perhaps it was just the presence of his alpha or it was because it was a sacred place.

Jungkook removed the cloth that covered his face. It was then Jimin noticed the cobbled stone path going around the mountain. Jungkook stopped and slid off his horse, coming to help Jimin down though he didn't need help.

The omega prince blushed when the alpha grabbed his waist, lifting him easily. Jimin hugged him and nuzzled his neck immediately, whining softly at the lack of scent. The alpha cupped his face.

"I'm sorry I came late."

The omega whined again, nuzzling his cheek. The alpha kissed him softly, his fingers tracing the safety pin that held Jimin's tunic in place near his neck. Jimin treasured the handcrafted pin Jungkook gifted him and never went a day without it.

"It looks beautiful on you," he murmured. "My beautiful mate..."

Jimin growled appreciatively and nipped at his jaw, licking the spot with another soft whine. "Mate...mine..." He nipped again.

"Only yours," Jungkook replied.

Jimin pulled back, staring into dark eyes that held stars he loved to admire at nights. He then looked around. "Where are we?"

"Monastery," he said. "The Speaker of the Moon lives here." He intertwined their hands as someone came to take their horses away.

"Oh." Jimin looped a hand through his elbow.

"You will be safe here. No one will think of looking for you here." He kissed the back of his knuckles. "I should have brought you here sooner."

Jimin sighed, leaning to rest his head on his shoulder. "You wouldn't have known." He craned his neck to peck his lips. "I didn't expect you tonight, Alpha. You came."

"I told you," Jungkook murmured against his lips. "That I'll be watching you."

"I trust you."

They kissed again languidly until they heard someone clearing their throat. Jungkook pulled away with a chuckle and dragged him through the path to the entrance that was drilled into the mountain.

Torches lit the uneven path and Jimin was in awe of how beautiful that place was even at night. Among the tall trees that formed a canopy, the path snaked around the slope of the mountain, leading them even deeper into the forest.

He walked with Jungkook side by side, his hand was held in a protective grip of the alpha. He felt a movement from his satchel and grinned when he saw Snow poking her head out. She looked around and immediately climbed to sit on his shoulder.

Jimin laughed when she curiously sniffed at Jungkook. "Hey, girl," the alpha cooed.

Snow barked and jumped at him. Her sound was soft, like a chirp. She nudged at his cheek and curled around his hand when he began to scratch her side.

"You know her?" he asked softly. Watching Jungkook play with Snow was wholesome. It brought out the soft side of the alpha, something he showed only when he was in Jimin's presence.

"Mhmm." Jungkook smiled. "She's Yale's littermate. We all have one from the litter," he said.

"Wow. I didn't know you had a ferret."

Jungkook grinned. "Long story. Taehyung...he's actually my cousin just like Yoongi. We all grew up together. Yoongi hyung is the eldest of us all. So, one day we went hunting. We were eight or ten maybe? I don't really remember. We used to hunt a lot as children. We literally lived in the woods day and night, running around and you know..." He chuckled softly at the memory. "So...Taehyung found a kit who were abandoned by their mother. Maybe it got killed or something, we waited for a day or two for her to come back. When she didn't, he took her home."


Jungkook's smile widened. He looked so young when he smiled and even more handsome. It softened his features, unlike the intimidating aura he always carried. "Yes. His mom, my aunt, wasn't pleased. She doesn't like animals much, you see. But Taehyung is adamant when he wants something and that's that."

"So this is..."

"Ah, we found another abandoned baby a year later and brought it home. They both bonded and you know." He winked. "He now has a ferret farm in his home as we call it."

His laughter was light and full of joy. It also drew a smile from Jimin. He loved to see this side of his alpha. It was rare because their time together was limited. Maybe someday, they'd get to spend time like this. Given he survived the alpha challenge that was.

"Snow was from the recent litter. This little runt survived against all odds and Taehyung always told me, he'd give her to my mate because my mate would be special."

Jimin's cheeks flared. He averted his gaze to the ground, his fingers curling around the alpha's elbow where he clutched. "Looks like you had great expectations for your mate."

"Always," Jungkook admitted with an easy smile. "Ever since the Speaker of the Moon told me the moon goddess had blessed me with a mate, I've been waiting anxiously, counting every day until I met you."

Jimin blinked, his throat tightening once again. Uncertainty once again rose within him and Jungkook immediately drew him to his side as if sensing his mood.

"I told you, I wouldn't let anything happen to you," he whispered, pressing his lips to the side of his head.

"How?" Jimin's voice cracked. "I wish I didn't come this far..." He looked away. "Maybe I should have run away with you. Somewhere no one could find us."

Jungkook stopped and turned to face him fully. He hooked a finger under his chin and lifted his face. "Then what about your mother?"

Jimin swallowed, blinking away his tears. He rarely showed this side of him to anyone, including his brothers. With Jungkook, everything was easy. His alpha made it so easy to let go of his inhibitions. He clutched Jungkook's wrist and leaned to his touch when he moved his hand to cup his cheek.

"I'm so conflicted," he whispered in a broken voice. "I never thought I'd find love. Never imagined I'd find an alpha I'd mate. Now I love you so much that it hurts." He rubbed his chest with his free hand.

Snow immediately moved to his shoulder, wrapped her body around his neck as if sensing his distress. If it wasn't for the scent blocker he chewed, he would have smelled like withered flowers.

"I'm afraid I'd leave you alone in this world sooner. I'm afraid I won't get to live my life to the fullest with you." He moved closer, locking his gaze with the alpha. "I...I want..."

"My love..." Jungkook's features crumbled for the first time since they met and he noticed the sheen of tears filling his eyes.

"I want to grow old with you." His fingers tightened even more around Jungkook's wrist. "I want to have as many children as possible with you. I want to live in a small house I can call home. Maybe we could have a small garden outside, though I know nothing about it," he sniffled. "I don't want to lose this challenge..." his voice strained. "I want to come back to you. Come back so I can have it all."

Jungkook cupped his face with both his hands and brushed his tears off. Jimin hadn't even realized when he had begun crying.

"I promised you," Jungkook growled. "I promised I'd protect you and I'd take you away from everyone if it comes to that. I want you to trust me. Can you do that?"

Jimin nodded. "I always trust you."

Jungkook took a deep breath, leaning to press their foreheads together. "Then trust me one more time, Omega."


With that he connected his lips with the alpha, relishing the warmth and love that poured through their bond. The simple kiss made him feel. Maybe he could survive the challenge. Maybe everything would be alright.


The alpha challenge was a grand affair. The entire nation had been preparing for this moment for months and it showed.

The colorful decorations reminded him of the harvest festival in the Summer Isle. Colorful ribbons littered the streets wherever his eyes landed. The street vendors were calling out to the customers energetically and there was a decent crowd at the shops.

It was such a huge event that the place was crawling with nobles and royalties. Even the rulers of the other nations were present, including the emperor, the ultimate ruler of all nations. Jimin wondered what the emperor was doing here. He thought he was sick after his mate's death. The Speaker of the Moon would monitor the event and would determine the winner.

The sun was barely up when Jimin entered the fort where the challenge was to be held. There was a long line of alphas, waiting to register their names. Unlike the alphas, however, he didn't have to wait at all.

Having the Speaker of the Moon on your side had its benefits. He was ushered to the tents outside the arena immediately, where he waited until it was time to enter the arena. Only a higher level of nobility was provided with tents while the others spent their time outdoors.

Jimin meditated as he waited. He could hear the spectators entering the arena. It was too loud and the scents of excitement and joy permeated the air. The challengers would be the last to enter. Only the people of close friends or family were allowed to accompany the contenders.

According to the information he received, the fight would commence shortly after the rulers arrived in their perch. The challenger's names would be thrown in a pot, from where the speaker of the moon would carefully choose the contenders. To ensure fair competition, there were multiple levels.

Mostly, it'd be one on one. The challengers would fight each other and the winners would move onto the next level. It sounded fair. However, there was always a catch. His father didn't know he was here or that he was going to participate. As the host, his father had the final say and could change the rules of the challenge as he saw fit.

Of course, there was the emperor. But Jimin didn't have high hopes for the old man. After all, they were the same. He was surprised to learn the emperor would be attending the challenge in person. Not that there were many alpha challenges before. The ones recorded in history were the ones that were held in small provinces that were ruled by the governors or lords.

Some fights were held fair and square, but some were violent and done in a primitive style. He was ready to face anything.

The challenge was postponed because of the emperor, who was late to the challenge by a week and a half due to unknown reasons. He stayed in the monastery until then and trained every day. Jungkook had left him after he introduced him to the Speaker of the Moon.

The Speaker of the Moon was an elderly man in his late nineties or maybe even hundreds, Jimin couldn't tell. His hair and long beard were white. He wore all white clothes and spoke very little. However, a calm yet radiant aura surrounded him all the time. It was intimidating yet calmed his wolf immediately.

He'd met the Speaker of the Moon only twice during his stay in the monastery. There, Jimin finally visited the temple at the foot of the hill and offered his prayers. He lit incense sticks and meditated all day. He asked the moon to grant him one last wish. It wasn't anything big.

The omega just requested more time with his alpha. The lamp he lit earlier glowed even brighter when he opened his eyes and he thought...maybe, the moon was telling him everything would be okay.

He missed his alpha dearly. His scent faded once again from his furs and he was left to sulk alone. It didn't help that the alphas weren't allowed to cohabitate in the monastery. Every night he went to sleep with the ferret curled on his chest.

His only solace came from the small notes and letters Jungkook sent him. Sometimes there were gifts. Like the chest plate, he wore under his tunic today.

He unfolded the small note Jungkook's hawk brought him just before dawn. The message was cryptic and made no sense, but the instructions were clear and it was Jungkook's handwriting. The note was also doused in his scent.

The omega sniffed greedily at his scent, filling his lungs with it.

Soon he was ushered to the arena, where others were already entering and finding seats for themselves. Excited chatters surrounded him as he entered the arena with the alphas when it was time. His brothers flanked his sides, keeping him away from the others, protective as ever. Their shoulders bumped with each other as the crowd moved excitedly.

The arena was a large, open, circular space inside the palace ground. Rows and rows of stairs occupied the spectator area on the three sides. The fourth side, a large, elevated platform, where the rulers and court officials sat was part of the palace.

Though they all sat together, one could feel the awkward tension radiating off them. With the emperor falling sick, they were butting heads with each other in terms of borders and sharing resources. Jimin could only imagine how awkward it must have been now to share the same space with the emperor.

There was a table several steps below where the rulers sat. On it was a porcelain pot. There were two men, who continued to take the names out of it and write it down as they announced the order by which they'd have to fight.

Jimin took a deep breath, preparing himself for his round. Unlike what others said, he was afraid, very very afraid. Anxious even. But he didn't let his doubts cloud his brain.

Seokjin rubbed his back the entire time. His scent was muted with the help of scent blockers for now. The dosage was mild, just enough to get him into the arena undetected. His face was hidden with a handcrafted wooden mask, painted with intricate designs depicting a silver wolf, his wolf.

Jimin was thirty-second in line among the large group of alphas waiting for their turn. Once he entered the arena, he realized the fight could go all day because instead of just the alphas from the Fortune Moon, alphas from all nations had traveled here.

The local bookies were moving around taking bets from people as the fights resumed. So far, three alphas have been killed. One was killed even after accepting his defeat.

There were many alphas from the ruling families among the contenders and the hype around them was almost nauseous. The alphas weren't the only ones in the arena per se. While the contenders occupied the first few rows, the entire back rows mulled with unmated omegas, well dressed and releasing the unnatural amount of pheromones in the air.

His omega almost growled, feeling cornered. It wanted to snarl at them and put them in their place. Not now. He breathed through his mouth and looked around. He avoided looking at the faces of the royals until now, fearing his reaction when he finally saw the face of the man he despised so much. However, with every passing second, he was growing restless and decided he was ready to face it.

Jimin slowly lifted his gaze toward the royals. They all sat in their decorated chairs, some kings were there with their consorts. In a platform, lower were their unmated omegas, maybe hoping to score a mating alliance with the alpha who emerged as a victor.

Jimin scoffed again. It made him despise everything even more. However, he stopped when he finally noticed an omega he didn't see there before. Clad in royal green robes weaved with gold, she sat far from his father, looking elegant and glowing than any other omegas in the arena.


His omega whined, calling out to his mother and he almost howled. He thanked for his scent blocker, else the entire arena would have smelled his distress.

As if sensing his gaze, the woman's gaze flicked to him and their gazes locked. Jimin felt rooted to the spot under the intensity of her gaze.

She's just so beautiful.

Her skin was milky white and there was healthy pink glow to her skin, naturally pink cheeks, and plump, full lips just like him. Jimin slanted a glance at his father and realized he inherited all his features from his mother.

Their gazes held each other and he saw the sheen of tears in her eyes, her lower lip trembled just a little. She knew. He smiled under his mask and nodded curtly, hoping to reassure his mother. Though she might not be able to see his smile or his face, he hoped it got the message across to her.

She nodded in return and took a deep breath, slanting a glance toward her mate. A brilliant smile split her face and she relaxed visibly. Her scent must have changed because his father immediately turned toward her and Jimin averted his gaze.

His gaze was on the emperor next. There was a thin transparent screen placed in front of him. He was the last to come in after the contenders had settled in the arena.

Jimin must admit the entourage that followed allowed alone caused the hair on his neck to stand. None of the other kings had that type of entourage following them. Everything about the emperor screamed power.

When he came in, he had an intricate head dressing with a small gold veil, hiding his face from a commoner. At least three royal advisers followed him closely.

There were two royal guards flanked his sides. They were dressed in tight black pants and tunics with a flowing red and black robe that was secured to their waist by a belt. A sword hung from their hip but in their arms was the retractable shield similar to the one Jimin had.

Their faces were covered with a thin cloth with only their hawk like eyes on display. Eyes that were tinged red, indicating their wolves were on surface all the time. Jimin's heart raced and shiver that ran down his spine wasn't a good one. The aura of this people alone screamed that they shouldn't be messed with.

Following them was a group of elite guards dressed in all black, their faces also covered. However, the only thing set them apart from the other two guards were their armors. They spread across the perimeter, taking spots strategically and their posture was stiff and ready to intervene at the first sign of threat.

He knew the emperor was the supreme ruler of all five nations, his bloodline most favored by the moon herself and it was said they were even given true mates, which was otherwise believed to be a myth.

The emperor was wearing a red and black robe, weaved with gold. He was tall and broad, a radiating authority that even caused the other rulers to bear their necks in submission. Jimin had shivered when he made his appearance. While all the wolves around him fell to their knees, bowing their heads in submission, Jimin only knelt with a hand over his heart to show his respect.

He would never submit to any wolf that wasn't his alpha.

He averted his gaze and absent-mindedly traced the hilt of the dagger, taking comfort in the knowledge that his alpha was somewhere here in the arena. His wolf could feel the weight of his gaze even in this crowd. Calm and assurance flooded through the bond they shared.

He sighed and was startled when his number was called. Jimin climbed to his feet, squaring his shoulders.

This is it.

He wasn't the only one clad in the mask. Thankfully, there were many, just to make it mysterious and even frightening. Jimin was the shortest and smallest of them all. He discarded his robe.

Namjoon stepped in front of him, embracing him in a bone-crushing hug and a pat on his back. Seokjin and Hoseok followed suit. He thought he heard Hoseok sniffle a little. He smiled under his mask because no other contender received such affection from their families.

He felt the crowd falling hush as if already mourning for his loss. His opponent was built like a giant, at least three feet taller and broader than he was. His muscles bulged and veins popped. The snarl he let out would have sent Jimin to his knees if he weren't immune to the fucking alpha pheromones.

He stood his ground, sword unsheathed and extended. The familiar weight in his hand felt like a third limb. He closed his eyes and felt more assurance pouring in through the bond. It was a feeling of warmth rushed to his chest, warmth ever so gently blanketed his skin like a warm fur.

When he opened his eyes, the alpha was already charging. Jimin calculated the speed, dodging the attack just moments before impact and he went crashing to the ground. It only seemed to infuriate the alpha that reminded him of a bull that blindly charged at its opponent.

Jimin sidestepped when he lunged again and ducked the meaty palm that came at him. The crowd began to cheer clearly in support of the alpha because it was his number he heard.

On the sidelines, his brothers were calm as an approaching storm. Jimin smiled. He played a little, feeling sorry for people who were going to fail their bets.

The alpha was unceremonious with his attacks. He was clad in heavy armor too. His neck was too high for him to reach. So, Jimin carefully searched for an opening. He didn't want to kill unless necessary but Jungkook's warning kept ringing in his ears.

Show no mercy.

He sighed. The alpha was attacking to kill. He braced himself. The opportunity presented itself. Jimin ducked, sticking out his leg to trip the alpha. Just as the unexpected alpha came crashing down, he stuck out his blade, slicing through his throat as if cutting through a block of cheese.

The scent of blood oozed out of him and the crowd had fallen silent once more. When he returned to his seat, he could feel the respect in their gazes. He scoffed. Some omegas even began to direct their attention to him and he scowled. His wolf flicked its tail in his mind with an annoyed huff. This was the real pain in the ass.

The rest of the fight moved faster than he predicted. The opponents were either killed or pardoned. When the sun rose to the middle of the sky, at least eighty alphas were waiting for the next round to be started.

However, before the authorities could announce the next round, Jimin's father waved a hand, causing the excited murmurs of the crowd to go silent. An adviser rushed toward him. He knelt in front of him, speaking in hushed whispers.

The royal adviser then climbed to his feet and came to stand near the table on the lower platform. "His Highness thinks it's time for the real challenge to begin," he announced with a beaming smile.

Real challenge?

"As you all know, the throne isn't just for anyone," the adviser continued. "The moon has blessed us with a benevolent king who is generous and kind. He's also brave and valiant, protecting our nation and its subjects against all odds. His Highness wishes his successor to possess the similar qualities as well."

Jimin scoffed. Valiant his ass. He was alpha without honor. Nothing he ever did would change that fact. He took a mother's right to nurture his child from her. He left his child to fend for himself for years and even send assassins after him.

"With that being said, we will start the second round now. This time His Highness would like to see your strength and determination. He wishes to see if you are capable of protecting your nation if the situations demand it. May the last alpha standing win."

He went to sit and a hush fell over the crowd. Jimin sat unmoving. He had expected this. So, they were going back to the old ways. His gaze flicked to the king and his omega bristled when he noticed his father's gaze already locked on him.


He knows.

It made sense why the rules were changed immediately. No one even had a say in who was going to fight next because he saw the king's arm rising toward him, a finger pointing at him.

His lips curled under his mask with a snarl. A rumbling growl vibrated in his chest, the omega emerged fully, his eyes glowing silver, and Jimin stood, cracking his neck, sword ready in his hand.

His gaze scanned the crowd once, hoping to get one look at his alpha and the omega deflating a little when he couldn't. Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok clapped his back once and squeezed his shoulder.

"Kill them all," Namjoon whispered. "Remember, show no mercy."

He nodded curtly and stepped into the ring. From now on, there was only one way out. Ignoring every other thought, Jimin took position and waited for the first alpha to step inside the ring.

The alpha who came inside was a royal just like him. Jimin's omega growled, taking a whiff of his scent. He remembered this one. This particular alpha was the third son of the King of The Summer Isle. The one who relentlessly kept sending him meaningless courting gifts. The one who couldn't take no for an answer. The one Jimin responded by returning the head of his emissary, which resulted in Jimin leading a nomadic lifestyle.

Oh, how Jimin wished he didn't have a mask on or nothing covered his hair. How would this alpha react if he knew he was going to fight the omega, he wanted to add to his harem.

They both took position and Jimin realized the realization dawning on the alpha's face. His gaze was glued to Jimin's glowing eyes. Fortunately, his mask was designed in such a fashion that people could see his eyes only if they were standing straight and looking into his eyes.

Jimin struck like a bolt of lightning. He didn't give a chance for the alpha to say or do something. The alpha staggered on his feet, blocking his sword feebly. The omega prince, however, was relentless.

He just toyed with him for a good moment to put on a show before slicing his throat. The alpha went down in a heap. The king of The Summer Isle shot to his feet with a loud growl. It was so loud that he could feel the vibrations of his growl on the ground. However, the growl was nothing in front of the one special alpha he knew.

Jimin smirked under his mask. The king's chest heaved but he masked his anger, realizing the situation they were in, and plopped down on his chair. Another alpha stepped inside the ring and Jimin took him down in a matter of seconds.

The fight continued like clockwork. His training with Jungkook and Taehyung had paid off. It wasn't easy. By now, the alphas had somehow predicted his next attack, having seen his fighting technique. However, Jimin still had an upper hand. He wasn't afraid to use Taehyung's dirty trick or two when needed.

He could almost imagine Taehyung whooping from the sidelines. He even slanted a glance to his left to see it was just his brothers. He sighed and focused in the fight.

There were a few alphas who were stronger than him and it took everything in Jimin to beat them. He didn't know how much time had passed, but the sun was slowly moving down the horizon. His body was slowly getting exhausted.

Once they entered the ring, they weren't even allowed to take even a water break. So Jimin was really exhausted. The alphas all seemed to be aggravated now that he was winning every fight. He could feel their aggression radiating off them. It washed over him like a tidal wave and almost caused his knees to buckle.

Their pheromones were even thicker in the air. He panted as he paced the far end of the ring, buying some recovering time as he waited for the next alpha. He took account of his injuries. He had several gashes lining his sides and arms. Some even nicked his legs.

There was an alpha who shifted mid-fight and thanks to Jimin's shield. He'd protected his neck at the right moment before plunging his sword deep into the wolf's belly who was clawing at his sword.

It took a while before he could stand. The wolf's blood had soaked his clothes. The crowd was now cheering for him. However, another alpha was already stepping inside the ring and he groaned.

The fight continued like this until Jimin couldn't feel his arms and legs anymore. He never fought for this long. His strength was depleting and stamina was dangerously low as opposed to the alphas stepping inside the ring.

His mask was broken because of the hits he'd taken. Someone managed to plunge a knife to his side, so thanks to that fucking bastard now he was bleeding buckets.

Fighting this alpha proved to be a challenge because of how effectively he deflected every swipe of Jimin's sword. Oh, what would the omega give for even a breather at this point. His muscles were burning with exhaustion. He could barely lift his arm without any effort and it took everything in him.

He must have slipped somewhere because suddenly he felt the breath whoosh out of his lungs. Outside the ring, his brothers were moving in unison. They ran to wherever Jimin went. They couldn't get inside. If they did, they wouldn't be able to get out of it without joining the fight, but Jimin knew that wouldn't stop them from coming inside.

The alpha hovered over him, straddling his thighs, and Jimin's sword had fallen somewhere. The sharp tip of the alpha's blade dug into his throat. Blood dripped from the cut.

"Not so strong now, are you?" the alpha spat. "I'm going to kill you slowly."

The omega prince scoffed and within seconds, the alpha froze above him. Then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he was falling sideways. Jimin removed the short sword from his body.

If you want to kill someone just do it.

Just as Jimin straightened he felt it. The flowery scent grew stronger with time. He flicked his sword, getting rid of the blood, and began to walk toward his brothers who sported a proud grin. His sword was lying on the ground.

His muscles protested and he groaned when he noticed the long line of alphas waiting to fight him. Dread filled him and he kind of knew things were going to hell. Because the people froze. One word began to float around.


He watched as the whispers went around and their nostrils flaring. The shouts came a moment later. His brothers surrounded him in a flash, their swords outdrawn.

Jimin sighed. They were always like this. Never thinking twice before throwing themselves at danger. Now they were inside the ring and there was nothing he could do.

"He is an omega!"

"You let an omega participate in the challenge?"

He sheathed the short sword, putting it in his sleeve where it belonged before grabbing his sword and carefully wiping its handle free of blood.

"An omega killed that alpha?"

"How could an omega fight them all?"

The more furious comments came from the remaining contenders. In his throne, Jimin's father sat with a smug grin. His gaze briefly slanted to his mother who looked livid and at the edge of her seat.

"I can't believe they let an omega compete in the challenge."

"We were all deceived by an omega."

Whispers became yells and yells became roars. Jimin stood his ground, silver eyes narrowed into slits. His remaining challengers stepped inside the ring, ready to pounce. His brothers pressed even closer, shielding him with their bodies.

The Speaker of the Moon who was silently watching the challenge stepped into the threshold, a hand lifted in the air, causing the uproar to halt almost immediately.

"Please step forward, child." The old man's voice was unwavering, unrelenting. He radiated an aura so pure and powerful that even made the king bow.

Jimin stepped forward, his brothers giving way, flanking his sides.

"The rules haven't broken or bent," the speaker of the moon continued. "The rules of the challenge clearly states any blue blood can participate in the challenge."

He gestured his hand and Jimin removed his mask, steeling his resolve and puffing his chest. He'd been preparing for this moment for years. He handed it over to Hoseok while Seokjin helped him remove the bandana covering his silver hair.

The crowd gasped as his moon-kissed hair tumbled over his shoulders, half pinned on top of his hair with an elegant gold hairpin that once belonged to his mother and eyes shining like the silver light of the moon herself.

"Presenting the Crown Prince, His Highness Park Jimin of The Fortune Moon. He's here to claim his birthright."

"Preposterous!" The crowd broke out in whispers and a snarl caught his attention. "My son is dead! What treachery is this?" The king roared, veins popping in his neck. "Are you conspiring against me, Speaker of the Moon?"

The Speaker of the Moon was silent.

"He's my son." His mother stood, her voice ringing through the arena. "It is true. Born with silver hair and silver eyes, blessed by the moon herself. I sent him away to protect him from the wrath of my mate."

"That's enough, you treacherous Omega!"

His mother stood her ground when his father stormed toward her. His fists clenched at his sides. She glared at him defiantly.

"My mate didn't want the world to know your firstborn is a male omega," she continued. "He ordered him to be executed. I had to do what I did to protect the only heir of this nation and my only child. I did what any mother would have done if they were in my place."

"Her Highness is speaking the truth," the Speaker of the Moon admitted. "She approached me, requesting my help to protect her only son. I helped him to send him away to be protected."

"Traitors!" The king roared. "You told me the child didn't survive."

He lunged for his mate only to be stopped by the elite guards who stepped in between them, shielding the queen.

Jimin watched as his father's chest heaved with anger. His eyes were almost red as he whirled around to face the emperor. And it was then he realized the elite guards actually belonged to the emperor.

The emperor's adviser stepped to the front. "You may settle your differences privately. His Majesty would like to continue with the challenge."

"He might be blue blood, but he cannot participate in the challenge," Jimin's father roared.

"The laws doesn't state an omega isn't allowed to participate in the challenge," the Speaker of the Moon countered.

Jimin's father didn't look pleased but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I need a moment."

His father's adviser ran to him, listening to whatever he was being told, and rushed to the emperor's adviser. Then Jimin watched as the rulers of the four nations, except the emperor, assembled in the middle of the threshold.

The murmurs broke as the kings furiously talked among themselves. Jimin stood as cold as a stone. His heart was beating normally and he focused on regulating his breathing. He'd even taken a few sips of water from his brother's water pouch while waiting.

His brother's frames towered over him, hiding his body from plain sight. Their shoulders were stiff with tension and their posture was ready to fight.

"The decision has been reached," the king of The White Forest stepped forward. "Requesting the permission of His Majesty to speak."

The emperor lifted a hand waving at them to continue.

"There has been a misunderstanding and the king didn't know his son was alive," he began. "The prince cannot compete in the alpha challenge since our laws doesn't allow an omega to ascend the throne. This stands even if he is a male. He's the only living heir of The Fortune Moon, it means we cannot afford to lose him in the challenge. The right thing to do here is to continue the challenge between the alphas and the prince's hand can be given to the winning alpha in mating. That way he will become the royal consort of the king who ascends the throne. The Fortune Moon bloodline will continue."

Jimin growled, his eyes glowing even brighter. His chest vibrated with a cacophony of sounds and Hoseok immediately stepped closer rubbing his lower back as if trying to calm him while others positioned themselves in front of him.

His breathing was growing heavy and ragged. The wolf who had returned to the back of his mind surfaced and lurked just under his skin.

"The emperor accepts if His Highness Park Jimin has no qualms with the council's decision," The royal advisor announced.

"I do not accept," Jimin said. "I won't let you overlook my birthright because of my status as an omega," he growled. "The moon makes no mistakes. I'm here and I'm better than any of the alphas here as I have proved." He waved around the ring. "I fought fairly and I won."

His father scoffed. "Doesn't change the fact that you're still an omega. If you decide to fight, then it'll be done in a primitive way. Do you agree?"

"No! You just want to kill him!" His mother yelled but was held back by female guards.

Jimin tilted his head to the side. Weren't they already doing it in a primitive way?

"I'm already inside the ring, aren't I?"

"An omega cannot protect the Crown, so prove your worth. The last man standing inside the ring will be the winner. The alpha in the ring will decide your fate."

This was expected. What he didn't expect was for his father to beckon the remaining alphas inside the ring at once.

"They may attack you one by one or together. It's up to them. When a war is fought, there are no rules. If you are to become a king then you must know what it is like to defend your nation against war. So prove your worth by fighting them today."

Fury licked his veins. Suddenly, Namjoon appeared in his vision, holding his shoulder and shaking him once.

"Jimin, the note."

Suddenly, his vision cleared, Jungkook's note. It still didn't make sense but since he worked with the Speaker of the Moon, he believed Jungkook might have it all figured out else he wouldn't suggest something like that.

His brothers didn't know what was in the note. He only told them that Jungkook asked him to use that note if things got out of hand. He eyed the alphas that were almost frothing at their mouths.

Did Jungkook predict this outcome?

There was no way he could fight all of them at once. It was unfair. Not even an alpha could fight so many at once. But...something clicked in his mind.

The note...

Only the direct descendant of the moon, a lycan, no less can fight that many at once. They were the beasts of the night. It was rumored that the one who saw them in their true forms never lived to tell the tale.

He'd learned enough about the emperor's family from the monks during his short time in the monastery to know why they were feared and why they ruled the entire land.

A direct descendant...

Oh, Goddess!

The emperor.

His silver eyes lifted and locked with a transparent screen separating the emperor from their view. Uncertainty clouded his mind. His wolf shivered in fright. It wanted to tuck its tail like all the stories revolved around in his head. They were dangerous. He wouldn't survive.

But Jungkook asked me to trust him.

He took a deep breath and stepped forward. His gaze slid to his mother and he smiled with a curt nod. A nod that said he got this. She too smiled through her tears. He lifted his chin, steeling his features.

"I challenge the emperor to fight," he bellowed at the top of his lungs.

A hush fell over the crowd and everything was silent. Even the wind stopped blowing for a second.

"Child..." the Speaker of the Moon gasped.

Jimin stood his ground. There was no going back now. He might die, but he preferred that it happened in the hands of the emperor than by the hands of these worthless alphas.

Jungkook's not was clear.

When the time comes, challenge the emperor.

Jungkook asked him to challenge the emperor for a reason. He asked him to trust him and the omega prince chose to trust him. This was the time.

"Your Majesty, I, Park Jimin of The Fortune Moon, challenge you to a fair fight inside this ring. The winner shall decide the fate of the other."

The adviser bent to speak to the emperor while the others froze as if not knowing how to react. His father's reaction was even comical but then there was also smugness. Because everyone knew, he wouldn't be able to beat the emperor in a fight like this.

He didn't stand a chance in his finest form. Now bloody and broken Jimin wondered if he'd even keep up for a few seconds.

The emperor stood and walked out of the screen slowly but with sure, powerful steps. Someone moved to help him out of the thick robes. Jimin's omega shivered but still prepared itself for the fight. It pushed forward and settled comfortably in the front of his mind.

I got you, it whispered in his mind. We're one. I shall give you my strength.

"I accept."


The emperor was indeed a beast. Jimin realized within a few seconds of the fight. He could tell the man was taking it easy on him. The man wore a golden mask, painted with figures of a mighty beast and moon. It was beautiful.

His head dress was gone and his beautiful, midnight black hair was tied into a bun on top of his head, secured with a gold hair pin that was so intricate and had gems embedded in it.

He had no scent. Jimin decided the alpha had earned the respect for that matter alone. Because his presence alone was intimidating. He still didn't understand why Jungkook wanted him to challenge the emperor.

Did he have some kind of deal with the emperor?

Or did the Speaker of the Moon arrange this?

Because Jimin knew, the emperor ultimately held his fate in his hands. Perhaps Jungkook and the Speaker of the Moon believed the emperor would spare his life. Whatever it was, he'd have to find out.

It was really a shame that the omega could barely keep up. He wasn't in his full form. He could barely stand as it was and he was losing blood steadily. His brothers were shocked but there was no time to show their displeasure once the emperor began to descend the stairs. They could only move to the back and wait helplessly.

The fight that ensued kept him on his toes. The emperor attacked without preamble. Every attack was skillful and it was as if they had practiced it before.

They moved as if they were dancing, a perfect harmony of defense and offense. Jimin laughed when he landed on his ass. The emperor was a great fighter and he felt like there were a lot of things he could learn from him.

Jimin rolled over, having been prepared for this very moment when the sword came down at him. Taehyung had never made it easy and now it came in handy. At the memory of his friend's name, Jimin pulled one of the tricks and tripped the emperor.

However, he didn't go for his throat this time. The emperor landed on his back and a bark of laughter so deep rumbled out of his chest. Jimin smiled smugly and continued to attack.

They continued like this for a while. There were times he came so close to the emperor's sword, times when he knew he made a few mistakes and gave an opening the emperor needed to take if he needed. But for some reason, the emperor didn't use it against him.

Fifteen minutes into the intense fight, he could tell the emperor was holding back from him. Not giving it his all.

Their fight continued. The emperor has sliced through his sleeve, nicking at his skin. Blood oozed out but he felt no pain. The adrenaline pumping through his veins kept him going. The emperor was no better. He added his fair share of injuries to him though it was small.

At the same time, he could tell what the crowd felt. They were at the edge of their seats, witnessing more than what they bargained for. They went 'oh' and 'ah' every time one of them caught the other.

Jimin found himself cornered twice by the tip of the emperor's sword. He managed to get out of it, but he wasn't lucky for the third time.

The emperor had disarmed him, locked him in a chokehold and the tip of the blade pressed to his throat. One wrong move and he'd slice his throat on the blade.

Jimin was panting and exhaustion weighed down on his bones. He'd lost too much blood already and was surprised how he was still breathing.

"Yield!" His voice was deep, laced with a growl that weakened his knees and made his omega almost submit.

"I accept my defeat," he whispered, releasing the emperor's hand and closing his eyes, waiting for him to seal his fate. Maybe he'd press that blade closer, finish him for once and for all. Maybe this was why Jungkook wanted him to fight the emperor.

"Then submit," the same voice demanded.

Jimin's omega perked at that. He clenched his jaw, both human and omega in agreement.


He felt the emperor scoff. "Do you have a death wish, Omega? I am your emperor. Submit and live." He pressed the blade even closer.

"No," Jimin whispered, afraid he'd cut himself if he spoke too loud.

The blade released him and the emperor spun him around. "Your stubbornness will get you killed, Omega." He pointed the tip of the blade to his throat. "It'll be a waste to dispose of a strong omega like you."

Jimin scoffed. "If you want to kill me, go ahead and do it," he said. "I'll submit to no one but my alpha."

The emperor let out a loud, animalistic roar that shook the ground. It was nothing like that he ever heard or felt. He could feel the roar vibrate in every cell of his body. Jimin fell to his knees unable to withstand the intensity of it all.

"One last chance, Omega. Submit and I'll let you live," the alpha's voice rang loud and clear.

Jimin felt like his bones rattled inside of him at the command, his omega whined as a sharp pain exploded in his head. He panted with a hand flattened on the ground and the other clutching his chest. The pressure caused blood to drip from his nostrils.

"N-Never." Dark spots clouded his vision. "Only my alpha." His voice was distant to even himself. "Only J-Jungkook."

"Take him away. I shall decide his fate later."

He heard the emperor say distantly as he fell to the ground.

My new job is keeping me busy. I'm not MIA, I promise. I'll slowly update the other fics.

Some Visuals:




Traditional Korean Head dress:

I imagine the emperor's head dress to be something like this but more thicker and made of gold that hides his face...

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