Chapter - 2
Jungkook was extremely handsome. Well, Jimin knew that before but his distracted mind registered even the minuscule details and traced every contour of his face up this close.
The alpha had gorgeous eyes, wide and doe-like. He fought the urge to reach and trace that small scar on his left cheek. And he definitely didn't think about kissing the mole under his bottom lip. His scent was annoyingly addictive and he found himself sniffing at the alpha at every chance he got.
The training was good. Jungkook was a great teacher. However, it often landed Jimin in some compromising positions such as this. Both wolves knew the lines were blurring but can you blame Jimin? His hormones were a wreck with the approaching heat and with the added knowledge that this strong wolf wanted to court him or silently courting him didn't help at all. His omega was enticed with this alpha and his heart fluttered every time Jungkook was near.
Now as Jungkook hovered over him, his hands pinned above his head, all Jimin could think was if Jungkook would finally close the mere inches between their lips. The snow was cold on his back, but his body burned hotter. Their breaths mingled for a moment before the alpha pulled back with a smirk.
It annoyed him even more how the alpha managed to stay unbothered even in situations like this. Jimin knew his flowery scent had to be attractive now that he was nearing his heat. His omega let out pheromones purposefully to attract this alpha they were interested in, yet the alpha's face was a cool mask.
He couldn't get a read on his scent that always stayed passive and never showed any spike of interest unless Jungkook was being purposefully smug like that day in the woods. It gave none of his emotions away unlike Jimin, whose scent made him an open book to read. He had no control over his scent when he was closer to Jungkook.
"Once more." He let go of the hands and helped him up.
When Jungkook turned Jimin rubbed his cheeks to alleviate some of the tingles and gripped his sword tightly. The omega was too giddy to focus on yet another rejection. For now, it was just happy to be close to its potential mate. So his scent stayed sweet. They took positions and he drew in a deep breath to focus.
"The alphas are stronger by nature, but everyone has a weakness. Once you entered the challenging ring, you'll be fighting alphas all day one after the other until you're the last one standing." They circled each other, swinging their swords and testing each other's defense. "You have to save your energy."
Their swords connected again with a clang and this time Jimin deflected the blows easily.
"Do not give your all," Jungkook continued to speak. "Change your strategy often because the other alphas waiting around will have a lot of time to figure out your fighting techniques, and up their defenses."
Jimin nodded as they danced around each other with their weapons.
"You'll have to be quick in defeating them. There are really no rules within the ring. Usually disarming is considered a defeat. But this is an alpha challenge. Don't expect your opponent to play by the general rules or accept defeat and they sure wouldn't take kindly to losing to an omega." Their swords connected again, this time they didn't move away immediately. "So, my advice for you, Jimin-ssi is... kill them."
They pulled apart. Jimin twisted his torso deflecting every blow and jumping when Jungkook swept his sword across his feet.
"Show no mercy. Kill them at the first chance you get."
Jungkook's sword struck like a lightning bolt and Jimin brought his sword upward, blocking it in the last possible moment. He was already panting, his hands aching at the sheer power Jungkook displayed then. His knees were weakening and the omega whined inside urging him to submit. The alpha must have caught on to his struggle because the next moment a strong arm wrapped around his waist, the weight on his sword lifted.
Jimin slumped in his arms. "I don't even last ten rounds with you," he murmured.
Jungkook took his sword throwing it on the ground along with his and caressed his cheek in an odd display of affection. Jimin found himself leaning to the warmth and his omega instantly relaxed into the touch.
"That's because your heat is approaching and your omega doesn't see me as your enemy." His voice was soft and Jimin nuzzled into his sturdy chest, his body relaxing further. It was true. The impending heat did affect him a lot. It drained him of his energy easily.
Jimin's cheeks flared again. An omega's heat was such an intimate subject. Such open conversations were saved for mates and family. But then the alpha had become something more over the weeks.
"I'll let you train with Taehyung after your heat. You need to polish your close combat skills if they disarm you. He's really good at it," Jungkook continued as if he hadn't mentioned his heat a moment ago. "Besides he follows different techniques and you can learn a few tricks that will come in handy."
"Okay," he mumbled silently. He was panting already and his muscles were sore.
It had been two weeks since Jungkook agreed to train him and a lot has changed since then. Though Jungkook claimed that he wanted a chance to court him, Jimin could tell the alpha had been courting him all along. His silent display of affection and concerned gestures weren't missed by the keen-eyed Omega.
The treacherous wolf picked up on every single sign, preening and puffing its chest under the attention. Sometimes Jimin was tempted to smack its furry head. Sadly, they were the same person. His wolf spirit was extremely smug because they saw this alpha as strongly capable. Jungkook was so respectful, catered to his every whim, and provided for him even if he didn't ask for it.
Jungkook not only hunted for him but also cooked and made sure Jimin took the first bite. At first, that gesture though so loud didn't dawn on the omega much. But now that Jungkook voiced out his intention to court him, it spoke volumes. Because mated wolves would always allow their omega counterpart to take the first bite. Jimin already had best of Jungkook's fur, which he tediously scented every once in a while.
Jimin loved these training sessions where he gets to be closer to Jungkook than usual. On nights after their training, he happily went to bed smelling like the alpha. His brothers were amused, but none questioned his decision.
"Sit." Jimin sat on the fallen log Jungkook pointed him to and sighed when the alpha sat closer. He leaned into him. Jungkook wrapped one arm around his shoulder. "Is this okay?" His voice was warmer than usual.
Jimin nodded. "My omega already sees you as our alpha," he murmured as he tilted his chin and pushed his nose into Jungkook's neck. "We trust you." He paused for a moment, eyes connecting with the alpha.
Jungkook's hand that was around his shoulder lifted to the back of his head, bringing him to his neck. Jimin dug his nose into his scent gland, gulping his scent greedily. He got drunk of it and his head swam. His omega made a little noise of content and he found his body relaxing further.
Jimin, though was brought up among the alphas, was big on physical affection. He sought affection from his brothers and parents, which he received. When his heat approached he got clingy with his natural acting up. His brothers didn't mind. They indulged in his constant demands for scenting and cuddles.
His heats were always intense. It was even dangerous this past year with them constantly moving around. Seokjin made him herbal concoctions to keep his pain at bay and Hoseok took the role of their mother now that she wasn't around. Namjoon who was awkward with an outward show of affection took to guard them and their hideout.
He didn't know how much time had passed because he had gone pliant in Jungkook's embrace. The alpha allowed him to stay that way. He would usually send Jimin on his way as soon as the session ended but today he didn't. Jimin greatly appreciated the gesture since his omega was feeling a bit distressed today.
"How long does it take to reach the cave?" he asked.
"A few more days," Jungkook answered. "Your scent has grown potent. It's sweeter than before. It's coming earlier, isn't it? I can feel it." He stroked his hair. "We will leave early in the morning. I'll try my best to get you there before it starts."
Jimin hummed. Perhaps it was the stress that was triggering it. Or maybe the presence of an alpha he was attracted to. The alphas could usually sense the omegas heat, especially if they were mates. Jungkook sensing it already was proof enough how in tune their wolves were. Not even his brothers could sense the change in him.
"Don't worry, my prince. Seokjin expects your heat to be more intense this time. I've already sent Taehyung to procure the additional herbs you might need. I'll make sure you'll have everything you need. I'll protect you with my life, my prince."
He knew the pain would be worse this time with Jungkook around. He was already twenty-five, way past the age omegas normally mated. His nature was pushing him to procreate. The bond that was growing between him and the alpha would only make things intense from here on out as their nature would drive them to mate.
Jimin purred involuntarily. "I already have everything I need, alpha."
The alpha let out a low growl and Jimin's scent spiked in response. He was openly showing his interest by addressing him by his rank. Jungkook had always kept his distance. But these past few days, he allowed these little touches Jimin initiated.
The silence stretched and Jimin was comfortable, basking up in the scent. "Alpha, the opponents are allowed to use any weapons of their choice, aren't they?"
"I don't know if I can fight all of them," he said honestly. "I'm an omega. Trained as I might be, I still lack in physical strength." Jimin soon learned the alpha never belittled him for his status as an omega. It allowed him to talk comfortably about things he would otherwise never address.
There could be hundreds of alphas participating. He was bound to lose at some point. Even if he managed to beat a majority of them he wouldn't have enough energy left to fight the rest. It wasn't like they could rest up and fight the next day. He didn't know the rules of this challenge. But his father would do anything to see him lose.
"You can and you will," Jungkook said with conviction. "You're the strongest omega I've ever had the chance to meet, Jimin-ssi. What if I tell you that the very attributes you consider your weakness is your weapon?"
Jimin frowned as the omega perked inside him. "Tell me."
"Alphas are generally headstrong, arrogant and rely on their strength. Omegas are naturally pliant, compassionate. If they underestimate you based on your look, that's their first mistake. They don't know a thing about you and we will keep it that way until it's your turn in the ring."
Jimin was intrigued. "Tell me more."
"I heard Seokjin planning to give you a scent-blocking tea for the challenge. I'd say you don't block your scent. Alphas are by nature drawn to an omega's scent. The sweeter the scent the more distracted they get. Your scent is alluring. Use it to your advantage."
He never thought of it that way. His scent never had any effect on his brothers, but he remembered how other alphas reacted around him. "So you want me to play dirty?"
Jungkook shrugged. "If you want to win, then you play dirty and mean. The challenge itself is dirty, don't you think? It's your birthright yet you're forced to fight for it. The alphas aren't gonna hold back, then why should you?"
That brought a smile to his face. "So tell me, alpha, if my scent is alluring then why aren't you affected by it?"
Jungkook's scent spiked a little, the scent of pine thickened and almost clogged him. This time there was a hint of something spicy to it. "Who said it doesn't affect me?"
Jimin lifted his head. "It does?"
The alpha sported an amused smile. "More than you know." He brought a hand to caress his cheek again. "Don't worry. I won't let you lose, Omega."
A shiver ran through his body. "Why?" he asked. "You know well how dangerous it is. You know very well my chances are slim."
Jungkook regarded him for a long moment. "I could ask you the same. It's not just about claiming the throne, is it?"
Jimin blinked and then laughed. "What do you know?"
"People talk all the time, Jimin-ssi. I've heard all about you on my way to The Summer Isle. After I met you, it made me look at you in a different light." He brushed the stray strands of his silver hair that escaped from his bun secured with a custom-made hairpin away from his face.
The omega prince sighed, a small smile breaking out on his lips. "Honestly, I want to meet my mother." He looked away. "My adopted mother and the midwife were the only ones who knew that I am alive." He rested his head on the alpha's shoulder, inhaling the comforting scent of pine that blended with nature. "You know I always received attention for my looks. Words spread like wildfire. People talked about the most beautiful omega with silver hair and silver eyes, a hereditary trait to The Fortune Moon royals."
There were times they thought of breaking into the Fortune Moon and freeing his mother. But it was physically impossible. His mother was locked in one of the innermost courtyards assigned for the king's harem. There was no way they could get in undetected. Participating in the alpha challenge and winning was the only way to rescue his mother.
The alpha rubbed the back of his neck, thumb only inches away from his scent gland. Jimin found himself relaxing. He hadn't realized he had tensed. Jimin relaxed into his alpha's touch.
"So my biological father confronted the midwife and she blurted out the truth. She told him I was alive and it was my mother who sent me away. He has her locked up. And she's only alive because he wants to kill me first." He sighed. "I don't have a choice. Either I participate in this challenge, show the world my father is a liar and go down in an honorable way, or..." he drawled. "I get killed by his assassins. Every trace of my existence will be wiped away from this world. Not to mention the knot-headed alpha kings who think they could add me to their harem of omegas."
He pulled away with a bitter smile and stood, unable to face the alpha anymore. Suddenly the reality he was in became too much. Jimin did his best to not think about the what-ifs often. But his pre-heat was making everything worse. It was making him emotional than usual. It brought out all these depressing thoughts he otherwise handled better.
"You're not dying, my prince."
Jimin smiled softly. "I really don't have a choice, Jungkook-ssi. It's the only fate waiting for me. I'm living on a borrowed time and I can only delay it. Being born as omega is a curse after all."
The happiness he was feeling a few minutes ago was drained. The omega howled inside him in sadness. Warm hands wrapped around him, pulling him into a broad chest. His back pressed flush against Jungkook's chest and he could almost feel his heartbeat on his back.
"You do have a choice, my prince." His breath fanned his neck. "With me, you'll always have a choice and I promise to protect you against all odds."
Jimin chuckled softly. He relaxed against his hold. "Don't promise me something you can't fulfill."
"Then I'll just have to prove it to you."
Jimin turned in his arms to face him. "Why are you so confident?"
"I don't speak of things I don't believe in." Jungkook's voice did not waver. There was no doubt in his tone. "I'm a mercenary and I'm very good at what I do. I know I can protect you."
"I might not even make it out alive, Jungkook-ssi. But here you are telling me that I'm going to win this challenge and demand that I let you court me."
"Sounded like a good deal to me."
Jungkook's smile was beautiful. It took off the sharpness and softened the edges. He still acted unbothered about this entire thing. Jimin honestly wondered if Jungkook really understood the graveness of the situation or it was just his nature.
"What if I tell you that I'll let you court me now and make the most out of it before the challenge?" He stood on his tip-toes, inching closer to his thin lips.
"I haven't even given your courting gift yet," Jungkook whispered.
"Really?" Jimin cocked a brow. "And here I am thinking that furs you gave me were a courting gift and not to add all that fresh meat you have been feeding me. Are you sure you weren't already courting me silently, Alpha?" He tilted his head to the side and licked his lips.
Jungkook's eyes darted to his lips. "Had to make sure my omega had the best care under the given circumstances."
"Your omega, huh?"
"I want you to be." Red flashed in his eyes again and his voice rang with sincerity.
"Then you can have me, Alpha." Jimin didn't care if it was the pre-heat talking or his rational mind. He closed the distance and pressed his plumb lips to the alpha's thin ones.
The prince didn't really have any experience in kissing. Well, he never came close to any alpha unless it was to beat their asses. So he didn't know what else to do. He simply enjoyed the soft press of their lips, relished the way Jungkook's warm lips felt against his, savored the way their breaths now mingled.
But then, Jungkook cupped his neck. He tilted his head and moved his lips against his. Jimin felt the first butterfly flutter in his stomach. When Jungkook gently coaxed his lips open to deepening the kiss, Jimin gasped softly against his mouth, letting him do as he pleased and losing himself in the new sensations.
Jimin didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't this. Jungkook's lips were gentle yet firm against his. One of his large hands grabbed his chin, holding him with gentle pressure while the other hand had encircled his slender waist, crushing him into his broad chest.
The prince felt his eyes roll into the back of his head. The alpha's scent was so thick and it enveloped him like a warm blanket. He wanted to soak in it and rub it all over his skin. He had no doubt he'd smell like the alpha all night.
He blinked his eyes open when the alpha pulled away, confused as to why he would stop but he soon realized he was only getting started. Because the next instant, Jungkook applied slight pressure on his cheek with the hand that was holding his chin earlier causing his lips to part, and the next thing he knew he was diving in.
The alpha took both his lips into his mouth, sucking it gently before pushing his tongue into his mouth. Jimin let out a surprised squeak at the first touch of their tongues, which turned into a soft moan when they pressed against each other.
Oh, Goddess!
The alpha tasted like pure sin and Jimin found himself getting drunk and drunk not just at his scent but also his taste. Awareness spread to his nether region and he felt growing wet. A sudden thought crossed his mind. He pushed at the alpha's chest with a grunt and Jungkook immediately stopped. He let go of Jimin as if his touch burned him and searched his gaze with a panicked look.
"Did I hurt you, my prince?" he asked, concern flooding his features. "Did I overstep? Did I make you uncomfortable?"
"No." Jimin shook his head vehemently. "No, you didn't."
"Then what is it?" Jungkook looked genuinely confused and Jimin took a deep breath.
"Do you have omega back home?" he asked in a small voice. His hands trembled from where he had clutched the alpha's shirt in a tight grip.
Jungkook's eyes narrowed. "No. I don't."
Jimin searched his face but found nothing but sincerity. "How would I know?" he whispered. "I know nothing about you, except you're from The Ember Moon and you're a mercenary. How do I know you don't have a mate already?"
His heart clenched at the thought. As painful as it was he had to get it out of the way. An alpha mating with multiple omegas wasn't uncommon. But Jimin for some reason didn't want that. He was a possessive wolf and having to share his alpha with others pained him. Just the thought was enough to douse the rising flame inside his belly.
"I can't." Tears trickled down his cheek. "I c-can't accept you if you have someone." He shook his head. "I won't share. I don't want to."
"I don't." Jungkook gripped his biceps. He wiped his tears gently. "If that's what bothering you, I'll let you lay a claim on me, my prince."
"W-What?" Jimin's eyes were wide. The alpha had his omega's full attention. He couldn't believe his ears. "This is not a matter of joke." He was breathing harder.
Did Jungkook really mean that?
Jungkook stared at him for a long moment and then knelt in front of him. Jimin gasped when the alpha bared his neck to him.
"Go on, Omega," Jungkook whispered. "Lay a temporary claim on me until I can give you my final courting gift and officially ask your hand in mating."
Jimin felt the tears burning his eyes. No alpha allowed an omega to mark them. Only the alphas bit the omegas over their scent gland and marked them during the mating ceremony. This way the alpha could claim more than one omega as their mate. But allowing an omega to claim the alpha meant they were the only ones the alpha could have. It meant Jungkook was only his. He would only be the omega in his life.
"A-Are you allowing me to..." he couldn't complete the sentence. "Y-You...You want me to claim you?"
"You're the only omega I want. I'm yours as much as I want you to be mine. I know I haven't given you enough reasons for you to trust me yet, but I want you to know I meant it when I said I wanted a chance to court you."
It meant a lot to the omega prince. He was openly sobbing now. He wanted to say fuck the final courting gift and mate him right now but it would be too much. He sniffled, burying his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck. The alpha supported his weight, holding him closer as he straddled his knee.
The temporary claim would fade with time, unlike the mating claim that would tie their souls and bond them forever. If one of the mates were to die, the other would follow shortly, having lost the will to live on without their mate. Was that something Jimin was willing to commit to?
"I accept," he murmured against his neck. "Only if you lay a claim on me too."
Jungkook growled, his pine scent spiking with extreme interest. "I'd love to."
Jimin didn't think twice. He latched his lips over Jungkook's scent gland, licking the spot twice before sucking the skin between his lips as he let his omega take over. His gums ached and soon he was sinking his canines into Jungkook's skin. Fresh blood filled his mouth and he moaned involuntarily. The temporary bond thrummed to life and he felt Jungkook's wolf in the back of his mind. He retracted his canines and licked the wound close, lapping at the skin clean and making sure the skin was sealed.
He panted slightly at the way it made him feel. His wolf was elated as if his head was in the clouds. He didn't even realize he was going slack in Jungkook's arms. The alpha held him in a tight grip. It was the alpha's turn now.
Jimin whined when Jungkook kissed the side of his neck, running his nose over his scent glad. He let out an impatient whimper, wanting the alpha to hurry up and lay a claim. His scent sweetened in greeting and he felt a few drops of slick trickling down his hole. He'd be embarrassed if they weren't in the process of claiming each other.
Jungkook wasted no time in sinking his fangs in his neck, deep enough to break his skin but not deep enough to form a mating bond. His entire body twitched and a shudder wracked his body. Arousal shot to his core and Jimin's wolf howled in his mind before going pliant for their alpha in utter submission. He whined and made soft noises in his throat as the alpha retracted his fangs and licked at his skin.
By the time Jungkook pulled away, Jimin was writhing in his arms, panting with need. "Alpha," he whimpered. He was aroused, his entire being burning with need. "I...I..."
"Take what you need, Omega."
Jimin squirmed in his arms. "I...I..." His chest heaved. "I want..."
"Whatever you want it's yours," the alpha spoke gently, but there was a certain strain to his voice.
Jimin bucked his hips, the motion causing a shudder to go through his body. He had touched himself a few times out of curiosity but now his emotions were all over the place. Suddenly his mind was blank and he didn't know what to do. This type of intimacy was new. What was he supposed to do? Should he touch the alpha? He didn't know.
"I-I don't know." He shook his head. Tears of frustration spilled out of his eyes. The temporary claim they laid on each other was overwhelming and the wolves demanded intimacy of some sort, but the human was clueless. "I don't know what to do," he cried out in frustration. "Please...alpha, please..."
"Shh..." The alpha stroke the back of his neck, a thumb grazing over his scent gland and the omega went pliant in his arms. "I got you," he whispered. "I got you."
Jimin could only whimper in response as the alpha moved. He vaguely sensed the alpha taking a seat at the fallen log and settling with him on his lap. The omega sighed in contentment when the alpha kissed him. One of his hands cupped his neck, holding him in place while the other encircled his waist.
Jungkook detached from his lips to kiss down his neck. "Move your hips, Omega," he gently commanded and Jimin found himself obeying.
He was straddling the alpha's thigh. He didn't know what he was doing, but he moved his hips, and the friction cause pleasure to shoot down his nether region. He whimpered, repeating the motion.
"Roll your hips, baby." The alpha guided his motion and the omega followed eagerly.
Soft gasps and shocked moans spilled out of his lips as the alpha latched on to his neck again. Jungkook nibbled at his scent gland. His body burned as if he was having a fever. Jimin rolled his hips, the friction of his clothed cock was too much but he loved it.
Slick gushed out of his hole, wetting his clothes and probably seeped into Jungkook's clothes too. It was messy and dirty but the omega didn't mind. It was focused on the pleasure and the scent of their alpha enveloping them.
It was nothing like the times he touched himself. He never gave in to his needs during his heats and preferred to take pain killers and concoctions that induced sleep. He never knew the pleasure could be this intense.
His fingers curled around the alpha's shoulder, digging into his flesh over his sweaty tunic. The alpha growled low, his nails digging into the omega's hips now. He gripped his slender waist, guiding his motions.
"Just like that. Keep going, sweetheart," Jungkook encouraged.
Jimin let out a strangled moan. His head reeled and the surroundings faded. There was tension in his lower abdomen. His skin was hot and the need to have a release was only increasing. It didn't take long before he keened with a sharp cry, whimpering as his hips stuttered with his release. The alpha sucked on the temporary mark on his neck and the omega went limp, sniffling as his body trembled with the after-effects of his orgasm.
The alpha ran a soothing hand on his back and pushed his nose into his scent gland. Jimin bared his neck, panting harder as he silently requested his alpha to scent him. Jungkook proceeded to scent him thoroughly.
He didn't know how much time had passed. When he came around, he was slumped against the alpha's chest and the sun has set. He blinked his eyes lazily basking in the embrace of his alpha.
"Alpha..." he called.
Jungkook shifted slightly. "Yes."
"What about you?" He fluttered his lashes lazily. "You didn't..." He frowned. Jungkook didn't come.
"I'm okay," the alpha said. "Today is all about you."
Jimin's frown deepened. He never heard of an alpha who put an omega's need before him. That was an alpha worthy of keeping. He still didn't know if the decision to lay a temporary claim was because of his pre-heat or the horny omega. He just knew he made the right choice.
His emotions were haywire. The reality came back to him slowly and he tensed when he remembered what led to their current situation. "You do know my time is limited," he asked instead.
"I don't regret my choice." The alpha's voice was determined.
He lifted his head, locking his silver eyes with the dark onyx of the alpha. "Then, I have a favor to ask," he said in a determined voice that matched Jungkook's. "An omega to his alpha. Will you do it for me, Alpha?"
Jungkook's features hardened as he regarded him. "I'll do anything for you, Omega."
The alpha clenched his jaw. "I promise."
Jimin composed himself and took a deep breath. "If I fail the challenge and am still alive, you'll have to kill me." The alpha let out a loud growl that caused Jimin's omega to whine. It wanted to bare its throat in submission. Jungkook was shaking in his arms. The omega shivered but held on. "You promised, Alpha," he reminded him. "I don't want any of them touching me. So if I failed, you'll kill me and get the hell out of there. You run and never look back."
Tears were trickling down Jimin's cheeks as he watched red bleeding into his alpha's irises. His omega trembled inside him as the alpha bared his fangs in a warning. Jimin bared his throat on instinct as Jungkook sank his teeth over his claim. His fangs broke his recently healed skin for the second time, laying another claim and Jimin clenched his jaw with a shudder. He went pliant in the alpha's arms again.
Jungkook pulled away to cup his cheek. He tipped his face and forced their gazes to meet. "No one will touch you, omega. I'll promise you as much. No one will lay a finger on you but for me." His voice was laced with a growl and Jimin hummed.
"That's enough, alpha. That's all I need."
That evening, his brothers were livid when he showed up with a temporary claim on his neck, smelling of slick and cum. Not his ideal way to confront his brothers, but he had no choice. Unfortunately, the stream was the other way and his change of clothes was at the camp. So, Jimin was left with no option but to do the walk of shame. Well, Jungkook accompanied him and walked him to the camp before he dipped off to somewhere else.
Namjoon had growled and almost stormed toward the woods before Seokjin stopped him and demanded that he stay put. Hoseok and Seokjin had dragged Jimin to the river where they helped him clean and change into fresh clothes. They were silent until he was decent and was back at their campsite.
Jungkook and Taehyung were nowhere to be seen. Namjoon sat ten feet away from them facing the woods, his posture stiff with tension. Seokjin laid out Jimin's bedspread close to the fire and helped him to it.
"Can you brush my hair?" Jimin asked in a small voice, keeping his gaze averted. The omega didn't want the confrontation yet. Claiming Jungkook was impulsive but he didn't regret his actions a bit. The more time Jimin spent with Jungkook the more his thoughts about this solidified.
The silence stretched as Seokjin unpinned his hair and ran his fingers through the waist-long strands. Hoseok handed him a small bottle of scented oil Jimin loved to use on his hair. His mother always said it would make his hair soft and silky to touch. He loved it even more when his brother massaged his scalp and he removed the tangles before applying the oil.
Jimin took a deep breath some time into the grooming session. "I claimed him first."
"You what?" Hoseok hissed.
"Claim as in..."
"He allowed me to bite him," Jimin confirmed. "Claim him temporarily until he could give me his final courting gift and officially ask me to mate him."
Seokjin stared and even Namjoon had spun around, his eyes wide as he gaped at them. So Jimin proceeded to relay everything that happened in the woods between him and Jungkook, saving the details of the sexual rendezvous and finally Jungkook's promise to him. His brothers were quiet when he finished. They shared a look and Seokjin resumed combing his hair.
"That's...that's huge," Namjoon murmured. "I can't believe he allowed you to do it first."
Jimin still couldn't believe it himself. The moment felt surreal. If he didn't feel the connection to his alpha in the back of his mind he would still be thinking that it was all a feverish dream. But it happened. Jungkook was his now. Even if it was temporary. He was his alpha. Only his.
"Father allowed the mother to claim him," Seokjin justified. "I'd rather accept the mercenary as my brother-in-law instead of some royal douche with several omegas to spend his nights with."
"Our Jiminie deserves better," Hoseok agreed. "Jungkook is a provider and he's also a protector. I respect him for this."
Jimin smiled. "I want to have this," he whispered. "I don't know what's waiting for me in the future, but I want to have it all before it came to that."
"Are you going to ask him to spend your heat with you?" Seokjin was the first to broach the subject. "You know your heat will be intense now that you have a claim on you. I'm not sure if the pain medication will work because your omega will be driven by your nature."
If the way his omega howled in his mind was any indication, Jimin knew what to expect. "I don't know," he answered truthfully. "It's all new to me. I don't know what I want yet." He sighed as he looked into the fire. "I need time to think."
Seokjin nodded. "You'll always have us." He helped him to bed.
Jungkook and Taehyung came a bit later with some rabbits they hunted. His alpha had made him a stew with fresh vegetables Taehyung procured from the village along with some rabbit meat when he said he didn't feel like eating. He was feeling nauseous and had a sinking feeling that he might not last another two days.
That night when Jimin settled for bed, Seokjin and Hoseok lay on either side of him as they always did. An omega going into heat was vulnerable and only the presence of an alpha they trusted calmed him. He knew his brothers would protect him with his life. With that assurance, he drifted off to sleep.
Jimin's heat hit a day early as he predicted. Jungkook somehow predicted it and had made them travel without resting. He woke them early before sunrise and never stopped for a long break. They kept moving.
The omega prince had decided he didn't want Jungkook to help him sexually. Well, he did long for the intimacy. Their short time in the woods showed him how much of a caring alpha Jungkook was. But Jimin didn't want his first time to be in the middle of nowhere under a haze of his heat. Not to mention the lack of privacy. Being forced to endure the heat among five alphas was embarrassing enough.
He had nothing special in mind, actually. He just wanted to be aware and somewhere private and not think about the assassins that chasing their tails and the tension of the alpha challenge looming over his head. When he said this to the alpha, he was as understanding as ever.
It was mid-day into the second day of travel since he laid temporary claim on Jungkook when the pain washed over him. Seokjin's presence of mind had him concoct the medicine before they left the camp so he was quick to feed him the medicine along with a scent-blocking tea even though he knew it wouldn't help. He also brewed something for the mercenaries to subdue the effects of omega pheromones Jimin might unconsciously let out. The unmated alphas were easily got affected by the omega's heat. So this allowed them to control their alphas better.
Jimin keened over his horse, clutching a hand on his abdomen. His brother who was riding closer hurried to him. Slick was already gushing out of his hole, but once again his brother had made him wear a hand-crafted slick pad that was designed to absorb the excess slick and kept it from seeping into his outerwear.
"The pain is worse, isn't it? I can't give you the concoction for sleep yet. Can you hold for a bit?" Seokjin asked.
Jimin nodded, holding in a whimper. He just wanted his alpha. The omega whined for him and soon Jungkook came to him. His brothers moved aside, giving them space.
Jungkook's nostrils flared and red bled into his iris. "We can't stop," he gritted through his clenched teeth. He looked at the others. "I'll bring him. You both flank my side." He pointed at Hoseok and Seokjin. Namjoon-ssi, stay behind us and take hold of Jimin's horse. Taehyung, take the lead," he barked the orders.
Everyone scrambled to obey. Jungkook shifted him to his steed and cradled the omega in his chest and they raced toward the cave. The weather had gotten worse and the beginning of snowfall was unexpected. The wind howled and the alpha cursed under his breath.
"Is there anything I could do to make it better?" the alpha asked gently. The hand cradling him rubbed smooth circles on his side.
Jimin shook his head. The pain made the simple function of breathing hard. Seokjin's concoction didn't help reduce the intensity this time and Jimin learned why it was hard for the mated omegas to go through the heats alone. Though they weren't properly mated, his omega didn't get the message or it was just his biology screwing up as usual.
"J-Just hold me," he managed to say. "N-Need your scent."
"Can I scent you?"
"Yes, p-please."
The alpha was gentle in scenting him. He nosed over his scent gland letting his pheromones out and repeated the motions on the other side, ending it with a gentle kiss. The pain eased a bit and his omega finally calmed a bit.
"You can scent me too. Take what you need."
Jimin stifled a sob. There were those words again. Take what you need. He scented the alpha eagerly but keeping it decent just like Jungkook so his omega didn't get the wrong idea and start humping on him in the middle of nowhere.
The omega curled into his alpha's chest as the best he can. The cold was welcome on his burning skin and his alpha's scent was somehow keeping his omega under the bay. He buried his nose into his chest and allowed the scent to lull him into sleep.
Jimin didn't know how long he was asleep because suddenly his omega was on high alert. Or maybe it had to do with the way his alpha stiffened. They were slowing down. He woke groggily, feeling weaker as his body burned with high temperature. The cold was too much now. Even with his body burning, he longed for something else.
Pain churned his stomach and he let out a whimper. The alpha was quick to nuzzle into his cheek. But there were new scents in the air and the omega growled, sensing danger. He looked over his shoulder to see at least three or four squads of soldiers blocking their path. Every hair in his body stood in attention as he accessed the threat.
Normally, Jimin would have been taking a head count and already formulating an attack plan, but the bastards happen to catch him during his most vulnerable time. A rumble of a growl brought him back and he turned his head inhaling his alpha's calming scent. There was an underlying hint of fury that he could now feel through their shared bond.
"My prince, I gotta handle this situation. Do you think you will be okay for a while?" the alpha asked through his clenched jaw.
"Y-Yes," Jimin murmured, too weak to bring himself to nod. "H-Hyung. Need my hyung."
Jungkook kissed the top of his head over the hood and handed Jimin to Seokjin wordlessly. His brother was quick to secure him in his lap. His alpha's eyes never once left his enemy.
"Taehyung will take you to your destination," he said to Seokjin. "I'll take care of the threat and will meet you there. Protect my mate with your life."
"What?" Namjoon hissed, coming to stand beside them. "You can't beat them alone."
Jungkook's eyes were fully red by now. "Trust me, Namjoon-ssi, I'm their worst nightmare. Take my omega to safety. That's your only task."
"We don't have time. The weather is worsening," Taehyung urged. "Jungkook can take care of himself."
Jimin wanted to argue, but he was suddenly feeling so dizzy and could barely keep his eyes open. The pain was intensifying and he curled into his brother's tight embrace with another whimper. That was enough to spur them into action.
In his peripheral vision, he saw Namjoon put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Do not die on him," he growled. "I will never forgive you."
"I won't," Jungkook promised and jumped off the horse. The alpha removing his fur robes was the last thing Jimin saw before his vision blurred and darkness claimed him.
"Go after the omega!"
Someone shouted. A squad took after the small group of five and Jungkook growled. Taehyung was more than capable to handle the number. He eyed the group in front of him.
"Stay safe, boy. I'm just gonna play." Jungkook hit the rump of his horse. It took off to the tree lines where it would stay until he was done. He stretched his neck until he heard a satisfying crack.
He unsheathed the sword, his wolf at the forefront and his senses heightened. His claws were already out and his gums burned as his fangs elongated. The familiar rush of adrenaline burned through his veins. The wolf inside him howled in anticipation. Life was too boring without a thrill of danger and he couldn't help the excitement bubbling in his chest. With a groundbreaking roar, he took off toward his target.
The squad of men never stood a chance. A bunch of half-assed wolves who thought they were high and mighty and that were no match to his skills. Jungkook killed the first guy within five seconds and swung the sword, taking the life of the next before they could even retaliate. He grabbed the additional sword from the dead guy and equipped himself to face the troop of men.
There was a reason why everyone feared him. He was deadly. Deadlier than a most skilled assassin. The wolves surrounded him like a swarm of flies. Assholes.
When would they ever learn?
He was just a blur for naked eyes. Years of training had honed him into a weapon. His wrists swung with practiced ease. When the first set of men failed, the second group shifted to their wolves. Too bad for them.
Jungkook chuckled. "I'd love to drag this, but I have an omega waiting for me." He rolled his shoulders. "Let's make it faster, shall we?" He tightened his grip around the sword and ran toward them.
He'd lost track of time until every single wolf in the vicinity was dead, their horses ran back to wherever they came from. His chest was heaving by the time he was done and his tunic was soaked in blood and sweat. The crimson liquid dripped from his blades.
"It's been a while since I last saw you in action. You've improved a lot."
Jungkook smirked, flicking his wrist to get rid of the blood dripping from his sword. "Fancy seeing you here." He tipped his head in greeting.
The man in question, Yoongi waved a hand and his men rushed forward. He pushed the hood away, revealing his delicate features. "Burn them," he ordered the men before fixing his intense gaze on Jungkook. "I have a missive for you."
Jungkook sheathed his sword and grabbed the scroll. He quickly unwrapped it and ran his eyes over the message. He sniffed, arching a brow at the man. "Send men ahead to clear the path." He looked around them.
"They cost a lot." Yoongi tilted his head to the side. The alpha was lethal than he looked. He was one of the most trusted confidantes of Jungkook, who handled a lot of tasks on his behalf.
Jungkook shrugged. "We charged a fortune for this work, didn't we?" He curled his lower lip, whistling to summon his stallion. "Stop being a penny-pincher and spend the gold wisely, will you?" His stallion strutted toward him with a shake of his mane and a happy neigh. "I'm going to wash this off and change before I head to my omega. And you're coming with me."
Yoongi lifted a brow. "I don't think that's a wise choice."
"Our next stop is the Spirit Moon." He mounted his horse. "Unfortunately, the king hates my guts and has this agenda against me since our last stand-off." Then he pointed around him. "Now that I have killed his men, he will know that I'm traveling with the rebel prince and you know..." He shrugged.
"Fifty thousand men, gold, and lifelong access to one of their richest mines is a great motivator you know."
Jungkook was aware of this. Jimin's father had sent out a missive to all the royals in the nation. That was why they were so keen to get their hands on the omega prince. So keen to breach into the emperor's territory despite the consequences if the emperor was to get wind of it. Jimin wasn't a fugitive per se. But he was treated as one. His crime was his beauty and his birth status as a banished royal omega. Hence the emperor definitely wouldn't let this slide. He couldn't wait for when they'd finally be in the emperor's court.
"That's exactly why I need you."
"Let me get this straight." Yoongi lifted his index finger. "You're going to change the path and you want me..." He pointed at his chest. " accompany the prince to the Fortune Moon."
Jungkook inclined his head. "A caravan leaves the Spirit Moon in a week to the Fortune Moon. Your job is to get him to the caravan and stay with him until I and Taehyung can join you."
Yoongi's eyes hardened and he nodded. "Your omega is a fugitive. How is he gonna get past the guards?"
"I wouldn't suggest this plan if I didn't have an alternative, would I? You ask too many questions, Yoongi-ssi." He turned his horse around. "They figured we are taking this path. It's not safe to travel this route. So I'm gonna infiltrate and travel right under their noses. Also, the weather isn't gonna be favorable in the Spirit Moon. I can't have my omega drenching in rain, can I?"
His stallion strutted off, leaving Yoongi behind. It would take at least a week for Jimin to recover from the aftermath of his heat. He'd need proper nourishment and shelter. Jungkook knew the weather in the Spirit Moon would be harsh on them at this time of the year. He wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't for Jimin's situation. He didn't want the omega falling sick when he had to be at his prime for the challenge.
He spotted the stream ahead and steered his horse toward it. His alpha was already growing restless from being away from the omega prince even if it was only a short amount of time. But there were a few things he had to handle before he could join them. Also, given the snowfall, he didn't have much time.
The king of the Fortune Moon was in for a rude awakening when the prince would show up at the challenge. Jungkook smiled to himself as he got to the task in hand.
When Jungkook arrived at the cave it was just after nightfall. Too late for his liking, but the weather was challenging and the heavy snowfall had delayed their travel. They had to make several stops as they braved the storm.
The cave Jungkook chose wasn't the one he had earlier in his mind. But Jimin's heat was earlier unexpectedly and he had chosen the next best option. It would take one more day to reach their initial destination and they couldn't afford that with the present situation.
An omega's pheromones acted like an aphrodisiac to attract the alphas and betas alike. They were predators by nature and in ancient times lived in harsh conditions. Deaths were common. Hence their nature demanded them to procreate. Centuries later, even though they lived in a somewhat modern and civilized society their primal nature was too hard to control during ruts and heats.
Seokjin somehow came up with an idea to numb the alpha's sense, making them immune to the omega's pheromones in the heat with a rare concoction Jungkook never heard of. He had begun working on perfecting the recipe ever since they began traveling together. Taehyung was the first to try it and announced that it worked.
Seokjin, Hoseok, and Namjoon wouldn't need one because Jimin was family to them though they weren't blood-related. Their alphas saw Jimin as their blood and would kill anyone who dared go to the omega. However, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi were not like that. If it wasn't for their extraordinary self-control and years of working as one with their wolves, they would be fighting each other to lay a claim on the omega. Such was their biology. Any unmated omega was a fair game.
This cave had a wide entrance and was just one large space under the mountain. He drove the horse inside, Yoongi following close behind. One of the materials of the tent was used to cover the entrance to keep the snow and cold win outside. Taehyung was in his wolf form, guarding the entrance.
The thick scent of omega pheromones slapped his face as soon as he entered. Thankfully, Jimin's brothers had made another tent inside where Jimin could have some privacy. Everyone except Seokjin was in their wolf forms. Jungkook realized this was to preserve the body heat.
Upon their arrival, Seokjin hurried with a water skin and a wooden cup toward them. The bitter scent of herbs permeated the chilly atmosphere when he filled the mug.
He gave it to Yoongi. "I didn't know you'd bring another alpha," he said. "Here, this will help to control your alpha against the omega pheromones." He then turned to Jungkook. "I don't have more. It'll take a couple of hours to concoct another. Will you be okay?"
Jungkook nodded. "I don't need it. I'm in control."
He was an alpha in his prime and though his instincts screamed at him to breed and claim his omega, he knew they couldn't do that. Their omega hasn't consented to that. Jimin only wanted him to hold him through the heat. No matter how hard it was both man and wolf were in agreement to give what their mate wanted from them.
"This is my cousin, Yoongi," he introduced. "He was the one assisting me from the village and providing us with supplies from time to time."
Seokjin inclined his head. "Pleasure to meet you, Yoongi-ssi. We don't have firewood. I have some dried meat if you're hungry," he offered.
"I'm not hungry," Yoongi announced. "I brought bread and a couple of other stuff from the village." He pointed toward his horse. "We also have firewood, but it's not much. So you'll have to use it sparingly."
"Oh, that's nice of you. Jungkook-ssi made sure to prepare enough dry meat to last us a couple of days. I can use fire to concoct Jimin's medicine. He will need one in a couple of hours." He then turned to Jungkook. "It's good to see you in one piece, Jungkook-ssi. You can go inside. Your scent will help him relax."
Jungkook nodded. "Thank you."
He didn't wait for anything else and soon he slipped through the tent. In here the scent was thicker and he saw Jimin's slender frame buried under the furs he had gifted. He was dressed in a thin robe and there was a bowl of water with a wet towel near him.
The omega's nostrils flared and a small whined slipped off him. He stirred, hands blindly reaching toward his direction.
"I'm here, Omega." Jungkook grabbed his hand was beside him in an instant. "I'm here."
"A-Alpha..." The words were moaned out in pain and the alpha felt his heart clench.
"What do you need?"
"H-Hold me." He didn't open his eyes. His face was now screwed as it twisted in pain.
Jungkook didn't have to be told twice. He removed his outer fur and a few layers of robe before sliding under the furs with Jimin. He pulled the omega into him, his back pressed flush against his chest. He was burning up but the omega sighed.
The alpha slid a hand under pressing it flat on Jimin's belly and the omega groan. "'s okay. I'm here now." He scented the omega gently but kept it minimal so he didn't accidentally arouse him. "Sleep now. I'll be here when you wake up."
Jimin relaxed in his hold, his breathing growing easy. "Thank you, alpha," he murmured.
The omega prince mostly slept through his heat. When he squirmed in pain, Jungkook was there to scent him and hold him. Fortunately, the alpha's presence alone was enough to soothe the omega's pain somehow. The three days passed with Jungkook holed up in the tent, leaving only to eat or drink something.
They were snowed in. The wind howled outside, trying to throw the flap of the tent covering the entrance off, which they have secured with heavy stones. They would have to dig their way out. He expected as much. The cave was freezing. Even Seokjin had turned into his wolf to stay warm. If it wasn't for their naturally high temperature they'd freeze to death.
Jimin's heat was almost over, but that didn't ease any of their issues. The worst part came after the heat. If the wolf wasn't successfully bred, they would bleed for three days where their body ejected the uterine lining and other stuff their body had created in preparation to fertilize. Jungkook was told more than the pain; it was the despair of failed heat that hit the omegas the most. Also, it wasn't safe to travel with a bleeding wolf. It would attract unwanted predators.
However, it had stopped snowing and they had two days before it started. While they could stay here for another couple of days, Jimin would be more comfortable in the original location he had in mind. So, he roused Taehyung and Yoongi briefing them on his plan. They left the cave to analyze the traveling condition. If the weather was favorable they could leave by the next morning and reach the other cave in a day.
He thought Jimin would appreciate the hot spring and being able to have a private section to spend his most vulnerable days. The cave was also a place where he had stacked enough firewood and few other supplies they would need to spend at least a week comfortably.
If his calculations were right, there was another storm brewing on the horizon and he doubted if the cave would withstand that. The cold would be unbearable and they were running out of firewood. The storm in this part of the mountain could be unforgivable and Jungkook wanted to move as soon as possible.
Jimin's heat-induced haze finally cleared by nighttime. Seokjin and Hoseok helped him change clothes and wiped his body with warm water they managed to heat with the little firewood they had. He was weaker than usual and the remnants of body pain and the effects of sleep concoction left his mind reeling.
He vaguely remembered Jungkook holding him in his sleep. The bedspread smelled heavily of him and the alpha. His omega relaxed knowing he left not long ago and he could hear the deep baritone of his voice conversing outside the tent.
Jimin shivered now that his temperature had gone down. The cold bit his skin and seeped into his bones. His teeth chattered and he was too weak to even tremble. Seokjin quickly dressed him and bundled him in fur while Hoseok fed warm water in small portions.
Seokjin went out briefly to discard his used clothes and came back with some bread and watery soup that looked tasteless. "Here, try to get some soup inside. It's not much but it'll warm your stomach."
It took a lot of time for him to finish the quarter of soup in his state. He leaned in Hoseok's chest as Seokjin fed him small portions of bread along with the soup. Jimin was always grateful to have such caring brothers. They've been taking care of him in the absence of his mother and he didn't know how to repay their kindness.
It was times like these he regretted his decision to go to the alpha challenge. Not that he had much of a choice. The problem was that he was afraid his failure would result in their deaths too. Though they were willing to follow him to any depth, it was a heaviness that weighed him down. Now Jungkook had also joined them and he didn't know what to do.
He had long resigned to his fate and trained his mind to accept it, but he couldn't help those thoughts when he was too vulnerable. Once he couldn't take anymore, he pushed Seokjin's hand away gently and Hoseok helped him to lie down. He curled into a ball on his side.
"Hoseok hyung?" he called softly. "Can you hold me?"
"Of course, Jiminie." His brother was quick to comply and he lay down, pulling Jimin into his embrace as Seokjin exited the tent.
The next time Jimin woke, it was early in the morning and they were packing. He felt better but that wouldn't last for long so he had to build as much strength as possible to face what was waiting for him. Dread filled him. This was one of the times he despised his biology, but what could he do. There was no changing the past or who he was.
"Jungkook says there's another storm brewing and it's better if we move to a proper shelter," Seokjin said as he supported him outside the tent.
Jimin's legs wobbled and he had to lean into his brother who supported most of his weight. He sat him outside while Namjoon and Taehyung moved to dismantle the tent. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.
"Jungkook and his cousin, Yoongi went to scout the route," Hoseok said as if reading his thoughts. "They left at the crack of dawn and should be here soon."
He nodded, pulling the furs closer. He had never experienced such cold weather before. The winters in The Summer Isle were mild and it snowed only in the villages closer to the mountains. Jimin's family lived in a farming village that was far from the ocean and the mountains. Last year was the first time he witnessed snow and even then they were taking shelter in an inn, so he never faced the brunt of icy cold that threatened to freeze his blood.
He couldn't wait to get out of this place. Jimin refused the bread and drank a bit of water before dozing off again.
[Images are embedded from Pinterest/Tumblr. I do not own rights for any of these images. All credits to the original owners/editors]
Some visuals:
The White Forest:
First Cave:
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