The ship only sailed for a little while longer. Because shortly after me and Dante, entered the cabin at the far back, there was a sudden crash as if the ship had struck something. My suspicious was quickly confirmed when water began flooding into the cabin.
As quickly as we could, me and Dante were both forced to swim out of the ship. We encountered more of those Blade lizards and I raised my new Needlegun before opening fire. Unlike all our other weapons, the needlegun wasn't effected by water.
One of the blades attempted to propel itself through the water towards us however I raised the needlegun and shot a spike right into its face, drawing blood quickly. Luckily, the gun also had a semi-automatic mode allowing me to follow up with short bursts of spikes.
The first lizard demon went down quickly and I turned my attention to the second one. Holding the needlegun out with my right hand, Dante just kept back as I fired another burst of needles. One impacted the creature's head while the second hit it in the shoulder. This caused it to glide back in the water.
It tried to propel towards me again however I swiftly followed up with more needle-fire which finally put he second of the two blades to rest and allowing me and Dante to finally continue and eventually make it out of the sinking ship as it descended to the watery abyss below.
We followed a small network of water before eventually returning to dry land. You know, I never thought I would say that I was GLAD to be met with the familiar walls of Mundus' castle. But it was a blessing compared to the water I had been sifting through before, at least I could rely on my other weapons aside from my needlegun.
I looked down at my drenched attire before turning to Dante and saying "Well, glad that's finally over." Dante just replied "Well you never know, we might have to go back in more water soon." I sighed and said "Knowing my luck, probably."
From here, we made our way into a winding hallway where we eventually came across a skeleton impaled on a wall of spikes. On the skeleton was a shield that emitted a strange energy, needless to say, I took it, possibly seeing a use for it later.
Dante stepped towards the skeleton's raised arm and lowered it, to both of our surprise, we heard a rumbling behind us as a metal gate opened to an elevator. Unfortunately, the floor we were on began moving backwards towards the spiked wall as more spikes emerged from the ground.
Me and Dante ran against the reversing floor, evading spikes until we reached the newly revealed elevator. The elevator lead us to a network of tunnels where we met more blades, once they were dealt with, we eventually arrived outside the castle.
From here it was all just a matter of backtracking through the castle some more, fighting several hordes of Marionettes in the process until eventually we found ourselves back in that in that large courtyard where we initially fought Griffon.
This time though, we headed to the right where we initially found those two strange shields with the weird aura surrounding them. Using the emblem shield we got from the skeleton in those catacombs, the shield blocking our path disappeared allowing us to access a door to the side.
Going through the door, we navigated another series of catacombs, dodging spikes and other traps until at the end, we came across a pair of lances, not worthy for combat but would likely be needed to solve a puzzle later on.
Making our way back the way we came AGAIN, until we once again found ourselves outside in that courtyard. It didn't take us long to discover a door near the one with the shield however this one had two indents which coincidentally fitted the two lances we found.
Me and Dante placed one each causing the door to open. We both stepped through it and found ourselves in some kind of arena. In the centre was a large blue seal, naturally we approached it and instantly, familiar red lightning shot overhead.
I looked up and snapped "Oh great, this guy again." Just as I had expected, the lightning took the shape of the very familiar Griffon who we had literally fought a matter of an hour ago now. Without a word, it instantly landed on the ground and attacked with a series of lightning bolts.
I'm surprised it wasn't using those little decoy attacks that could lure us towards them. Those actually seemed useful however this fight seemed more like our initial battle. I readied Eclipse and drew Cinder as well.
I fired a few shots into the creature before leaping over a hurdle of lightning before shooting a few more. Meanwhile Dante was unloading round after round from Ebony and Ivory. Thanks to the magical nature of the weapons, neither of us needed to reload or worry about ammo consumption.
We resumed firing before Dante drew Alastair and I summoned Ifrit. We then dashed forward, instead going for melee attacks, a mixture of slashes and punches rained down on the Griffon before it suddenly let out a burst of electricity that knocked us both back.
Recovering quickly we looked up to see the Griffon fall to the ground, crashing through a piece of the wall in the process. At first I thought it was dead however it soon stood up and let out a roar before sending a bolt of electricity at each of us.
Griffon then emitted a blue aura and began hopping around, launching lightning at us. Me and Dante did our best to dodge the attacks with only a few of them actually hitting us. We activated our Devil Triggers and now we were virtually untouchable.
We soon began a counter attack, both of us lunging forward in our Devil Triggers before landing a series of slashes, punches and stabs. I swapped to Eclipse and together me and Dante rained down attack after attack on the Griffon until finally, it was defeated!
The Griffon collapsed directly into the blue seal in the centre of the arena. There was a white ethereal energy that lifted the demon into the air before suddenly, it was hit by a stone pillar that pinned it to the ground, causing it to let out a roar.
Giving us one final look, the Griffon spoke weakly saying "Uh... Both yours are definitely the powers of Sparda. No even more so..." He paused for a moment, glancing between the two of us before finishing "But I cannot let either of you live for I serve my Master, Mundus!"
Dante warned the winged demon "But you can't fight with that wound." Griffon however assured us. "Mighty is the power of Mundus!" Before he yelled out Master! Grant me one last surge of power, the power to finish them!"
To my surprise, I looked up and my eyes widened in pure terror when I saw three red dots, enshrouded in dark cloud with red lightning flashing around it. I had encountered these same three red dots somewhere before!
My legs started shaking as I stepped backwards. Griffon muttered out "Master Mundus." To which we heard a deep voice saying "Griffon, you have failed me. You are no longer worthy!" That voice, must have been the voice of Mundus.
I put two and two together and the result was too much. As Mundus' avatar shot out towards Griffon, killing it in an instant. However I wasn't paying attention to that, my focus was purely on the three red circles. And it was at this point I realized.
Mundus was there the night my mother was MURDURED!
Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, I'm really sorry, I forgot how difficult this story could be to write at times so I'm sorry if it was bad and I'm also sorry for the late upload. Regardless, I still hope you enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.
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