Another day at DEA

The sound of his phone ringing awoke Y/N Bosak from his slumber. The first thing he did after opening his eyes was grabbing his phone and turning the alarm off. He then hopped off his bed and made his way into the kitchen in order to make himself a breakfast. He walked up to the kitchen cabinet and grabbed the breakfast cereal and milk, then he picked up the bowl that was nearby. He prepared his careal before walking over to the table in the dining-room. He started to eat his breakfast as he heard his phone ringing. He put the spoon on the table before picking up his phone to check what was happening.

It was a message from Stan.

"Hello Mr Bosak. How the talk with your sisters went? Do you still have all of your teeth?"

Y/N grinned as he wrote back.

"Hilarious Stan. The talk went better than I excepted."

"Good, so Team Rainbow is not going to look at you like they want kill you anymore?"

"I hope so. How's April by the way?"

"Good. She is sitting in front of me."

"Tell future Ms Tucker that I said hi."

"I will."

"Also, tell you about the scary lady from Team Rainbow. Perharps she'll find a way how to call you down if you know what I mean ;)"

"Screw you, Y/N . I'll see you at work."

"I'll see you there, mate."

With that, Y/Nput his phone on the table and went back to his breakfast. As he was done with it, he went to the bathroom to prepare himself for the day and once he was prepared he left his apartment and got into his car and drove off towards the DEA base. He parked his car on the parking loot and walked into the base to be greeted by Roy Crane who was cleaning the floor.

"Y/N, my boy! How is it going?" He asked.

"I'm doing well Roy. What about you?" Y/Nsaid back.

"I've never been better." Roy replied.

"Good to hear that. Anyway, I should get going." Y/Nsaid, "Wish you a good day."

"Likewise Y/N, likewise." Roy said as Y/Nbegan to walk towards the office where he had his desk, then he bumped into the person who just came out of the toilets.

"Beg your pardon... Meghan, right?" He said.

"Or Valkyrie but yes." Valkyrie said with a nod as the two of them began to walk forward, "You should've have seen your sisters expression when they came to our hotel after your talk. They were so happy."

"Really?" Y/Nasked.

"Believe me, we've never seen Zofia that happy since Ela decided to give her second chance." Valkyrie assured him.

Y/Neyes shot open in suprise, "Wait? Ela had a grudge against Zofia?"

"Yes. If what Ela told me is true, Zofia always tried to "perfect" daughter to your father which lead to some unfortunate events." Valkyrie replied.

"Oh yeah... Ela complained about it very often." Y/Nreminded himself as he rubbed his head.

"What about you?" Valkyrie asked.

"Honestly, I didn't care about it, If Zofia wanted to be a good daughter for our father, then let her be. I had my own problems with our father to worry about." Y/Nreplied.

"I know what you mean. Ela told me." Valkyrie said as they walked through the doors into the office, "We'll talk later?"

"If you want to." Y/Nsaid with a nod as he made his way to his desk and spotted a large folder with "The San Andreas Cartel" written on it, "Oh great. That's exactly what I've been waiting for." He thought to himself as sat down on the chair. The youngest Bosak picked up the pen and a piece of paper and started to write something on it.

"What are you doing, braciszku? (little brother)" Came Ela's voice.

Y/Ngrinned as he turned back to see his sisters, "A report from the action with Everett." He replied, "I and Stan were the one's leading the operation againt him and one of us had to write a report from the action. We played rock, paper, scissors and I was the one who lost. It makes us 1-1."

"1-1?" Ela asked as she and Zofia took their seat next to Y/N.

"Let me guess, you've requested to have a seat next to me?" Y/Nguessed as Ela and Zofia nodded in confirmation, "I should've know. Anyway, back to the topic. 1-1 because we were leading the operations against Nathan Briggs. You've probably seen him on the blackboard. He was one of the most dangerous assassin's working for the Cartel. He most likely the one responsible for the death of Reginald Bardal. And before you ask me who Reginald was. Let me explain it to you. He was one of the two candidates for the office for president of Los Santos. He unlike Toby Manson, current president of Los Santos was promising to take care with the problem of drug traffickers in his town which lead him to his death. And the LSPD Chief Martin Hindmarsh did nothing about it. That's why we're asking the San Fierro and Las Ventura police and presidents of those towns for help instead of Los Santos. The action with Nathan took place in the strip-club called The Pig Pen. It was supposed to be a quiet action where we would arrest him but it turned into the big shooting which ended with his death and the other two assassin's who went there with him. Those assassin's were Lee Shanson and Bryan White. You've seen them on the blackboard as well.''

"The situation is Los Santos is that bad?" Ela asked.

"Yup. The Los Santos police and politics are the best definition of corruption." Y/Nstated.

Then, there was an awkward silence between the siblings, It lasted a few minutes before Zofia spoke up, "So, what were you doing before you joined DEA? How did you met Stan?"

"I worked in many jobs, after I left Poland. I met him when I was working in the night club as a bouncer. He and his girlfriend April Brown went on a date to the club where I was working and three drunk guys started to do something with April. I and Stan tried to talk them out of this but it didn't work, so it ended up with a fight. The time passed and we became very good friends. And one day, he offered me a job in the DEA and I as you can see, took his offer. I wouldn't be where I am now not without him.'' Y/Nexplained.

"This guy has a girlfriend?" Ela asked.

"Yes. He does. And he is planning to ask her to marry him but it is not going to happen anytime soon, because he is waiting for a perfect ocassion." Y/Nexplained.

"What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" Zofia asked.

"Nope, not interested in relationships, at least for now." Y/Nreplied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Amen." Ela agreed with her brother.

"And you Zofia? I heard that you're married." Y/Nsaid as Zofia nodded, "To who?"

"You know him. His name is Oskar." Zofia replied.

"Oskar? That Oskar?" Y/Nasked as Zofia nodded, "Why am I not suprised? You two were inseparable before he moved to America with his family. How'd meet again?"

"During one operation a few year ago. We decided to try and it ended with us married within a year." Zofia explained, "He is the one who takes care of our daughter Alina while I am here."

"What? I'm an uncle?" Y/Nasked, suprised by the revelation.

"Yes. She's three year old." Zofia replied before pulling out her wallet, then she took the photo out and handed it to Łukasz.

Y/Ngrinned at the view of his sister, with her husband and their daughter before looking back at his sisters, "I can see she's your daughter. She has your eyes and nose."

"Speaking of my family. When I wrote Oskar that we've met you and he asked me to send him a photo of how you look, after all, you were just a little boy when he left." Zofia said.

"Sure, why not." Y/Nsaid as Zofia took out her phone and held it before her and her siblings, "Say cheese."

The Bosak siblings smiled as Zofia took the photo of them, then she send it to her husband with a note.

"Oskar, przywitaj się ze swoim szwagrem :)" (Oskar, say hello to your brother in law)

Timeskip brought by Stan and Y/Nwalking into the mess hall where everyone were eating their dinner. They made their way to the Cooker who gave the plates with their food as someone placed hand on Y/N's back. The two friends turned back to see Y/N's sisters.

"Come, sit with us." Ela said as she looked at Stan, "You can join us as well, if you want to."

Stan and Y/Nlooked at each other and nodded, "Sure."

Zofia and Ela smiled as they lead their brother and his friend to the table where a few operators from their team were sitting, "Not sure if you remember their names so, let me us introduce them to you. This is Eliza, Jordan, James, Grace, Meghan, Craig, Monika and Dominic."

Stan and Y/Nnodded as they took their seats and began to eat their food. As they ate, Stan glanced over at his boss.

"Old man is making some new friends." He stated as he looked at Dutch who was eating his dinner with Thatcher, Doc, Tachanka, Sledge and Montagne.

"Good for him." Y/Nsaid.

"Y/N and Stan, right?" Blackbeard asked as Y/Nand Stan nodded, "Do you have any interesting stories from your work?"

"Yes we do." Stan said.

''Mind if we ask you to tell us some of them?" Smoke asked.

"Well, there was one situation when this maniac had the dealers point a gun at his head...'' Stan tried to say.

"You did what?" Zofia interrupted him.

"Hey! I had to earn their trust! And it worked but someone forgot to tell the police about it and it ended up arresting them with a few packets of coke instead of ten packages." Y/Nsaid back.

"Hey! I apologized to you like... dozen times!" Stan argued as he threw his arms in the air, "When you will stop reminding me about this?"

"I'll stop to when I die, which is not going to happen anytime soon." Y/Nsmirked, "At least I hope so.''

"We told you a story from our work. It's time for you." Stan said, changing the subject.

Bandit grinned as he said, "There was one time when Tachanka and Kapkan decided to play a little joke on us. Before our movie-night, they spilled our drinks with "Tachanka's Special" which a mix of a few alcohols and those who have sore head ended up being really drunk through the whole night. Tina acted like a polar-bear, Mark finally had balls to talk with Emma, Shuhrat ended in bed with Siu, same thing happen with Eliza and Jordan because Eliza has sore head instead of Jordan who has probably the strongest head in our team, Grace ended up singing her favourite songs on her social-media and the funniest one in my opinion was when IQ woke up in a luxury hotel, in a mud bath, surrounded by plushies. Lots of plushies.''

"From then I'm bringing my own drink for every movie-night with our team." IQ said, trying to hide her embarrassment which everyone at the table didn't fail to notice.

"Me too." Dokkaebi said, hiding her embarrassment as well.

"That makes us three." Ash added.

"Wow, I see that you can party." Stan smiled widely, "Also, Jordan isn't it? Is what Dominic said true? You have the strongest head from Rainbow?"

"You bet I do." Thermite smirked.

"How about we'll check it? When we'll be done with the Cartel, we'll ask Tachanka to make his special, then we'll see who has stronger head." Stan said.

"Challenge accepted." Thermite said as he extended his hand for handshake. Stan grinned as he shook his hand.

"I can't wait to see this." Smoke stated.

Suddenly, the door shut open and two men walked in, "Look who's back!"

"Carter Jayden and Arthur Roberts!" Stan said as the two men approached their table, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"They moved us back to San Andreas, mostly because of what happened to Everett." Carter replied.

"Because of what happened to Everett? They probably had enough of you two and had make an excuse to move you back here." Y/Nstated, earning a chuckle from everyone at the table.

"It's good to see you too, polish boy." Carter smiled.

"Mind if we sit with you?" Arthur asked.

"No." Stan said as Carter and Arthur took their place next to Łukasz.

"So, you may introduce us to your new friends?" Carter asked as Arthur nodded.

Stan rolled his eyes as he pointed at Carter and Arthur, "Fine. Guys, these two idiots are Carter Jayden and Arthur Roberts." He then, pointed at the operators from Team Rainbow, "These two are Ela and Zofia. Y/N's sisters, then there are Eliza, Jordan, James, Grace, Meghan, Craig, Monika and Dominic."

"Nice to meet you all." Arthur said as the operators nodded.

"So, anything happened in Vice City?" Stan asked.

"Arthur decided to become a hobbyist alcoholic." Carter replied, earning chuckles from everyone at the table.

"Not an alcoholic but a taster of kraft beer." Arthur corrected as he glared at Carter.

"My uncle also had an interesting name for alcoholism." Smoke said.

"Really? What name?" Dokkaebi asked.

"He never had a chance tell me. My family cut their contact with him because he drank too much." Smoke said. This time everyone at the table couldn't resist and laughed loudly as Arthur groaned.

''Very funny." He said, "You guys should read about it and you'll find it interesting as well."

"I doubt it." Valkyrie said as the rest nodded in agreement.

"I see that my suprise worked out very well." He stated as Dutch approached their table and put his hands on Arthur's back, "Also, what's so interesting?"

"Arthur wants to drink beer, for money." Carter replied.

"Oh yes, alcoholism is very interesting." Dutch stated.

"Not you too, boss." Arthur groaned.

The rest of the day went like any other day for everyone. Y/N, Stan, Dutch, Arthur, Carter and the other DEA workers shared their stories with Team Rainbow who shared their stories with them. The Bosak siblings, spend most of the day talking with each other as Y/Nworked on the report from the action with Barry Everett, even Y/Ndrove them back to the hotel where Team Rainbow was staying

"I'll see you around." He said with a wave. His sisters smiled at him before entering their hotel. Y/N smiled to himself as he drove off towards his apartament. As much as he hated to admit it, Los Santos had one place that looked beautiful during the night. That place was Alley of Glory. Names of many stars like Love Fist or Madd Dogg were inscripted on the marble slabs. As he adored the beauty of this place, he stopped at the lights and looked over at the warehouse that was nearby while waiting for the green light.

He saw a man in his mid 30's, walking through the front doors of the warehouse, followed by two other men...

Y/N gasped in shock because people who just walked out of the warehouse were David Miller, Bill Grimes and Leon Richards...

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