Rest and decisions
After a moment, everyone is gathered around the dinner table in the kitchen. The food has been set down, everything is in order for now and the friends seem to be happy to be together again. It's good for the most of them to see each other after so long and there is a lot to talk about. Team RNJR just finished telling the tale of losing their map all the time and a lot of laughter echoes around.
Yang:" How do you lose your map at a time like that?!"
Jaune:" Believe me, I've asked myself the same thing ever since."
Another round of laughter goes around and the mood is pretty good in general. It's funny how easy they get back on track with each other, even after everything that happened to them all. Even Nora seems more chipper than before and she aknowledges the fact that Jaune is getting better and better.
Nora:" Hey, but you made up for it, Mister Muscles! You shoulda seen this guy taking a giant Grimm head on!"
Jaune:" I couldn't have done it without Ruby wearing it down."
Ruby:" Uh, me? Did you see Ren during that fight? He was out of control!"
Ren:" I'm sorry, I may have lost my temper momenterally."
Ruby:" NO, no! Out of control as in 'awesome'."
Ren:" Oooohhh. Thank you."
And then there is more friendly laughter between the teens. Judging from an adult point of view, it would be heart-warming. Best friends getting back together with one another as good as they can, even after their sacrifices has formed a special bond between the kids. Kain just listens in while leaning against a wall for the time being. He had a good feeling about Yang and Weiss and they've proven that by the way they act with Ruby and the rest. Then Weiss begins to tell a story from her time back in Atlas, when she summoned an Ice Boarbutusk that almost attacked a guest at a party.
Ruby:" *gasp* You did not!"
Weiss:" Yeah, right in the middle of the party."
Yang:" Please tell me you let that lady have it."
Weiss:" Of course not! Even if I did really want to."
Nora:" No way, I don't believe it."
Then the sound of something appearing close is heard as Nora turns her attention to her right to be face ti face with the same Grimm Weiss summoned at the party. The ginger-haired girl then gets startled and falls over in panic. Even Qrow had a short chuckle to spare before he walks back into the living room. He passes a quick glance towards Kain who has a satisfied smile on his face for now and then sits down as a gasp is heard in the kitchen. It is because of Yang, showing of her mechanical arm to everyone.
Yang:" It's no replacement for the real thing, but I'll make sure to make good use of it."
Jaune:" That's amazing."
Ren:" Incredible."
Ruby:" *inhaling deeply* And it's just as strong?"
Yang:" Mhm, sure is."
Then a thud is heard as everyone looks at Nora who is ready for arm-wrestling with Yang. Everyone knows she's always up for a challenge and so is the blond beauty, so tey both take their positions and prepare.
Kain:" This should be good. Anyone placing bets tonight?"
The whole group just gives him a short stare while he begins to scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment.
Kain:" Sorry...Continue."
Weiss:" Nora please. Now is not the time..."
But before anyone can argue against that, the two girls are already fighting for the dominance. Of course the respective team members cheer for their friend and so a little bit of ruckus is created. After a short exchange Yang surprises everyone by pushing her metal arm out of its fit and blasting Nora into a wall while she still has the arm attached to her hand.
Jaune:" Did"
Gaining consciousness again, Nora lifts her arm and sees Yang's arm still with her, startling the ginger again while Yang is laughing and reattaching the arm. The others start to get everything off the table and into the kitchen, not believing that they finshed all this food. It has to be sickening to have so much extra weight in your stomach now, so walking or stuff like that feels really different.
Jaune:" Gyah...we ate it all...Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick."
Yang:" Easy there, Vomit Boy, I believe in you."
Jaune:" Oh, we're doing nickname throwbacks now. Wonderfull."
Weiss's giggling fills the room as Nora takes a good look at her before commenting on that.
Nora:" I mean, the Ice Queen seems to like it."
Weiss:" I did so not miss you people."
Nora:" *gasps* Oh my gosh, she really does like it! What went and warmed your heart while you were gone?"
Weiss:" Hey, you make it sound like I used to be terrible!"
Yang:" Nah. Just a lot to deal with at once."
Weiss:" Hmpf!"
Ren:" It's been a long time. We've all grown up in our own ways."
Ruby:" You really think so?"
Ren:" Well, think back to when we were all at Beacon, would you say you did anything foolish or embarrassing? Or do you think you were perfect?"
Weiss." Oh gosh."
Yang:" I may have been a little to gong-o from time to time."
Ruby:" Hee, you? I tried to 1v1 a Nevermore on the second day of school."
Jaune:" Yeah, well...don't even get me started."
Ren:" Well, that embarrassment - that desire to go back and tell yourself not to be so stupid - that just proves you're not the same person you used to be. You're smarter or kinder or stronger. And you're not done growing yet. None of us are."
Ruby:" Yeah, turns out Ren gets real deep when he feels like talking."
Kain:" He's not wrong though."
Jaune:" What do you mean?"
Kain:" I mean that all of you are still young. You've got your whole life in front of you and with that comes tremendous hardship. But for everything bad, there will be something good coming your way...Hopefully sooner than later...I look at the six of you and see the future of huntsmen and huntresses. What you have done for the world already may be just a small step now, but in the long run, you will keep this world safe and alive. Think about it as a motivation."
Nora:" Well, hold on. I think that I was pretty great in school."
Yang:" Even at the dance? When you spilled punch all over you in front of-"
And suddelny Nora gets louder than she already is, making sure there is no trace left of what happened back then.
Nora:" YES, especially the dance! THANK YOU, YANG!"
Qrow:" How can six kids possibly make so much noise, eating dinner?!"
The man in question just walks into the kitchen while Oscar is following him and they take a good look at the teenagers who aren't fazed by the outburst at all. They keep their smiles on while facing Qrow as Kain just chuckles shortly.
It took a lot of time to explain the situation to everyone as they gathered in the living room. Qrow and Kain being the only ones standing doesn't exactly help that and to make matters worse, there are questions about the things they just heard. The once cheery and happy atmosphere is gone by a longshot as they all grimace at the story of the maidens and Salem. Even a little bit of disgust is seen.
Weiss:" So the Maidens. Magic. Salem. It's all true?"
Qrow:" Uh-huh."
Kain:" As dead as a nail in the lamp room door."
Oscar/Ozpin:" Miss Xiao Long, is this more or less what your mother has told you?"
There is a short glare of hatred directed away from everyone on Kain's face as he has a moment to relive one of the worst memories he has of Raven, but that is not what he wants to tell everyone about just now. Right now, it's important for everyone to listen to what will be shared with them.
Weiss:" For the most part."
Yang:" You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother."
Jaune:" What is she talking about?"
Qrow:" Oh, great."
Oscar/Ozpin:" Hm, that's not a secret I thought she would give up so easily. Your mother must trust you a great deal. My ability to reincarnate, though a curse, isn't without a few key benefits. Much like the Maidens, I too possess a certain...'magical' power. Using this power, I was able to gift the Branwen twins the ability to 'see' more, to move freely and be unburdened by their natural bodies. I...Well...gave them the ability to turn into birds. Rather ridiculous sounding out loud, isn't it? (Wait, what?)"
Ruby:" Uncle?"
Ren:" You turned them...into birds."
Nora:" Alright, now you're just messing with us."
Jaune:" What else is new?"
Weiss:" He's telling the truth. We saw it. Yang's mom...changed right in front of us."
Yang:" Why would you do something like that? I mean, what is wrong with you?"
Qrow:" Yang, that's enough. We made a choice. We wanted this."
Oscar/Ozpin:" May I?
A nod from Qrow is enough for the former headmaster to get serious again and step forward to be seen by everyone.
Oscar/Ozpin:" Granting this power to them was no trivial task and I can asure you it was not done frivolously. I required assistance in gathering information on Salem's plans as well as searching for Maidens when their hosts became unclear."
Ruby:" Okay, so, have you done this with others? Like General Ironwood? Or Professor Goodwitch?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" As helpful as that might be, unfortunately it is not that simple. My power is finite, and if I'm being honest, dwindling. The amount I gifted to Qrow and Raven was, all things considered, rather miniscule. You see, centuries ago, I sacrificed a great deal of magic to four young women, who I hoped would use my gift for good. They were the first Maidens. Miss Xiao Long, it was never my intension to lie to you. To any of you. There are just some matters that I prefer to...'play close to the chest'. I believe that's how you phrased it."
His eyes wander off towards Qrow whose stance changed from a rather normal to a defensive one with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Qrow:" Heh, yeah."
Oscar/Ozpin:" Everyone has a choice. The Branwens chose to accept their powers and the resposibilities that came with them. And later, one of them chose to abandon her duties, in favor of her own self-interest. Now all of you have a choice. If anyone wishes to leave, now is the time. There is no shame or disgrace in abstaining, only in retreat."
After a few seconds, everyone is still there, taking a look at each other to see if this is the right decision. As Oscar/Ozpin turns around, he sees Yang get up.
Ruby:" Yang?"
Yang:" If Ruby sticks around, then I will too. If there's one thing I know about her, it's that she somehow always knows the right thing to do. But, if we're going to help, if we're going to keep risking our lives, no more lies. No more half-truths."
Oscar/Ozpin:" Understood."
Jaune:" So...what now? I mean, what can we do?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" Mm, that is a difficult question. One that is best answered tomorrow."
Jaune:" What do you mean?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" The road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril. However, it's been far too long since you all have been together. Please, take tonight, enjoy the moment."
And just after that moment, Ozpin disappears and Oscar has full control again while his hand is still resting on Yangs' shoulder. He gets startled again and stumbles back, getting a sincere laugh out of everyone, except for Kain who is still not convinced with what Ozpin said. Just then, Nira gets back into the scene again.
Nora:" Ooooohhh. Qrow?! Raven?! They're birds! Cracked it."
Kain:" I don't know wether to laugh or cry about that, but I guess you should take Ozpins' advice and spend the evening with each other, just you six...Oscar, Qrow, I still need to talk to you both."
Qrow:" Can't that wait until tomorrow?"
Kain:" Unfortunately not. It's pretty important for us."
Oscar:" And what do you need me for?"
Kain:" I just need Oz to listen to what I have to say."
Ruby:" Uh, okay...We'll leave the three of you alone. Have a good night, guys."
Kain/Qrow/Oscar:" Likewise."
It takes the kids a moment to go upstairs and for the adults to have their peace. A questioning look is plastered on Qrows' face while Oscar sits still and Ozpins' presence is shown by his green yes. Kain takes a deep breath and looks at both of them before speaking.
Kain:" During my mission today, I met someone. At first, I didn't see their face because they had hood on, but later it was revealed to my ex-wife..."
Qrow:" Wait...You met her? Just in the forrest?"
Kain:" Yes, I was shocked when I saw her again after so long. *chuckles* She looks as good as ever...Anyways, she told me a few important things. The first is that she believes there is a certain 'beauty' hidden inside Remnant....I didn't know what she meant until she talked about life, peace, understanding and commitment. She meant I was a brave soldier in this war...but this is a war that we can not win is how she ended the first part."
Qrow:" We're not just soldiers, buddy. We are huntsmen and huntresses who defend the world day in and day out. We got this."
Kain:" I know, but I'm not sure about myself anymore...She talked about my semblance...Sapphire said that 'IT' will only stay until its purpose is fulfilled. Afther that, it would leave me forever...Seconds later, she was gone and I was left alone again with this......."
Kain pulls out the glass violin and puts it on the table. The lights that shine on it make its color appear brighter and more appealing than before. Nobody really knows why it's so important or even what it does, but he made sure to keep it safe.
Kain:" I took it with me as a reminder that my family is alright. Now I don't know if it has something special in it, but I'll keep it with me..."
Qrow:" one point your inner self will turn on you, leave and you'll be left without a semblance. Then there is this beauty stuff...Oz, can you get anything out of that?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" She must know about Salem in some way or another...Then she must know about the gods as well and so on. Now I could be wrong, but...our friend here will be sacrificial lamb. I don-"
Kain:" What?! You mean I will die soon?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" I never said anything about anyone dying...but there will be something you will have to give up in order to maintain the natural balance in our world. Judging from your physical condition, you already gave a part of yourself."
Kain:" Yeah, my left eye...Thanks for reminding me."
Qrow:" And what could be next for him?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" I am not able to answer that at the moment, so only time will tell. Kain, do you remember when you first met your new 'Father'?"
Kain:" I do...What about him?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" This man didn't come after you because he wanted to..........I advised him to."
Qrow:" What?! Oz, you can't be serious. You did this to him? You were the one who cost him all-"
Kain:" Now let me get this straight: the decades I've spent with this monster in me...the thousands of peole it murdered...the villages it destroyed...It was all because of you? You were responsible for my torment? Do you understand how it feels to carry all this guilt around?...I can't believe this."
Oscar/Ozpin:" Kain, there is a reason for this."
Kain:" Oh really? There is a reason for this damn killer spirit in me, slaughtering all these innocent people?...I lost everything: my tribe, my family...I could've lived a normal life, but you....Your selfish intensions have cost me the most valuable things. Thanks to you, I am THE outcast of Remnant."
Oscar/Ozpin:" I did it to save you!...I tried saving you from your own extinction. The beauty of life your wife spoke about is just another facade. She would've corrupted you. She was your downfall!"
Kain:" And that gives you the right to take everything away from me?...Who even are you really, Ozpin?...........I'm done with this talk...See ya tomorrow..."
And so Kain makes his way up the stairs with absolute hatred in every step. All those years were wasted because he believed there was only himself to blame for all the tragedy, but now it is clear to him why Sapphire said not to trust everything Ozpin says. Qrow on the other hand is ringing with himself wether or not to follow his best friend. He gives Ozpin a glare that could break glaciers.
Qrow:" Is this true?...Oz, do you know what you did to him?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" I was trying to keep him pure from the chaos this world will display over and over again."
Qrow:" Well...this time you failed...You destroyed everything this man ever had in his life and you don't even show compassion towards him...Tell me: did you ever regret doing that to him?"
Oscar/Ozpin:" I regret every second of it..."
Qrow:" Well, you have a very skew way of showing that...You should take some time to actually think about your actions...Have a nice night..."
Now it's Qrow who walks up the stairs with heavy steps, not looking back at the boy/man sitting in the living room. Even he thought Ozpin isn't someone to take some drastic measures like this and then he was wrong. The troubles of living such a painful life weren't clear to him before, but now the dark haired huntsman gets the whole picture. It doesn't take him long to get to his room and locking the door behind him.
Oscar on the other hand is still sitting in the living room, still controlled by Ozpin. The two now have a heated exchange of their own. Judging from their volume, they try their best not to wake anyone up, so yelling is kept to a minimum.
Oscar:" How could you plan something like this?"
Ozpin:" I have lived on Remnant for thousands of years and people like Kain have always been faith ful to their tribes. They had their own laws and their own values within. The tribe Kain was in was the last installment of them. With ihs wife and daughter living somewhere else and the tribe disbanded, they will never be another target for Salem or the White Fang. Although these tribes never posed a threat to anyone, there was this fine line between acceptance and rejection...Salem and her henchmen saw potential in the young members, but the leaders taught them in ways nobody ever could understand...Kain has this secret somewhere in his soul, so that is something else Salem wants to uncover...As for the White Fang: them and the tribes actually worked together for quite some time. When the old leader of the White Fang stepped down though, the treaty between the two groups was not in effect anymore, so the Faunus spies that were investigating within the tribes acted and killed the strongest members each and every time..........I wanted to spare Mr. Phoenix from this, so I asked this man..."
He then shows Oscar an image of 'Father.
Ozpin:" I asked him what he thought about Kain and he answered that he saw something in the boy. Something he never saw before and so he accepted my offer to look after Kain as much as possible, taking the role of his 'new Father' after his real father died on a mission. i never wanted to see him live without someone to look up to and when I asked this man to show him his true potential, I couldn't believe that he would turn the young Kain into such a monstrosity...But I let him live with it. I thought he would get used to it, but I was wrong...I am sorry for what I did to him..."
Oscar:" Are you really...?"
Ozpin:" I am...and I wish I could've stopped it sooner. I didn't decide his fate, but I know it was a grave mistake."
Oscar:" Just make sure you never do something like this again...You know it won't end well in the long run."
With that, Ozpin is taking his rest as Oscar gets up and turns off the lights everywhere. It's already more than late enough for him, so he doesn't waste any more time to go to bed. He is only one of many to be worried for what may come. It hurts him and Qrow to now know who was behind Kains' suffering, so there will be trouble.
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