Chapter 1

"A Movie?"

Jason uttered those words with confusion, as he held her phone up to his ear, talking to one of his friends, Yuna. Right now, is the day that Jason was waiting for, the release of Sword Art Online, except, right now, Yuna wants to invite him over to watch a movie with her and Mizu.

Yuna: Is that such a bad thing to want to do with us?

Jason: Sorry, I was just surprised is all, but why a movie?

Yuna: Cause, it'll be fun! Just like when we were kids.

Jason: I don't know....

Yuna: Aw, please!

Jason looked over at his NerveGear that was sitting on her bed, then looks back up at the ceiling. As much as she wants to say yes, a part of her really wants to go ahead and hop into the game, not to mention, she promised the friend she made in the Beta, Kirito if she remembered right, that they would meet up in the game. She then gives off a small sigh, already reaching a decision, one that she would later come to regret.

Jason: Sorry, Yuna, but I already promised that I would hang out with Kronii and her friends today. Her Mom and Dad would kill me if I ditched her to hang out with my friends.

Yuna: *sad* Oh, okay.

Jason felt a little guilty lying to her like that, but this game meant a lot to him, and he couldn't waste the chance to play it on the first day.

Jason: Tell you what, I'm free tomorrow, so, first thing in the morning, me, you, and Mizu can all go somewhere and hang out for the full day.

Yuna: Deal!.... Oh, I gotta go, Mizu just came home. Bye, Jason!

Jason: Bye, Yuna!

He hung up and stared at the phone, a small sad smile on his face, he'll definitely have to make it up to her and Mizu tomorrow, maybe he'll look up a few places after he gets off. He checked the time and saw he had 30 minutes left, so he started to set up his NerveGear, all while listening to a news report on the game. However, since he was busy setting up and still messaging someone, he failed to notice someone opening her door and entering his room, watching him. It was a girl with light green hair that gradients to bluish green at the tips that falls below her shoulders, the locks on her left partially cover her eye.

The girl was confused on what he was doing, until she sees what he's setting up and sighs, she shakes her head a bit then clears her throat, startling him, and nearly making him drop him phone, but he manages to catch it and sighs in relief. He looks over and sees the girl crossing her arms, a disappointed look on her face.

???: What are you doing, Jason?

Jason: N-Nothing.

???: Really?

Jason: It's none of your business on what I do, Ceres. Besides, why are you in here? Shouldn't you be on a date with Ouro right now?

Fauna: You can call me, Fauna, Jason. And yes, we do have a date planned, but that's not until later, besides she's busy heading somewhere to talk to someone, though she didn't say who. As for why I'm here, your sister sent me to check up on you. She heard about the fight you had at Kioshi's school.

Jason: Ouro is not my sister, I have an actual stepsister, an actual family. But like I was told by Ouro, I'm apparently not allowed to see her for some insane reason! As for school, it wasn't my fault, those damn bullies just couldn't keep their mouth shut about Mizoki, I had to be there for her!

Fauna: That doesn't mean you needed to punch them, Jason. You were lucky you didn't get expelled or suspended, and that you only got a warning!

Jason merely looked down at her NerveGear, clutching it tightly in his hands, seeing this, Fauna sighs before turning and closing the door. Jason stood there for a few seconds, before he laid down on his bed, as it was starting up, he couldn't help but smirk a little. The moment the lights turned green, he utters the words, words that he didn't know would put himself in danger.


He logged into my account from the beta test and was met with a welcome screen saying welcome to Sword Art Online. After a while, he opened his eyes, feeling his heart start beating with excitement, as he looks at his hand, and clenches it, before looking up with a smile.

Kurase: Hello world, I'm back!

???: Kurase!

He turns around, seeing someone he knew from the beta approaching him with a smile, as the two gave each other a high five.

Kurase: Kirito, about time you showed up, was thinking you were going miss out.

Kirito: You kidding? There's no way I would miss this. Ready to head out to the usual spots?

Kurase: You bet.

Soon more and more people started logging in, going from a small number, to a hundred, if not a thousand people. The two of them then started running through town, passing by a bunch of players, with some looking at the items all the shops in town have, though two appeared to be flirting, with one wanting the other to party up with him, but the girl playfully wonders if she should, and for a moment, Kurase thought he saw that one player who wielded a scythe from the beta, along with someone who looked familiar to someone he knew that had a dagger on her, but he pushes that thought aside. However, someone who was looking at some weapons noticed the two running into an alleyway, as the two continued running until the person called out to them.

???: Hey, wait up!

They turned around and saw someone running towards them. He stopped when he got close, though he appeared to be out of breath, as he started breathing heavily, as the two waited for him to catch his breath. Once he did, he picked his head up and looked at the two.Kirito: What's up?

???: You two act like you know your way around here. You two were in the beta test, weren't you?

Kurase: Uh, y-yeah, we were...

???: Cool. Today's my first day. So, could you two give me some tips on the lower floor?

Kurase: We don't know about that, man.

Kirito: He's right, we don't know if-.

The guy cuts him off by clapping his hands together.

???: Oh, please?! I'm begging you! Look, my name's Klein. Good to meet you two.

Both Kirito and Kurase looked at Klein with their mouths opened a little, before looking at each other, then sighs before giving him a smile of their own.

Kirito: All right, I'm Kirito, and this is my best friend, Kurase.

Kurase: Nice to meet you as well, Klein.

-Time Skip-

After heading out of town, Klein is seen getting hit in the nuts by a boar as it growls at him before turning away, he groans in pain holding his man jewels, as both Kirito and Kurase looked at the man, neither of them impressed, though Kurase looked amused.

Klein: Kill me now!

Kirito: Oh, come on. Seriously? You can't feel any pain.

This made Klein stop and have a look of realization.

Klein: Uh? Oh, yeah. You're right. Sorry, habit.

He gets up and groans a bit, as Kurase sees his health bar is in the yellow, making him sigh before he decided to help him out.

Kurase: Remember what Kirito and I said? The first move is the most is the most important.

Klein: Yeah, that's easy for you two to say. But he won't stand still.

Kurase smiled at this, before bending down, picking up a small pebble and juggled it in his hand.

Kurase: If you do your initial motion right and activate a sword skill at the right time....

The pebble he was holding glows red as he tosses it at the boar hitting it in butt, causing it to turn around and glare at Kurase.

Kurase: The system pretty much guarantees you'll always hit your target.

Klein: Inital motion?

Kurase: Here's an easier way to look at it.

The boar then charges at Kurase, who moves out of the way, before it charges at him again, as he quickly blocks it with his sword.

Kurase: Right after you start your move, wait for a little bit. When you feel the skill start to activate, drive it home!

Klein: *sighs* Drive it home?

He gave a small gasp, before moving his leg back a bit as he pulled his arm back and his sword began to glow yellow. This made Kurase smirk at him, before breaking the clash with the boar and kicking it in the rear, making a screech and charge towards Klein. Klein lets out a battle cry, as he dashes towards the beast, cutting it and getting rid of its HP making it vanish into little pieces, he gets excited and starts to cheer.

Klein: YE-E-E-E-AH!

Kurase clapped his hands, proud of his achievement, before giving Kirito a grin, one that was shared, before he looked at Klein.

Kurase: Not bad.

He went over to him and gave him a high five, as Kirito walked up to them.

Kirito: That was nice. But that boar's about as weak as slimes in other games.

This made Klein look at Kirito in shock, as Kurase couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at this.

Klein: Holy crap! You got to be kidding! I thought that thing was a mid-level boss!

Kurase: *chuckles* Yeah, as if.

They turn and watch more boars spawning in, before hearing Klein use another sword skill, making them turn to face him.

Klein: Woah!

Kirito: Addictive, isn't it?

Klein: I'll say.

Kurase chuckled a bit again, before glancing up at the sky, though his mind did go to Mizoki, wondering how his friend is doing. He was brought out of his thoughts when Klein started talking again, while also doing a few practice swings.

Klein: So, these skills-- There's a ton of them, like blacksmithing and stuff, right?

Kurase: Uh-huh. I heard the game has an unlimited number of them, all except for magic, though.

Klein: An RPG without magic? That's a bold decision, man.

With this, he activates another sword skill, his sword glowing red, as he swings it forward, which then made him start laughing in excitement.

Klein: Oh, yeah!

Kirito: So, what do you think? It's kind of fun to move your body as you fight, isn't it?

Klein: Ha ha! Oh, hells, yeah!

Both Kirito and Kurase started chuckling, before Kirito asked a question.

Kirito: You ready to move on?

Klein: Yeah, man! Let's keep going.

-Time Skip-

Many hours has gone by, since then, both Kirito and Kurase taught Klein everything he needed to know about in this game. They also worked together to take down some of the monsters in the area, which they gain plenty of EXP for. Right now, the three of them are seen relaxing, taking in the sight, as Klein is seen sitting down with Kirito and Kurase standing next to him.

Klein: When I look around, I can't believe it. We're inside a game, bro! Whoever made it is a genius. This thing's amazing, makes me glad I was born when I was, you know?

Kirito: It's not that big a deal.

Klein: Cut me some slack. It's my first full dive.

Kirito: You never used a NerveGear before today, huh? This is your first time ever?

Klein: Uh-huh. As soon as I got the money together, I rushed out and bought all of the hardware to play "S.A.O" Stood in line and scored one of the 10,000 hard copies. Guess you could say I was pretty lucky, although, you two, were 10 times as lucky getting to beta-test it.

Kirito/Kurase: Hmm?

Klein: Dudes, only a thousand people got the chance.

Kurase: Yeah, I guess it was lucky we got the chance, I suppose.

Klein: Hey, mind if I ask how far you two got in the beta?

Kirito: Eh, two months and we couldn't get further than floor 8.

This made Kurase smirk, as he wrapped an arm around Kirito with a confident smirk.

Kurase: But now, we can get there in a month, easy.

Klein: Sounds to me like you guys are really into this.

Kirito: For me, definitely.

Kurase: Same here. Well, that and more I guess you could say. *unsheahtes sword* During the beat test, SAO was the only thing on my mind, day and night. In this world, a single blade can take you anywhere you want to go. And even though it's a virtual world, I feel more alive in here than I ever did in the real one.... Because in this world.... I feel like I can truly be myself....

He then scoffs and sheathes his sword back, as Kirito gave him a playful punch to his shoulder, before glancing down to Klein.

Kirito: Anyway, you want to go do some more hunting.

Klein: Oh, you know it. But the thing is...

At this point, Klein stomach started to growl, making both Kirito and Kurase blink, as he held it.

Klein:... I'm really hungry. I have to log out.

Kurase: Too bad the food you eat here only satisfies your hunger virtually.

Klein: *turns and gives a thumbs up* Yeah, for reals. That's why I ordered a pizza for 5:30.

Kurase: Damn, talk about being prepared.

Klein: You know it. Besides, the game can wait until I get my pizza on.

Kirito: I guess.

Kurase rolled his eyes, a smile on his face, though he couldn't help but feel a little hungry as well, thinking he'll play for a few more minutes, probably an hour or two, and then get something to eat. Klein then gets off the ground and steps near the two.

Klein: Hey, I was gonna go meet up with some people I know from another game. I don't know what you two are up to after this, so, you know, if you want, you can friend them and hang with us.

At this, both the boys opened their mouths to speak, only to close it and look away, neither of them looking comfortable with the idea, something Klein picks up as he quickly reassures them.

Klein: No, it's cool if you don't want to. No pressure. I can always introduce you two to them another time or something.

Kirito: Yeah, sorry. Thanks anyway.

Klein: No way, I should be doing all the thanking. Hey, one of these days, I promise I'll pay you guys back for all your help-- Virtually that is.

Kirito: Yeah, right.

Klein: Thanks for everything, guys, really. Guess I'll see you around, then.

He extends his hand out for them, as Kurase slowly reached out, before grabbing it, shaking his hand.

Kurase: If there's anything else you want to know, message us.

Klein: Sweet! I'll do that.

He then gave them a chuckle while waving at them, before opening his menu to log out, as both boys smiled at him. However, before they could leave and do more monster hunting, they heard Klein spoke up, confused.

Klein: Huh? Where'd the logout button go?

Kirito: It should be there.

Klein: Hmm. No, it's not there.

Kurase: Odd, it should be at the bottom of the main menu. Here, let me take a-.

To his utter confusion, the logout button was no longer there, which didn't make any sense, as he could have sworn it was there, Kirito did the same, opening his menu to find the logout button missing.

Klein: See? Not there.

Kirito: You're right. It's not.

Klein: Oh, well. Today's, what, the first day out of beta? There's bound to be some bugs, I bet the server people are freaking out right now.

Kurase: And they won't be the only ones, you're going to be freaking out as well.

Klein: Huh?

Both of them pointed at where the clock is at, showing the time.

Kirito: Look, it's 5:25.


Kurase: Interesting pizza choice aside, why don't you just contact the game master?

Klein: Huh? Yeah, I did that, but nothing's happening. He's not picking up. Do either of you know if there's another way to log out of this thing?

Kurase: Hmm. No, whenever a player wants to log out of "S.A.O.", the only way they can do it is by going through the menu.

Klein: That can't be right. There's got to be some other way out. Return! Log out! Escape!

He started doing a bunch of weird movements, as if one of them would allow him to log out, but nothing happened.

Kurase: Told you so. And there was no emergency logout in the manual, either.

Klein: No way. You're kidding. I know-!

He then started his head, pulling it up.

Klein: I'll just rip the NerveGear off my head.

Kirito: Don't bother. Once you're hooked in, you can't move your body in the real world anymore. The NerveGear intercepts all the commands you give from inside the game using an interface built into the rig.

Klein: Seriously? So, now we got to wait until someone gets around to fixing the bug?

Kirito: That or until someone in the real world comes along and takes the NerveGear off us. That's it.

Klein: Well, I live alone. What about you two?

Kurase: I got my parents, but they're busy at work, and I got an older sister.

Kirito: Same, I got a mom and a sister, and I'm pretty sure they'll notice by dinnertime and come looking-.

Before he could finish, Klein ran up to him and grabbed his right shoulder with his left hand, and grabbed Kurase's left shoulder with his right hand, looking oddly eager.

Klein: You two got a sister? How old are they? What are they like?

Kirito: Mine is into sports and hates games, and she's totally not your type, man.

Kurase: And mine is already spoken for, she also hates games, and prefers singing, definitely not your type either. Neither of them would date a gamer if he's the last guy-.

Klein: Who cares? I want to-!

Annoyed, if not slightly protective, which shocked Kurase, he kneed Klein in the balls, making him reel in pain, before realizing he didn't feel any.

Klein: Oh, right-- Getting kicked in the balls doesn't hurt.

Kurase: Get serious. Don't you think this is weird?

Klein: Yeah, totally, but it's just a bug.

Kirito: This isn't just a bug. If we can't log out, it's gonna cause some serious problems for the game.

Klein: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Kurase: I wonder if the developers even know what's happening, cause they could just shut down the server and log everyone out. But why haven't they made an announcement? *thinks* There's only one explanation, but I really hope it isn't, cause if it is, then why?

Klein looked at them in shock, before looking tense, also wondering the same thing. Before they could think about it more, each of them started hearing a bell go off, making them gasp a bit, while Kurase felt himself tense up, as he started to wonder why it was going off, then out of nowhere, all of them ended up being teleported to the town of beginnings with the other players, which are still being teleported in.

Female Player: What's going on?

Male player: No clue.

Kirito: Kurase....

Kurase: I know.....Someone forced a teleport.

Klein: Guys, look up!

They all look up to see the word System Announcement in the sky, along with a Warning right next to it.

Kurase: Now what?

As, seconds later, a whole bunch of them started covering the sky. Then blood started spilling out as it started to form with lightning coming out of it. The blood stops leaking from the sky as a giant hooded figure appears and looks down towards the players, making them both confused and scared on what or who it is.

Random Player: Is that the game master?

Random Player 2: Why doesn't he have a face?

Random Player 3: Is this an event?

Female Player: I'm scared.

Male Player: Don't worry, it's just the opening ceremony.

???: *Raises his hands* Attention, players. I welcome you to my world.

Kurase: What's he mean by that?

Kayaba: My name is Akihiko Kayaba, and as of this moment, I am in control of this world.

Kurase eyes widened at this, with Kirito giving a small gasp, as both of them, including everyone around, knows of this man. Down below, the players were also shocked by this, but some of them were a bit skeptical about this.

Kayaba: I'm sure that most of you have already notice an item missing from your main menus-- the logout button *moves hand down and opens up his menu to reveal no logout button* Let me assure you this is not a defect in the game. I repeat, this is not a defect. This is how Sword Art Online was designed to be.

Klein: He's kidding, right?

Kayaba: You cannot log yourselves out of "S.A.O.", and no one outside will be able to shut down or remove the NerveGear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter inside the NerveGear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull, destroying your brain and ending your life.

This statement along caused each of the players to start saying how "this is B.S." or how "he's just bluffing", with some of them just straight up wanted to leave and ignore him. The Male player grabbed the Female Player's hand and tried to leave but a barrier formed preventing them from leaving.

Male Player: Ugh! Hey, I can't get out!

Klein: *chuckles* Are you two listening to this crap? He's got to be nuts, right? Right, Kirito? Kurase?

Kirito: He's not. The transmitter signals in the headgear work just like microwaves. If the safety's disabled, it could fry your brain.

Klein: Couldn't someone cut the power or....?

Kurase: That won't work, the NerveGear's got an internal battery, we could play for weeks and the power wouldn't go out.

Klein: Ugh! This is crazy! It's totally crazy!

Kayaba: Despite my warning, the families and friends of some players have attempted removing the NerveGear, an unfortunate decision, to say the least. As a result, the game now has 213 less players than when it began. They've been deleted from both Aincrad and the Real World.

Kurase: I-It can't be... 213?

Klein: No way. I don't believe it!

Kayaba: *shows live feed of the real world along with some news alert* As you can see, international media outlets have 'round-the-clock coverage of everything, including the deaths. At this point, it's safe to assume the likelihood of a NerveGear being removed is minimal, at best. I hope this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game.

Kurase sees a girl crying with her mother trying to comfort her, he gasps in shock before growling in anger. He then looked around and noticed that several players were now shaking in fear, the realization of his words now sinking in.

Kayaba: It's important to remember the following: there is no longer any way to revive someone within the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be deleted from the system, forever. And the NerveGear will simultaneously destroy your brain.

Kurase felt his body freeze up at this, as he gasps, visualizing a monster destroying his HP and killing him in both Aincrad and the Real World. The thought made him clench his fist in anger as he started breathing heavily.

Kayaba: There's only one way for a player to escape now. You must clear the game. Right now, you're gathered on Floor 1, the lowest level of Aincrad. If you can get through the dungeon and defeat the boss, you may advance to the next floor. Defeat the boss on floor 100, and you will clear the game.

At this, all of the players started murmuring to themselves, with some being confused on what he means by clearing the game, as one of them shouts why they should believe his words.

Klein: We can't clear all 100 floors. That's freaking impossible. Even the beta testers never made it that high!

Kayaba: Last but not least, I've placed a little present in the item storage of every player. Please have a look. 

Kurase sweats a bit, as he opened his menu, went over to his item storage, and saw that the item he had was a mirror.

Kurase: A mirror?

Suddenly, he heard several people giving shocked screams, making him look to see that everyone being covered in a white, including Kirto and Klein.Kurase: Kirito! Klein!A second later, he was covered in the same light, making him grunt a little. After the light died down, everyone was no longer their in-game avatar, but their real-life appearance.

Klein: You okay, Kirito? Kurase?

Kirito: Yeah, wait. Who are you?

Klein: I'm me, who are you two?

Hearing this, Kurase turned around and saw two completely different people than the ones he saw before.

Kurase then looked at himself in the mirror, shocked to see that he looks like how he does IRL, his blue hair and eyes sticking out. Of course, the other players were shocked at this sudden change, including these two.

Male Player: Son of a- you're a guy?!

Trap: And you're not 17!

Kurase looked completely baffled at the two before turning to Klein in realization.

Kurase: Wait a second....

Kirito/Kurase: Is that you, Klein?

Klein: Is that you guys, Kirito? Kurase? But how?

Kurase: The scan. There's a high-density signal device inside the NerveGear rig. It can see what our face looks like, but how does it know our height and body type?

Kurase: Remember when you first put the NerveGear on, it had you do this Calibration thing. It asked you to touch your body all over like this, remember?

Kirito: Oh man, you're right, that's how it got our physical data.

Klein: But this is-- What's the point? Why would anyone do this to us?

Kurase: *points at Kayaba* I think he's about to tell us.

Kayaba: Right now, you're probably wondering why. Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of Sword Art Online and NerveGear, do this? Ultimately, my goal was a simple one. The reason I created Sword Art Online was to control the fate of a world of my design. 

Kurase: *grits teeth* Kayaba.

Kayaba: As you can see, I have achieved my goal.

Kurase started to clench his fists, which are seen shaking, as he glared at the creator of SAO with burning hate in his eyes.

Kayaba: This marks the end of the tutorial and the official launch of Sword Art Online. Players, I wish you the best of luck.

Soon he started glitching as static sounds were heard, then he turned into smoke as the sky went back to normal. Kurase's eyes were shadowed as he opened his right hand and saw actual blood spill from his thumb, the reality of the situation now sinking into HIM.

Kurase: *thinks* It's not a game. It's real. Akihiko Kayaba created a virtual world. He designed the NerveGear rig. The man's a genius. I've been a fan of his for a long time, so I know everything he just said is the truth. If I die in the game, I'll die in real life!

A mirror shattering echoes throughout the plaza.

???: My god! NO!

This ends up making everyone start to panic as they scream in both outrage and fear, some syaing they have a meeting after this, with some wondering what did they ever do to him.  However, none of them noticed the barrier keeping them there was gone. Kurase, however, saw this and grabbed Klein's hand, snapping the man out of it and dragged him into an alleyway, with Kirito following right behind them.

Kurase:  Okay, listen-- I'm heading out right now for the next village. I want you guys to come with.

Kirito nodded his head, showing that he'll follow, but Klein just appeared lost and confused.

Klein: Huh?

Kurase: If what he said is true-- and it is-- the only way we can survive in here is by making ourselves as strong as possible. In an MMORPG, the money you can earn-- the exp-- once the game starts up, there's only so much of that stuff to go around.

He then opened up his menu and showed him a map.

Kurase: Look the fields around the town of beginnings are gonna be hunting clean soon. If we head to the next village now, we'll have an easier time collecting cash and points. Don't worry. Me and Kirito know all the paths and places we should avoid. Even if I'm level 1, I can get there easy.

Klein: Thanks, but you know those friends of mine I was telling you guys about? We stood in line for a whole night to buy this, and they're back at the plaza somewhere. And I can't leave 'em.

Kurase narrowed his eyes, before he glanced at his level and started to think.

Kurase: *thinks* If it were just Matix and Kein, but two more or even one.

He looked and noticed Kirito thinking the same thing, but before they could make a decision.

Klein: Sorry. Can't ask two guys I just met to risk their life for a bunch of strangers, can I? So, don't worry about me. Both of you get your ass to the next village. I'll be fine. Last game I played, I ran a guild, so I'm more than prepared. And with all the stuff you guys taught me, I'll get by, no sweat.

Kurase: *looking unsure* Alright. If that's what you want, we'll get going. But if you're in a jam message us, okay?

Klein: Sure. 

Kirito: We'll be seeing you, Klein. Take care.

He turns away from him, as the two prepares to walk away, however, before they could even get far.

Klein: Kirito! Kurase!

Hearing him call out their name made them stop, wondering what he wanted. Klein stood there and opened his mouth a few times, trying to think of something to say but nothing came out. Just as he was about to walk off again, his voice rang out

Klein: Hey, Kirito... Kurase... Uh you two look better like this-- Way cooler than your avatar.

This made them look surprised, before Kurase scoffs and gives him a grin.

Kurase: Yeah, and we think that scruffy face fits you 10 times better, too.

They both turn and started to job a little, but Kurase slows down a bit before he stops to see both that Klein is gone. He looked shocked for a moment before turning away as tears fell from his eyes as he started running, catching up to Kirito, the two of them running through town, and exiting the gate, panting. As they were running, Kurase flashed back to the mother and girl, now imagining them as his adoptive parents comforting Kronii, with Skylar, Chris, Yamina, Mizu, and Yuna there with them, but one face appeared in his mind that he imagines is trying to get past the police, with them holding her back, making him grit his teeth in anger. Two wolves spawned in front of the path they took as they pulled their sword out, with the two letting out a battle cry.

Kurase: *thinks* We got this. We can do this! This world can't beat me!

With a leap, they both slashed the wolves, shattering it to pixels.

Kurase: *thinks* We will survive!

Gritting his teeth, Kurase gave off one more battle cry, before continuing to run to the next village with Kirito right beside him.








































In the game's first month, 2,000 players died. Floor 1 has yet to be cleared.

-To Be Continued-

Kurase: Next time: Beaters.


(Ayy, first chapter is out now for all! Please remember to follow PhoenixTMC, as he will release his version of the story done in his OC's perspective. Also, next few chapters will be a while before release, as I plan on writing the first two progressive movies in this story, so expect to see that. With that said, have a great night and I'll see you all later, peace!)

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