Teen Fiction Results
We had lots of judges on this genre!
The Teen Fic head judge was achudasama1 who was very helpful in coordinating the other two judges and did an excellent job with their own reviews! Very well done to you and thank you for being so helpful throughout the entire contest.
We also had jdfanff who sent me perfect results - albeit making me wait until the last day! Well done to you too, you did very well in both rounds :)
Finally smile707 also did a good job although I had to ask you to produce longer work. However, when I give you clear guidelines you worked well.
Backup judges were ruthxanadu, mute_slytherin and uniqueread.
Aleana by jesuslover001 - 27.5/30 (original) / 28/30 (modified)
The girl in the cover is really pretty and draws attention but I don't feel the book from the cover. I would try something else. The title is nice, an exotic name, I actually googled it and it's very accurate to the story.
Now the blurb, it didn't give me any clue on how the book was going to be, I read it and expected a cold woman and she turned out to be a sweet girl. If she's supposed to become cold later on, you should mention that she used to be a sweet girl that due to difficult circumstances became a cold woman.
The writing is perfect! No grammar mistakes, the descriptions you give to the scenes are perfect and the dialogues between your characters are very polite, maybe too polite for a 5 year old boy, for example. Wonderful, outstanding, original, gripping plot. I loved it! Congratulations! I wish I could write a story like yours.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, would give it 29/30!
I really adore this book, one of the best I've judged. The cover is aesthetic and simple and the plot line is amazing. I love the character development and how everything matches up. Definitely will continue reading this after the results are revealed!
The Way It Was Before by raindrops_ - 28/30
A melodious story that orchestrates personal struggles, social ineptness, concerns with love and acceptance in a gorgeous composition! Beautiful imagery starts off the book that also uses narration and storytelling tactics to engage the reader. Profound thoughts expressed when it came to memories – Gorgeous dialogue and banter are done in a very classy and intelligent manner. Sarcasm appears in a few places that adds humour to the story without being too mean.Lovely descriptions of places and people flow within the narrative. Continuity of the story is maintained from chapter to chapter. She portrays the main character's thoughts and emotions in soliloquy style that is brilliant (difference between lonely and alone). With story telling expertise and great cliff hangers the plot is given direction and is set up perfectly. The bonds and interactions between characters show the reader how the plot may develop further. Plot pace is slow but acceptable due to the details, ambiance and easy read. Story told in first person perspective by the female protagonist. New characters are described within the narration and description of traits, actions and behaviour are added as well. Even imagery is used to describe physical characteristics. The female character's love of books is endearing. Seems the characters all have their secrets too. A pretty cover and good summary with story details and characters in one paragraph and then overall distilled synopsis of books themes in the second paragraph. Teen story dealing with social ineptitude, acceptance and angst along with secrets. Recommend: Some minor editing.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
Agreed 100% with this score. Well written. Beautiful cover. Enticing blurb. Couldn't find any grammar or spelling mistakes. Nothing more to add. It was great!
Futile by gorgeous_enyah - 27.5/30
Whatever you are selling, I am buying! This book takes a risk and it pays off big! Unique cover with a heart shape lit by electricity held by a male. As one delves into the story the title becomes relevant. Good summary with story details. Lovely start to the story with songs that set the ambiance for each chapter.
Great narrative skills and descriptions to introduce the characters. Humour is mixed in with a romantic feel, just like a scene from a sitcom. The writing has the perfect amount of dialogue and emotional quotient. It is natural in its flow and storytelling quality. To sum up: Phenomenal Writing! Interesting way to propose a plot in a fable reciting manner - Great trick! The plot pace is acceptable. The set up gives the reader an idea of the general story but there maybe many surprises that lie ahead. The subtle changes in the plot direction along with the forewarning leave the reader wondering and wanting more.
Characters' actions, thoughts and behaviours are described well along with their physical appearances. A very special writing style is adopted where the main character says what they believe to be acceptable but then readily retracts to tell the truth - Genius! The thoughts, banter and dialogues expressed and said respectively are hilarious (I laughed out loud!) - Very enjoyable.
Risky and out of the box teen story of disappointments, standing up for yourself, fighting for what you believe in and knowing who you are – complete self discovery. Recommend: Please stop using slang because it is taking away from your beautiful words!
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 26.5/30!
I agree with this score because it was really well written and grabbed you attention. I would have taken off one point because there was small mistakes but it was big enough I had to re-read some sentences go understand. Other than that this book was great!
Thursday by lauraliessometimes 29/30 (original) / 27/30 (modified)
To begin with , I think the book cover needs to be fixed and make it more eye catchy. Even though it is said that ''Don't judge the book by its cover ",but no one actually listens to it. Moving on to the quality of writing, I have many words to describe how much I liked it. Well written, stunning , captivating, amazing, unbelievable, amazing , awesome and much more. I am so attracted towards your writing. The author is blessed with the ability to write well. Describing the scene and emotions, literally everything are excellent. I am in love in how the story follows and there is no confusion while reading. This book really made me have a clear picture about the characters and I felt the book is realistic. I hope this story wins.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have been 26/30
Boring cover. This cover didn't attract my eye at all. Nothing about seeing it even made me want to read it. Great grammar. I love the amount of detail you used it made the story easy to follow. Each paragraph told me a part of the characters and their story which was nice. The first chapter was definitely one of the best ones ever. I like how you you gave us the background of the characters in this part without it being boring. I really liked the plot you really made it your own. The characters were so well done and they really made your ideas come to life.
The Side Character by _no_dream_is_too_big - 26/30 (original) / 27/30 (modified)
I like your cover! It drew my attention immediately. Very nice use of image plus colors. However, it gives me a dark impression, like this story is depressing or talks about a dark story, not matching your blurb which is very well written. Be careful with that, a change of cover might help attracting more readers.
I like how fun your writing is. We probably have the same sense of humor so I get all your jokes and ironies. No grammar mistakes whatsoever! Great job at editing your story. I love the plot!!!!! You have a gem in your hands!!!! You need to exploit it!! Very original and interesting since the blurb!!! Wonderful job! I am definitely reading this story all the way!
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, would give it 28/30!
I don't really adore the cover. I noticed you used Picsart however I'd like to advise you that you use it for EDITING and apps like Canva to add text. There are many more options on there. The plot is very unique and unalike to others so I hope the rest of the story is written well. Have a focus on each chapter. Whilst writing this, you wanted a good girl and bad to fall in love like a typical Wattpad story and have your main character be the side person. There's a plot hole as they usually hate each other and not bond straight away, eg the friendly hug they had in the party. Apart from that, it's good.
Road To Summer by sparktext - 28/30 (original) / 27/30 (modified)
Your cover is cute but there's something missing, the summer. Just by judging your cover and your title there's something that doesn't add up. I would love to see a picture of a sunny day and a blue ocean. Try changing it so it can draw the attention of more readers. Your blurb is long, you explain what the readers is about to find in your story, all the main characters are in it. However, there are too many names, it's a bit complicated for someone who hasn't read your book and doesn't know who is each character. I got lost while reading it. I would keep it to the main girls, after all the trip is about them.
I have to congratulate you on your writing. I don't think I have read any other detailed writer as you. You are wonderful at describing a scene, you give details that help the reader picture your scenery perfectly. I kind of envy you because I don't think I can describe a scene as well as you do. Maybe this is the reason why your blurb is confusing, you're just trying to give as much detail as you can, but that can be edited and you have a perfect book.
I love your plot, it's every teenager's dream: traveling across the country, just you and your best friend, conquering the world. I love your idea. The drama part that you will add is very understandable because it is a Teen Fic after all. Wonderful job!
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 26/30!
The cover is very nice and simple suggesting what the the book is about. The fonts really work well. The writing was good however really dragged on. I as the reader am not really bothered about ¾ Hailey's flight and a chapter on her dinner. Try and keep them a paragraph long. However, you may do this if you include humour as it balances it out. You describe the other character's personalities well but not Hailey. All I know is that she's a little introverted but I had to infer this (which is a good thing as you get the reader to think but maybe not so early on). As a reader, I want to relate to the character and know her. You can do this by having more speech bits.
VERY CLOSE RUNNER-UPS (it was a nightmare sorting these because they were all so good)
Twenty Days by airwave_angel - 27/30
The cover is very deep, there's a girl crying, which already tells me this is a dramatic story, the title is surrounded by color green which can be linked to the Main Character's name Emerald. Your blurb is too short, I'd suggest writing more details or giving more information to your readers.
You describe very well your scenes, although you only have one chapter, I could have the feeling of the entire story by the 49 pages you wrote. You made me connect to your story and there are no grammar mistakes.
I like the beginning of your story, it's very dramatic and original, I don't think I've read something like this on Wattpad but I couldn't judge your plot by just one chapter and since your blurb is very short, I have no clue on where your story goes. I am definitely curious but you may loose some readers because of this.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 26/30!
From the first chapter, I really like this book. It's new and different including uncommon themes. The cover isn't the BEST, it's okay. It's nice but not 'the one'. However, it only had one chapter which was well written (except the word mattress misspelled) but I didn't feel like it was 'enough' to judge as I'm still clueless about the plot. I enjoyed it but if I had more to read, it would have scored higher.
The Storytellers by nobodybutbaby - 26/30
Finally, an amazing story of teenage angst that has so much potential! Beautiful cover that relates to the title and the events of the story. Unique summary style. Love the concept of the summary, it is small sentence about each of the characters where the first sentence relates to their principle or first thought, followed by what is occurring, then the reason and then a closing summary either related to their feelings, outcome, conclusion, a question or an observation. So creative!
In very short chapters, the various intricacies, issues, insecurities, fears and possible story lines of the book are explained in an expertly fashion. The author uses different styles such as a letter or dialogue to convey the characters thoughts and concerns. Connectivity between the chapters and consistency in writing is maintained. Narratives are done well and subsequent chapter have great descriptions.
The plot set up and has direction that is all interwoven in gorgeous complexity. I look forward to hearing more about these stories. The plot thickens as we understand the character interactions and relationships. A teen fiction story that deals with very difficult issues in a sensitive manner. Recommend: Please continue writing as you only have four chapters!
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
Wow the plot was amazing. The cover was amazing. The blurb was amazing. I would have given it a little high. I understand the judge thought because there was a lot of dumb mistakes. It was by far the best in terms of plot, blurb and cover. Would have given full marks in both. With a plot like this one you have a chance to really get people's emotions going...so they should have used much more writing devices to achieve this. But still it was really good.
Fatal Passions by elegantartist - 26/30
The cover has a nice picture but by judging the story's three chapters, I am not sure if it connects to your story. Although, j get the feeling you don't want to make it seem cliche. The title is intriguing, I like it, it drew my attention. Your blurb is great, very detail-oriented and it makes your readers crave for more. Great job! I like how you described the scenes and your characters, just be careful with the spelling mistakes, try editing your first chapters so they can be perfect.
I like the plot, it's original. I like how you include multicultural backgrounds to your characters, that's wonderful. You're showing your readers that we live in a multiracial world and not all characters need to be caucasian.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, would give it 27/30
I really adore the diversity in the book but maybe avoid having every single character from a different ethic. The cover for this book is very weak. The image doesn't represent the story and you have too many fonts. Go to a graphic shop and request for them to make you a cover. It flows really nicely but add a bit of humour, it will make it better. Overall, its a nice book
Our Beating Hearts by lightning_stryker - 27/30 (original) / 26/30 (modified)
Can I just say that this story was extremely heartfelt? Wonderfully touching and warm! The writing is in narrative form that flows well and is easy to read. Descriptions of places and characters are added for effect. The dialogues are well thought out and flawless with honesty. Continuation is carried throughout the book.
At certain points the male and female protagonist's point of views are blended, which is a difficult to do without cut scenes but it is done with ease. The narration of both protagonist's thoughts were so poignant. Their insecurities, flaws, concerns and wishes are all amazingly portrayed.
The theme of the story is much stronger compared to the plot. In the details of the events, the reader can see the unpredictable twists and turns. Even though the events are ordinary, what happens during them is important and profound! Enjoyed the compassion and understanding between the characters depicted in their honesty and supportive manners. With expertise, it is shown how both friends feel that the other is perfect when the opposite is true. They are more like kindred spirits.
Monochromatic cover with a girl whose activities and emotions are hard to read. It does not relate to the title. Summary starts with a quote from the book that is quite profound followed by a brief summary of the book. A very important, thoughtful and wonderful message conveyed in this book. The author is using her reach to make a difference and start some important discussions. A teen fiction story of coming to age, self realization, gaining confidence and acceptance. Recommend: Minor editing is required. Maybe a cover that relates to the book.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 25/30
I don't think it should have scored this high. Yes it was written really well grammatically- but the plot did not make sense! I did not understand the time frame of things...I would have deducted about 2 points because it just didn't click. How old is she? She graduated high school and was in college? But the author described her as if she's older. She lives with her parents or not? I didn't get it. Because she said she missed home? But she was with her parents? I didn't understand the story progression...maybe because I only read 3 chapters Which is sad because the emotions was there- but it did not make sense, or maybe it's just me...
Sisters by Choice by themockingjay2544 - 26/30
Eye catchy cover and I liked it. No blurbs in the title or picture. The description of the story well written and that made me more attracted to the story. The author achieved in writing a clear description about feelings and surrounding. The paragraphs are organised well and it was easy to read and understand. They were very few grammar mistakes but it didn't affect the story much. I am quite impressed that the author have a good storyline but I think the plot needed to be much clear and the events occurring needed to be much interesting or using an interesting twist in the story.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
Eh, I didn't like the cover at all. For one the title covers all of the girls face. Also, the cover doesn't fit the title at all. If I saw this book with its current cover I wouldn't read it at all. I liked your writing right from the start. Your book went from humorous to tragic all in the first part. Can I just tell you I am impressed? I felt like reading that prologue was classic and unexpected. You have great detail in your chapters but I would add more so it's not two sentences per paragraph. The plot was so heartbreakingly beautiful. I hope you win a prize because this book truly deserves it!
Scarred by izzmasooma - 16/30 (original) / 18/30 (modified)
I wish teenagers spoke in a manner similar to your protagonists, but alas... Gorgeous concept of a girl at twilight with long dark hair wrapped in string lights with her hand outstretched. The font is too distracting for the title. Love the creative cover but not sure how the title relates to it. Acceptable summary with story details.
The writing is not smooth but understandable with awkward descriptions. Cut scenes are a little disjointed and hinder continuity. Some of the dialogue is awkward since people don't speak in that manner especially teenagers. The emotional quotient lacks as the author tries to use big words or a more stylized writing. Some confusion with the spatial writing. Most of the writing is dialogue heavy but no proper narration, descriptions or imagery. The dialogue when it comes with passion or ire flows well. Ambiance is being set and relationships are being forged. After all that build up, the plot transition is disappointing. Plot direction is missing where more focus present on the side character than the protagonist. The plot premise is great but there is no proper goal for development.
The female protagonist is mysterious and an enigma. Introduced to characters through dialogues and thoughts. Description of the character in terms of their characteristics, behaviour and action is given. Reality concerns: The female protagonist is afraid of being close to boys but is comfortable with a stranger leaving a letter on her room window sill - Unsafe. A teen fiction story with angst, mystery, finding one's place and strength.
Some recommendations : Please write as you feel instead of substituting complicated words and stylized writing. Please give some thought to plot development and goals. You may want to add descriptions, spatial movement, emotional quotient, thoughts or memories. Your dialogues should be more contemporary.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 20/30
The spelling and grammar was good. The plot looked like it was getting interesting the cover was a little...typical but nice. The blurb enticed me a little. I think this was a little harshly marked. I would have given this at least a 20. It was well written...but I understand some may find this a little typical...there wasn't really anything that stood out!
Enigma by awishgrantingfactory - 26/30
The cover is perfect for the story! The guy in the picture is cover by smoke which gives me a feeling of enigma and bad boy. Your blurb is great! I can get the main message of the story just by reading it and I know if I want to read your story or not just by reading it.
Your writing is very descriptive and that gives you plus points. I like how you write your dialogues. You make your reader feel as if they were inside the story and understand the inside jokes. The only problem is that I found many grammar mistakes like in the use of the Present Perfect Tense and some typos. I would suggest for you to edit your chapters or have a Beta Writer who can double check your chapters for you.
I really enjoyed your story, is one of the stories I intend to continue reading. Your plot is original and gives great example to girls who need some advice on hanging strong. Great job!
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, it should score 27/30
I really like the cover as the guy with smoke covering his face slightly symbolises 'enigma' however, maybe have a subtitle. It's great without it but it would be better with it. It will give more hints about your story. The story flows nicely, the characters personality showing well. Seems cliché so try and find a plot twist. Maybe include a bit of description and humour but besides that, it's great.
The Side Character by _no_dream_is_too_big - 26/30 (original) / 27/30 (modified)
I like your cover! It drew my attention immediately. Very nice use of image plus colors. However, it gives me a dark impression, like this story is depressing or talks about a dark story, not matching your blurb which is very well written. Be careful with that, a change of cover might help attracting more readers.
I like how fun your writing is. We probably have the same sense of humor so I get all your jokes and ironies. No grammar mistakes whatsoever! Great job at editing your story!
I love the plot!!!!! You have a gem in your hands!!!! You need to exploit it!! Very original and interesting since the blurb!!! Wonderful job! I am definitely reading this story all the way!
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, would give it 28/30!
I don't really adore the cover. I noticed you used Picsart however I'd like to advise you that you use it for EDITING and apps like Canva to add text. There are many more options on there. The plot is very unique and unalike to others so I hope the rest of the story is written well. Have a focus on each chapter. Whilst writing this, you wanted a good girl and bad to fall in love like a typical Wattpad story and have your main character be the side person. There's a plot hole as they usually hate each other and not bond straight away, eg the friendly hug they had in the party. Apart from that, it's good.
What If by skylarrosa - 16.5/30
What an interesting maze this author has constructed!
A great cover showing the effect of the northern lights in beautiful pinks and oranges. A lone male figure silhouetted in the dark on a cliff with the stars shining. Not sure how it relates. Summary starts with a dialogue excerpt between the protagonists. The summary is very detailed but confusing in many parts with information that does not flow properly.
The writing is easy to read and follow. I am not sure why all this detail is given. There is a wonderful thought penned about the protagonist's sadness and agony. The internal analysis by the protagonist after every dialogue slows the plot down. This tactic is maybe used to show pain, loneliness and mystery but it hinders the natural flow of things. The story has issues with concepts of contrast, disjointed thoughts and continuity that are disconcerting and confusing.
The reader is made aware that something horrible has happened in the female protagonist's life. Currently, the plot revolves around the female protagonist's first day of school. There are some mysterious aspects to the plot The cliff hanger and secret revealed in chapter 5 are done well. Giving background information helps one understand the female protagonist.
The female protagonist's inner thoughts and feelings with observations of her life are depicted. Most characters are introduced through dialogue. The protagonist appears depressed, insecure, troubled, alone and critical of herself. Physical characteristics are described in later chapters. Teen fiction story about survival and dealing with issues.
Recommendations are : use a different type of font to symbolize inner thought and dialogue. Please incorporate cut scenes when conducting flashback or memories with the present. Need to understand how you want to develop your plot.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
The cover was pretty. However I was confused ALOT of the time. I get the author was trying to create suspense but you need to give us something- it was very mysterious that it confused me. Or maybe it's because I only read 2 chapters. The main girl was different in a sense that she wasn't very likeable. I didn't like her at all- and I'm sorry to say that made me lose interest in the story so it got kinda boring. You can make the main a jerk but they need to have redeeming qualities that make you attached to them enough that you want to read on- losing you parents didn't justify how much of a jerk she was sorry. There is jerk and then there is just...JERK (she felt 1 dimensional) So I agree with the judges score.
Making Her Happy by raylenn98 - 22/30
So with this type of great writing, what direction are these rich kids headed in the story?A picture of joined hands with an engagement ring on the girl's finger shown on top amongst the green shrubbery. Acceptable fonts but the size of the two beginning words are too small. Not sure how the title relates to the cover or story. Short summary but enough story details present to maintain interest.
The story opens with someone's profound inner thoughts. A cut scene is used to introduce us to a main character's point of view. The narrative, dialogues and descriptions are very well done! The writing is wonderful with all its details. However, the purpose and reason for the details is unclear. Is it for the ambiance or plot set-up? No plot development even after five chapters. Again, events and characters are described but the direction of plot is still unknown. There is just a lot of details of the activities that the group does.
Both protagonist's points of view are given within chapters. We are introduced to the characters by the narrative, dialogues, dreams or flashbacks. The characters and their emotions are described in detail. Even male and female supporting character's perspectives are added in subsequent chapter. Reality concerns: I am not sure about real diamonds in chandeliers, maybe you meant diamond cut crystals? Bleeding in the brain itself constitutes head trauma. I don't think it is fair to compare Europe (a continent) to the US (a country). Teen fiction story that may be mysterious, not sure as there was no plot yet.
Some ideas : Please consider how the details given will be used in the story and if they are relevant to the story. Lots of rich kid cliches that are over the top.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
Loved the cover! So nice! Likes the blurb liked the plot. It was good with just minor hammer issues. I agree with the judge on the score because although it was solid it didn't feel uniq or different and kind of safe. And I would of like to see more writing devices used...but it's been edited so im sure it will get better
Dark Tides by porcupie - 22/30
A mysterious teen fiction story that you want to solve quickly and skillfully.
Cover's sky blue colour is very alluring where the sky and ocean become one. There is a couple frolicking in the ocean under the moonlit sky. Seems to be a painting that relates to the title. Good summary with story details enough to keep one interested. Dialogue heavy prose with writing that flows well. Cute banter is included which brings a smile to the reader's face.
The author has incorporated some imagery that works. Cut scenes are done adeptly and maintain continuity. Along with the genre of humour, mystery can be experienced as well. Dreams described in a vivid and graphic manner. The plot is being set up and has a mysterious element but the direction is unknown. However, the read is enjoyable. Some interesting twists have occurred and leaves one with more questions than answers.
In one chapter, the details and events came out of left field disrupting continuity. The author tried to salvage it, but it was so unexpected. Some character descriptions within the narration even a cat is described! In the narration, characters' personality, behaviour, habits and preferences are described. Very little information about the protagonist itself. New characters are introduced in a dramatic manner and some even disappear after their first appearance.
As the story progresses, maybe one of the supporting character may probably turn into a possible antagonist. A mysterious teen story with some interesting characters and events but the direction of the plot is unclear.
Recommend: Please have an idea as to where the plot is headed so that it complements your writing. When introducing readers to new plot lines and twists, think about continuity and story flow.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, would give it 23/30!
It flowed excellently. There was spelling and grammar mistakes but writing looked very strong. I would only say the plot was a little boring...- but I did only read 3 chapters. Maybe it will get better... the cover was decent.
Trouble Comes In Two by boredofboring - 23/30
Your protagonist may enjoy the occasional fright but reading certain events had my heart palpitating! A white background with various Clipart images. Some relevance to the title can be deciphered. Good summary that puts forward the story premise.
Flashbacks are done adeptly and no issues toggling present and past. The writing is smooth and connected even between chapters as every loop is completed. The author excels at narratives. Good effort with imagery but needs some work. The description of the action scenes are heart wrenching and graphic. An original well written poem is presented. Good start to the plot at an acceptable pace with all the events described. Cliff hangers are used effectively.
The plot shows good progress as the story continues and approaches the apex of change. One of the chapters was a filler with many events that had no significance and did not add much to the story line. The plot started with a bang and was developing but then fizzled and became slow. Getting to know the characters from the events narrated, from the dialogues and various action scenes. The main female protagonist has faced some perils and difficulties.
The antagonists' evil acts and despicable attitudes are depicted and leaves the reader wondering about the reason behind their atrocious behaviour. A teen fiction story with a great message against bullying, standing up for oneself, attaining confidence, seeking justice and dealing with life's challenges.
Recommend: Try describing places, people and emotions. It will add another dimension to your story. Think about certain events present in chapter 4 and 5 and their significance. Are they important to the plot? Minor editing is required.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
I think the judge gave a fair score. It had mistakes on grammar and spelling and the cover was a bit weak. The plot was cliche but interesting and the blurb was average. I think the score given is correct.
Things Happen by corabellina - 25.5/30
Who knew clichés were so fun and entertaining! A picture of a dock with yachts and boats and a couple's back facing the camera possibly in the morning relates to the book after reading the summary. Good detailed synopsis and it is to the point that incites interest.
Great narrative prose that has descriptions of the character's life and incidences with a small amount of imagery. The writing flows well as the character describes all the incidences of their past and then a cut scene is used to move to the present to maintain continuity. The detailed description of the protagonist's emotional state, various events, places and thoughts help set up the background. The cliff hangers are unexpected and well done. The story also incorporates some humourous parts.
The premise of the story is wonderful! The plot pace is fast, everything is being set up and the details give direction to the plot. However, plot twists appear out of nowhere and are wonderful in getting the reader involved. Some parts are far-fetched and a little clichéd but it works. Characters are introduced within the narrative and are described well including the antagonists.
A photograph is even employed to introduce some characters. What happens at the end of chapter 2 makes you want to hug the character as you feel sorry and embarrassed for her. Cringe worthy scene!A definite teen fiction story with humour and struggles of life in high school as one matures. Recommend: Issues with misused words and quotation punctuation. Please edit. Some reality concerns as it relates to time maintenance and presence of an unattractive dive in the middle of an affluent area.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
I agree with the judges score. Well structured. Nice blurb. Pretty cover. It did feel very basic in some parts as it did lack writing devices and ranges of punctuation but it still was pretty solid.
Six Months With Mr Popular by i_am_ifeee - 24/30
The picture is kind of blurry, Is try Canva for better resolution pictures. The title is good, it intrigues the reader, they will want to know what happens after the six months. In the blurb you explain why the six-months limit and although it's a sad story, it makes me want to read it.
Your story is great but you need to do some work on your writing. To begin with, you need to edit all your chapters, instead of having many short chapters make a good big one. There are many grammar mistakes and misspelled words, for example: "sour loser" instead of writing "sore loser". Be careful with those.
Your plot is fantastic! It's original, it's dramatic, it has some fun in it, it's great! However, you really need to work on your writing, be more descriptive, add more dialogue, proofread your chapters before posting them and I am sure you can win many awards, even get this book published.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES
The placement of the words on the cover isn't great. They are also overlapping each other. I assume you made it on Canva so a way to fix that is going to text spacing, line height and make the gaps between the words bigger. The 'a novel' should be ABOVE the title as well as a bigger font. Make your names a bigger bold font too as they aren't visible. Just to let you know, I would get another cover as that image is getting quite common here unless you edit it. The story is very stiff and doesn't flow. It's VERY cliché and the way the Jane met Hunter is very weak. Jane already meets Hunter in literally the first chapter so your rushing the story as well as the fact we don't have any character development. I only know Jane is a bookworm. Have a scene where we get to know her. As the story goes on, chapters get very short, write more or you'll end up having 100+ chapters..
Angel From Hell by oceanblue_1 - 19/30
There's a mistake either in the cover or the Title, which says "Angel from Hell" and the cover says "Angle from Hell" you should change the cover since it gives me a negative vibe and sometimes that's not what readers are looking forward when looking for a teen story. The blurb is too short, the reader doesn't get much information from you about your story which has potential.
I like your writing, it flows very naturally and I can feel the teen spirit of the story. Unfortunately, I found many grammar mistakes, try editing your chapters or proofreading before posting any new chapter.
Plot: I love it! You have a wonderful story, you just need to make all the changes I'm suggesting but please know that this story has great potential and that you only need to improve it.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : YES!
This book is rather poorly written. It is very cliché and rushed therefore I request you to re-write it. Honestly, this book will not give you fame as the plot line is common so either give it a twist or find another story. The cover is okay, nice fonts but no reference to the actual story.
Dear Ex-Best Friend's Diary by skizzzle - 25/30
I like the cover! It's very accurate for a Teenfic and the story. I'm not too crazy about the title, though. It's too long. Maybe try cutting the "Cameron Dallas" part. The blurb is perfect! You have managed to summarize your entire story leaving some mystery to it so the reader would want to check out your story.
The writing flows naturally: you describe some scenes and feelings that I can totally relate to, but you have some difficulties at describing a confrontation. Maybe you could read more stories with some Drama in it to serve as a guide to write some powerful, confrontation scenes.
I love this story for its originality. The shy girl has the popular best friend but he doesn't fall in love with her, as any other story, he actually leaves her alone and she gets to make more friends and even start seeing a new boy. Congrats! You get some extra points for the fresh idea.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 24/30
Frost by porcupie - 22/30 (original) / 23/30 (modified)
The cover fits the story and I liked the font of the title. No blurbs. There is a blank space found there in the cover , the author can apply a subtitle text for the story. Good description including metaphors and similies. Very imaginative and creative.
The author is careful in not making any grammatical errors. I am not that type who reads much about Fantasy books,but this is a quite good try.Good development in the story but the writer need to focus in making the plot much note interesting and exciting.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 25/30
The cover fits really well with the title! It's not a bad cover at all but I wish the title was bigger and that it maintained good quality. Okay so when I first started reading I was thinking "oh great, another cliché book about a girl hating Christmas", but you didn't give me that. Instead I was actually surprised that there were these creatures. Twists like that are what make a great book. This actually reminds me a bit of Mortal Instruments book 1 where Clary discovers this whole world of magic after meeting Jace. Going forward I would definitely add more details to it. Describe the scene with more imagery, go into the characters thoughts and feelings more, etc...
Fake It Until You Make It by bookwormsarah : 27/30 (original) / 24/30 (modified)
The cover wasn't very attractive. I couldn't get what was the picture and the font was covering the whole cover. The description of the book was good but I think the writer write the problem or the conflict. I think the author should write few questions in the ending of the description and not revealing the climax of the story.
The reader should discover the climax. Instead of saying that the father who she lived with wasn't her biological father. She should say something more mysterious or curious to allow the reader to open and read the book. The quality of writing was good and hood usage of varied vocabulary. I liked how the author shows the relationship between the girl and her sister.
I think the writer need to start the chapter of the story with varied beginning like using To+ verb For example : To get good marks, I need to study. Verb+ ing or with subordinate clauses . Subordinate clauses that starts with the words 'while' , 'because' instead of using the word ' I ' a lot. I think the author should also not use the word 'was' alot in other chapter. Overall the plot and story line flows was good and I didn't find any think bad about it.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 21/30
I wish that the beautiful font was on another picture or cover. The picture chosen just made it hard to see the title and author. I really liked how you started the first chapter. I liked that the reader knew why the mom was distant from Adelaide but she didn't understand. I like the first chapter but I wanted more things leading up to the daughter smashing a bottle over her mothers head. If there was this built up of her mom being aggressive there would've been a much bigger impact. The grammar could be improved and worked on as well as character development. The plot was original and I haven't read any of other teen fiction like it.
We Meet Again by sopheajehan - 27/30 (original) / 21/30 (modified)
27/30: Perfect cover suits the story a LOT! Grabs the reader's attention, but there's no blurb title. Clear and beautiful cover. The title itself made me much attracted to the book. The quality of the writing is amazing. Switching tenses were found in few paragraphs but can be corrected but overall it was nice. Coming to the plot, it was clear and I think the author need to make the story connected and linked to each other much more.
Does the head judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 14
Beautiful cover. I would definitely stop to take a look at the book. It was a sentence per paragraph and I disliked that. As a reader I can't fall in love with the story or characters if there are not details or imagery. Not only that but the grammar sucked. You added words where there shouldn't be, no commas in places that really needed it, and no capitalization in places. The characters were so, so flat. Literally in the first scene the two friends only talk about guys. I know nothing about the them other than they like guys. Its the first scene I should've learned more. The other following scenes and chapters didn't get better either. I don't even understand the plot honestly so I can't even comment on that.
Warm Hugs and Cold Kisses by njoying_being_a_girl - 27/30 (original) / 22/30 (modified)
Cute cover but the picture was quite blurb and not clear. the writer succeed in using varied vocabulary and a fascinating description to the book. very very few grammatical mistakes here and there . The story was little difficult to read and sometimes it confused me. I would like to say that the plot of the story was interesting and I liked the idea in which the author starts the each chapter of the story.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 16/30
I absolutely 100% disagree. This book doesn't deserve a 27. She rushed through it and some parts didn't even make sense. Also, the grammar was terrible. I like the cover. It fits the title and is super cute. My favorite part of it is the font. Your grammar really needs work. I especially didn't like you using ( ) instead of actually using a comma. Check out any of the writers shops they will help you fix your grammar. I didn't understand this at all. She called "whore" "slut" but why? I feel like before adding this to the book you should've addressed this beforehand. Again it's the same thing with everyone assuming she is gay. Even before the teacher incident it seemed like she was already thought of as being lesbian. You just rushed into these big ideas without any explanation to them at all. Good books work up to those things.
The Chosen Path by susanksaltos - 21/30 (original) / 23/30 (modified)
There is no blurb in the title or the picture, but I think it needs a bright colour to make eye-catchy to the reader. Your quality of writing was very good in the description and you had excellent usage of varied vocabulary. I think the writer needs to split the big paragraphs and move to the next line when writing dialogues, so the reader will feed it easy to read the book. I found a bit of difficulty in reading and I think that the description of story needed to be looked after. You had a good plot and it was very exciting, but felt that some parts of the story were somewhat vague.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 25/30
The cover fits really well with the title! It's not a bad cover at all but I wish the title was bigger and that it maintained good quality. Okay so when I first started reading I was thinking "oh great, another cliché book about a girl hating Christmas", but you didn't give me that. Instead I was actually surprised that there were these creatures. Twists like that are what make a great book. This actually reminds me a bit of Mortal Instruments book 1 where Clary discovers this whole world of magic after meeting Jace. Going forward I would definitely add more details to it. Describe the scene with more imagery, go into the characters thoughts and feelings more, etc...
The Mysterious Playbook by giarene - 25/30 (original) / 21/30 (modified)
The cover suits the story well. Clear title and picture. Attractive and I liked it even though it looks simple. The quality of writing was quite good, I think it needs much varied vocabulary and description to help the reader to be more imaginative. The difficulty I had problem with was switching the tenses.Metaphor and similes needed to be used. I am so impressed about how much the author was good at writing a description for the story and build about curiosity. Very interesting and amazing plot. I read more chapters than the amount of the chapters I was told to read. I LOVED the storyline.
Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, should have scored 16/30
I don't like the cover. It looks like it has a bunch of random stuff with a title on it. I strongly advise going to a graphic shop. You did have some grammar issues. To avoid those silly mistakes just reread before publishing. The characters felt flat. After reading I knew nothing about them except their name. I felt like the there wasn't a lot between the dialogue like there should be. The plot was a boring to me. Even when it was supposed to get interesting with the two finding the diary it just wasn't because you quickly rushed through it. I mean I felt like the plot was just moving so slow that any interest I had was gone by chapter 1.
The Diaries of a So-Called Tomboy by thatrandomfangirl04 - book was deleted or taken down
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