Frost Fragments

Hi. *doges pottery flying their way* Yes, yes. It's been a while. Truth be told, I forgot this fic existed which is a crime of itself since I love this fic to peices. But you wanna know what the real crime is?

I had this chapter written for a long time. I know! I can hear your boos from here! I legit thought that I had this chapter uploaded, but nope! I didn't!

Point is, since the last chapter I uploaded, I've gotten better at writing and started almost exclusively doing 3erd person. So I improved this chapter as much as I could without rewriting the whole thing and changed this and what I have of the next chapter to 3erd Person.

All future updates should be better quality. I just need to be able to finish the next chapter. What I've done for the previous chapters is read along the book and figure out what to add, what I can leave out, and what I should do durring time skips, but I'm stuck in the middle of a scean. After you read this, feel free to comment what you want to see in the next or future chapters and I might add it!

Anyway, hope it was worth the wait!

It was time and Jack was waiting for everyone to come to his office. Jack was paiseing back and forth until a hole appeared in the corner and Bunny came out of it, hole closing behind him. “Ello Mate.”

Jack smiled, “Good to see ya Kangaroo.”

Bunny rolled his eyes and sat down. “How important is this anyway?”

He simply shrugged, “Well it’s something you all have been asking for. If you don’t want to stay after a while, you’re free to go.”

The rest of the Guardians came, each in their own way, shortly followed by Harry, Ron, Jamie, Fred, George, and Hermione. When Jack invited Harry and Ron, they asked if Hermione could come too. Something's, if you do them together, you can't help but be friends afterwards. Facing a full grown Troll was one of them.

Once everyone arrived, they looked at the winter spirit with expectant faces. The twins seemed excited.

He took a breath. "So, quick confession to get everyone up to date who isn't already. I, for lack of a better term, was pretending to be someone else for quite some time while around the other Guardians. Once they saw through my walls, they wanted to get to know the real me and I found a way to do that but didn't want just the Guardians to see it."

"And what is this method?" North asked, curious.

"Come on out everyone!"

Ronri, Dõtoku, and Sõzõ-sei popped up like they normally do, startling everyone. "Everyone, meet the different aspects of my personality."

"Hello there people who are not Jack. It's about time we had introductions." Sõzõ-sei said dramatically.

"Hi kiddos!" Dõtoku said with a lot of energy.

"Salutations," Ronri greeted with an adjustment of his glasses.

"First," Jack pointed to Ronri. "This is Ronri. Japanese for logic. Any fact I've ever learned is remembered by this guy."

"Boring summers are great learning months," he said with a smirk.

"Oo! Me next!" Dõtoku said with enthusiasm. 

"You got it. This is Dõtoku. Japanese for Morality. He's my sense of right and wrong, as well as any of my many emotions."

Dõtoku smirked, "I also represent your unbridled love for…"

"Dad jokes," we all said at the same time.

Jack nodded with a blush, "I'm sure that quirk comes as a surprise to no one."

Dõtoku smiled. "Wow. Are there four of us in here? Or is it just me?"

Sõzõ-sei chuckled, Jack giveing Dõtoku a thumbs up. "Nice one. And lastly, the one in red is Sõzõ-sei. Japanese for Creativity. He’s my fanciful side. He also represents my hopes, dreams, and, this goes without saying, creativity. Anything I create comes from him."

"I'm still proud of what we did a few days before Easter this year. Remember that Jamie?"

Jamie smiled, "How could I forget?"

Jack clapped, "Now," he picked up a book and got comfortable in a chair. "You wanted to get to know me, here I am. Have fun."

"So, we can ask them anything we want?" George asked for confirmation.

"Keep it appropriate, but yes. You might want to expect different answers from all of them." He replied as he opened the book and settled down. 

"I got one," Ron said, "Dotoku, right?"

"So close, it's Dõtoku," he corrected, 

"What's your favorite dad joke?"

"Oh! Um," Dõtoku thought for just a second before smiling, "Why do flamingos sleep with one leg up?"

Ronri's face lit up, "Oh! It's an extraordinary tactic. In order to preserve body heat they…"

"Because if they slept with both legs up they would fall over." 

Everyone other than Hermione and Ronri chuckled. "But that's not the reason." Ronri said, confused.

Dõtoku continued, "You know how when birds fly in a V formation and one side is often longer than the other, do you know why that is?"

Ronri shrugged, "Possibly an evolutionary tactic designed to…"

"Because there are more birds on that side!"

More laughs were heard while Ronri glared at Dõtoku. "I need to leave."

Dõtoku smiled at Ronri, "Awe. What's wrong Ronri? Do your socks have holes in them?"

Ronri face plamed, "None of us have socks. And if I did, they would not."

"Then how do you get your feet in them?"

"Okay! Next Question!" Jack laughed with a smile in his eyes.

"Are you okay Jack?" Bunny asked, looking at me.

"Well, I'm tired, but yeah! I'm feeling great! This is off my chest so I feel like I can just relax and…"

"Well isn't this nice?" Fuan said, appearing beside Jack causing him to fall out of the chair.

"What the heck?!" Sõzõ-sei exclaimed.

Jack sighed, "Great. Fuan. Right on time."

"I'm sorry," he said with a smirk. "Was I not wanted at this exact second?"

"Here we go," He grumbled as he stood up straight and adjusted the fall themed kimono he wore.

"What does Fuan mean Professor Frost?" Hermione asked, wanting to know what he represented. 

He took a deep breath before gesturing to his, "Alright everyone! Please welcome my Anxiety."

"Your what?" Bunny asked, confused.

"Sup Cottontail," Fuan said with a smirk. 

"He's mostly manageable," Jack explained. "And it makes sense when he comes around when I have a lot of things to grade, I have a lot on my mind, or I get called to the pole unscheduled. But sometimes he just shows up. Out of nowhere. I don't get it! I'm just sitting here reading and talking with friends. There is nothing to be anxious about."

"Aren't those the best times for me to show up?" Fuan said with a smirk.

"I was literally just talking about how relaxed I was," he said on the verge of angry tears.

"Ah," he said and put his hands over his shoulders. “And that’s when you start wondering why you feel this way. You aren’t normally relaxed, so what are you doing different?” He titled his head to look at him by caressing my chin. “What are you doing wrong? What are you forgetting to do?”

Jack pushed his hands away, “You know, there are times I like having you around, this is not one of those times.”

“Why would you like having him around?” Jamie asked, looking at Fuan worried. “He’s practically Pitch living in you. Do you want to keep him around like that?”

He sighed, “Guys, Fuan is the main reason I resisted Pitch.”

Silence swept the room. "That… Makes no sense," North said.

"It's true!" Jack exclaimed. “Yeah it might be a bit unbelievable that my fear kept me safe from the person who feeds off fear, but he did."

"Who's Pitch?" The twins asked in complete unison.

"The Boogeyman," Bunny said shortly before asking his own question. "How in tarnation did he?"

Jack was about to explain, but Fuan put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. They made eye contact and Jack nodded, knowing that he wanted to explain.

"No one knows you better than yourself. Pitch can find out your fears, but he made the mistake of only looking at your greatest. For Jack, it's being alone. But Pitch didn't look any deeper. If he did, he would see that he's scared of hurting the people he loves. Fears being feared. With those fears, joining Pitch was never an option."

"You're making him secure in his fears?" Ron asked, confused about the whole ideal.

Jack shook my head. "He still tends to get a little overbearing at times, but I'm learning to work it out."

Ronri spoke up, "Fuan makes sure that Jack studys what he teaches to have everything that he does be completely accurate as to allow room for stories and fun while he can answer any question on his subject at moments notice."

Dõtoku smiled, "Thanks to what Jack experiences, he can help others dealing with both short and long-term anxiety. That's what happened on Halloween. Hate to say it, but fun doesn't always work."

"I never thought that would come out of your mouth, Dõtoku," Jack said with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Sõzõ-sei sighed, "I can't believe I'm about to say this. Fuan," he paused, "Well, he's the one who pushes Jack to practice all his different forms of art and creation. And when the stage is set, he backs off. Goes to show how good Jack has it. And that he makes him better."

Fuan blushed and hugged himself shyly, "Wow. I had no idea. I thought you guys didn't like me."

"You jumped to a conclusion," Ronri said with a smile.

Fuan became flustered and scratched that back of his neck. Then it seemed like sudden realization hit him. "Well, now that we aren't hiding anymore, Bunny?" Bunny looked at Fuan surprised. "You and me. Talk. Now."

"Hold on one bloody minute," Bunny started, but Fuan didn't listen and pulled him outside of the office.

North looked at Jack, "Are you scared of Bunny?"

Jack shook my head, "I don't think so. I mean, his hate for me is obvious and he was definitely scary when he yelled at me Easter of 68, but I don't think I'm scared of him… Anymore."

Sandy looked at me with an unbelieving face as different pictures formed above his head.

Jack sighed as he plopped back down in his seat. "You don't know what he's like when he's angry. Anyway, let's just do what I originally planned, and talk to my sides."

Fuan and Bunny came back in, Bunny looking like his whole world had been turned upside down. "You okay Bunny?"

He looked at Jack, "We need to talk later."

Jack looked at Fuan, eyebrow raised, "What did you do to him?"

Fuan simply smirked but remained silent.

"If I may," Hermione said to continue the interrogation, "Fuan, are you the same for everybody?"

Fuan looked at her confused. "What? No, I'm not the same for everybody. I'm Jack's Anxiety. It's different for everyone. We just know different methods that work with most people."

Hermione nodded, “Thank you.”

Fuan shrugged, “Yeah. Sure. Can I go now?”

Jack shook his head, “Nah. Stick around.”

He stood straighter, shocked. “You— never want me to stick around.” Jack smiled as he saw Fuan's hair become ever so slightly lighter. Not noticeable to the average human eye. Even Jack's enhanced eyesight that comes with being a guardian, he barely noticed it.

“Who comes up with the pranks?” Gearge asked.

Fred nodded, “We need to have a chat with them sometime.”

Everyone pointed to Sõzõ-sei and he gave a dramatic wave, “Don’t worry boys. You’ll catch up. I’ve had lot’s of practice. McGonagall still can’t figure out where the ticking in her office is coming from.”

“And you three can have a discussion later,” Jack reminded them. “Remember, this is mostly for the Guardians benefit.”

Sandy waved his arms and began to form pictures above his head. A jackolantern, Troll, music note, and an open book.

We looked at him confused till Ronri cleared his throat. “Sandy is clearly asking about Halloween night when you sang the translation of the tail of Ahtohallan.” Sandy made more pictures. “He also wishes to know why we didn’t go there and preferred to have Tooth’s help once you knew you had a past before becoming Jack Frost.”

Jamie looked at me confused, “You were someone before you became Jack Frost?”

Jack nodded. “I had no idea because my memories were wiped for some reason. When I met these guys, they told me how everyone was somebody before they were chosen. The promise to help restore my memories was probably what kept me around in the beginning.” He turned to the Guardians. “Ahtohallan is a river far up north that holds all the answers from the past.”

Ronri spoke up, “Going there did seem like the most logical option at the time but there were some problems. Such as the fact that even if we could miraculously find it, there was no guarantee she would show us what we need.”

Fuan hugged himself. “Plus, I couldn’t let Jack go if there was another option. I can’t risk him going too far.”

“What house is he in?” Fred asked.

“He never told us so we’re kind of curious,” George explained.

“Because I don’t know,” Jack told them as he sat back down, exhaustion becoming more prevalent. “I never put on the Sorting hat and I don’t plan too.”

Dõtoku smiled, “By officially being in a house, it could separate him from some of the students. We want to be able to help any student with whatever they need. What house he’s in could cause another thing they need to work through before coming to talk about their true honest feelings.”

More questions were asked and answered, but Jack contributed less and less. “Jack?” 

He sat up and shook his head. To rid the sleep. “Yeah?”

He opened his eyes to see Jamie looking at him worried, “Are you okay? You look really tired.”

He nodded, “Yeah. I’ve been losing energy really fast for some reason. I really need to find out why.”

Ronri sighed, massaging his nose. “I’ve gone through everything that changed from previous years and nothing should be draining him this much. There are an infinitesimal of possibilities as to what could be causing it.”

Dõtoku gave an oblivious smile, “Well, if that’s what we were trying to figure out then you should have said something to me sooner.”

We all looked at him confused. “You know why?” Ronri asked with disbelief.

Dõtoku shrugged. “I mean yeah. You guys always act as if you know all the answers so I'm surprised that you’re missing something this simple.”

“Just tell us!” Fuan said with frustration.

“Why is it so hot in here?” Dõtoku responded with a matter of fact tone.

Silence over took the room as Jack became aware of his magic continuously cooling the surroundings. “How have I not noticed? I’ve been constantly cooling my surroundings all day during class in addition to the halls!” He looked at Ronri, “Do you have any idea what could be causing this?”

Ronri shrugged, “Perhaps someone found the set temperature of the school and discovered how to change it. Then brought it to a temperature high enough for you to need to cool it, but not enough for you to notice you are doing so. This is highly improbable as you must be staff for years to know how to work the required magic. However, we have no other leads so we should look into it to be safe.”

Fuan nodded his approval. “Yeah. It will be nice to worry about one less thing, but remember,” he looked me dead in the eye, “Winter is coming up in a month and America still doesn’t have frost on their lawns. What are you doing, you procrastinator? The clock is ticking!”

Jack made a noise of uncertainty and stress and Ronri clapped to get our attention. “Now, Jack, Fuan, we’re gonna play a game. Name five things you can see.”

Jack looked around, “Um, wall.”

“Crushing disappointment,” Fuan growled.

Jack glared at his anxiety before looking down, “Hand.”

Fuan sighed, “Carpet.”


“Extreme exhaustion,” Fuan mutterd.

Jack took a deep breath, “And um.. Bunny.”

Bunny raised an eyebrow as Ronri continued. “Now name four physical things you can feel.”

“Fabric,” Jack muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

“Stress.” Fuan said with gritted teeth before sighing and rubbed the cuffs of his hoodie, “Frost.”

“Wood,” Jack said as he rubbed the arm of the chair.

“Carpet,” Fuan said, pressing his toes into the floor.

Ronri smiled, “Now, three things you can hear.”

“Wind,” Jack said, confused.

“Talking,” Fuan said with a shrug.

“Fabric rubbing together,” Jack said, not knowing where it was coming from.

“Two things you smell,” Ronri said.

 “Indoor air.”

“Cookies,” Fuan said with a sly look at North.

“Lastly,” he said, bringing his hands together. “One thing you can taste.”

And in complete unison, we said, “A bad taste in my mouth probably left over from the treacle tart Flitwick dared us to freeze before eating— and we did.”

Ronri gave a rare smile. “You’re here. You’re okay. We can do this. There are no rules for winter. Autumn won’t be mad if the frost is late this year. He knows about our work, and every year doesn’t need to be identical. In fact, it’s best if it’s not. Right now, the best thing you can do is get a good rest then fix the temperature issue.”

Fuan smiled and disappeared, meaning Jack was once again at ease. “You’re right Ronri.”

Everyone left after some closing remarks and Jack went to his room. Fun fact, the teachers rooms were off of their offices. (I had to ask my dad about that) Jack went in and fell asleep under the covers. They were enchanted to keep him cool after all. Then why was his power still draining?

*Behind Bars* Well, I'm not allowed out of here till the next chapter is written and published, so tell me what you want to see so I can figure how to continue it!

I read every comment so until next time, eat some Crofters Jam or something. Idk

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