Sisters and brothers of the womb Act |||

et tunc mundus noster finitur.

“It's cold 533” , I heard 512 say to me as he held onto me whilst the ground continued to shake , a child holding a child…when , what can you expect when there's explosions happening above our heads.

There are countless numbers of us , all of us subjects were forced down into these bunkers , it's huge , white with flowers everywhere and more than enough space for everyone, so spacious…

But there's task masters at the doors, the giant metallic looking ones , everything shakes every once in awhile. Sometimes our skin begins to glow red for some reason…reasons , we don't even know why we're here. 332 sits on her own under a tree, she's so pretty.

“533, I heard there's a building deep in the compound , wanna go check it out?” 112 Walked up to us saying.

“What do you think 512?” I asked 512.

“Sure, I mean atleast we have each other.” 512 said with a bright smile on his face.

As we walked towards 112 , a group of other subjects came to us all, 447, 331, 224 , just to name a few. I counted atleast twelve of us.

“Hey you two , mind if we all come along?” 224 asked with a nervous smile.

“Well well well, maybe if you admit you cheated in that game of chess we played three weeks , maybe I'll consider considering it” I smuggly said.

“You sour looser! You know full well I beat you fair and square!” 224 shouted while pointing at me with his right hand and laughing, we all laughed.

“Fine , fine , as long as we don't get into trouble.” I said as we began walking.

We walked through the crowded area where we were all hanging around together, then into the seemingly endless fields of grass and flowers beneath the concrete sky. For a long time all we saw were Infront of us , and behind us…was just grass and flowers. Until the grass reached out waists.

“Long grass?” 112 said in a curious tone as he crouched to touch the blades of grass.

“Be careful guys , we don't know what is going on anymore!” 447 shouted to us.

I looked out ahead of us…In all honesty the long green grass and flowers beneath the white concrete sky, looked beautiful…

We began walking in single file because we were scared.

“Hey guys look ahead , there's some kind of old small shed like building way over there!” 512 shouted pointing ahead at what looked like an old broken down shed. It had plants all over it , wood and stone? But it wasn't white.

Curiosity beckoned and we approached small building. Little did we know…

322 who was with us walked up the small flight of stairs and touched the wooden brown door , the door on its own slowly creeked open. He turned back to look at all of us. We walked closer towards him and hand in hand , we held hands and walked in. The door shut behind us.

“It's not opening” 112 said as he aggressive tried to swing the door back open.

“Hey guys , it's so dark , but is it just me or is this place alot bigger than it seemed to be outside…” 512 said as we saw what seemed to be a spacious lobby…but there was a chair in the middle. the chair was staring at us, it had no eyes , but it was staring at us. The silence was so loud it made my heart beat faster…

“Hey guys look there's a stairway going down behind the chair…” 447 said as he nervously looked at the start of the stairway behind the chair.

“...t-that wasn't there before…was it?” 112 stuttered saying with his eyes opened widely.

Somehow my body just began walking.

“533! What are you doing!?” 512 shouted
“What the hell” 112 said.

I tried to turn around and speak, but my neck and mouth wouldn't move , my voice wouldn't come out , I just kept walking towards the chair , then walked around it and began going down the stairs way.

“Yeah I am so done with this” 447 said as he turned around and began violently trying to reopen the door we came in through. But nothing happened.

The stairway was dark , almost pitch black , I couldn't look up , down or behind me. It was like I was just watching a recording , and my eyes were the screen.

“We can't let him go down there on his own!” I heard 112 shout to the others.

“Yeah, we can't get out , might aswell make sure we're all safe." 332 said , just after that I heard their footsteps following me down the stairs way.

“533 can you even hear us?” 512 shouted. I felt him touch my shoulder. But then something happened , I couldn't turn around so I don't know , but I heard 512 shout out in pain.

“He burnt me somehow” 512 said whimpering in pain.

“But how” 447 said in a tone that suggested shock.

“What the hell have we gotten ourselves into” 112 said in a deep and saddened tone.

I couldn't move to turn around. My voice was mute. My body just kept going down the dark stairway.
Eventually my eyes shifted and I saw an opening ahead , the room was dark , but as I walked through the opening , which looked like a doorway. Lamps of fire on the walls lit themselves.

I heard the others behind me making sounds of shock and huddling together.
The room was empty , except for one lone book that was laying in the middle of the room, I felt the heavy of the air .

And then my lips began to move on their own , and my voice began working , but it was not me.

“And now I will force upon you the curse of knowledge.” My mouth and voice said out loud.  Then suddenly I felt my entire body again, but fell to my knees. I turned to the others who were holding one another shaking in feat.

“Gu-” I said before being cut of as all of our eyes opened wide. Suddenly…I knew what reading was, I could read. I could know. I knew. But I didn't know.

Without a single word we all turned to the book laying in the centre of the room. We all approached it.

“What's inside it?” 512 asked.

I picked it up , upon closer inspection in my hand , it had a hard cover , and at it's centre, a circle with a vertical line at it's centre that never touches the circumference of the circle.

“Open it.” 332 said out of nowhere.

I opened the book and immediately everyone knew. The history of the world came out of the book, touched my skin , identified all with blood similar to mine and related information to everyone that had blood like mine , and what did it tell everyone?

The truth. That we're doomed, no matter what we do or say , we all burn in hell for no reason at all. 112 fell to his knees.

“There is neither meaning nor reason to this life, all is ash , all are damned, there is only death and there is only despair.

For after this , you too will also be dead.” A STRANGE multitude of whisper said before going as eternally silent as before they spoke.

I was horrified , my hands were shaking , the book fell out of my hands, the lamps went out. We ran up the stairway. The door that refused to open earlier , was now opened wide when we reached the top of the stairway. We ran out of the building, but as we were outside building. I saw 332 walk over to a pointy rock in one of the walls of the building. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to move, or turn away.

332 without any words slammed his head into the pointy rock, and it went through his head , breaking his skull , causing blood to ooze out of his skull and flow down his face , the wall and the floor.

112 twisted his own throat and fell dead.

512 walked over to me , he smiled , then with a sharp rock stabbed his throat. His blood splattered all over my face.

It was not that I couldn't scream , but that I couldn't bring or force myself to. Everyone was killing him or herself. I turned around and began walking back to the others. Held my arms , there was blood splatter all over my face and white clothes. I walked through the fields for what felt like hours , but I couldn't feel it. Even as my feet hurt,  I walked.

But when I was close enough to see where the other should have been…

beneath the concrete sky…there were mutilated corpses.

And shallow rivers of blood. I took of my shoes because they hurt my feet and walked through the carrion and flowers.

The task masters who were at the gates were dead. They shot each other in the head. I took a pistol out of the hand of the one who was on the left, and began walking out of the bunker. I walked through the hallways and up the many stairways. My footprints were red , because of all the blood I stepped in and walked through.  Hours passed as I walked through the corpse filled hallways. I walked through one hallway then stopped at an opened door , I turned my head to the left and saw inside the room, there was a little boy, barely eight by the looks of it , he stood there with a silver hand held pistol in his right hand.

Before my eyes , he raised the gun and pointed the gun to the right side of his head, then closed his eyes and smiled , Bang. He pulled the trigger and his brains and blood painted the white wall next to him as his little body fell to the ground creating a flowing shallow stream of blood, the stream flowed down to my feet. His warm blood flowed to my feet , my feet were in his warm blood. I turned my head forward again and continued walking.

I walked on for hours and hours until I eventually saw a light at the end of the hallway I was in. I walked to the light for what felt like an hour , the when I reached it I saw rubble , debris…dead bodies , flowers…

I looked up and saw…a golden angel and a red caped man standing in the air blades raised against each other. The angel was on a lower vertical level than the man who was standing in the air , both of them looked down at me in shock , as I raised the hand held pistol that was in my hand , and pointed it to my head.

Then Bang...

I  ended my own life.

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