Chapter Two - The Akatsuki Attack!
Tenten met up with Lee near the Ramen Ichiraku.
When he saw her, he said, "Tenten, I've never seen you wearing that before!" Tenten smiled and shook her head, saying, "Yeah, I know. I never really wanted to wear it for anything, but I guess now is a better time than any other."
Lee gave her a thumb up before saying, "They're waiting for us now. Did you bring the dishes?"
Tenten held up her satchel and said, "They're in here. Did you bring some food?"
Lee held up a basket and said, "I didn't know what everyone would enjoy so all I have is sushi, curry and rice."
Tenten giggled and said, "That should be enough. Come on, let's go."
The duo locked arms and walked together towards the woods. Tenten couldn't help herself, and ended up resting her head on Lee's shoulder as they walked. Lee couldn't help but to smile.
It wasn't long until they reached a small opening in the woods.
Tenten looked ahead and saw Might Guy talking to Asuma Sarutobi. Near them were the rest of Team Ten, seemingly nibbling on Chinese buns.
Tenten giggled and waved, saying, "Sorry we're late!"
Ino looked at Tenten and said, "You're right on time! I'm glad you could make it!!" Both Tenten and Lee smiled at her before joining them at the picnic. Guy said, "Time to feast, young pupils and comrades!! Let us dig in!"
"Now now," Tenten said, giggling, "let me at least pull out the plates and utensils first."
Tenten pulled out a few scrolls from her bag and opened them, releasing plates, cups, bowls, and chopsticks. Dishes were passed around, plates and bowls filled it, and it wasn't long before everyone shouted, "Itadakimasu (I humbly receive)!!"
They laughed and dug into a meal of assorted buns, chicken, sushi, pudding, vinegar-flavored kelp, and various ramen, rice, and curry. Tenten had a little taste of everything, but mostly went after the rice and buns, as they were a good combo.
As noon turned to two, the group had eaten a lot and chatted up a storm not only about missions, but gossip and training as well.
Choji, who was already preparing another bowl of ramen, looked up and said, "There's a crow flying above us. Do you think he's hungry?"
Tenten looked up and scoffed, grabbing a piece of chicken and flinging it up in the air. The crow suddenly swooped down and caught it, swallowing it whole.
Ino giggled and exclaimed, "Wow! He really was hungry! Tenten, is that bird yours?"
"No," she replied, irritated, "but it keeps following me around for whatever reason. It flew into my house and rested on my table." Lee said, "Wow, Tenten! The bird must like you in some way!!"
Tenten said, "Tch! He's annoying is what. I don't understand why he's following me, but I think I've seen him before, almost a year ago maybe."
Shikamaru doubtfully looked at her and said, "Tenten, are you sure about that? I don't think the crow would be able to remember you after all this time." The kunoichi shrugged and said, "I said I think. And for the record, you're not that smart to know something about a crow's habits and memory"
Shikamaru gave her a light smirk and said, "You got me there. Alright, so if the crow did come back, would you have any theories as to why?" Tenten looked up thoughtfully before saying, "I'm not sure. Maybe it lives around the area? I don't really know as to why it would be following me around."
Guy patted her back and said, "Well, even if you don't know why, don't take the black bird as an omen. I'm sure he's kind. It doesn't seem like he's hurt you yet."
Tenten looked skeptical. Ino giggled and then watched as the crow appeared before Tenten, resting himself beside her. "That's adorable," Ino replied, reaching over and gently petting his head. The crow blinked and relaxed.
Tenten sighed and said, "It's not that the bird is a bad animal... It's just... Well, I don't know. I just don't trust it." Shikamaru studied Tenten and asked, "Does it remind you of anything?" Tenten looked down and said, "Well... Other than a nightmare or so, I don't really know."
Asuma chuckled and said, "Don't think about it so much. The bird's not bothering you, so the least you can do is let it stay nearby." "Agreed!" Guy exclaimed, "It's rare to see a bird want to rest near a bunch of rioting shinobi such as ourselves!!"
Ino and Tenten laughed at Night Guy before settling back down. Tenten glanced down at the black bird before smiling softly. 'I guess he isn't so bad,' Tenten thought, 'I guess I'll have to name him. Kuro maybe, since his feathers are so black.'
The black crow cawed and fluffed its feathers, and for a moment, Tenten almost thought he overheard her thoughts. Almost.
As time slowly moved towards four in the evening, the group decided to pack up lunch. Choji had gotten more than his fill, but was willing to take the food back with him, to everyone's relief.
The crow had made little to no noise the whole time, and flew up to a tree the moment they started packing the dishes and food up. Tenten said, "I'll take the dishes back with me. It's no issue trying to clean them." Ino said, "Alright. Would you like someone to walk with you?"
Tenten shook her head. "No, I'll be alright," she replied, sealing the dishes inside the scrolls. She rolled them up and placed them in her satchel, standing up and yawning. "In fact," she said tiredly, "I may take a nap."
Shikamaru smiled and said, "Nothing wrong with that. Everyone needs a nap now and then."
Lee said, "Come on, Tenten! Are you sure you want to miss out on practice?" Tenten laughed and waved her hand at him. "You ruined my back yesterday; let me rest just a bit."
Lee made a sad face at her, and Ino laughed at him and said, "Get some sleep, Tenten." Tenten giggled and walked away from the picnic area; the crow taking off and following close by.
As she walked home, she kept glancing at the crow, and finally said, "Alright, your name is Kuro now. I'd call you creepy, but that's almost a bit of an understatement."
The crow cawed and swooped down, flying head level next to her. She couldn't help but to smile a little bit, even if the crow was weird.
As they neared her home, she caught sight of Kiba and Shino walking down the way. Akamaru took notice of Kuro and barked at it viciously. The crow cawed and perched itself on a lamppost. Kiba looked up at the bird and then back at Tenten, who was grinning sheepishly.
Kiba said, "Should I even ask?"
Tenten giggled and said, "Even if you did, I'd literally have no answer for you."
Kiba shook his head.
"Did you guys just come back from a mission?" Tenten asked.
"Yes," Shino replied flatly, "And it was quite successful." "And by successful, he means too easy," Kiba added in, chuckling.
Tenten rolled her eyes and said, "It's been a while since Lady Tsunade sent us on a mission. I wonder if she's starting to think we're incapable of completing one, even though we finished the last mission with flying colors."
Kiba smiled a bit and said, "Maybe she's just thinking about you. She knows as well as everyone else that Guy and Lee tend to push you too hard."
"It's only because we're a three-man team though," Tenten replied, a little irritated, "After Neji came Sakura, but once Naruto returned, it just went back down to us. I mean, it's not that bad, but we have to be more efficient as a team, you know?"
Kiba nodded and said, "Yeah, I know. Just... Don't push yourself too hard, okay?"
Tenten smiled at his concern and said, "It's a bit late for that, but thank you Kiba." Kiba grinned and said, "No problem. Speaking of which, where is your team?"
"At the training grounds most likely," she replied, "But my back got really messed up yesterday, so I'm trying to give it just a bit of a break." Kiba grinned and said, "Don't worry about that too much. I'm sure Hinata can fix you right up. She's at a Hyuga debriefing right now, but she should be done soon, trust me."
"They've been calling for her a lot now and days haven't they?" Tenten asked.
"Most likely," Kiba replied, "After all, she is next in line for the Hyuga throne."
"Correction," Shino interrupted, "Hinata informed us that Hiashi was trying to prepare Hanabi for leadership."
Kiba glared at Shino, who paid no attention to him.
Tenten shook her head and said, "I'll just be going now. Tell Hinata I said hi." "Wait, you're not going to wait for her?" Kiba asked.
She shook her head and said, "Nah, I won't worry her. I'm just going to go get some more rest." Kiba grinned and waved, saying, "Whatever works. See you!"
Tenten giggled before waving back and continuing on her small venture home.
Tenten yawned and finally made it home only to find two figures at her door. She walked up the stairs and asked, "Can I help you?"
One of them turned out to be Hiashi Hyuga, to her surprise. The other one, known as Ko Hyuga, turned as well.
She smiled with uncertainty as she said, "Hiashi... It's been a while. How are you?"
Hiashi was almost caught off by the question, but quickly said, "I've been well. I trust you've been the same?" "Pretty good, actually," she replied cheerfully, "What can I do for you?"
Hiashi hesitated before asking, "May we take this inside?"
Her smile slowly disappeared, and she nodded, opening her door and allowing them entry before her. Once everyone entered her home, she shut the door and locked it, asking, "What is it you wanted to talk about?"
Hiashi hesitated, but before he could say anything, she said, "It has to do with Yoru, doesn't it?"
Hiashi smiled softly and said, "That seems to be the only reason I ever appear before you, isn't it?" Ko glanced at Hiashi before looking back at Tenten in slight confusion.
Nodding softly, Tenten sighed and said, "Allow me to get dressed in something a little more airy first." He nodded and watched her as she entered her room. She shut the door, getting undressed and slipping on her usual wear.
As she got dressed, she overheard the other Hyuga say, "Should we really trust her with this kind of information, Hiashi?"
"She deserves to know," Hisashi replied quietly, "I owe her that much."
Tenten sighed softly, slipping her normal shoes and forehead protector on before appearing from her room. They turned to her, and Hiashi could almost see a hopeful glint in her eyes.
However, she returned to normal as she asked, "What is it you wanted to tell me?"
Hiashi looked at Ko, who cleared his throat and said, "Our Elders sent ANBU members to track and find Yoru over a year or so ago. We ended up tracking her down and found that she's been going from bunker to village, and back to bunker. She's never been staying in one place, and we were trying to figure out why."
Tenten nodded, looking at Hiashi in confusion, but he merely nodded for her to continue listening. She turned her attention back to him as he continued.
He sighed in slight irritation as he said, "As of recent, Yoru has somehow slipped under our noses once more. And we've not yet received contact from any of our members. We fear the worst took place."
Tenten gulped slightly and asked, "Do you think she caught them?" "
Impossible," Ko stated flatly, "ANBU members know what to do when they get caught."
Tenten nodded softly and went quiet for a moment. However, she soon looked up at them with another question. "What do you think it means? Do you think she could return?"
Hiashi shook his head and said, "She got what she wanted a long time ago. But I fear you and Hinata could be targets. I just want you to be aware of what's going on." Tenten nodded slightly and visibly relaxed.
'At least the chances of her coming back are low,' she thought.
Hiashi said, "Tenten." She looked up at him, and he said, "I will also have to warn you. I.. don't know what's become of Neji. I don't even know if he's still human or if he'd actually dead. But if he ever returned, just be aware that he might not be the same, nor will his intentions be pure. If it comes down to it, you have to be prepared to fight him."
Tenten shuddered and nodded, saying, "But the chances of him coming back are slim." Hiashi nodded and said, "Yes, they are."
Tenten slowly let go of the chair she was gripping and sighed softly.
Hiashi smiled only slightly as he said, "We must leave now. But don't forget that if you ever feel the need to discuss anything, you know where to find me."
Tenten smiled softly at Hiashi and said, "Yes, I know. But to be honest, I've been feeling great for a long while." Hiashi walked over to Tenten and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I've never heard more excellent news in my life," he said softly.
Tenten give him a grin, and he almost chuckled as he turned to leave. Ko cast her a sideways glance, and she almost felt the need to blush. She had only seen him now and then, although the last time she saw him, he had saved her life.
As Hiashi opened the door to leave, Shizune Hakamachi was preparing to knock.
They all looked at her in slight surprise, and it caught Shizune off guard, but it didn't stop her from looking directly at Tenten.
"All young shinobi are to report to Lady Tsunade's office this instant," she said urgently, her voice almost crossing the border of panicking.
Tenten grabbed onto a few scrolls, putting them in a case and strapping it around her shoulders and back. She then turned and said, "Let's go!!"
Tenten burst into Tsunade's office, finding everyone there. Ino turned and said, "Tenten! Your back, you shouldn't be-!"
"Nevermind that," Tenten replied, walking up and standing next to her comrades.
Tsunade cleared her throat roughly and said, "We don't have time for introductions, so I'll get right to it. A few members of Akatsuki have been spotted around various areas in Konoha. I don't know what their intentions are, but we can't have them just walking about."
Sakura said, "Here, in the village?! How did they slip through?!" "I don't know," Tsunade replied, "but they're not leaving." Tsunade stood up and said, "The members in the village are known as Sasori, Deidara, Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, and one other unnamed figure. Each have different abilities that may be a bit challenging on our own. We'll have to split into teams. Kakashi, Asuma, Guy, Shizune, you're coming with me to handle Itachi in the east."
They all replied at once, "Yes Ma'am!!"
She then passed out scrolls to Sakura, Shikamaru, and Shino. "Read them on the way to tell your comrades what we're up against. Team Seven, Team Eight, you'll be handling Kisame and the unnamed man with them in the north! Team Nine, Team Ten, you'll be handling Sasori and Deidara located in the west! We leave immediately!" "Yes Ma'am," everyone yelled.
Naruto said, "We'll kick their asses like no tomorrow; you can count on us, Granny- Lady Tsunade!!"
Tsunade raised her eyebrow at him before saying, "I know you will. Now let's move!!"
Everyone took off in different directions; some going out the windows, others sprinting down the hall, and some just disappearing in general.
All had the same mindset to stop a battle before it even started.
Tenten sprinted side by side with Ino and said, "Don't worry about my back! I can push through the pain! Besides, I can't be a liability right now; not when something like this is happening!"
Ino nodded, and Lee said, "Don't worry Tenten, I've got your back!!"
The shinobi jumped up onto the roofs, moving as fast as they could. Shikamaru opened the scroll and said, "Deidara, Explosion Release! He creates bombs out of clay, including birds and insects that undoubtedly move! We have to watch for that!!"
They all nodded and listened in for the other target.
"Sasori, Puppet Mastery! Not much is known about him, but like Kankuro, he manipulates puppets! We'll have to keep our distance with both of them!!" Choji said, "Puppets and clay! I think we can take them!"
"Yus!!" Lee added in, "They won't be any trouble!!" "Don't get so full of yourselves, you two!!" Tenten snapped, grunting as she jumped from one building to the next.
It wasn't long until they spotted an Akatsuki robe in the distance. Tenten said, "Let me test him!! Everyone stand back a bit!!"
They did so and watched her carefully as she pulled out a scroll, releasing the dozens of kunai inside and having it rain down on the member. He quickly moved aside and tossed what looked like a clay bug. It landed before her and exploded, but she got out of the way on time.
"It's Deidara," she yells, backing up and pulling another scroll out. Lee suddenly appeared beside her and kicked a puppet out of the way, shouting, "Sasori's here too!!"
Ino pulled out several kunai and flung it at a blonde-haired boy, who easily dodged them.
Several bomb bugs were flung at them, and everyone barely got out of the way. Shikamaru tried to halt Deidara in his tracks, but he always averted the Nara's shadows, as well as Choji's large fists.
Sasori showed himself, and Tenten felt shudders going down her back.
He looked as frightening as his puppets.
Sasori grunted and said, "Who sent these children out here?"
"Must be that old Lady Tsunade! No matter; this won't take us long!!" Deidara replied, tossing a small bomb that landed at Tenten's feet.
However, she didn't notice.
Ino shouted, "Tenten, watch out!!"
Before Tenten could react, the bomb went off, causing the roof itself to cave in.
CLIFFHANGER, BISHES!!! xDD Shiz is heating up!
Until the next Update!
~ Nimo
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