Chapter Twenty - Their First Date
Still looking up and down while you're being mysterious
I see really big things for us
We just need to break through, break through, break through
Everything that you say, god I wish I had said it first
And forgetting I had ever hurt
Your love is pulling me through, me through, me through
The elder Uchiha shivered as he rubbed his hands together, glancing up at the sky. It was getting colder, hinting an early winter. 'Summer didn't last long, did it?' he thought to himself, making his way up a set of stairs.
Behind him, another huffed softly. "Looks like we'll have to get coats earlier this year." Itachi nodded softly and said, "Yeah, I would assume so." He stopped at his apartment door, unlocking it and walking in, shrugging off his jacket before hanging it up. "Sasuke, mind getting the other two?"
Sasuke shrugged a little and said, "Alright." As he turned around to leave, Kisame asked, "You're going to challenge Sasori again? You know he's just going to beat you at any card game you have."
Itachi smiled as he said, "Ah, but Asuma has been training me, and he's better than Sasori."
Kisame chuckled, shaking his head as he cooked in the kitchen. Itachi glanced at the clock, finding it to be around six. "Planning to invite Tenten?" Kisame asked as he stirred contents in a pan.
Itachi shook his head and replied, "Hyuga Compound. She's relaxing with the Hyuga vampire again." Kisame sighed and shook his head. "Well, at least the tension is down now. It took them long enough, didn't it?" Itachi nodded softly, then turned to see Deidara walk in with a smug grin on his face as he said, "Well well, about time to watch your ass get handed to you?"
Itachi said, "Shouldn't Sasori be the one to state that?" Sasori shook his head, a red robe covering him as he walked. Deidara patted down his white t-shirt and blue pants before saying, "Hn! You're not wrong. Where's our darling Tenten? Will she be joining us again?"
Sasuke glanced at Deidara in an unkind manner as he walked in before strolling to his room.
Itachi said, "She's too young for you, Deidara. Give it a rest." He then sighed, cleaning off his glasses before slipping them on. Deidara said, "There's no issue in being friendly, hn."
"It's pedophilia, man," Kisame stated, shaking his head with a chuckle, dipping the contents into a bowl. Sasuke glanced at them from his door, inwardly sighing.
Ever since Lady Tsunade gave Deidara and Sasori the gift of freedom, they've been at his place almost every other day. It wasn't that he despised them; they kept Itachi and Kisame company more than any other shinobi or missing-nin could. But he didn't like how Deidara referenced Tenten or talked about her. It was becoming a nuisance.
Before he could think about it any further, Itachi asked, "Don't you have a two-man mission with Tenten?"
Sasuke nodded a little, breathing out. "Yeah. Not a difficult mission. We're supposed to go in and investigate the disappearances of young and middle aged females. We're not to engage, simply find out what we can and return with the info." Itachi smiled and asked, "When are you both departing?"
"In a week," Sasuke responded automatically, his mind seemingly elsewhere. Itachi shook his head softly before sneezing.
This caught the attention of everyone in the house. Kisame raised an eyebrow and asked, "Cold?" Itachi shook his head and replied, "It's just spices, don't worry about it."
Sasuke breathed out a little bit before saying, "Whatever. I'm going to sleep." The young Uchiha then turned around, shutting his door the moment he got inside his room.
Deidara shrugged and asked, "Hn, what's his problem?"
"Stressed possibly," Kisame mused, dipping the pan's contents into three plates. "I hope you and Itachi worked up an appetite."
Itachi smiled at Deidara, who grinned and exclaimed, "Don't make me wait all day, hn!"
Sasuke meanwhile, got dressed in a black jacket and hat, slipping on his boots and leaving via his window. The last thing he needed was any mini lecture before he left his own house.
He then sighed and turned to walk down the steps, only to pause when Sakura was standing before him. She wore a long pink sweatshirt and green jeans topped with pink rain boots. They blinked, staring at each other for a moment before Sakura smiled sweetly. "Hey, Sasuke-Kun."
He raised an eyebrow. Was she looking for him? He then glanced down at the bundle in her hands, finding it to be a familiar set of Tenten's clothing.
She noticed his curious glance before saying, "Oh! Well, she slipped and fell into a puddle earlier on her way back home. She's at my house cleaning herself. It's been a while since we hung out, so we've having a bit of a sleepover. Just she and I."
Sasuke frowned a little. "So she's alright?"
Sakura nodded softly before looking away. After another awkward moment of silence, she said, "Well, it was good seeing you."
She turned to leave, only to pause when Sasuke said, "Wait." He shook away any and all doubts. If anyone could help him, it was Sakura. She glanced at him, not looking hopeful nor was she looking down and depressed.
Sasuke glanced down at the bundle of Tenten's clothes before looking up at her. "Tomorrow, four in the afternoon... Dress nice."
Sakura looked confused for a moment until realization hit her like a brick. "Wait... Wait! You mean-!" Her eyes were filled with excitement. "Are you asking me out?!"
Sasuke nodded a little bit and said, "What else would I be doing? Hey-!!"
Sakura tackled him in a hug, laughing as tears sprang in her eyes. It was just a date, this she knew. But to go out with Sasuke Uchiha!! She'd only dreamed about something so small and sweet.
Sasuke resisted pushing her back, not that he found it annoying, but that he wasn't used to being hugged like that.
She then let him go, giggling and wiping her eyes. "S-sorry, Sasuke-Kun! It's just-! I'm-! I'm really happy you asked me out!" She blushed softly, grinning in the process.
Sasuke found himself blushing a little at her cheerful expression. He cleared his throat and turned away. "Right. Well, don't forget to dress well. I'll treat us." Sakura squealed, sneaking a quick peck on his cheek before jumping down.
Sasuke blushed and yelled, "HEY!!!"
Sakura smiled wide, waving and taking off. Sasuke snorted, rubbing his cheek a little as he tried to relax. What was it with him and making females smile for more than just his looks?
He almost chuckled, grateful that he didn't lose his cool with women. They sure were a handful.
Tenten blushed softly as Sakura's mother, Mebuki, brushed her brown locks. She shifted a little on Sakura's bed, making sure the white robe around her was tied tightly.
Mebuki smiled softly as she brushed, stating, "It's been a while since I've brushed anyone's hair other than my own. I'm not hurting you, am I?"
Tenten said, "Oh, no ma'am. Thank you for doing this. Uh, it does feel a little weird though, with you being Sakura's mother and all." She smiled softly and said, "It's quite alright. Has anyone brushed your hair aside from you before?"
Tenten shook her head a little and said, "No, just me." Mebuki frowned a little. "So you're an orphan? No boyfriend, hm?" Tenten blushed softly and stuttered, "N-No, no boyfriend."
She chuckled softly, putting the brush down. "There, I'm finished." Tenten raked her hair gently and smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Haruno."
She waved the young kunoichi away and said, "Any time darling. I'll leave you to yourself now, Sakura should be back soon." Tenten nodded and watched the stern but kind mother leave the room.
Tenten then sighed, laying back and looking up at the ceiling. "No boyfriend... No parents..." Tenten exhaled, shaking her head. It didn't matter. She had Tsunade-Sama, her teammates; that's all she needed for family.
But the thought of being held and kissed and loved endlessly...
She sighed, curling up in Sakura's bed. She had that chance with Neji, but it went almost as fast as it came. But he was gone now, so she had the chance to start a new relationship.
But with whom?
Kiba was way too wild for her, Shino was already captured, and she couldn't see Lee as anything more than a friend, a brother. And as for Sasuke, well, she couldn't see herself with someone so closed up as he was.
She got enough of that from Neji.
"I'm back!" Tenten sat up suddenly, smiling at Sakura as she took off her pink hat. "Sorry it took so long, I had to do last minute shopping." Tenten grinned at her and said, "Hey, I'm perfectly comfortable in this robe! What'd you go shopping for though?"
Sakura smiled wide, looking like a kid who got everything he ever wanted. "You'll never guess what happened to me!" Tenten giggled and nudged her when the pink haired kunoichi sat next to her.
Sakura grinned and said, "Sasuke asked me out on a date!!" Now Tenten was trying to calculate what exciting news Sakura had, but she certainly wasn't expecting anything like that! "Are you kidding? Sakura, are you feeling well?" Tenten questioned.
Sakura laughed and said, "I'm fine, honest! No seriously, he asked me out! I mean oh my god! I wasn't expecting it! And he didn't complain about me hugging him either!" Sakura got up, jumping up and down a little before pulling out a long sleeved dress that was flurry at the bottom and reached her knees. It was light blue.
Tenten laughed and said, "Sakura, tomorrow will be cold, you'll catch something!!"
Sakura waved her away and said, "I already have a plan. I'll just wear some stockings and a jacket and I'll be just fine! It will be a night to remember!!"
Tenten snorted a little bit and said, "I bet it will be." Sakura shot her a look at caused her to sweatdrop. "Sorry. I just honestly don't understand what you see in him is all. He's rude, still annoying, and he's so difficult to read."
Sakura giggled and said, "He's such a mystery, isn't he?" Tenten opened her mouth, and then shut it. That wasn't exactly what she meant.
Tenten knew that Sasuke, deep inside, partially blamed himself when he survived when his family and friends didn't. She also knew that he was lonely sometimes and that he too, was human.
Tenten watched the girl before her twirl about in happiness and smiled to herself. If Sasuke was opening up, that meant that she would eventually be sharing Sasuke's burden with everyone else.
But that made her wonder about the other thing Sasuke kept putting off. He had told her basically everything. Everything, of course, except one little secret he felt uncomfortable to share.
He said he'd share on the day of the festival, but crud happens right?
Tenten shrugged softly and shook her head, watching Sakura as she went on about how it all happened. And like a good supportive friend, she listened in to all of it, a hand mindlessly twirling a small batch of hair around her finger.
Sakura double-checked herself in the mirror, smiling wide as she buttoned up her pink jacket over her blue sleeveless dress. She then made sure her pink boots were nice and secure over her blue stockings of the same color, not relishing the idea of getting her feet all soggy.
Sakura brushed her hair a few more times in different areas, just to tame it a little before slipping a few colorful barrettes in the side of her hair. She then clapped her hands together and said to herself, "Alright Sakura, don't mess this up. Don't try and kiss him unless he scoots in closer. You got this, just smile and try and lock arms."
Her mother and father watched her with small grins. Mebuki's husband, Kizashi, said, "Knock him out the park, Sweetheart! Literally!"
Sakura groaned and exclaimed, "Dad, Sasuke isn't like that!" Mebuki shook her head, lightly tapping the back of her husband's head. Well, tap to some, but his head lurched forward as he groaned. "Ow ow! Hey, you know I was just kidding right?!"
Sakura giggled a little before smiling wide as the doorbell rang. "Oh, he's here! How do I look?" Mebuki clapped her hands together and said sweetly, "Like an angel, sweetheart."
Kizashi frowned as he inspected her real quick before giving her a thumb up. "Come back before it gets dark, you hear?"
Sakura groaned as she walked to the door, purse in hand. "Dad, come on, it's not like I'm going to drink sake all night and do something stupid." Kizashi's eyebrow twitched, but before he could open his mouth, Sakura opened the door to reveal Sasuke.
His hair was brushed back into a small ponytail, his bangs hanging out in front. He wore black jeans with boots to match, and a blue long-sleeved shirt. At his shoulders rested the Uchiha symbol.
Sakura's jaw dropped for a second, her face lighting up in a light pink. Sasuke, to her, was absolutely hot. Sasuke watched her quietly for a moment before clearing his throat and waving awkwardly to her parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Haruno. I'll bring her back before dark."
The parents nodded, watching as Sasuke nodded to Sakura before walking off. Giggling, Sakura followed him. At first she just followed behind him, but eventually made her way up to him, walking side by side.
Sasuke glanced at her before keeping his gaze straight ahead. As they kept walking, Sakura said, "Um.. Sasuke."
"Hm?" He glanced at her a little. She bit her lower lip a little before asking, "Why?"
"Why what?"
"Why did you suddenly decide to take me out on a date?"
Sasuke looked at her and asked, "Didn't you want to go out on a date?" Sakura looked down and said, "Well, yes, but I thought-" "You thought I didn't want to?" He interrupted, giving her a bit of a smile.
Her heart pounded against her chest as she blushed. "W-Well, yes. Why?"
Sasuke shrugged a little before saying, "Our friends like to pester me. That, and..." He rubbed the back of his head, exhaling as he looked elsewhere. "This is.. kind of a way to apologize to you. I know I've been an ass to you and this was long overdue."
Sakura couldn't help but to smile wide. "Who harassed you to go out with me?"
"The usual," he replied, snorting right after. "Naruto, Itachi, Shikamaru, Kiba, Ino, Kakashi even, and Tenten." Sakura raised an eyebrow. She wasn't expecting Tenten to hound him about going out with her.
Sasuke stopped walking and said, "Sakura... I still don't see what would make us so compatible. I certainly don't give a damn about people hounding me about it. But... I know I owe you. And you don't... Well, you're not..."
Sakura gave him her full attention, her mouth parted a little. Sasuke sighed softly. "You're not... Annoying. Loud, yes, chatty, yes, girly, definitely. But you learn what annoying truly is after spending some time with Rock Lee."
Sakura couldn't help to laugh at his statement. Sasuke held back a blush, but not a chuckle. '....Adorable...' After a moment, Sasuke shook his head and said, "Come on, let's get to our destination. The last thing I need to deal with is listening to your parents as they lecture me."
Sakura giggled, walking when he walked. Then, when the atmosphere seemed relaxing enough, she gently nudged her hand with his. Sasuke glanced down at her before wrapping his first finger around hers.
On the outside, Sakura was blushing softly. But on the inside, she was screaming triumph.
Sasuke took the young Haruno to a restaurant. It wasn't too fancy, nor was it too crowded. It was, in fact, perfect for their first date.
Sakura looked at the menu, frowning slightly at the cost of meals, when Sasuke cleared his throat a little. "Sakura, remember. It's all on me. Order whatever you'd like."
Sakura was hesitant, but once Sasuke gave her a small smile, she felt more relaxed and further inclined to take him up on his offer. After looking at the menu back and front at least three times, she was ready to order.
Sasuke, already knowing what he was going to get, simply waited in a patient silence. Once they ordered, Sakura breathed out softly before looking up at Sasuke. He was staring her down until he realized she was watching him.
He cleared his throat a little, looking away before asking, "Sakura... Why do you care about me?"
Sakura was caught off guard with such a question, but smiled softly regardless. "Sasuke-Kun... You've always been my crush for a long time. But after a while, I started to feel more for you. A part of me wanted to take the pain of you losing your whole family away. Of course, you never let me close, but... That didn't stop me."
Sasuke shook his head a little and asked, "Is that the only reason why?"
Sakura smiled sheepishly and nodded. "I really do care for you, Sasuke-Kun. It's not about rivaling up with any other girl or me dreaming about a cute fantasy. I... I love you. I always will." She sighed and looked away. "I understand if you don't feel the same in the slightest, but I want you to know that I will always support you and be by your side."
Sasuke nodded, frowning a little before relaxing his face. "I don't know how to feel about you. But I know you deserve this much for sticking up for me since the beginning... Thank you."
She smiled at him. She wouldn't admit that she wished he would suddenly reveal his undying love, but this wasn't the case. But, she would take it as it was and hold onto it.
Sasuke then gave her a faint smile. Before she could react to it, the waiter came with their food. The duo thanked the waiter before digging into their food quietly. At first, neither tried to start conversation.
Then, Sakura asked, "So... First mission where it's just you and Tenten. Do you feel nervous?"
Sasuke took a bite of food before swallowing and saying, "No, and I doubt she feels nervous either. We've been waiting for this for almost a month now. Ever since our first mission about a month back, Tenten and I have wanted to prove ourselves, actually do something without the Taijutsu Duo. But..." Sasuke sighed, rubbing his forehead.
Sakura leaned over, gently touching the hand holding a fork. They locked eyes for a moment before Sasuke grunted and went back to eating.
"With still no word about Yoru or any other Akatsuki member, I worry. I can handle myself, but I don't want Tenten within easy reach. Especially to that vampire." He scowled, eyes piercing and angry.
Sakura sighed softly and nodded, going back to eating. "I know," she said between small bites, "but with you beside her, she will be alright. You guys aren't going far."
Sasuke nodded, listening to Sakura's logic. There was no reason to worry, no reason to fear. Sasuke's free hand reached over, gripping Sakura's gently. "Thank you, Sakura."
She blushed softly, going back to her food. "N-No problem, Sasuke-Kun." He smiled a bit, retracting his hand and continued to eat.
Sakura watched him for a moment before smiling wide and getting back to eating as well.
Sasuke and Sakura walked side by side around the gift shops and stands. Sasuke had told her when they finished that he wasn't done treating her. Sasuke told Sakura to get whatever caught her eyes, much to her glee.
This time around, he held her hand fully. Sakura pouted and grumbled, "There's so much to look at, that I'll have to look over everything a second time."
Sasuke chuckled a little and said, "Don't forget, I have to take you back home soon or Itachi nor your parents will leave me be." Sakura giggled and said, "Alright, how about this; we split up and look around again. You know the stands I stopped at, so if I come back with no idea, you can surprise me."
Sasuke sighed softly and said, "Alright, it sounds doable. Let's meet back here, hm?"
Sakura giggled, stealing another kiss from his cheek before walking down the dirt road. Sasuke sighed, turning around only to pause. "... Ino?"
Ahead of him stood Ino, giggling and clinging to Sai as they walked. She was dressed in a purple dress with long sleeves and Sai was wearing a grey sweatshirt and blue pants.
Clearly he missed something.
They caught sight of him, waving and approaching the Uchiha. Ino half-shouted, "Sasuke-Kun! Nice to see you out and about! Are you ditching Sakura?"
Sasuke rolled his eyes and said, "Of course not." Ino's giggles stopped short as she stared at him. Sai, who was looking at a set of paints, tilted his head towards Sasuke. "Well... Isn't that something?"
Ino suddenly clapped her hands together and squealed. "Ohmygosh!!! You two are going out? I'm so happy for you, are you guys official now?"
Sasuke groaned inwardly and said, "No, we're not official. But you and every other annoying shinobi I affiliate myself with keep trying to convince me to go out with her. So. Here I am."
Ino giggled and cooed. "Awww, but it's a great start of something beautiful."
Sasuke said, "Don't start, Ino. Now. Excuse me; I need to find Sakura a gift she'll like." With that, he waved before walking past them, sighing in irritation when Ino's giggling didn't cease.
'Of all people on our date, I ran into her.' Word would spread soon enough, he knew that much. Surprisingly, he didn't mind it all that much. At least, for now.
Sakura huffed, making her way back towards where Sasuke last was. She really couldn't decide for her life. So, deciding to count on Sasuke, she made her way back.
She felt her heart flutter at the fact that not only was he taking her out and treating her, he was willing to get her a gift. It was more than she could ever hope for. A part of her wanted to kiss him, but she didn't think he'd allow her. Still, she didn't mind.
The night would end well and she'd go home with him hand in hand.
As she kept walking, she overheard chatter around her. "She's dating that Uchiha boy? I feel bad for her. He might end up leaving again."
"Oh Kami, did you see her with Sasuke-Kun earlier? I can't believe he's going out with someone so big-headed and loud."
"Why is he going out with someone so sensitive? He'd be better off going out with me."
"Great, the Kunoichi's finest is hooking up with a Missing-Nin. This spells disaster."
Sakura swallowed thickly, walking a little faster. Suddenly, finding Sasuke became top priority. She needed to get to him and away from the area she was in.
When she turned a corner, her mouth dropped. Sasuke was surrounded by young females, talking all at once. He seemed blank.
"Sasuke-Kun, are you free tonight?"
"I have two tickets to a play; maybe we can see it together!"
"Say, Sasuke, wanna spend the night together?"
Sakura gritted her teeth, refraining herself as she stalked towards the small group. "Excuse me!" The girls quieted down and turned to Sakura, who was five seconds from fuming mad.
One girl then giggled. "What, Sakura? Here to attempt to confess again? Just face it; he's not into annoying girls."
Sakura's jaw was tight, refraining from punching her.
Another joined in and said, "Yeah, Sakura, can't you take a hint? You're obviously not pretty enough."
"Certainly not womanly anyway, I mean look at her chest size?"
"And that butt too?"
"Just give it up Sakura, and back off."
Tears sprang in her eyes as her fists tightened as she prepared to attack, only to gasp when Sasuke made his way through the crowd of females, grabbing her hand and walking away.
Sasuke refrained from snapping, his shoulders tense. Sakura didn't dare glance back at the girls, knowing that they were in shock and enraged.
Instead, she kept her gaze to Sasuke as he pulled her forward. She could barely keep up with his brisk walk, and was almost dragged along. They didn't stop until they made it to a bench near the river.
When Sasuke finally let go of her hand, they turned away from each other, inhaling sweet, sweet air. Sasuke inhaled deeply one more time before turning to face Sakura, who was watching him.
She didn't look happy like before. She looked a little shaken, vulnerable.
He didn't know what to say to make her feel better. "Sakura..."
"I-It's okay," she said shakily, trying to keep her composure. "I usually don't listen to them so it's fine. They were wrong. I proved them wrong, so it's okay." Sasuke shook his head, approaching her.
She smiled at him, only to lose her breath when he hesitantly rubbed her cheek. "....Don't cry." Sakura blinked a few times, smiling at him but unable to stop the flow. Sasuke sighed, gently placing his hand on the back of his head, pushing Sakura to him.
Sakura stared at his shoulder before crying harder, keeping quiet about it. Sasuke simply held her with one hand for a few minutes, waiting for her to regain her composure.
When she did, she giggled softly and whispered, "This... This was more than I ever could've hoped for. Thank you, Sasuke."
Sasuke smiled a little before pushing her back a little. She looked up at him in confusion, only to watch as he connected a charm bracelet around her wrist. The charms were all pink; a sunflower, a rose, a heart, a sun, and a sakura flower.
Sakura gasped softly, looking up at him. "Sasuke-!" He said, "I know it's not anything you'd be interested in but-" "I love it!!" she squealed in delight, tackling him in a tight hug.
Sasuke stumbled but held his ground, wrapping his arms around her gently. "I'm... I'm glad you love it." Sakura smiled wide. "Thank you, Sasuke." He nodded, his head up against hers a little so she'd feel it. "Listen... About those females.."
"It's fine," was all she said. She didn't want to think about any of them, no haters or rivals. She just wanted to think of this moment, the moment she was pulled away from everything going against her wants, her wishes, her desires.
Sasuke sighed softly and said, "Let's just... I don't know. Take it one day at a time. That's all I can promise, okay?" She nodded happily. "Hey Sasuke?" "Hm?"
Her grip on him loosened before she looked up at him, smiling. "Let's go home, okay?"
Sasuke nodded a little, grabbing her hand gently as he turned. "Mm. Let's go home."
I waited. A little over a month. I'm fired.
But hey, update! I'm sorry I haven't been able to update every two weeks or so. I have a job now, and it's highly stressful. SO. HIGHLY. STRESSFUL. I think I've had a total of two breakdowns a day almost, I'm not even kidding.
Aside from that, I don't have the willpower to write at all, so sorry. I'm one of those people now. XD
And yes. This chapter is real. Forgive any typos.
Until the next Update!!
~ Nimo
(Song Used: Ellie Goulding - Around U)
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