Chapter Twenty-One - The First Duo Mission

"Out in the distance,
Lost in the fold,
We trace our steps to a great unknown,
Bury our toes,
Where the ocean meets the sand,
We hide ourselves right where we stand.”
~ All Time Low – Runaways


Hinata watched the young Hyuga shift uncomfortably and smiled softly. She knew how much the girl didn’t like standing among others. “Ah, Naomi-Chan, if you’d like to head back, we can. I’m sure Tenten will-“
“No no, I’m fine. I swear.” The young halfing gave her a cheeky grin, causing her and Hanabi to giggle.

Kiba glanced over at the Hyuga females, his nose wrinkling. Kami he hated when they brought that vampire around. Just thinking about her reminded him of Tenten’s pain.

Shikamaru noticed Kiba’s glance and sighed. Kiba never cared for the Hyuga since she arrived.

Ino giggled and spoke, “Can you believe it though? They’re finally doing a two-man mission! I’m sure Tenten’s feeling excited right now!”

“Either that or still sleeping,” Kiba added in with a sigh. Sakura giggled softly, rocking from side to side. She hadn’t talked to Sasuke that much since he dropped her off days ago. She had leaned in for a kiss, but he poked her forehead instead.

However, the little conversation that they had meant the world to Sakura, considering Sasuke tended to lean up against her before talking; poking her forehead before mentioning having to take care of business.

The words were small, but the gestures meant everything to her.

Choji said, “Maybe we should’ve made a food basket for them.”

“Oh, I already did,” Naomi said, almost too quietly. Shikamaru turned to her and said, “You plan ahead don’t you?” Naomi blushed a little, looking elsewhere.

Hanabi giggled and said, “She made breakfast this morning and it was delicious!” Hinata nodded in agreement, causing Ino to poke her cheek. “Oooooh, we have ourselves a cooker!”

Kiba snorted, turning elsewhere. Naomi glanced his way before looking down. Ino and Sakura frowned at Kiba, but he didn’t seem to notice. Akamaru, however, barked a few times, getting the attention of the shinobi.

Just up ahead several figures approached. And based on the ruckus, it was undoubtedly Lee and Guy.

“Did you pack a toothbrush? Brushing your teeth is very important!!”

“And underwear, did you pack an extra pair?”

Sakura almost facepalmed. Leave it to Guy and Lee to say the most awkward of statements. Itachi chuckled warmly and said, “Come now, I believe they can pack for themselves.”

Sasuke yawned a little, mumbling a ‘thanks’ to Itachi. Itachi smirked before handing Sasuke his toothbrush. “Then again, they can miss the simplest of items.”

Sasuke grumbled, snatching the brush away. Tenten laughed softly, nudging Naruto.

He had woken up late but managed to meet them as they walked. Naruto pouted and said, “I wish Lady Tsunade would let us go on a mission together, Sasuke.”

Sasuke snorted and said, “It would be a disaster. That much I know.”

“I don’t know now,” Tenten teased, “You two are the most powerful young shinobi here. You could easily kick butt and take names.”

“That’s what I’m talking about, Tenten!!” Naruto cheered, pumping his fist. Lee grinned and said, “Yus! You two will be the will and thunder of the whole village!!”

Sasuke groaned and grabbed Tenten’s ear. “Hey, no influencing them.”

Tenten swatted his hand away, glaring at him playfully before looking at the crowd ahead of them. “Oh.”

Naomi immediately approached Tenten, or rather, suddenly appeared in front of her, giving her a big hug.

Tenten didn’t seem startled, and instead laughed a little. “Easy, easy! I can’t fight if I’m crippled!” Naomi let her go and smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, it’s just.. I always get nervous when you leave out to missions.”

Tenten flicked her sideways bun before ruffling her hair. Naomi blushed, swatting her hand away. “Tenten nee-chan! I just brushed my hair this morning!”

Sakura and Ino giggled at the sight. Hinata smiled before ruffling Hanabi’s hair, causing her to giggle. Ever since Naomi came around, Tenten has treated her like a little sister, sometimes caring for her and sometimes even offering blood.

It was something everyone recognized as love you’d give to a sibling. Sasuke watched them quietly before looking at Sakura, who approached him hesitantly.

Everything seemed to quiet down then. Even Naruto and Lee quieted down.
Sakura smiled shyly, the charm bracelet on her wrist jingling lightly. “Hey, Sasuke. Um, I wish you both success in your mission.”

Sasuke nodded softly, unsure if he should ruffle her hair or say something. Shikamaru shook his head, watching them and nudging Choji. Choji blinked several times, watching them. Just what in the world did they miss?

Naruto, as well as Lee, Hinata, and Kiba were surprised.

Tenten cleared her throat, nudging Sasuke a little. He quickly passed her a glare before saying, “Thanks, Sakura.. We’ll be careful. We’re only digging for information and that’s it. Don’t worry.”

Sakura beamed from those few words, planning to hug him only to smile and wave at someone behind them. “Shizune-San!! Hey!”

Sasuke and Tenten turned, as well as everyone else, to the running woman. “Oh thank goodness! I thought you both had left already! There’s been an update pertaining to your mission!”

Sasuke turned to her and asked, “What is it?” Shizune exhaled and said, “You can’t go around as shinobi obviously; you two know that right?”

They nodded, exchanging glances. Shizune frowned before handing them a scroll. “This explains who you both are and what you’ll have to go as. I really hope you both are decent with acting, as you’ll have to play a couple.”

Tenten choked on her spit, sputtering, “I b-beg your p-pardon?!” Sakura’s jaw dropped, as did the majority of the young shinobi.

Itachi simply chuckled, while Guy, being oblivious to everything, patted Sasuke on the back and said, “Don’t kiss too hard, my boy!!” Tenten and Sakura blushed furiously, but before either could say anything, Sasuke shrugged lightly, taking the scroll and walking towards the gate. “I doubt that will be necessary. Later.”

Tenten called out, “S-Sasuke, wait!!” But he didn’t budge or turn. Tenten sighed, looking to her comrades with an awkward smile. She got a bunch of laughter and smiles in return.

She then locked eyes with Sakura. After their first date, she seemed hopeful, and Tenten didn’t want to ruin that for her. After Tenten took the bentos Naomi created, she waved and said, “We’ll be back in a few days!” She then ran to catch up to Sasuke.

Naomi said, “Be careful, Sasuke, Tenten!”
“We’ll be awaiting your glorious return!!” Lee hollered.

Ino snickered before saying, “Don’t worry, Sakura. They can barely stand each other most times. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Sakura nodded to Ino, smiling softly.

Ino was right; she didn’t need to worry. She needed to prepare with her team. After all, they still had missions as well. “Alright, Sai, Naruto! Let’s get ready!” Naruto pumped his fist and shouted, “Yes!”

Sai simply kissed Ino’s cheek and said, “I guess that’s my cue.” Ino flushed softly, returning the kiss. It seemed as if everything was finally calming down for the most part.


Meanwhile, the duo quietly sprinted towards their destination. It wasn’t too far, and would take an hour or so to make it there. After a minute or so of running, Sasuke and Tenten stopped to go over their mission, as well as eat breakfast.

As they ate out of a bento, Tenten said, “So there’s been about eight disappearances? Do you think it’s trafficking?” Sasuke nodded, nibbling on a bun as he went over the three scrolls they had.

He was donning his new shinobi uniform instead of the usual white and purple attire. After taking a swallow, he said, “It’s either that or a ritual that won’t work. Or a sadistic killer on the loose.” “Yeah, but we don’t get many of those,” Tenten added, looking down at the scrolls with him.

They hid themselves well in a swarm of bushes, away from the trail and prying folk. Tenten huffed before looking at the scroll, describing them. “’You’re a recently wedded couple looking for a romantic getaway. Hide the forehead protector and rename yourselves for a time.’ Huh. That doesn’t seem too bad.”

Sasuke nodded a little before glancing at her. She did the same before blushing and looking away. “Still awkward,” she mumbled. Sasuke chuckled a little, rolling up the scrolls. “Relax. All we need to do is go prying around as the scared couple who recently found out about the disappearances. Make sure to say that the reservation is non-refundable. Tsunade made sure of that one.” Tenten giggled and, “Sure thing.”

Tenten put up the food before saying, “We should probably change before we get any closer. And not sprint either. We have three days; I say we shouldn’t rush there. What do you think?” Sasuke shrugged, opening up his drawstring bag and pulling out his outfit.

Tenten did the same before looking around for a good place to change. When she turned around to glance at Sasuke, his shirt was already off. His eyes were locked onto hers, as if expecting her to do something.

She turned her head and walked away, hoping that he didn’t see the faint blush on her face. She found a secluded enough spot and got changed, taking her forehead protector off and letting her hair down.

Tenten made her usual buns, but smaller, and let the rest of her hair loose. She then tied that small bundle of hair together, causing it to loop over her shoulders.

She then slipped on a shirt with long, wide sleeves; the upper part looking like a kimono. Then, like her usual pants, she slipped on a large pair in which she had to tie up the upper part of her pants around her waist, making a nice little bow.

After making sure everything was in its right place, she placed her regular clothes in her drawstring bag, walking back to Sasuke’s area rather carefully.

When she made it there, her cheeks heated up immediately.

Sasuke was wearing an open dark blue shirt that could almost pass as a kimono. It stopped just past his thighs. His legs were covered in black pants with his classic shoes on. But what caught her off guard the most was his hair. Sasuke had gotten an extension, making it seem like he had a rather long ponytail. All in all, he looked incredibly attractive.

Sasuke noticed her gawking before smirking a little. “My my, can my lovely wife not keep her eyes away from me?” Tenten blushed even harder, looking away from him as she mumbled, “Can we go now?”

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, chuckling as he gathered his belongings. He then walked in front of her, saying, “Relax, Tenten. I’m just teasing.” Tenten sighed and said, “Save that for Sakura.”

Sasuke chuckled softly, leading the way. Tenten practically stalked right behind him, not at all liking how he was teasing her.


When they made it to the small village, Sasuke grabbed Tenten’s hand, locking fingers with her immediately.

She glanced up at him, but before she could say anything, Sasuke leaned down too close for comfort, his words practically grazing her ear. “Maybe because you haven’t dated in so long that you don’t understand, but simple gestures and actions must be made, unless you want to cause suspicion. You are, after all, my wife.”

Tenten looked down, blushing furiously as she maintained composure. “U-Understood,” she muttered.

Sasuke leaned back up, his lips twitching. He found her reactions very amusing. “Do I look attractive to you?”

Tenten rolled her eyes and said, “You’re the hottest guy in forever.” Sasuke chuckled softly. “You’re adorable when nervous, you know that?”

Tenten scoffed softly, moving closer when she saw people watching them. Sasuke hummed in approval, continuing to walk Tenten to the hotel, their bags slung on their backs.

When they made it there, they talked to the manager before making it to their room. As was expected, there was only one bed. Tenten said, “I can take the floor one night and you can take the floor another night.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes. “That won’t be necessary, Tenten. It’s a big enough bed.” Tenten blushed a little, stammering, “W-what? B-but, we’re n-not-”

“You had no problem sharing a bed with Neji before you guys dated, nor did you have an issue with snuggling close to Kiba or Lee. Yes, I was told the story. It was irritatingly adorable.”

Tenten blushed harder, looking away before shrugging. “Alright, whatever you say.”

Sasuke placed his bag beside the left side of the bed before turning to Tenten, who was messing with her hands, staring at the floor. ‘Idiot. Thinking about Neji at a time like this… You really can’t let go, can you?’

“Hey.” Sasuke placed his hand on top of hers, jerking her out of her thoughts. She then held back a blush, finding him a lot closer than before. He stared her down before saying, “We’ll take this mission nice and easy, start traveling around, acting like the sweet and scared couple we’re not. You can handle this.”

Tenten nodded, frowning a little. “I know I can. Now, if you’re willing to, we can go now.” Sasuke nodded, making sure he had his keys before opening up the door and letting Tenten out first.

She fake giggled and said, “Oh you’re such a gentleman.” Sasuke scoffed, then, noticing two females glancing at him, said, “Only out of bed.”

Tenten squeaked and turned around to him, only noticing the girls last second. With her quick thinking, she said, “K-K-Kaito-Kun!! Not out in public!!”

The girls giggled before walking off. Once out of sight, Tenten glared at him and hissed, “You’re really getting a kick out of this, aren’t you?” “But of course, Usagi-Hime.” Sasuke teased, walking down the hall.

Tenten was five seconds from taking off her shoe and using it as a weapon. Without another word, she huffed, following him close down the hall. When they left the hotel, Sasuke pointed to a nearby restaurant.

“My dearest, shouldn’t we try the finest drinks they have here,” Sasuke asked in such an obviously bland tone. Tenten rolled her eyes and said, “Way to kill it. I’m thirsty anyways, let’s go.”

It took everything Sasuke had not to let out a small laugh. Out of the many emotions Tenten made him feel, she definitely knew how to tickle his funny bone, even if she didn’t know it. And for the sake of her continuing to amuse him, he would never tell her.


“I can’t believe it. One whole day of asking around and no one knows.” Tenten plopped back on the bed, huffing. Sasuke shook his head and said, “Idiot, things like this take a little time. I’m sure we’ll come across something tomorrow.”

Tenten glanced up at him and asked, “Do you think so?” Sasuke stared her down. “I’m not one for positive reinforcement, Tenten. You should know that by now.”

She sighed, nodding a little as she took her hair down. “Right, right.” Sasuke watched quietly as the kunoichi removed the rubber bands, raking her hair before letting it sit on her shoulders. Sasuke had to admit, long hair was a good look on her.

Although personally he preferred her hair up in their usual buns. Tenten exhaled before glancing up at him. “So.”

Sasuke blinked and asked, “What?” Tenten raised an eyebrow, giving him a sly smile. “How was the date with Sakura?”

“Emotional,” he simply stated, having already stated that same word to several others. Tenten simply nodded before going through her bag, looking for her pajamas. Sasuke was taken aback.

Was she not going to ask for details?

He then relaxed before going through his own bag. No, she wouldn’t. There was an unspoken communication between them.

However, as he grabbed a shirt, he said, “I made her cry again.” He suddenly pressed his lips into a thin line, really wishing he hadn’t blurted that out.

Tenten stopped looking around for her clothing, glancing at him before standing upright. “What did you do? I saw the bracelet; we all did. What, did she forgive you again for whatever?”

Sasuke stood upright and turned to face her. “Hey, I didn’t-” “Sakura is like me, Sasuke. She clings to the past and once she remembers, it’s kind of hard to let go,” she interrupted, holding up her hands. “I don’t want to fight. Whatever happened, I’m sure it was resolved. I just..” She wouldn’t say, but he knew.

Sasuke removed the extension of his hair, setting it on a nearby table as he said, “I’m done trying to hurt those around me, Tenten. A bunch of girls had surrounded me and then started harassing her in front of me. They said that she once again never had a chance in hell with me. Has she always gone through that?”

Tenten nodded softly and said, “Yes… And I’ll admit, I have also tried to get her to move on. What a hypocrite I am, right?”

Sasuke didn’t know how to respond, so he simply turned around and pulled out a pair of shorts and a shirt for bed. Tenten went back to looking for her clothing, only to huff. She tossed a few scrolls, a few more bits of clothing, but didn’t find her pajamas. She didn’t like the idea of dressing up in something she’d have to wear the next day, but it wouldn’t have been the first time.

Sasuke glanced at her and asked, “Forget something?” She glanced at him, giving a sheepish smile before saying – or squeaking rather, “No?”

Sasuke sighed and asked, “What am I going to do with you. Here.” He tossed her a shirt, to which she caught it. She then asked, “Any pants?” He shook his head and said, “You’re on your own.”

She huffed again, shaking her head. She hadn’t brought any pants or shorts for this mission. “Um… Sasuke?” His eyebrow twitched as he glanced at her.

“Tenten… Why the hell are you such a handful?”
“Hey, I forgot to prepare a day early!” She protested, blushing hard. “I’ll just wear this to bed!” He said, “No, you’ve been walking around in that thing all day. Just put the shirt on and get to bed.”

“S-Sasuke! No, that’s-!”

“Look if you’ve got a better idea, one that will be comfortable for the both of us, then please tell me. I’m all ears.”

Tenten blushed harder, rubbing her forehead before saying, “Fine. We have two extra pillows, so we’re using those to separate us.”

Sasuke shrugged, slipping his clothes off suddenly. Tenten turned away the moment he started getting dressed and used that as a free moment to change as well.

When they finished, she was in her underwear and his large t-shirt, and he was in nothing but a pair of pants that stopped at his ankles. When they turned, they immediately looked elsewhere.

Sasuke felt incredibly awkward before clearing his throat and saying, “Can we just please go to bed now? Today has been uncomfortable enough.”

Tenten nodded wordlessly, helping him prepare the bed. When the two slipped onto the bed, Tenten realized that Sasuke was right; the bed was big enough for them and then some.

Sasuke turned off the light before slipping under the covers. He was thankful that the sheets were large too; at least there wouldn’t be any hogging.

For several minutes, they lied in silence, steadying their breathing. The first one to yawn was Tenten.

Sasuke shook his head a little before closing his eyes. Quietly, softly, Tenten said, “Good night, Sasuke.”

He grunted in response before murmuring a, “Night.” She smiled a little, feeling the awkwardness of earlier wash away. Her eyes closed slowly, sleeping claiming her not long after.


My tardiness is unaccepted. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! But it is what it is. I'm not dead yet!

Until the next Update!

- Nimo

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