Chapter Twelve - Progress
Tenten sat under a tree, breathing heavily as she looked up at Sasuke, who was almost breathing as heavy.
His look, as usual, was blank, but she didn't mind.
Sasuke eventually made his way to where she was sitting and leaned up against the tree, working on getting his breathing in order. Tenten looked up at him and said, "Eight hours really is too much time spent on training every day."
He scoffed, huffing a bit as he retorted, "You complain too much. When I trained with Orochimaru, the fighting and learning never stopped. Consider yourself grateful that you didn't have to train under his eye."
Tenten stared at him, bemused. "Orochimaru... Yes, that's right." Sasuke's jaw twitched as he glanced down at her. "Don't tell me you didn't know I was training with him after three years. I might actually think you are just like that brainless fox boy."
She stood up suddenly and barked, "I am NOT like Naruto! I think about my actions more than he does, I'm a lot stealthier than he is, and I certainly am not affiliated with foxes!"
Sasuke rolled his eyes and said, "You both are quite annoying and loud. That's enough for me."
Tenten was riled up. Without another word, she walked back over to the middle of the training grounds, kunai in hand.
Sasuke shook his head and said, "No kunai this time. You need to practice your taijutsu more." Tenten huffed and discarded the kunai. "I don't know if you've noticed in the past few months, Sasuke," she said, the edges of her mouth lifting, "but I can fight well. Are you sure you want to drop your sword?"
Sasuke scoffed, tossing his sword elsewhere. "Don't get full of yourself, kunoichi. You've still yet to beat me with your weapons and fighting skills combined."
"That's kind of funny since I was slowly learning how to beat Neji," Tenten replied, spreading her feet apart and holding up her hands, "and you two aren't so different."
Sasuke's eyebrows lowered. 'She's baiting me..' Sasuke stood straight, almost smirking. 'So be it.'
He waited for her to charge, dodging easily and almost successfully tripping her. She dodged his foot, twisting and kicking her foot in his face.
He backed up and smirked. "Nice try, Tenten." He teased. She scowled and charged him against, not noticing the three faces that were looking over bushes.
Team Seven had passed by and overheard their fighting, causing them to stop and watch. Sakura watched Sasuke easily dodge all of Tenten's attacks and sighed.
"It doesn't seem like she's ever going to get a hit on him, does it?" she asked Naruto.
He shrugged and said, "It does look like their relationship has improved though." Sakura shrunk at the usage of the word "Relationship," but said nothing of it.
A scuffling noise behind them caused Naruto, Sakura, and Sai to turn around. The noise turned out to be Team Ten approaching them. "Yo," Shikamaru said, glancing among the three. "Watching Sasuke and Tenten spar again?"
They nodded.
"Any change?" Ino asked hopefully.
They shook their heads. Ino sighed and walked closer, looking over the bushes. A smile slowly creeped onto her face as she watched the two fight.
Sasuke blocked Tenten's fist, holding onto it as he yanked her forward. He tried to knee her, but she blocked his knee with her hand, head-butting him and causing him to stumble backwards.
She used the momentum to swing low and knock him off his feet.
He landed on his hands, front flipping and swinging himself to kick Tenten in the chest.
She caught a hold of his foot only to be brought up and slammed down by the same foot.
Choji grinned at them. "It may not seem like that much progress, but at least she's almost toe-to-toe with him in their taijutsu."
Sakura nodded, smiling softly. She then turned her attention back to the two as Tenten pulled a kunai out. "Okay now you've got me into it. Pick up your Kusanagi and bring it on!"
Sasuke smirked, picking up his sword and sprinting towards her, swinging it seconds later. Tenten blocked his sword with a kunai, using another kunai in her hand to aim for his arm.
He backed up, charging towards her as his sword etched in lightning.
She dodged his moves, opening scrolls and sending kunai and other weapons flying his way.
Ino giggled and said, "You'd think they were replacing Lee's energetic self."
Naruto moaned. "Why is it that she can only spar with Sasuke?"
Shikamaru sighed and said, "You know why, Naruto. We're not allowed to intervene or talk to them." "I just hope it's all worth it," said a voice behind them, seemingly belonging to Kiba.
Team Seven and Ten turned around to find Team Eight walking towards them; Akamaru keeping unusually quiet.
Hinata glanced over their shoulders and looked over the bushes. "Is... Is Tenten okay?"
Sakura nodded and said, "Yes, actually. I don't know if you've seen, but they've actually been getting along. I've seen them walking around together, and each time it seems that Tenten is.. Well, happier."
Hinata smiled softly at that. "I'm happy for her," she replied softly.
Shino said, "At this rate, she will be allowed to stay a kunoichi and stay in Team Guy."
Choji nudged Ino and said, "Don't you think this is great news?"
Ino nodded and grinned. "I knew she had it in her. I was starting to worry, but whatever happened before, it's over now. Now they'll be able to stay shinobi and go on missions with Lee. It's like Team Guy is fully formed once again."
Kiba scowled, "Yeah, maybe. I still don't like or trust Sasuke." Naruto frowned at him, but before he could say anything, Tenten yelped.
They all turned to find that Sasuke had pinned her on the ground; one hand pushing her head to the ground and another holding her arm to her back.
Weapons had been scattered everywhere, and they both had a few cuts on them. She struggled but eventually sighed and said, "Okay, okay. You win."
Sasuke smirked, breathing hard as he said, "Want to go another round?" She shook her head slightly, almost giggling. "Get the heck off of me, Uchiha."
He did so, helping her up and taking a few steps back.
Sakura breathed out. "Oh well, it seems like they're going to stop training now."
Ino pouted and Kiba said, "Well damn, I kind of wanted to see them spar more." Naruto grinned and taunted, "That's what you get for not getting here on time."
Sakura shook her head. "Naruto, we haven't been standing here that very long either." She deadpanned. Naruto awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. Shikamaru said, "Nevermind that. Let's leave them be to rest."
They nodded and everyone turned to walk away. Tenten looked at Sasuke smiling softly before dropping it. "Sasuke..." "Hm?" He looked up from gathering the scattered kunai. She played with the ends of her shirt before asking, "How did you know about Yoru?"
That simple named caused everyone to pause in their tracks. Akamaru growled lowly.
Sasuke sighed softly and said, "I read about her in one of the files. I asked around a bit as well, although some were reluctant to talk." Tenten smiled softly and said, "I see... So that's why I saw her. I thought... I almost thought..."
She shuddered before going quiet. Naruto snarled lowly, "He did what?"
Sakura looked at Naruto in surprise. She had never seen him react that way about Sasuke's actions. Kiba and Akamaru growled, turning to glare at him.
Sasuke said, "Tenten, I-" "Show me her again," she interrupted. Everyone stared at her in shock, even though she couldn't see. Sasuke was taken aback only for a moment. "If I do that, you will see and hear things you won't want to."
She shuddered as she said, "Yes, I know." He took a step forward. "Why do you want to see her?"
Tenten smiled weakly. "I already know that she's still wandering around. I don't want to be afraid of the mere sight of her anymore, so... I want you to train me."
Ino whispered, "What does she mean? Did he attack her under our noses?"
"I don't know," Sakura whispered back, feeling uneasy. She really hoped that Sasuke didn't put his hands on her.
Sasuke shook his head. "I prefer not to be a source of your nightmares anymore. We should save it for another time." The kunoichi looked amongst another. Tenten had never said anything about nightmares after Sasuke came around.
Tenten grinned and said, "Even if you were, I know that you won't actually hurt me. I trust you."
Sasuke blinked. "That's not exactly the point. And how are you to be so sure I won't turn? You're sounding like Naruto again."
Tenten took a step towards him, huffing. "I KNOW you won't turn. You're not the same young man you once were, and I mean months back as well. If you really wanted to hurt me, you would've done so already."
Sasuke's eyes looked downcast. 'But I already have...' "...You're right. But I still think this is an idiotic idea. I could see it all over you that night; you were terrified. Whatever you saw, you didn't want to see it again. Who's to say you won't see Neji this time, dying in front of you or worse? I only show you your fear of Yoru, and your own thoughts add to it."
Ino watched them with curious eyes. "He's really hesitant on putting her in a genjutsu."
Naruto scowled. "Whatever he did to her, if he did, the reaction was so bad that he didn't want to do it again."
"There is no if about it." Kiba snapped. "Sasuke did something to Tenten, and it ended badly for both of them. I knew that bastard had done something to her."
Sakura stayed quiet, afraid to say anything at the moment.
Tenten sighed softly. "I know, Sasuke." She gripped her shirt, her right hand trembling partially. "But I have to face her eventually. Just please.. Do this for me. I won't ask you again after this one, but I MUST see her again. I have to see the face of the woman who took my dove from me."
Sasuke sighed, his eyebrows lowering. "I tire of your begging. So be it, but don't you dare say I didn't warn you." He said tightly.
Sakura raised her eyebrows partially. "It seems that Sasuke became irritated when she referenced Neji in that manner."
Shikamaru smirked. "I believe it was just that. That wouldn't be the only time he's reacted that way. I don't believe Sasuke cares to hear about Neji."
Hinata looked at Shikamaru and asked, "Why is that?"
The lazy genius shrugged. "Hell if I know."
Naruto, Kiba, Ino and Sakura deadpanned. "And here I thought he was on to something," Kiba said, his eyebrow twitching in irritation.
"That's Shika for you," Ino added in, sighing heavily.
Sasuke closed his eyes and breathed out. "When I open my eyes, you will look directly at me." Tenten nodded and said, "I understand."
Everyone turned around and watched the duo carefully. None knew what she would see, but few had an idea of how she'd react. Tenten inhaled the cool autumn air and looked directly at Sasuke, doing her best to keep her fear in check. She had to get over seeing Yoru, both in her dreams and a genjutsu.
She needed to.
Sasuke opened his eyes, his Sharingan activated, and the shinobi watched as Tenten went deathly still. She had almost stopped breathing, it seemed, but few could notice her chest was still moving.
Sasuke stared at her intently, his jaw clenching a little.
Hinata looked at the brown kunoichi, sighing softly. She wished Tenten didn't put herself through that; the memories were bad enough. But she knew as well as everyone else that approaching them at that moment was a bad idea.
Kiba scowled and looked away, unable to watch Tenten as she was caught in the genjutsu. It pained him to see her still suffering from that lifeless woman, and it angered him that Sasuke would give in to such a request.
Shikamaru shook his head at the sight but said nothing, as did Ino and the rest. Everyone kept their mouths shut; it was all they could do to keep from protesting what was happening.
Tenten's breathing quickened after a moment or so, and Sasuke's posture stiffened. Naruto noticed and asked, "What do you think she's seeing?"
Sakura bit her lower lip and said softly, "I don't know..."
A whimper escaped Tenten's lips, but she didn't move. It took everything for Kiba not to jump to her rescue from the heartless genjutsu. However, he started to move when a tear slipped down Tenten's cheek.
Shikamaru rendered him still with his shadows. "Don't," Shikamaru demanded. "We do NOT interfere; you know this. Allow Sasuke to handle the situation any way he must."
Naruto turned to Shikamaru and said, "Tenten should have never asked for a genjutsu."
"She does what she must, Naruto," Ino argued.
Sakura snapped, "This won't help her right now. Everyone shut up!"
She raised her voice a little too loudly, but neither shinobi noticed on the other side of the bushes. Sakura flushed and said, "I'm sorry. But arguing about her choice won't make a difference. Please, we just need to watch them."
Kiba sighed and relaxed, causing Shikamaru to release him. Naruto said, "Sorry, Sakura-Chan." Sakura huffed and said, "It's fine."
A sudden scream caused everyone to look at Tenten, who was pale with fear. Kiba inched toward, but Sasuke moved faster than he did, releasing her from the genjutsu as she started to faint.
"Tenten! Tenten, breathe!" Sasuke snapped in a frantic manner.
Hinata's eyes widened. To her, he almost sounded like he was pleading.
Tenten gripped his shoulders, coughing and breathing heavily. Sasuke kept his arms wrapped around her in a protective manner. Sakura almost pouted. Were it not for the situation, she would've been very jealous of Tenten.
"Tenten..." Sasuke was at a loss for words. He almost understood why Tenten was afraid of the vampire. Tenten was in tears, breathing shakily. "Why... Why can't I get over her? She's gone, and yet..."
"Don't speak, Tenten. You're drained after that. Please, just rest. Try and relax for a moment." Sasuke demanded in a gentle manner. She nodded, allowing herself to lean up against him.
Sasuke sighed heavily. "You're an idiot... I warned you."
Tenten nodded faintly, a small smile crossing her face. "You did."
Ino smiled and said, "You know, that's kind of cute."
Sakura glared at her, causing her to raise her hands. "I'm not implying things. But at least Sasuke has loosened up enough to do that. Just think, if you can get in his good graces, he'd do that with you."
Kiba said, "Yeah, and pull him away from Tenten."
"I just said that it's not like that," Ino snapped.
Naruto frowned. "I hope you are, Ino. Although, Sakura and I would have a chance to date if they dated."
Ino slapped her forehead. Were her friends really this stupid?
Tenten opened her eyes a little. "Say, Sasuke..." He looked at her, his eyes pitch black once more. She said, "You've been tossing and turning less at night."
Sasuke shifted a little, looking uncomfortable suddenly. Sakura's eyes widened in disbelief.
Naruto asked, "They're already sleeping with each other?" Hinata blushed furiously at the usage of words.
Ino slapped her forehead again. Tenten and Sasuke really weren't helping their own case.
Tenten said, "Still don't trust me, huh?" When he didn't reply again, she slipped out of his lap, sitting next to him and rubbing her aching shoulder. "You know," she said so quietly, that everyone had to lean in to listen, "I honestly don't think you'll ever trust me in the way I want you too... But at least you trust me enough to watch your back."
Sasuke sighed and crossed his arms loosely. "I don't expect you to understand why I won't - why I can't - open up. You said you trust me right?"
Tenten nodded and said, "Of course I do!"
He almost smiled at the certainty in her voice. "Then trust that when the time is right, I'll open up."
Tenten nodded a little, standing up and holding her hand out to him. "Come on, we need to wash ourselves. I'm ready for a nice lunch and a long nap." Sasuke scoffed, taking her hand. "Is that all you've been thinking about this is whole time?"
Tenten huffed, a slight blush crossing her face. She blurted out, "Sasuke..! No!" She helped him up, and as he stood, he kept his gaze to the sky before smirking and looking at her. "You're in denial often, aren't you?"
Tenten punched his arm. "You like talking cryptically often, don't you?"
Sasuke scoffed softly. "Touché." The brown kunoichi giggled and helped him gather the rest of the weapons.
Ino smiled softly. "Now THAT'S improvement."
Shino nodded and said, "Team Guy is undoubtedly likely to do missions again."
Kiba grinned and said, "Now that's information I like to hear."
Shikamaru chuckled. "Let's keep our eyes on them a little more before making assumptions, shall we?"
The gang nodded. Naruto said, "Speaking of lunch, I'm starved. Let's go get some ramen!"
"Yeah, I'm hungry too." Choji added in, walking off. Naruto followed, and soon, everyone was following Choji away from the area.
Everyone but Hinata and Sakura.
The kunoichi looked at each other. Hinata smiled and said, "It's good that they are getting along more. I've never seen Tenten so happy in such a long time. Not since..."
Sakura nodded and smiled slightly. "Yes, I agree. But... I'm worried. I know it's just jealously talking but.."
Hinata placed her hand on Sakura's shoulder. "Don't think too much of it, Sakura. They only have each other to talk, so it's only natural that they're around each other a lot. Tenten knows very well how you feel about Sasuke."
Sakura nodded and said, "Of course. What am I thinking? When we're allowed to talk to Sasuke again, I'm sure everything will go the way it needs to."
Hinata smiled softly before looking down. "Yes, I'm sure." Sakura grabbed her hand and said, "Come, let's go get something to eat."
Hinata smiled at her and said, "Good idea."
Well look at that.
Two updates in one day. Yay me!!
We're closing in on the Fall Festival and a recap of the first story as well. Enjoy the chapter!
Until the Next Update!
~ Nimo #IFanonNotCanon
P.S.: I was barely able to make this update.
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