Chapter Ten - All On The Line

Despite what seemed like Sasuke opening up, he did the exact opposite throughout the rest of the week. 

Tenten had tried several times to talk to him, but he kept rejecting her like before. Eventually, Tenten gave up trying to talk to him. 

On the final training day of the week, Tenten slept late, having nightmares of the shirtless, heartless Uchiha. However, he was soon replaced by an older-looking Neji, who was swinging in for a bite. 

Sasuke glanced at the sky before looking at Lee and Guy. Without thinking, he asked, "Is she ever late like this?" 

"At times," Lee admitted, "but she eventually gets up." Lee pondered before adding, "Most of the time, Neji would go and wake her up though. She tends to be a heavy sleeper, especially when she trains hard." 

Sasuke held back an irritated sigh and asked, "Shall I go get her then?" 

Guy said, "Go right on ahead, Sasuke! Awaken your precious teammate from her everlasting slumber!!!" 

Sasuke inwardly groaned at Guy's usual exuberant behavior and sprinted away from the training grounds. Were it not for the energy Sasuke was using to run back to the apartments, he would've almost been furious. When he got to her door, he knocked calmly and waited only a minute before knocking harshly on the door. 

No answer. 

Sasuke shook his head and walked over to her window, finding it partially open. Without hesitation, he completely opened the window and jumped through it. Sasuke looked around and found that Tenten's room was quiet and clean, aside from the kuoichi in her bed. 

Sasuke approached her with the intent of shaking her until she whimpered, "Not from you... No..." 

Sasuke blinked in slight confusion before taking a few steps closer to her. 

"D-Don't do this...!" 

Tenten was squirming in her sleep, seemingly trying to get away from whatever had her in their clutches. For a moment, Sasuke almost pitied her, knowing very well that he too dealt with nightly nightmares.

 However, that was soon replaced when she whimpered and called out Neji's name. 

For reasons unknown, it irritated Sasuke. 

He shook her and said, "Tenten, for all that is good and bad in this world, get up or I'm dropping you in a tub of cold water." Tenten's eyes fluttered open and found that Sasuke was looking at her almost angrily. 

He shook his head and said, "Took you long enough. You kept whimpering in your sleep like a little kid." She blushed slightly and sat up, ignoring his raised eyebrow. 

When she didn't respond, he sighed and said, "I'll be waiting for you outside. We're already late. Don't turn into a Naruto, for everyone's sake." 

He then turned around and left, shutting the door behind him. Moments later, he could hear something soft slam up against the wall, and immediately figured that she threw a pillow. She could throw a million pillows; he wouldn't give a damn. 

For all intents and purposes, they had to train to succeed; to reach a higher standard than they were now. Sasuke had to get stronger. For what; he didn't know. 

But Sasuke knew that he had to train harder, fight harder, and reach a set goal, with or without his so-called "team."


Tenten's moves were sluggish as she tried to keep up with Lee and Sasuke for several hours. It was usually hard to fight against Sasuke, but on that day it was damn near a fight for survival. 

Although he wasn't injuring her like usual, Tenten knew for sure that if she hadn't dodged, he would've critically injured her. 

However, at one point she didn't dodge fast enough, and Sasuke's blade came in contact with her arm. She almost screamed out in pain as she skidded back, collapsing on her rear end. 

Sasuke stopped attacking before Guy could say anything, and Lee sighed softly, watching as Tenten struggled to keep her tears in her eyes. Sasuke glanced down at her coldly before saying, "I believe we've had enough training today, Guy Sensei." 

Guy nodded and said, "Very well. Rest up and prepare yourselves for even harder training next week!! Lee, run a hundred laps with me!!" 

Lee's smile beamed as he said, "Yus, Guy Sensei!!" 

Both shinobi sped off, leaving a trail of dust and dirt behind them. Tenten covered her gash and face as she heard Lee say, "I'll see you later, Tenten-chan!!" 

She half glared before smiling softly. No matter what she went through, her team still made her smile. '

Well,' she thought, glancing up at an incoming Sasuke, 'Almost all of my team.' 

Sasuke stood over her and watched her with those damned curious eyes again. Moments later, he kneeled to her level and said, "Let me see your wound." 

Tenten hesitated. 

Sasuke had caught her off guard once more, and she couldn't help but to think of Neji. He too, had always caught her off guard. 

Sasuke repeated himself, only in a more forced tone. Tenten sighed and did so, wincing slightly as blood trickled down, creating a bloody arm bracelet. 

Sasuke clicked his tongue and said, "Idiots. They got dirt in your wound." 

"They're not idiots," Tenten snapped, almost wanting to yank her hand away. He might have wanted to help her, but she wouldn't let anyone call her team a pair of idiots; not even another member. 

"Hey," he said, grabbing the uninjured part of her arm and keeping her from yanking away, "I'm trying to help you. Stop being so sensitive every time I insult something or someone. I figured you would've gotten used to it by now." 

Tenten frowned and looked at his face for the slightest hint of amusement. 

There was none. 

She sighed and pulled out a scroll with her other hand, rolling it out. She then released the contents. Sasuke leaned down and grabbed a peroxide bottle and a few cotton balls, carefully soaking the ball of fluff before gently dabbing it on her gash. 

Tenten winced and did her best to stay still, and she watched as the peroxide sizzled. Sasuke repeated the process a few more times before wrapping the area of her arm in bandages. The blood partially soaked through but did nothing more. 

Sasuke then gathered the contents and put them back over the scroll. Tenten sealed up the scroll before glancing up at Sasuke with uncertainty. 

He noticed and stood up moments later, saying, "Go to the Hyuga Household if that's not enough. I'm going home." 

Tenten watched him walk away, feeling partially guilty for not thanking him. He didn't have to wrap her wound up, and they both knew it. 

She sighed and stood up. "Wait," she called out, walking up to him rather hastily. 

Sasuke stopped walking and turned to look at her. "What is it?" he asked, almost harshly. 

Tenten bit her lower lip before saying, "I, uh... Thanks for wrapping my arm up. You didn't have to, and I really appreciate it." 

Sasuke blinked at her a few times before shrugging and saying, "Don't mention it." 

He then turned and continued walking away. Tenten sighed softly and called out, "You fought great today!" Sasuke sighed and slowed his pace as he called out, "Trying to flatter me and lie will get you nowhere."

Irritated, Tenten said, "But I'm not! I'm telling the truth!!" When he kept walking, she yelled out, "Why don't you trust me?! Haven't I proved to you that I have your back?!" 

Sasuke stopped walking and turned around to face her from a distance. Even though he was about sixty feet away, Tenten knew he was looking right into her eyes. "You haven't given me the ideal reason to trust you, Tenten," he replied flatly, turning and walking away. 

Tenten didn't stop him. She gritted her teeth and looked elsewhere, trying to center herself before she fell apart again. However, Tenten was far more than done with Sasuke. She packed up her weapons and put her scrolls up, walking hastily towards the building where the Hokage's office was stationed.

Tenten planned on putting an end to Sasuke's endless silent torture. 


When she got to the building, she made a beeline for Tsunade's office. She got to the door and found that it was cracked open. Thinking it was safe for her to come in, Tenten opened the door and stormed in. However, the sight before her caused her to take a step back. 

Tsunade was talking to Rock Lee and Guy, seemingly irritated and demanding. However, she stopped talking when she noticed Tenten behind the two. 

"Tenten," Tsunade said, "I'm glad you came. We have to talk." 

"Yes, you're right," Tenten agreed, walking towards her desk, "We do." 

Tsunade's eyebrow lifted moments before she cleared her throat and asked, "What seems to be the problem, Tenten?" Tenten glanced at Guy and Lee for a moment before saying, "It's about Sasuke, Tsunade-Sama." Lee's eyes widened slightly only to lower. He then smiled in understanding. 

Tenten smiled back before continuing, "My Lady, Lee and I have tried countless times to assist Sasuke in avoiding his teammates and trying to help him fit in. But he's not letting up at all. He's relentless in battle and seems to take pleasure in making fun of me. I'm requesting a member transfer." 

Tsunade sighed and said, "I cannot allow that, Tenten. If you feel like he's attacking you, then don't go out of your way to talk to him. You never had to spar with him in the first place; spar with Lee instead." 

Tenten opened her mouth to argue, but Tsunade held up a hand and said, "Sasuke was placed in your team because of what is. Think of this as a way to straighten up yourself. You've been unstable for three years. You haven't changed Tenten, and you have, in fact, worsened ever since the news of Neji's death."

 Tenten didn't reply. 

Tsunade shook her head and said, "Guy and Lee shall be taking a mission today; one that will take them far from their home. Our fellow shinobi in the sand village need assistance with guarding a few packages. You and Sasuke, however, will be staying here. Lee doesn't mind one bit with the way Sasuke acts. But you and Sasuke need to get yourselves in order." 

Tenten shook her head and said, "But Lady Tsunade, it's impossible with him! I'm trying my best, but-!" 

"Enough!" Tsunade said firmly, standing up from her desk and causing Tenten to take a step back. Tsunade sighed and said, "I want you to hear me loud and clear as I speak to you. Team Guy cannot continue to go on without missions. Lee and Guy are the only emotionally stable comrades in the team. And if I have to, Team Guy will have one less teammate, and it won't be Sasuke leaving." 

Lee stepped forward and said, "Tsunade-Sama, Tenten is-!" 

"I know, Lee," Tsunade said softly, "But we need stable shinobi protecting us." Tenten bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling. 

Guy asked, "Hmm, seems like this means trouble! What are you proposing, my Lady?" 

Tsunade sighed and said, "I don't want to take one of the best kunoichi I know away from what she does best. But Tenten, I cannot risk an unstable shinobi near any front lines. I am giving you and Sasuke until the day before the twenty-first to open up and fight together, not at one another." 

"That's only two weeks away!!" Tenten exclaimed. Tsuande said, "Yes, I know. However, I can no longer afford to give you any more time than that. If you and Sasuke cannot get along, I will be stripping you of your title as a kunoichi. You will be living as a civilian. As for Sasuke, he will stay a Genin for as long as he lives. I will not tolerate those who cannot function correctly. Am I clear?" 

Tenten's throat went dry, but she managed to croak, "Y-Yes Ma'am." 

Tsunade sat back down and said, "Lee, Guy, wish Tenten luck. You'll have to take off soon." Both of them nodded. 

Guy then turned around and said, "I know you can do this, Tenten! I have faith in you!!" Tenten managed a small smile before looking over at Lee. 

He walked to her and grabbed her hands gently, grinning wide as he said, "You'll be okay, Tenten. Just do your best. I'll be proud of you regardless." 

Tenten, thankful for his soft and calm tone, hugged Lee tight, unsure if she wanted to let go or not. However, Tsunade cleared her throat, and Tenten hesitantly released her grip. 

Lee grinned at her and gave her a thumb up before saying, "We'll be home soon!!!"

 "Yus!!!" Guy added in, already sprinting for the door. 

Lee yelled out, "Wait for me, Guy Sensei!!" 

Tenten watched them go, and prepared to walk away as well, but Tsunade said, "Tenten... No one can help you heal. No one will help you heal. Not Ino or Sakura or those in the Hyuga Compound. You must find the trust and comfort in your teammate. And I would like to press on the matter that Sasuke is not to know about the deadline. He must come around without pressures being placed upon him."

Tenten nodded slightly and asked, "Is there anything else?" 

Tsunade shook her head. "That is all," she responded softly, "Take care, Tenten. I wish you luck. And I'm sorry." 

Tenten nodded, close to shedding tears. "So am I," Tenten said softly, walking out of her office and shutting the door.



Yes, I went there. Tenten needs to get her shiz in order. Tsunade was bound to say something about it eventually. Sue me(Please don't). Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

~Nimo #IFanonNotCanon

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