Chapter Six - Problems
Sasuke groaned softly and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling exhausted and sore all over.
Rock Lee and Might Guy gave him the fight of his life after they finished his first training session, and managed to make him run half the Konohagakure area. It wasn't that he hadn't gone through rough training like that before, but he had to walk half the route on his hands.
He winced as the sweat on his forehead leaked into his already-burning eyes and quickly wiped his forehead. At least he could go home and shower.
The apartments came into his view and he relaxed and continued making his way home. When he got closer, he noticed Tenten standing on the walkway above and leaning up against the railing, mug in hand.
She looked down at him when he came into view and gave a slight smile before looking ahead. Not wanting to pull anything, Sasuke took the stairs.
When he reached the second floor, she asked, "How was practice?"
"It was fine," he replied, momentarily studying Tenten.
She had been crying no doubt, and it seemed as if she got little sleep. She was in a pink undershirt and brown shorts, and her hair buns were droopy, implying that she didn't take her hair down. When she glanced at him, he looked away and said, "Your team trains hard."
Tenten nodded and said, "Yeah, they do."
For a moment, Sasuke said nothing afterwards. However, when Tenten opened her mouth, Sasuke said, "I look forward to seeing you fight on the training grounds. Let's just pray you don't set your weapons down before me."
Tenten glared at him slightly as he passed by, seemingly content with a slight smirk on his face. She scoffed and mumbled, "I expected a low blow coming from a guy who likes stabbing others in the back."
Sasuke tensed up before relaxing and going to his home. He unlocked the door and walked in, slamming the door behind him.
Tenten couldn't help but to smirk. 'Well that got him irritated,' she thought, sipping on her tea with slight content.
She closed her eyes and tried to keep her happiness and satisfaction intact, but the moment she thought of Neji again was the moment her shoulders dropped.
'All that time I tried to pretend that he was already dead... I just...' Tenten sighed and felt tears building up.
"Tenten! Tenten, hey!" She looked down to find Sakura standing downstairs, smiling and waving up at her. Tenten felt nervous for a moment, but relaxed when she figured that the smile was no lie.
Moments later, Ino ran up to Sakura and punched her arm, yelling, "You could've waited for us, you know!!" Hinata, who wasn't far behind, said, "I-Ino, it's not that huge of a deal; it's okay!!" Ino huffed and glared at Sakura, who glared right back.
Tenten giggled and watched the two as they started to snap at each other. However, Hinata said, "If you two want to argue then take it elsewhere. Have you both forgotten why we're here?"
Tenten blinked before staring at Hinata. It wasn't often she'd get angry.
Sakura's face softened and she said, "Sorry, Hinata." Ino nodded in agreement before looking up at Tenten and saying, "We actually came over to talk to you, if you didn't mind."
Tenten shook her head and said, "Come on up."
The girls came up by the stairs, giving her an awkward hug while Tenten clung to her cup of tea.
Once they let go, the girls entered her home and sat themselves on her couch. Tenten sat on a chair that was facing the couch and asked, "So... What's up?"
Tenten felt awkward. At the moment, Ino was literally the only female she didn't have emotional baggage with.
Sakura and Hinata... they were another story.
Sakura said, "We just came to check up on you is all." Hinata nodded softly before saying, "This is hard on you as it is me... And added to the fact that you now have the Uchiha nearby, we decided to check up on you."
Tenten smiled softly but the smile eventually disappeared. "I don't know what to think," She replied softly, "but I'll be alright. What about you, Hinata?"
The question caught her off guard and she managed to say, "I-I'm doing okay c-considering..." Tenten nodded softly before going back to sipping her tea.
Ino said, "I am wondering though... It seemed like you took it easier than I thought you would."
"You idiot!" Sakura hollered, "Look at her! She's in her pajamas still! It looks like she hasn't slept a wink!!"
Tenten choked on her tea and Sakura assumed she said the wrong thing. She quickly sputtered out, "W-Well you could just be tired and all, I wouldn't really know-"
She stopped talking and relaxed when Tenten started giggling. Tenten cleared her throat before saying, "No no, I'm sorry. Sakura is right. It's not exactly settling in right with my brain. It was... Hard enough to accept that he never returned, but to know that he's... Really gone..."
Tenten took a deep breath and said, "This changes nothing. Even if he were alive, it's not like he would've ever returned."
Hinata gripped her jacket, looking away from Tenten and trembling slightly. Tenten noticed and sighed before saying, "Hinata, I'm not saying that it doesn't matter-"
"How could you say that?" she whispered, trembling harder.
Hinata looked up at Tenten and yelled, "How could you say something like that about him?! A-At least maybe if he wasn't dead, there would always be a chance for him to return!! Have you lost your faith in him?!"
Sakura looked at Hinata like she was a foreign, and Ino held back a sigh, avoiding everyone's eyes. Tenten opened her mouth to say something, but shut it moments later. Hinata started to tear up as she asked, "Why?"
A single tear ran down Tenten's cheek as she said, "Because even if he wasn't dead... Even if he returned... He could never be mine again... He wouldn't be Neji anymore..."
Hinata looked up at Tenten, and it looked as if she was about to activate Byakugan. Instead she cried out, "How could you think that about Neji?! Neji is Neji, Tenten, nothing more!!!"
Before anyone could say anything else, Hinata ran out of the house, sobbing and not bothering to say goodbye.
Sakura got up to chase after her, but Tenten said, "Don't... It'll only make things worse... I'm not the only one who can't get over the fact that he's gone..."
Sakura sighed and Ino stood up, saying, "I'll go after her. There's still some things the both of you need to talk about." Sakura nodded and watched as Ino left, and Tenten asked, "What else is there to talk about?"
Sakura turned to Tenten hesitantly and said, "It's... It's about Sasuke.." Tenten sat up straighter and asked, "What about Sasuke?"
Sakura bit her lower lip before saying, "I was... Wondering if you could consider helping me convince Tsunade to reconsider her decision about Sasuke."
Tenten sighed softly, recalling Tsunade's words. Hesitantly, she said, "Well... Don't you think we should give this a shot first? I mean, it's only been the first day."
Sakura blinked at her as if she were foreign. Tenten looked away before saying, "Even if I said something, Sakura... It wouldn't help. Trust me; I'm not up for her decision either. But for now, maybe it's for the best...?"
Sakura's hands balled up into fists before releasing.
Moments later, she sighed and said, "You're right. I'm sorry. I just... Sasuke is back now. I mean, he's really back. I just want to talk to him so badly, even though I know he'll want nothing to do with me."
Tenten looked at her and said, "I don't think he wants anything to do with anyone."
Sakura shook her head and looked elsewhere, feeling a mix of emotions. After a few moments of quiet, Tenten said, "Well, you never know... Sasuke might exceed past our team. Maybe Tsunade will decide to place him back in Team Seven."
Sakura looked at her, hope gleaming in her eyes. "Do you really think so?" Sakura asked.
Tenten smiled slightly and replied, "I'm not quite sure what to think. But I believe that Tsunade will eventually change her mind. We just have to give it all time."
Sakura nodded softly and smiled wide, holding Tenten's hands. "Thank you, Tenten," she said wholeheartedly, "I'll try and give it time for now before trying to convince Tsunade. For now, let's just focus on getting Sasuke comfortable and loosen up a bit, okay?"
Tenten nodded, smiling but knowing that Sasuke's wall was as thick as metal, and that it would take a miracle to break it down.
Sakura then said, "I should go now. The team's having a meeting soon. I'll try to convince Naruto to calm down." Tenten nodded and said, "I wish you luck."
"Thanks," she replied, smiling and walking towards the door. However, she stopped just as a foot set out, and turned to say, "Tenten... I'm sorry about Neji. If you ever need to talk to me, you know where I am."
Tenten nodded and watched as Sakura left. Moments later, she sighed and got up, walking towards her door and locking it.
'I won't let myself sink,' Tenten thought as she moved towards her bedroom. 'I can't let myself sink anymore than I already have. Lee needs me. The team is counting on me. I can do this.' Tenten opened her closet, glancing at their old team photo. 'His death changes nothing.'
Someone knocked on Tenten's door, rather lightly. She blinked and looked up. It was almost seven at night, and the place had been quiet since the girls had left.
She got up and asked quietly, "Who is it?"
"Itachi Uchiha," the voice replied. For a moment she was confused.
However, Tenten realized that she had forgotten she had promised to give them a few towels. She practically tripped over herself as she got three towels, three washcloths, and soap. Tenten then opened the door and immediately handed the towels out to him.
He had a look of surprise on him, so Tenten said, "The towels- I completely forgot! Sorry, last night was just kind of weird." Itachi held a hand up, causing her to go quiet.
He then smiled lightly as he said, "It's quite alright, Tenten." He took the towels from her and said, "I came to make sure you were alright. Sasuke told me your wound opened up."
"Oh it did," she replied, "but I'm fine now. Uh, thank you."
Itachi smiled and said, "I also came to ask if you were hungry." When he asked, her stomach growled in response, and Tenten blushed and said, "Maybe a little." He chuckled softly and asked, "Would you like to come over for dinner?"
Tenten hesitated. "Well... I don't know." Itachi's smile lowered a bit as he said, "I know you feel nervous around us. Lady Tsunade put you in an awkward position, so I was merely trying to clear the air."
Tenten nodded softly and said, "Yeah.. I guess I could come."
Itachi smiled and said, "Your teammates will be arriving shortly. Oh, and Tenten?"
She looked at him and said, "Yes?"
He handed her the towels and soap back and said, "Kisame had left early this morning for towels. I just took them so you wouldn't have to hold them while we talked."
Tenten couldn't help but smile. She didn't know if he was trying to convince her to relax around him or if he was just being a gentleman in general.
After a moment, she said, "Well, okay I guess, I can come over if it's no bother."
"It's no trouble at all," Itachi said, "Kisame went on a cooking spree and made a bit much. We figured that inviting you and the others would be a good idea."
Tenten nodded and asked, "Are they over there now?"
Itachi responded, "Well, not yet-"
"Tenten! It's good to see you dressed and on your feet!!" Lee had jumped up on the catwalk, grinning wide.
Moments later, Might Guy showed up beside him and said, "We missed you at practice! How's our Blooming Flower doing?!"
Tenten sat the towels and soap on the table, giggling and watching Itachi as he looked at them, almost indifferently. "I'm fine," she replied, "just tired. Are you both here to eat at Itachi's?" Lee nodded and said, "Of course! Are you?"
Tenten giggled and nodded, and Lee ended up lifting Tenten in a tight hug.
She almost told him to let go, but his voice had softened as he said, "I'm glad you're okay, Tenten. I was worried about you this morning."
Tenten smiled softly as she said, "You worry about me too much." For a moment, Tenten thought Lee was going to say something sincere.
However, he simply grinned and said, "Maybe so, Tenten! After all, you're my teammate; it's the right thing to do!"
"I humbly receive!!" Rock Lee and Tenten raised their cups of water, smiling as they ended up making an almost-messy toast. Might Guy chuckled and started to slurp up ramen, while Kisame dug into his shrimp ramen.
The brothers simply ate buns and ramen in silence.
Lee said, "You should've been at practice earlier, Tenten! Sasuke and Guy Sensei trained together!! It was like watching two lightning bolts attack one another!!"
Tenten shivered but smiled regardless and said, "You must be excellent with your swordsmanship." Sasuke merely nodded. Tenten, who had become even more curious, asked, "Did you fight him hands-on as well?"
He shook his head, and Tenten huffed, going back to sipping on her ramen noodles.
Lee grinned and asked, "Will you be able to join us tomorrow, Tenten?" She hesitated. However, before she could open her mouth, Might Guy said, "No need to rush her, Lee. She'll be able to wield weapons on the training grounds once more, eventually! Isn't that right, Tenten?!"
She smiled wide and said enthusiastically, "Of course, Guy Sensei!!" Sasuke rolled his eyes and said, "You might want to avoid putting up dishes then."
Tenten glared at him before doing her best to relax. She knew that getting mad at him would only serve to amuse him.
Kisame poured more tea into Guy's up and said, "You really don't remember me at the river back then, huh?" Guy said, "Of course I do!! You're that... Hmm... You do seem familiar now... I believe I saw you... What day was it, now?"
Tenten bit back laugher as she watched Guy try to remember the day he fought Kisame. Itachi chuckled softly and watched them in amusement.
Tenten reached for another bun just as Sasuke did, and both noticed at the last moment. Tenten retracted her hand first without looking at him and went back to eating her ramen.
Sasuke looked at her only for a moment before grabbing the bun.
Lee noticed the clear tension and resentment but said nothing about it. Instead, he simply smiled at Tenten and asked, "Are you alright, Tenten?"
She knew what he was really asking, but chose not to go into detail as she said, "I feel okay. Just tired. I was hoping that maybe Hinata could help heal me, but... We kind of got in a fight earlier today."
Lee said, "I hope the both of you patch up your friendship soon! Until then, it might do you best to seek assistance from another Hyuga."
Tenten sighed and said softly, "I could, but I don't want to intrude."
"Tenten," Guy said flatly, setting down his food, "Hiashi has clearly stated that you are family to him now. It's okay to ask for help every now and then, even if it isn't from your closest friends. You shouldn't take on some issues alone."
Tenten nodded and smiled softly, saying, "Thank you, Guy Sensei." Kisame grinned at Might Guy and said, "Wise words, Guy."
"Wise words indeed," Itachi added in, smiling and reaching for a dango. Lee smiled wide and said, "Guy Sensei is the greatest Sensei ever, isn't he?!"
Tenten grinned and nodded in agreement. Sasuke simply sipped his tea quietly, grunting every so often.
Eventually, everyone had their fill, and Itachi and Kisame had started to clean up everything. Guy and Sasuke chipped in, but Guy had told them to go seek assistance from Hiashi about Tenten's injuries.
She nodded and sighed softly, not really wanting to go to the Hyuga compound.
No matter what she did, stepping foot in that area always reminded her of the day Yoru kidnapped her.
Lee smiled and said, "You've nothing to worry about Tenten. I'll be there with you the whole time." Guy grinned at them before turning to Sasuke and saying, "You should go with them, Sasuke. Think of it as your first walk with the team; the full team."
Sasuke was about to decline, but Itachi said, "That sounds like an excellent idea. It would give you a chance to get used to your comrades a little more."
Sasuke shook his head and merely said, "Alright." He then walked outside without another word.
Tenten and Lee looked at Guy with slight uncertainty, and Guy grinned and said, "A good team starts with trust, my Blooming Pupils! Go on!" Lee smiled and gave a thumb up, saying, "Yes, Guy Sensei!!"
Tenten simply nodded before following Lee out the door.
Once the door shut, the three walked down the catwalk quietly, almost awkwardly. Sasuke said nothing, Lee was just smiling, and Tenten felt beyond out of place.
People looked at them oddly, but said nothing of it. However, the silence didn't last long.
Lee looked at Tenten and asked, "How's your side?"
The way he asked the question caught her off guard. Rock Lee wasn't known to be calm in a lot of situations, but Tenten had forgotten from time to time that he too, had cried with her, held her for nights, fought to have a reason to keep being a shinobi; he had suffered just about as much as her.
She smiled softly and said, "Still hurts, but I'll be alright. It's the reason we're going there, isn't it?"
He nodded and said, "I'm just trying to make sure you're alright."
"Yeah, I know," she replied, "because we're teammates." Lee's hand twitched as he felt the impulse to grab her in a tight hug.
However, he simply grinned and gave her a thumb up, saying, "Yus, Tenten-Chan!!" Tenten giggled and nudged him, walking ahead. Lee smiled and watched her, but his smile faded moments later.
Before Sasuke could process what was happening, Lee held an arm in front of him, causing Sasuke to stop. Lee then dropped his arm once Sasuke turned to him. Sasuke said nothing, so Lee took the affirmative to speak his mind.
"I'm happy that we have a four-man team again. But I have to make this clear as possible, Sasuke. I do not trust you. And I do not want you on this team. What you have done to Naruto and Sakura-Chan is unacceptable and unforgivable."
Sasuke scoffed and opened his mouth, but Lee stopped him by holding up a hand.
"However, I want Tenten safe. I don't want her injured because of training or the like, regardless of if that's how it goes or not. I'm putting my faith in you, because I feel you can help me keep Tenten safe when Guy Sensei isn't around. But comrade or not, I refuse to let you treat Tenten in any manner other than how you're supposed to treat her."
Rock Lee took a step closer to Sasuke, causing him to tense up slightly. "I don't want to hurt you," Lee said softly, "But I don't care how strong you are. Harm my teammate, and I will harm you."
He then smiled and asked, "Can we come to agree with each other, Sasuke Uchiha?"
Sasuke frowned slightly as he said, "I'm sure we can, Lee."
I'm terribly sorry for not updating like I usually do. Things are really bad at the house right now, so I just haven't been in the mood to write anything. It's that crazy and depressing around here.
Thanks again for the views. I really appreciate them.
Until the next Update!
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