Chapter Seventeen - Fall Festival - All is Not Blissful

Deidara chuckled softly. "Well, I did overhear you say that anyone who asked was getting one dance. And seeing that there's no one else waiting for their turn..."

Ko and Sasuke stepped forward to refute, but Tenten simply giggled. "Fine, but don't touch me with those freaky hands."

"They're only freaky if you want them to be, hn." Deidara replied, almost grinning.

Her teammates stared at her like she was insane, and she turned around and said, "Tonight is my night to have fun. I came here for multiple reasons, and I will accomplish every fun task I've created with myself. Besides, if he wanted me in pieces, he would've already done it."

Deidara tilted to left. "She's got a point, hn." He added in.

Ino held her breath for a moment until saying, "Let us all dance and have fun, then!"

"Yeah!" Naruto piped in, "and show these old members how it's done!"

"You know, I'm not that old, hn." Deadpanned Deidara. Tenten shook her head and grabbed Deidara's hand hesitantly, bringing him onstage.

Music started playing (GUMI - Ninja Re Bang Bang) causing Tenten to dance with the former Akatsuki member.

Most of the comrades and a few Hyuga were surprised, aside from Naruto, Ino, Lee, and Itachi. In fact, the older Uchiha joined in, dancing somewhat.

Sasuke blinked a few times. What the hell was his older brother doing?

He sweatdropped when Kisame joined in and did a horrible dance with his Sensei. Several people were laughing at them as the music played on.

But to Sasuke, it seemed like people were getting used to their presence, not just Sasuke and Itachi's.

Iroha said, "I'm going to need a few more drinks after this." "It seems like fun though," Tokuma said happily, jumping in and dancing with Itachi, who didn't mind.

Iroha shook his head. "Nope, you can't make me."
"But I can," Hanabi giggled and pulled him onstage, dancing with him. He sweatdropped but said nothing.

Sakura shook her head.

"They're unbelievable." "But they're having fun," Tsunade stated, walking towards her.

Sakura and Sasuke turned. Tsunade was in her usual attire and still looked sober.

She was followed by Shizune, who was wearing a white kimono, and Jiraiya, who was right behind.

The moment he spotted Sasuke, he grinned. "Sasuke, nice to see you back around." The young Uchiha scoffed before turning elsewhere.

Sakura smiled sheepishly. "What brings you here, Jiraiya?"

"Well, other than spotting out beautiful women-" Tsunade cleared her throat, causing Jiraiya to chuckle. "I'm here to watch the festivities and take your lovely Hokage out on a date."

Sakura giggled and said, "Oh okay."

Tsunade scoffed and rolled her eyes before glancing at the stage. Everyone on it was dancing and smiling and laughing.

Tsunade chuckled softly. "It seems like no one is letting their worries get to them. Well, almost everyone."

Sasuke opened his mouth to refute, believing Tsunade was talking about him, but Sakura sighed and said, "You can only hide behind a smile for so long. I know her being here is bothering her greatly. But she's trying to have fun."

Tsunade beamed a little. "I know she is. Make sure that smile stays on that face all night, alright?"

Sakura smiled wide. "Yes ma'am!" The Fifth Hokage smiled before lightly locking arms with Jiraiya, leaning up against him lightly as they walked away.

Sakura smiled softly before sighing and turning to watch Tenten. She was still dancing with Deidara as he broke out his own moves, seemingly into it.

Sasuke cleared his throat gently and said, "Sakura.. Don't worry about her too much, alright? We both know she will be fine."

Sakura smiled somewhat. "I know, Sasuke."

"Then act like you do," he replied, poking her forehead with his first and middle finger. She blushed softly and turned to look elsewhere, surprisingly causing him to smile somewhat.

The song ended not long after, and villagers and shinobi were chatting and laughing all around them.

Despite originally not caring to come, Sasuke felt himself smiling softly at the sounds.

No one was afraid of him.

No one was ignoring or shunning him.

His thoughts were further proved when a few villagers waved to him.

Moments later, Naruto tackled him from behind. "Sasuke!! Why didn't you break out any moves like your brother?!"

Sasuke scoffed and nudged Naruto off him. "That's a stupid question, Naruto. I didn't feel like dancing that time."

"You should've," Ino stated, giggling as she leaned up against Choji for a moment. "My feet are actually tired."

Choji's stomach growled. "All this dancing is making me hungry."

"You're always hungry," Kiba replied.

Lee grinned and said, "What about you, Tenten? Tenten?" Lee glanced around but didn't see the brunette in sight.

Sakura and Ino glanced around as well. "Where did Tenten go?"

Hinata overheard and activated her Byakugan, worrying somewhat. "I don't see her anywhere," She said.

Hiashi stood, raising a hand. "Tonight is a sentimental night for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to be to herself for a minute. Now. I overheard you all mentioning the ferris wheel. If you want to catch the last light, I suggest you do it now."

The shinobi nodded, most relaxing completely.

Kiba said, "Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go!"

Ino giggled and grabbed Hinata's hand, pulling her forward. Everyone else followed suit; Sasuke trailing behind.

Deidara watched them go before chuckling. "These leaf ninja are weird, hn."

"Yes indeed," Kisame stated. "But they're hopeful. I hate thinking about what we would've done to them had we still been on the wrong side."

"Easy, Kisame," Itachi stated, patting his shoulder gently. "What's done is done. Though I still wonder what has become of our other comrades, only time will tell. For now, let's enjoy the rest of tonight."

Deidara and Kisame agreed. Sasori almost smirked. "A lot of hopefuls. I don't blame them." The ex members chuckled amongst themselves.

Hiashi and Kakashi watched them from a distance. "This is turning out to be a fine beginning to Autumn," Kakashi stated.

Hiashi was silent for a moment. Then he said, "Keep on your toes, Shinobi. The fight is not over yet."

Kakashi caught his tone and nodded, glancing at Guy as he too, nodded.

Some things were meant to not be discussed right away, as they all knew.

But soon. Very soon.


Her bangs gently blew with the cool wind, causing her to shiver a little. Grateful for her matching jacket, she continued to glance up at the Ferris wheel as it spun passengers.

She had used her own money to pay for the seats; twelve in total. It was the least she could do for her friends.

And since there were enough spots, the man at the machine allowed it.

"Tenten?" She turned to find her comrades looking at her, some in relief, others in worry.

"Tenten," Sakura said carefully, "Are you alright?"

The brunette smiled. "Yeah. This ride is about over. I reserved seats for us."

"Tenten..," Lee started to say.

"I figured we could all ride at the same time so we'd all see the same sunset."

"Tenten," Hinata said, approaching her.

Tenten looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry about paying me back, it's on me."

Hinata stared at her and realized what she was trying to do. Tears formed in the Hyuga's eyes as she suddenly grabbed Tenten for a hug. "I-I'm sorry, Tenten!!"

Tenten froze some before wrapping her arms around Hinata. "Sorry for what? You did nothing wrong."

Hinata sniffed and said, "B-But I left you alone. I avoided you when you needed a friend. I'm so sorry, Tenten Nee-chan."

Kiba stared. "I've never heard Hinata call her that before."

Ino beamed as she said, "Once, a long time ago. She used to say it often until last year."

"That's an adorable name for Tenten," Lee piped in. Naruto grinned wide before approaching them.

Hinata wiped her eyes and blushed furiously at Naruto's smile. "Aww come on, Hinata. Tenten doesn't hate you for that. You were in pain. Sure, words were passed, but it's alright now, isn't it?"

Tenten smiled and nodded. "Of course it is! Now, let's ride the Ferris Wheel; everyone is getting off."

Sakura smiled wide before asking, "Can we go in pairs again?"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "I guess it's you and me again, Choji." He grinned at that, not really caring.

Before Ino could cling to Sai, he said, "I'll go with Ino." She squealed and giggled.

Hinata tried to speak up and ask Naruto, but her face simply went red.

Tenten nudged Naruto, nodding towards Hinata once the weapons' mistress caught his attention. "Ask her to join you."

Naruto grinned a little and said, "Say, Hinata-chan... Um, will you get on with me?" Hinata blushed harder, nodding and grabbing his hand once he held it out.

Hana hip bumped Shino and said, "Let's go together!" He simply shrugged.

The only ones left were Sasuke, Sakura, Tenten, Lee, and Kiba.

Sakura gave Sasuke a hopeful look to where he scoffed and rolled his eyes. However, when he noticed Tenten's pleading glance, he sighed and said, "Right, Sakura, would you like to sit next to me?"

She nodded, smiling wide and biting her lip. The Ferris wheel had emptied out and the pairs started to get on.

Tenten then noticed both Lee and Kiba staring at her. However, before she could state her interest to ride alone, Itachi grabbed a hold of her wrist, taking the next available seat before Hana and Shino could get on.

"I-Itachi!" Tenten exclaimed, blushing heavily as he held her to him. Everyone else on the ground stared up in shock.

Once the Ferris wheel turned two times, he let her go. She stared at him in disbelief. "What was that for?!"

He chuckled softly. "Those young men looked like they were about ready to brawl over you."

Tenten shook her head. "You're not wrong," she replied, shrugging a little.

Itachi chuckled once more before going quiet. Tenten watched him for a moment before relaxing.

It wasn't so bad sharing a ride with Itachi, to Tenten at least.

Eventually, everyone got on, and the Ferris Wheel took a spin. Tenten sat, tense with anticipation.

Itachi noticed and said, "I know you haven't come here at least two years in a row. Too many memories?"

Tenten nodded softly. "Yeah... Too many memories.."

Itachi smiled softly. "You know... It feels nice to be accepted for once. Despite everyone knowing, quite a few have opened their arms to me. But I have to thank you and the other young shinobi."

Tenten smiled softly and asked, "What for?"

"For not looking at me in disgust, anger, pity.. You all have looked at me like I was a normal human being."

She smiled wider before punching his arm lightly.

During the past few months the Uchiha brothers have been there, everyone learned the truth of Itachi's actions. But even before then, they had accepted and moved forward, knowing that his and Sasuke's return was to be their new beginning.

"It wasn't our place to feel any of those emotions. Sometimes you're forced to do something you really don't want to do." She giggled. "But let's not talk about the past."

Itachi nodded as they both looked ahead.

"Tenten, look!" Ino called out as she looked ahead. But the brunette already was.

As she and Itachi rose, the sun hit the horizon, flashing beautiful colors across the sky in a dim manner.
Tenten smiled wider than she had ever had in three years. "It's... So beautiful.. More than before..." Tears sprang to her eyes.

Itachi looked at her in concern. "Tenten?"

She sniffed and wiped her teary eyes. "I'm okay," she replied, unable to look away from the sight before her. Eventually, the ferris wheel spun them downwards.

However, instead of taking a second round, Tenten said, "I-I need to get out."

The man nodded and stopped the machine, letting her out. Itachi watched as she tried to get free from her buckle, as if running away from something she wasn't ready to face. Tenten got out, blinking away tears.

"Tenten!" Lee called out.

"Hey, wait up!" Sakura called out, planning to jump right off the Ferris wheel.

Sasuke grabbed her arm and said, "No. All of you stay put. She doesn't need to be talked to or cuddled. She can handle this. Let her handle it."

Kiba scowled, not liking the idea at all. In fact, most of them didn't like the idea. This was hard on her; they all knew that.

Ino sighed. "What are we going to do about her?"

"It's like no matter what we try, she doesn't succeed in healing," Shikamaru said. "It's very troublesome."

"I thought that maybe she was feeling better," Hinata mumbled, sighing softly.

Sakura watched Tenten until she was out of sight. She then looked to Sasuke. "You and Lee should go.. You're the only ones who can cheer her up right now."

Sasuke nodded and sighed. "Of course." He then stood, landing on the ground seconds later.

Rock Lee joined him soon after. They then rushed after her; each shinobi seemingly trying to make it to her faster before the other.


Tenten wiped her eyes, sniffling and trying to calm herself.

She couldn't handle it; couldn't handle seeing the same, if not more beautiful sunlight she had seen with Neji by her side.

'I can't.. I just can't.' Just as she was about to let the tears flow, someone cleared their throat. Tenten looked up to see Ko standing before her.

He smiled a little before saying, "You shouldn't be crying on a nice day like this, you know." Tears unwillingly flowed down her face.

"I... I'm sorry... I tried to be h-happy today. I was doing so well..." Ko walked to her, grabbing her in a gentle hug, which she allowed.

"Shhh, easy Tenten. Just let it out."

She sobbed softly. "I've cried too much... This is embarrassing..."

He chuckled gently. "Yeah, well... It's alright with me. Little secret between the both of us; I used to hug Hinata like this when she felt upset or sad. It lifted her spirits, even if just a little."

She sniffed, relaxing a little in his arms. "You know... You remind me of something... I can't quite recall what it is, but it was something good."

Ko smirked to himself. "Is that so?"

She nodded, taking a step back from him as she used Itachi's handkerchief. "Oh... I meant to give this back to Itachi..."

Ko chuckled and said, "The Uchiha? What made him give you that?"

Tenten shrugged a little, to where he smiled. "I think that's a token of him caring for you."

Tenten giggled a little. "Yeah, I know he does. He's a bit of a charmer. To be honest, I think you're one as well."

Ko chuckled and rolled his eyes. "So I've been told. Oh, looks like we're about to have company."

Tenten turned her head to find Sasuke and Lee walking toward them hastily. Tenten turned to them and said, "Sasuke! Lee!"

"Are you alright?" Sasuke asked, eyeing Ko warily. Ko simply stared back.

Tenten nodded and said, "Yes, I'm okay. I'm sorry about that, I just.." She felt at a loss of words.

Lee smiled softly. "It's okay, Tenten-Chan. We're just glad you're alright."

Sasuke nodded before asking, "Did you want to ditch the festival?"

She shook her head. "No, I'll keep at it. I'll be alright." They both nodded.

Ko said, "Well, I must go back to locating Hanabi before Hiashi finds out." He shuddered at the thought of being punished verbally. "Take care, Tenten." He said, bowing a little before turning and walking off.

Tenten giggled softly and said, "Well, we can go back if you want."

"Actually," Lee said, "I was wondering if I could have a word with you alone."

She nodded and said, "If you'll excuse us for a minute." Sasuke nodded and turned around, walking back to the tents and stands of the festival.

Lee smiled a little before saying, "Tenten... I know you thought of him again. And I wanted to say that... Well..."

Tenten smiled a bit, feeling awkward. "What's on your mind, Lee?"

He sighed before saying, "Tenten, I love you." His confession surprised her, but not as much as when he kissed her; deeply at that. Her eyes widened and she went frozen stiff.

Lee let the kiss linger a bit longer before backing up, eyes full of hope. "Tenten. I want to be there for you. I want to hug you and comfort you. I want to be everything you want and need, but not in a friend. I'm.. I'm asking you to be mine. Be my girlfriend, Tenten."

She stared down at the hands holding hers before looking back up at Lee. She started to cry softly, regardless of the smile she made.

Lee thought that it was a good sign, but when Tenten slowly removed her hands from his, he frowned a little. "Tenten?"

She shook her head. "Lee... You are such a gentleman... So kind and encouraging. You're strong and happy, you push through, and you would make the perfect boyfriend... But I can't..." She choked back a sob. "I can't be with you if I'm still attached to him. I'm so sorry Lee."

She backed away from him, unable to look at him any longer.

Lee's hand twitched. He wanted to beg; to force her to realize that he was okay with her slowly healing.

But he wanted to help her heal.

"Tenten, please..."

She shook her head, turning her back and quickly walking away.

Lee reached for her, but stopped himself, willing himself not to cry. But it hurt.

Everything about it hurt badly.

"Don't go.."


Tenten couldn't stop walking. She didn't know what to think or how to react.

No one came after her.

She didn't need anyone to come after her. She just wanted to be alone.

Tenten had continued to walk away from the festival, past the gates, and towards her old home.

She had to find her sense of standing to wonder if she was making the right choice or the wrong one.

Lee had been nothing but supporting for a long time. He put up with her during her depression and after. He was probably the only person to keep her from crying.

He may have been a goof, but he knew. Oh yes, he knew.

Tenten eventually found herself at her old home once more. It was just about dark. The sun had set, and the chill air of Autumn's night had settled in.

She shivered, rubbing her arms and wishing her jacket could keep her warmer. She walked onto her porch, glancing around at what scenery she could see.

When she found she could see very little, she took out a scroll and released a lantern from inside, finding that it hadn't changed at all from the years before.

Vines growing and dying, flowers rising and falling; leaves sprouting and flowing to the ground; all of it was the same.

Tenten bit her lower lip before turning to walk inside her abandoned house. Her footsteps created small creaking on the floor, causing her to flinch a little. She still believed in ghosts, among other things.

A sudden noise caused her to jump a little. Stood before her was a crow, cawing a little.

She shook her head and said, "Kuro. You sure like popping up here and there, don't you." It cawed, as if amused, then flew out the door, perching itself on a tree.

She shook her head and continued to walk until another sound caught her off guard. It sounded like a thump; as if someone had just fallen.

Tenten pulled out a kunai and carefully walked towards the direction, each sound she made with her feet making her more nervous every second or so. The sound was coming from the kitchen.

She gulped and quietly made her way towards the wooden floor. At first, she saw nothing but dirt and dust. However, something moved in the left corner, causing her to panic a little.

Against her every fear and will, she raised her lamp, finding what was moving to be a person, curled up and whimpering.

Tenten turned pale. There was no way she was going to get near whatever it was.

No way.

Tenten sighed, and against her better judgment, made her way towards the curled up female.

"... H-Hello..?"

The being stopped crying and moving at the same time, causing Tenten to want to scream and run.

The being then slowly lifted her head.

Tenten practically dropped her lantern.

When the female opened her eyes, revealing red orbs, Tenten did drop her lantern, causing the flame to go out. Moments later, the female stood.
Tenten took a step back, holding up her kunai. "D-Don't come any closer!" Her heart was racing. The female's eyes glowed in the dark, her claws clearly seeable. "No... I'm..." Tenten hesitated. The female didn't sound much older than Hinata did, but had a bit of a rougher voice.

She then said, "Please... Help.." She took a step towards Tenten before collapsing and curling up, seemingly writhing in pain.

Tenten, shivering and shaking a little, scooted towards the female, dragging her kimono on the ground as she crawled. "....Yoru..?"

She prayed to Kami and all else that it wasn't her. It couldn't have been; Yoru would've tried to kill her already.

The being suddenly snarled weakly. "Never... Never her... I hate..."

Tenten dared to get so close, that her palms accidently touched her hair. The female shifted but made no other move.

After getting her nerve together, Tenten asked, "... H-How can I help?" The female lifted her hand somewhat, tilting her wrist towards her.

At first, Tenten didn't get it. However, it dawned on her moments later. "Blood... You need blood.."

The female nodded.

Tenten hesitated. It didn't seem like the girl was out to hurt her. Then again, she wasn't able to move much anyway.

Going with her better judgment this time, she held out her arm for her. The female shifted before looking up at Tenten, her eyes now white as the moon herself.

Tenten's eyes widened. "....My name is Tenten... And you're a Hyuga... Aren't you?"

The female shifted and said nothing. Tenten sighed, figuring that she wouldn't answer.

After a moment, she sighed and said, "Here. Drink."

The female hesitated, glancing down at Tenten's left arm before trying to sit up right.

When she failed, Tenten said, "No, it's okay. Let me help you." She carefully helped the female up, resting her head on Tenten's lap.

Once positioned correctly, Tenten hovered her arm over the female's lips. However, she didn't bite. "... Helping... Me? Why.."

Tenten frowned a little, not sure of how to answer her question. "I don't really know," she admitted softly. "But please, don't think about it."

The female hesitated a little more before biting down, a little roughly. Tenten winced hard, feeling her sharp fangs pierce her skin, sinking into her vein.

For what seemed like forever, Tenten watched her life flow into the girl's mouth slowly. And just when it seemed like she might suck Tenten dry, she retracted her fangs, coughing a little before leaning up against Tenten, seemingly relaxed and sated.

Tenten dazedly looked down at the female, watching her as she watched Tenten.

The female then smiled and said, "Naomi... My name is Naomi.."

Tenten smiled softly. "Naomi... Such a nice name..."

Before she or Naomi could say anymore, Tenten closed her eyes, falling into a numb bliss once more; a sensation she hadn't felt since she tried to end it once and for all.

Naomi's eyes widened in shock and downright terror. She got up painfully, holding Tenten in her arms. "No... No! Wake up!"

Now fully energized, she held the kind kunoichi to her, screaming out at the top of her lungs in prayer that they would be found; that she hadn't made yet another mistake.



My my. A new Hyuga?

That's the end of the Fall Festival! I wonder what will come of this newfound discovery?

Until the next Update!

~ Nimo #IFanonNotCanon

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