Chapter One - Just Another Day

The brown kunoichi held the back of her head, feeling exhausted and worn out for the day.

Her teammates had insisted on continuing to practice. They always did. But her back wasn't having it that day, so she declined and slowly walked home.

She inhaled the air and breathed out, feeling light despite her body feeling heavy.

'Not so bad for a three-man team,' she thought, giggling to herself.

"Hey, Tenten, what's the inside joke?" She turned her head and spotted Naruto and Sakura walking towards her. She waved and said, "Nothing, Naruto. I'm just feeling happy. Exhausted, but happy." Sakura giggled and said, "They push you too hard."

Tenten grinned and said, "Nah, it's nothing I can't handle. How about your guys? What have you been up to? It has been a week since we spoke."

Sakura said, "The mission was almost easy. Fighting bandits was simple, and with Sai's artistic skills, we were able to save the captured villagers."

Naruto growled and said, "That punk was showing off!! He didn't do anything fancy; he just make a large ink snake that scared them away, when we could've totally kicked their asses!!"

"The mission was about stealth," Sakura added in, glaring at Naruto, "And we almost failed because Naruto wanted to jump right in on the action. As usual."

Tenten shook her head in irritation and said, "I get that with Guy and lee all the time, for crying out loud."

"I'm not that spastic!!" Naruto exclaimed with irritation.

Sakura laughed and said, "Of course not Naruto. Anyways, have you heard the news?" Tenten shook her head and said, "No, what's going on?"

Sakura said, "I heard from Shizune that something's going on with the Akatsuki."

"The Akatsuki?" Tenten was slightly confused.

Sakura said, "They're the notorious group that's been stirring up trouble; the group at Itachi is in." "Oh," Tenten replied, slightly surprised.

Naruto nodded and said, "Something's going on. We heard that their activity levels had become really low recently, and it's putting Granny Tsunade on edge." Tenten shivered and asked, "You don't think they're planning on attacking us, do you?"

"I hope not," Sakura said, shuddering slightly before perking up and adding, "But if they do, I'm sure we'll take them down. They just seem like another crazy group lusting for power."

Tenten nodded and said, "I guess so. Isn't there any book about them?"

"I'm sure there is," Sakura replied, "I'll ask Tsunade about it. Maybe she'll give us some type of info. Oh, and it might be best not to tell anyone else about this. The last thing we need is panic."

Tenten nodded and said, "You can count on me!" Sakura giggled and said, "Awesome. Also... You know the festival is in a few months, right?" Tenten shook her head and said, "Yes, I know. And I still have no intention of going."

Sakura pouted and whined, "Tenten, come ooooon! There will be fireworks and we can dunk our teachers; who would want to miss that?"

The smile slightly faded from Tenten's mouth as she said, "I would.."

At first, Sakura was confused. However, it didn't take her long to realize why she wouldn't go. "Oh," she said, "I see. Well, that's understandable; I'm sure you'd love to use that day as an off day anyways."

Tenten smiled and said, "Thank you, Sakura. I'll be going now; I need a nice, long bath." Sakura nodded and said, "Get some sleep." Tenten waved before turning and walking off.

Naruto watched her leave and asked, "What's wrong with her? The Fall Festival is supposed to be fun, right?" Sakura shook her head and said, "It's not that she wouldn't have fun, per say... It goes a bit deeper than that, Naruto."

He looked up thoughtfully before asking, "Does it have to do with Neji not being here?"

Sakura nodded softly and asked, "Did anyone ever tell you why he's gone?"

Naruto shook his head and said, "I heard from a few shinobi that he died. Others told me that he left his home. I'm not really sure what happened." She sighed and sat on a bench, calling him over to sit. He did so and looked at her strangely.

Sakura looked out at the horizon as the sun slowly disappeared over it.

"Neji... That's a... A complicated topic. You changed him for the better, but that you already knew. And after you left, things kind of got better."

Naruto asked, "How so?"

Sakura smiled wide and said, "Neji and Tenten got together."

Naruto gave Sakura a wide smile and said, "Really? That's great!"

Sakura giggled and said, "Everyone seemed to think so. Of course... It happened under odd situations, and it didn't last long."

Naruto frowned and asked, "Why not? Did he end up being a jerk?"

Sakura shook her head. "No, it wasn't that..."

"Then what was the reason?" he asked.

Sakura looked down at her hands; the same hands that held Tenten; that wiped her own tears. She sighed and said, "There was a lot more to Neji than we had thought. He was... He was..."

"A vampire," someone cut in.

Sakura lifted her head to find Team Ten standing in front of them.

Naruto looked at him and said, "Very funny, Shikamaru. Now what's the real reason?"

Ino shouted, "It is true, you idiot! You don't see Sakura denying it, do you?!" Naruto looked at Sakura for an answer, but she simply stayed quiet.

Choji sighed and said, "Man, I remember everything that happened too.." Shikamaru shook his head and said, "We're not lying, Naruto. Neji really was a vampire. Well, partially a vampire. It is best if we start off with what we know, right Sakura?"

She nodded and looked at Naruto.

"Yes Naruto, Neji was a vampire. Or, a half vampire. We found out that his mom was a killer and a creature of the night. We know that he was having some kind of personality disorder during the change, and we know that he might be alive somewhere."

Naruto said, "If he's still alive, then we can just find him and-!"

"This isn't Sasuke we're talking about," Shikamaru interrupted, "because unlike him, finding Neji and trying to bring him back might be fatal for both Hinata and Tenten."

Naruto was confused. "Why though?"

Ino looked down before saying softly, "His mother tried to kill them both... She wanted to turn Hinata and drain Tenten dry... She was a danger, and the Hyuga Elders wouldn't step in to assist in the situation. Our best shinobi had issues because she was so fast and strong. She easily avoided us several times and managed to kidnap Tenten at one time."

Naruto shuddered and said, "So that's it? You guys gave up on finding him just like that?"

Sakura said, "Naruto, you just don't understand... And I'm not sure we're in the right to tell. You have to go speak to Might Guy about it."

Naruto opened his mouth to say something else, but a cheerful voice pulled them out of whatever mood each felt.

"Hello my fellow comrades!!"

Lee waved and smiled, walking towards them.

Choji said, "Hey Lee! Finished training already?" Lee grinned and said, "Yus! Guy Sensei said for us to stop for the day, so I thought I'd check on Tenten. Is she with you all?"

Sakura shook her head and said, "No, she had left for home."

Lee smiled and said, "I see. We probably did work her too hard today."

"No harm in that!" Ino said cheerfully.

Sakura giggled and glanced at Naruto, who was seemingly irritated. Before anyone could stop him, he stood up and blurted out, "Why is Neji really gone? Why couldn't anyone fight his mother?!"

Everyone but Lee froze.

At was quiet for a moment, and no one said anything, but Lee finally spoke up and said, "She toyed with his mind a lot... She'd tell him over and over again that he was weak and that we hated him. She wasn't going to leave without him, so the Hokage and the Hyuga Elders decided on using Neji as a way to keep her gone."

Naruto felt his blood run cold. "Wait... Are you trying to tell me that Neji was used as bait?"

Lee nodded softly, seemingly almost unfazed, and said, "Yes, Naruto. There wasn't anything I could do at that point. Everyone was told to stay quiet about it, especially with Tenten, but I accidentally spoke too much."

Ino said, "Don't blame yourself for her actions, Lee. You did what you could." Lee shook his head and said, "I feel like I haven't done enough."

Lee's face suddenly brightened.

"I have an idea," he said, "I know Tenten doesn't care for it much anymore, but maybe we could try and convince her to join us on a trekking expedition tomorrow, or at least a picnic around noon."

Sakura winced a bit and said, "I'm sorry, but Naruto and I can't. We have a debriefing."

"But we can join," Ino said.

Choji added in, "We can bring snacks and drinks and have a picnic as well." Shikamaru said, "It's such a hassle to prepare, but if you guys say so. I'm sure we need a little relaxation as well."

Lee smiled and said, "I think she'll enjoy herself. Ever since last year she's just been pushing herself to no end. Hopefully this trip will brighten up her day!" "That's the spirit," Ino exclaimed, giggling and clapping her hands together.

Shikamaru chuckled and said, "No getting out of this one I guess. How troublesome." "Oh hush it, you!" Ino said, huffing, "besides, you'll get to stare at clouds like usual."

Shikamaru rolled his eyes and glanced at Lee, who was smiling, but it didn't reach his eyes.

Shikamaru said carefully, "Lee, is there anything else you'd want to share with us?"

Lee locked eyes with the Nara, and it was clear that Lee had something more to say, but Lee retracted and said, "No, thanks for asking though!!"

Sakura glanced at both of them before sighing and standing up. "I say that everyone should go get some rest. It's been a long day as it is, and you all should consider what you're going to bring for a picnic."

Lee said, "That's a great idea, Sakura-Chan! I know that whatever you three bring will be tasty regardless though!"

Ino smiled and said, "Don't worry Lee; we'll make something extra delicious." Choji's stomach growled in anticipation, and everyone laughed, including Choji himself.

Lee then smiled softly and said, "I'll try my best to convince Tenten to come. I'm sure it would help her relax." "Don't worry," Ino said, "We'll help you convince her if she doesn't budge."

Lee smiled wide, grabbing Ino's hand and holding it. "Thank you all. It really means a lot that you all are trying to help."

Ino held his hand and giggled, saying, "Anytime. After all, that's what friends are for."


"Lee, I'm very sore from yesterday. Can't this wait?"

Lee had knocked on Tenten's door at eight in the morning and found that she was still in her pajamas.

Lee smiled softly and said, "Don't worry Tenten, I'm not trying to make you train again, I promise."

His sentence caught Tenten's attention, and her eyes opened a little wider.

Lee said, "Well, I ran into Team Ten yesterday and we planned to have a picnic around noon. Guy Sensei is willing to come, but we didn't want to go without you." Tenten looked up and considered.

Lee said, "If you don't want to go then I won't push you. Guy Sensei and I probably pushed you too hard yesterday." Tenten looked at him and smiled, saying, "Don't apologize for that, Lee. I'm okay with coming with you all. It'll be nice actually, since I can't remember the last time we went out for a picnic."

Lee smiled wide and said, "I'm so glad you're coming! Now, we have to bring something to eat before we go, and we'll also need plates and cups."

Tenten giggled and said, "If you handle the food part, then I'll bring the dishes and utensils." Lee smiled wide and said, "No problem, Tenten! I'll come by fifteen minutes before noon! And sorry for waking you up so early."

Tenten waved him off and said, "Lee, you're okay. I need to keep getting up early anyways. See you soon."

Lee grinned and took off, not even bothering to take the steps as he had jumped off the railing and onto the ground. Tenten shook her head and shut the door, sighing as she strolled towards the kitchen.

'Damned birds... Why do I keep dreaming about them?'

Tenten pulled out a cup just as someone else knocked on the door. Tenten figured it was Lee again, figuring that he had forgotten something.

She walked over to the door and opened it to find not Lee standing there, but Naruto instead.

And he didn't seem all that happy.

Tenten felt confused.

It wasn't like him to not be smiling, or to be up earlier than he had to be. She asked, "Good morning, Naruto. Is everything alright?"

Naruto grinned and rubbed the back of his head, saying, "Ehehe, yeah I guess."

Moments later his smile disappeared, and he lowered his hand. "Actually," he said softly, "I was wondering if I could step in and ask you about something."

Tenten nodded and opened her door wider, saying, "Come on inside." Naruto smiled and walked in, and Tenten shut the door behind him. She walked back into the kitchen and said, "You can sit wherever you like. I was just getting ready to make tea as well. Would you like a cup?"

Naruto shook his head and said, "Actually, I was wondering if I could ask about... Neji."

Tenten's body stiffened at the mention of his name, but she relaxed moments later. "What would you like to know?" She asked.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head and asked, "Do... Do you think Neji is dead?" Tenten sighed, putting a pot on the stove and placing the tea bags in.

"No," she replied, "I don't think he is."

Naruto said, "I see. Do you think there's ever a chance of seeing him again?"

"No," she replied, watching the water as it heated up.


"Because he made his decision long ago. There would be no reason for him to return."

"Not even for you?"

Tenten looked at Naruto and smiled weakly. "Not even for me, Naruto..." Naruto sighed and locked eyes with Tenten. She shook her head and said, "It's been about three years since he left. Yes, I miss him, if that's also what you wanted to know. I guess I never got over him, same way Sakura never got over Sasuke."

Naruto said, "But you and Neji actually dated, right? How can someone turn their back from it and never think about it again?"

"Neji can," she replied, "and he has. I know he has. I woke up one night, feeling emptier than I ever had. You ever feel that? A connection so strong that you feel it when it breaks? That's what it felt like. Neji parted with me to save me, and I feel that in the end he's forgotten about me." "

You're wrong."

Tenten turned to look at him.

Naruto looked at her with a stern look and said, "A bond like that... It can't be broken, Tenten."

She sighed and said, "Sometimes, Naruto... I have to wonder."


The conversation was cut short when Naruto realized that he was going to be late for debriefing.

Tenten laughed and sweat-dropped as he scrambled out the door, yelling that he was sorry for leaving abruptly.

She shut the door and locked it before sighing softly and pressing her head up against the door.

'Don't think about it... What an idiot. Why did he even have to bring it up?'

Tenten inwardly groaned and turned back to handling her tea. The last thing she wanted to think about in general was Neji.

It never boded well for her.

She poured the green-brown liquid into a mug and sat herself on her couch.

'Why did he even bother? Maybe he talked to someone. He was always curious as to what really happened with Neji. I guess he knows now.'

Tenten relaxed and took a sip of tea. Her mind started going blank until she heard a "CAW!!" outside her window. Tenten jumped slightly before sighing and standing up.

'Great, I'm paranoid now.'

She unwillingly turned towards her window, opening up the curtain to find a crow standing there.

She blinked at it before opening her window and saying, "Have we met?"

The crow cawed, and Tenten couldn't help but giggle. Moments later, the crow flew in her home. Tenten screeched and almost dropped her cup of tea.

The crow cawed a few times, as if laughing at her, and flew in her room. Tenten groaned and set her cup down, stomping towards her room.

"You can't just fly in a person's house and- Oh..."

The bird wasn't in there. Tenten checked every hiding place possible, but didn't see the bird anywhere. 'JUST WONDERFUL! I'm really going mental this time,' Tenten thought, walking back into the living room.

She grabbed her cup and sipped it, only to glance at her table and find the crow sitting there.

Tenten slammed down her cup and demanded, "Go on, shoo!! Quit playing with my mind, stupid bird!"

When he didn't budge, Tenten took off one of her shoes and flung it at him. The bird dodged, but landed in the same place after Tenten threw the shoe.

She sighed and said, "Fine, stay there. But if I see bird poop anywhere, I'm having your head."

She shook her head and drank the rest of her tea, eventually making her way into her bedroom to get dressed. She got into the shower first to clean herself, and then dried off and went to her closet to glance at her choices.

'Let's see... No training, just a picnic. Maybe I'll wear this. I don't wear it often.'

Tenten smiled and slipped on a white one-piece suit with golden silky wrist cuffs, and zipped it up. She then put on a matching green kimono-like vest with yellow trims, and tied it tight with a long golden scarf. She checked herself out in the mirror and giggled.

"Not bad for a kunoichi such as you," Tenten murmured to herself.

She grabbed onto a small yellow headband and put it on, putting on yellow pear earrings and slipping on a pair of black flats.

The only thing on here that was familiar was her fingerless gloves; the usual fashion trait.

Tenten checked herself out in the mirror one more time before heading into the kitchen to gather up the dishes.

The crow was still resting on her table, and it didn't seem like he had messed with anything, so she just left him there.

Once the dishes were in her scrolls, she put the scrolls, a few kunai, and her forehead protector in a small satchel to carry with her. She glanced at the crow one more time, and feeling silly, asked, "Are you sure you don't want to, oh I don't know, find somewhere else to rest?"

The bird cawed and fluffed its feathers, resting where it sat.

Tenten rolled her eyes and said, "Suit yourself."

She closed the window and locked it, walking out of the door and shutting it. Just as she did, the crow swooped out and cawed at her, sitting on the railing.

She growled at the bird and said, "I am going to roast you if you aren't careful, you annoying eye-picker."

The bird cawed in amusement and waited for her to walk. She did so, and he followed leisurely behind.


Aww, the bird is so annoyingly cute! Anyways, sorry it starts off slow. But this is exactly what's supposed to happen. Don't expect a chapter every week, because when you're juggling quite a few stories and everything else happens in your life, shit gets in the way. Either way, I hope you enjoy the chapter. I'm still enjoying the new writing format I'm using, and I'm sure all of you are as well.

Until the next chapter!


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