Chapter Nineteen - Distractions

"You know, I've only stepped foot inside of here at least three times in the past few years," Kiba stated quietly, killing the silence in the room. All the shinobi had gathered worriedly, waiting for Hinata and Tenten to return, but not a word had passed among them for the past hour.

Few looked at him, most didn't.

"Hey, now that you mention it, most of us probably haven't set foot inside here much," Sakura added in, sighing softly. "That's probably a bad thing." Shikamaru and Shino shrugged but didn't reply.

Ino huffed. "Needless to say, she had a good time at the Fall Festival, so I'm pretty sure Tenten won't feel too down." Rock Lee shook his head, unsure if anything he'd say would be the right thing to say.

Kiba growled and said, "Something about this doesn't smell right. This Naomi that they spoke of; if she comes directly from Yoru, then that means she could still be a threat."

Naruto said, "If she gets near Tenten or Hinata at all, I won't hesitate to knock her back where she came from." The males nodded in agreement.

Sakura breathed out and said, "Yes, that's right. We'll kick her ass if she even shows her chakra around us!" Ino giggled and said, "We got this!"

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched as he stood suddenly, catching almost everyone's attention.

He then sighed and said, "The very few who'd actually have a chance against a vampire as skilled as her would maybe be Naruto, or Sakura. Or one of her own kind. Don't get so cocky, otherwise it's going to end unwell for everyone. Now, she said she'd be back soon, and frankly, I'm tired of waiting. So. You can come, or you can stay, or just leave. I honestly don't care."

Before anyone could utter a word, he went out the front door, shutting it behind him. He then sighed and leaned up against the wall.

'Calm down. Just relax. Getting overworked won't help you with anything.'

He inhaled and exhaled deeply, finding that he needed to spar instead of find her. 'She'll come when she comes.'

He went inside his home to gather a few scrolls and his sword before leaving out.


A few kunai went flying at a female Hyuga, only for her to dodge it and hit back. The brunette knocked it down with another kunai, grunting as she opened a scroll and sent a few dozen the Hyuga's way.

"Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven!!"

The Hyuga spun faster than a ball going down a high hill. Several kunai went flying, causing the other girl to back flip from her own weapons before getting into physical contact with her. The brunette aimed for the Hyuga's face, only for her to block the attack and enforce her own.

The kunoichi barely dodged it before exclaiming, "I wish I had sparred with you sooner, Hinata! You're amazing!"

The Hyuga blushed softly before charging, blocking a roundhouse and tapping Tenten's arm harshly. She yelped, holding her arm as she backed up.

Hinata smirked softly before saying, "Thank you, Tenten! Shall we continue?" Tenten nodded, opening a scroll and pulling out a katana, going after her and swinging with her thankfully wielding arm.

Hinata dodged almost easily, giggling as she kicked the katana out of her hand, tapping the chakra points in Tenten's other arm and rendering it unmovable. Tenten gulped a little before saying, "Um... I give?"

She then laughed softly, causing Hinata to laugh as well. Hinata then approached Tenten, her hands gently glowing as she healed Tenten, helping to start the chakra flow going again.

Tenten smiled and said, "I forgot how difficult it is to spar with a Hyuga. My time with Sasuke kind of made me forget." Hinata looked at Tenten, her mouth gaping a little. Tenten glanced at her and asked, "Is everything alright?"

Hinata nodded a little, biting her lip as she soothed Tenten's hands. Tenten watched her for a moment before asking, "Would you mind sparring with me every now and then? If I'm going to have to fight Hyuga vampires anytime soon, I'd like to be somewhat prepared."

Hinata nodded softly, going quiet. She then said, "Tenten... Can I be honest with you for a moment?"


Sasuke wiped the sweat from his forehead, rolling his eyes when Naruto grinned at him, handing him a bottle of water. He took it, nodding his thanks before saying, "You have gotten stronger. Still, not strong enough to beat me."

Naruto chuckled as he panted, wiping his forehead as he sat next to the young Uchiha. "Yeah, but you weren't able to beat me either," he teased. Sasuke scoffed before sighing a little. "You're ridiculous."

"Yeah? And you're an asshole."

"You want to start calling names now?"

"So what if I did?"

"Don't start, you dolt. The likeliness of you winning is little to none."

Naruto scowled and asked, "Wanna test that theory?" For a moment, Sasuke was tempted into bickering with him. When he went out to train, he didn't expect Naruto to follow him, demanding a spar. He was dead set on training on his own, but naturally Naruto, being as stubborn as he was, insisted.

Irritated, Sasuke fought with him, and was almost pushed to the edge enough to activate his curse. He still wondered, though, why Naruto never invited Kyuubi, or Kurama, to spar. After a moment, he said, "I'd rather make sure Tenten is alright."

Naruto nudged him and said, "It's always Tenten with you. Are you crushing on her?" Sasuke scoffed and said, "In your nightmares, possibly. No, it's not that. I just worry for her. She's my teammate after all."

Naruto nodded a little before asking, "So why are you holding out on Sakura-Chan so much? It's not like she's throwing herself at you."

Sasuke exhaled, raking his hair. "I respect her as a teammate and see her as a strong kunoichi. But, I don't see her as a love interest. I never did. Everyone kept complimenting Sakura on how strong her love for me was, but can she even explain that love aside from finding how cute and strong I am? No, I didn't think so."

Naruto groaned and said, "Man, you're a tough one to convince!"

Sasuke merely shrugged before glancing behind Naruto. "We have company." Naruto turned around in confusion only to grin and wave at Rock Lee. "Bushy Brows! Have you come to spar?"

Lee shook his head and said, "Actually, not this time. Sasuke, our beloved sensei wants us to take a group photo!"

Sasuke stood and said, "I don't know where Tenten is, though."

"I do!" Lee replied happily, "And if we go now, then we'll make it to the photo shoot!" Sasuke nodded and said, "Alright, let's go collect her then. Naruto.."

The blonde haired shinobi looked at Sasuke in confusion. Sasuke sighed and said, "Come if you want. But don't pester me."

Naruto's face beamed up as he said, "Alright!" Sasuke rolled his eyes, turning to gather his weapons and shirt, all the while Naruto and Lee were fist-bumping behind his back.


Tenten sat down on the grass, rotating her arms as she said, "Sure, I don't mind."

Hinata smiled softly at her before sitting down next to the weapons' mistress. "W-Well, it's kind of a confession..." Hinata looked as guilty as she sounded, but to her relief, Tenten's attitude didn't change.

Tenten said, "It's okay, Hinata-chan. I'm willing to hear you out without judgment."

Hinata bit her lower lip before saying, "Well.. It's just that.. I haven't been treating you fairly up until recently. Or since yesterday. I... I've pushed you away when you needed someone to confide to. To talk to."

Tenten didn't say anything, just simply listened to the Hyuga. Hinata continued, "I... Well, I blamed you for a time. I made myself think that it was your fault that Neji was gone; that he was dead. When we got those letters, I didn't know how else to think. And after you said what you said about him possibly returning but not being the same... I didn't want to think that way."

Tenten smiled at her. "Hinata..."

"I'm really sorry, Tenten," Hinata whimpered, tearing up as she looked at her fellow kunoichi.

Tenten hesitated before raising her arms, pulling Hinata to her as she hugged the Hyuga tightly. Hinata looked at Tenten in surprise. "T-Tenten..."

Tenten giggled softly and said, "That's why you wouldn't talk to me? I understand now. Hinata, you don't have to apologize. I understand how much Neji meant to you and it was insensitive to say something like that so soon. You forgive me right?"

Hinata cried a little, resting up against Tenten's arms. "Stop blaming everything on yourself, Tenten. I-It's not your fault, none of it is."

Tenten smiled before sighing and saying, "Actually... There is one thing I can truly blame myself for." Hinata wiped her eyes, watching her silently. Tenten said, "Aha, well... You know how Sasuke and I have only recently gotten along, right?"

Hinata nodded a little before asking, "Do you blame yourself for not getting him to open up?"

"No, actually," Tenten stated quietly. "I, uh... I actually blame myself for opening up wounds. During the time we were supposed to try and get along, there were nights... Let's just say I hurt Sasuke as much as he hurt me."

Hinata asked, "But you two are okay now, right?" Tenten nodded a little, frowning. "At least, I think so. I feel like there's still something unresolved, but I can't figure out what. But, as long as he isn't mad at me, I think I can move on."

Hinata sniffed and said, "I'm glad, Tenten-San." Tenten giggled before standing up and patting her pants down. She still couldn't believe she wore her favorite bed clothing to spar in.

Someone cleared their throat behind her, causing her to turn.

There stood a shirtless Sasuke and Naruto, followed by Lee in his usual jumpsuit. Sasuke cleared his throat and said, "Tenten, Hinata."

Tenten blushed a little, both at the sight of Sasuke shirtless and at the fact that they never returned home after leaving the hospital. Hinata seemed to be blushing for the same reasons as she looked away from Naruto.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at Tenten, causing her to clear her throat. "H-Hey," she stated, immediately wishing she hadn't stuttered.

That seemed to satisfy Sasuke enough to smirk a little. Tenten forced back a smile as she said, "Erm, sorry for not going home like we said we would. After hearing what I heard... She and I just needed to get some things out of our systems, you know?"

Sasuke merely shrugged, seemingly disinterested as he said, "Guy requests we clean up and dress ourselves for a photo shoot. As the new Team Guy." The idea seemed to make Tenten smile wide. "Alright! We should go home and shower quickly then, right?"

Sasuke nodded before turning to Hinata a little. "... Have a good one."

Hinata simply smiled at Sasuke before glancing at Naruto, who was looking at her intently. She blushed furiously before mumbling something about needing to go home. "Let me take you then?" Naruto offered, approaching her.

She blushed even harder. "T-t-t-t-take m-me?"

Naruto nodded, grinning at her. Hinata seemed about five seconds from passing out as she nodded, causing Tenten to bite back a laugh. Sasuke nudged her, pulling her attention back to the sweaty Uchiha.

He stared her down as he said, "You made us worry, you know. You should've at least let us known that you were alright."

Tenten looked down, feeling sheepish as she said, "Sorry..." Sasuke said, "It doesn't matter now, I guess. However, everyone is expecting some answers, including me. So after this, I want you to start talking."

"Yeah, Tenten!" Lee agreed. "You should tell us what happened! You said you would!"

Tenten jumped and squeaked, "Right, right! I'm sorry, jeez!" She sighed heavily. "Any chance we can go on not talking about it?"

Sasuke tilted his head a little, giving Tenten a rather irritated, scary look. She paled and frantically waved her hands as she said, "O-or I'll just tell you after w-we take pictures!!"

Lee smiled warily and said, "S-Sasuke, such an intimidated face you have there!!"

Sasuke sighed, looking at the ground as he said, "Tell whenever you feel like it." Tenten frowned a little, trying to comprehend his sudden change of attitude.

Why did Sasuke have to be such a difficult person to read?


Tenten took down her buns, putting them in a simple big bun as she sighed loudly. Taking the team pictures was a harder task than she thought.

At first, getting home and showering was easy. But as she dressed, Lee came in on her, causing her to scream and kick him out. Sasuke wasn't much of a help, coming in due to concern while she only had underwear on only to not budge until she flung a dozen kunai at him.

The walk there wasn't exactly peaceful either, as she had chastised them for not knocking, though Sasuke didn't really pay attention to her.

When they got to the grounds Might Guy had called them to, the sun was already setting over the hills. Tenten was ready to pose and smile, but Lee and Sasuke kept arguing about her placement; how the sun was in their eyes or how they were under the shade too much.

Tenten got so pissed that she opened up a scroll on them, almost causing a three-way fight. Finally, they were able to calm down and get the picture taken just in time.

The three didn't hesitate to call it a day, though it ended on a happy, accomplished note.

Tenten glanced at her clock, finding it to be around seven, closing in on eight. She was ready for a shower and ready for bed. She grabbed a towel and her pajamas, heading to the bathroom.

As much as she would've liked a long shower, the events of the day and yesterday were wearing down on her. All she wanted to do was rest.

Rest and forget everything.


A kunai was flung into her doorway before she could stop herself, having sat up quickly to toss it. She tried to catch her breath, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. 'A nightmare...'

Tenten wiped her forehead, before glancing at her arm. The bandage wasn't needed anymore, leaving just the mark of where Naomi bit. She sighed softly, lowering her arm as she shook her head.

A part of her hoped that Naomi's presence didn't awaken the demons Tenten tried to hide. She certainly didn't need to backtrack, not with a looming threat and a new future in front of her.

A sudden grunt came from outside her window, causing her to immediately get up and peek outside. She saw Sasuke outside, dressed in a black shirt and pants to match. Based off of the illuminating light, he too, was sweating.

Tenten bit her lip before grabbing her white robe, slipping it over her sleeveless pink nightgown that stopped just below her thighs. She then slipped her white slippers on, removing the kunai from her bedroom door and moving to the front door.

She opened it and peeked outside, only to see Sasuke already glancing at her. "You make a lot of noise for trying to be quiet."

Tenten scowled a little, not really trying to hear his chastising. Her face then softened once she noticed how tired he looked. She asked, "Nightmare?" He didn't answer; simply looked elsewhere.

She then sighed and said, "Say... You wanna come in? I don't mind, honest." He then glanced her way before saying, "Alright."

She backed up, watching him with a concerned face as he padded his way in, barefoot. Once she shut the door, she turned to him and opened her mouth to say something, anything maybe, but Sasuke spoke up first.

"It's been a long two days for you.. Yet you can't sleep?"

Tenten nodded a little before saying, "It was a nightmare, nothing frequent, I think." He walked toward her living room, glancing around before his eyes lingered on the new team photo Tenten placed on her dinner table.

"....Was it about him?"

Tenten didn't have to guess to know who he meant. "Well... Yeah. But it wasn't so bad. To be honest, I think I'm about ready to try and sleep again."

Sasuke nodded a little before looking at the ground, seemingly contemplating about something. Tenten watched him, worried, anxious, and wondering. She could never tell what went on in his mind.

Sasuke looked at her suddenly and asked, "You really do trust me, don't you?"

Tenten was taken aback by the question but didn't hesitate to say, "Yes, I do. I trust you with my life."

Sasuke frowned a little, his face hinting... Bother?

Tenten asked, "Why do you ask that? Are you doubting?" "No, I'm not." Sasuke sighed and approached her, stopping three feet before her. "You say you trust me with your life. You trust me as a shinobi and as a friend. Friends... They also trust each other as family. You trust me in that way, right?"

Tenten nodded and said, "You're part of the crew now."

He nodded a little before asking, "... Do you trust me with your heart?" Tenten nodded a little and said, "Yes. Sasuke... You've been there for me, just like everyone else. But it was you who helped me breakthrough the never-ending depression I had placed myself in." She bit her lower lip. "You are the only one who knows the pain of never being able to let go of someone you love.."

Sasuke's hand twitched as he said, "Tenten..." He sighed and said, "We've got to let go. Somehow, we must."

"And we will," Tenten replied, although her voice didn't have much confidence. Sasuke shook his head, preparing to say goodnight, when Tenten asked, "Speaking of never letting go... You and Sakura last night; it went well, right?"

Sasuke forced himself not to roll his eyes. Damn, they never gave up on convincing him. "I suppose. But I'd rather not talk about it."

"Come on, Sasuke. I know you don't like her, but you could at least go out with her and see if you like her or not."

"Why don't you go out with Lee then?" Sasuke challenged.

Tenten said, "I don't want to, and you already know why."

"Because you can't let go of Neji?" Sasuke sighed, rubbing his forehead. He was getting real sick of the kunoichi and their constant clinging to what won't ever be.

"Neji. Is dead. He is NEVER coming back, regardless of what Naomi thinks she knows or says. And you must move on with your life. I am not with Sakura by CHOICE. You aren't with anyone because you can't let go of a dead man."

"Stop saying dead already," Tenten snapped. "Why does it matter to you anyway? Mind your own love life! I bet you don't even know how to kiss aside from smooching with the Blockhead."

Despite finding the nickname for Naruto amusing, Tenten was starting to tick him off. "Yes, and I'm sure you remember how to kiss after three years of parting from your boyfriend of less than a week."

"I know very well how to kiss," Tenten stated, frowning at him. Sasuke scoffed and retorted, "And I know how to read palms. Tenten, this is a losing battle for you. Just drop it."

"No!" Tenten practically shouted. "If you're so smart and almighty, then prove to me you know how to kiss!" Sasuke raised an eyebrow, locking eyes with Tenten.

Realizing what she had just said, she blushed and said, "I-I mean, you haven't kissed in almost four years or so, you couldn't possibly know-!"

Sasuke suddenly reached out, gripping her wrist and pulling her forward. She struggled and said, "No, don't! I was joking, damnit!"

"You are such a pain in the ass," Sasuke stated flatly, pulling her close to him as he stared her down. "You argue with me about it and then try and run from a simple kiss."

Tenten blushed and said, "B-But I'm not running."

"Then why are you resisting?" Sasuke asked, his hands keeping a firm grip on her wrists. She blushed furiously, trying to think up an excuse but unable to come up with one.

Sasuke said, "Tenten. It's just a kiss. I'm not going to hurt you." She shivered and said, "It's not that..."

He sighed and began to let her go, but she said, "Just make it quick. I'm sure you suck anyway." He sighed and pulled her up against him, one arm gently gripping under her shoulder and the other lightly caressing the side of her neck.

He then watched her blushing, scowling face for a moment longer. He leaned in, lips inches from hers, only to pause.

Tenten had her eyes clamped shut, more tense than he'd ever seen her before. 'Is she...?'

Sasuke sighed softly, releasing his grip on her slowly. He never really meant to fully kiss her, but the offer was... tempting?

But she was pushing herself more than she needed to. It was almost amusing how much she clung to a ghost, but at the same time she had all the right in the world to. She was living life normally again and they'd start missions soon, so why did he care if she couldn't let go?

He didn't care. He didn't care...

"...Tenten." The girl opened her eyes, blushing still, only for her cheeks to return to normal as she studied him. "Yes?"

He inhaled sharply before breathing out gently. "I'm sorry."

Tenten raised an eyebrow before smiling cheerfully, closing her eyes in the process. "It's all good. Just like old times. You jab, I jab back right?" She giggled and punched his shoulder a little.

Sasuke nodded blankly before saying, "You have a point. Well... Goodnight, Tenten." She blinked in confusion before relaxing, doing her best to keep up with the ever-changing Sasuke Uchiha.

"Night," was all she said, following him out the door and watching him return to his home quietly. She breathed out, mumbling to herself, "Gah. I'll never understand men!"

She sighed, turning around and heading inside for the night.

Sasuke on the other hand, never went to sleep that night; his mind running in confused circles over what took place.


Whaaat? I almost slipped SasuTen in there? HOW DARE I?! (Says every NejiTen and SasuSaku Shipper/ SasuTen Hater ever. XD)

What? I like my ships, what can I say? And VERY sorry for almost putting in a kiss scene. Nah, not really. And besides, I did say that a certain someone MIGHT return later on.
So chill.

And enjoy that which is SasuTen. Besides, I might break out with another NejiTen story anyways, you people know me.

Also, sorry for making you wait so long. Life has been very demanding and I, for one, have terrible cases of Writer's Block. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I know I did. And Tell me what your favorite Naruto ship is!

Until the next Update!

~ Nimo #IFanonNotCanon #SasuTenForRealYo

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