Chapter Fourteen - Ready To Listen

Tenten shifted nervously as she waited for her and Sasuke to be called.

Their inevitable meeting with the Hokage was prolonged by business that suddenly came up, giving them one extra day to themselves.

This time, no one watched them.

When they got up the next day, Tenten visibly showed that she was a nervous mess. He noticed and smiled slightly, placing his hand on Tenten's shoulder.

She looked up at him and smiled a little. "Sorry, I guess I'm a little too nervous."

Sasuke scoffed. "You shouldn't be. There's no way she can deny you your title; not after we've gotten along."

She giggled and said, "True."

She seemed to relax a little until Shizune opened the door to Tsunade's office. With a smile, she said, "You two can come in now."

Tenten and Sasuke nodded, walking into the office with partial hesitance.

Sasuke had decided to wear something a little more appropriate, bearing the casual shinobi outfit with his own little Uchiha design to it.

Tsunade was sitting at her desk as usual with a frown on her face, but it slowly turned into a partial smile. "Sasuke. Tenten."

Tenten smiled a bit and said, "Hey, Tsunade. Ah, I didn't know if you wanted an oral report or something on paper, but we have both-" "That won't be necessary," Tsunade interrupted, standing up from her desk.

Tenten felt confused. "Ah, there was someone watching us then?"

Tsunade nodded. "Yes, there was. And I have to say that the report I got from him was quite interesting. You're at each other's throats one week, and the next you act as if you're best friends. Of course, I guess a good fight will do that to you."

Her eyes suddenly narrowed at both of them.

Tenten looked shocked. "W-what do you mean?"

"I mean I know all about that emotional fight you both had this past Monday."

Sasuke blinked a few times in surprise before saying, "No one could have known about that... No... One would've. You told him to watch us?"

"Any member wouldn't have been good enough. No one would've been able to get as close as Itachi has." Tsunade smirked. "Right under your noses, and you didn't even know. Ah, well he was an ANBU member after all. I'm relieved that both of you overcame your differences and worked together. But I will warn you now.. If I EVER hear about you, Sasuke, showing her what you did, you will see cell bars for at least a month."

Tsunade's tone became dangerously edgy, and Sasuke said, "Of course. I'd rather not ever show her anything pertaining to that woman."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow before saying, "I would hope so."
She relaxed and stood before them both, placing her hands on their shoulders. "Congratulations you two. I'm proud of the both of you for pressing forward, and the moment a mission comes in, you will have a job to do. For now, enjoy your victory with your friends and prepare yourselves. Sasuke may be a Genin, but we don't need to make Guy and Lee completing an easy task, now do we?"

Tenten giggled and shook her head. "I didn't think so,"

Tsunade beamed. "Besides, regardless of his title, we both know Sasuke is more than capable of anything, now don't we?"

Tenten grinned and looked up at Sasuke, who smirked.

Tsunade took her hands off of the two, walking back to her desk as she said, "Now, out of my office. Go relax."

Tenten giggled and said, "Of course, Tsunade-Sama!"

She waved to the hokage before grabbing Sasuke's hand, pulling him out of the office.

Shizune giggled and smiled as they left, saying, "I believe you've just made their day." Tsunade snorted as she shuffled through papers.

"Made their day? I'd like to believe I made their week. I daresay that to them, those past few months were more than worth it. Let's just see how they fare in the battlefield and with their comrades."

Shizune nodded and sighed. "With happiness, there will be anger. I don't know if Naruto and Sakura will still be okay with this. I mean, they did a lot of fighting before Sasuke and Tenten were forced to only speak to each other."

Tsunade said, "Details, details. We all have to grow sometime. And hopefully Sasuke grew enough to know that shunning someone away won't help. I'd like to believe that Tenten forced him to realize that."

Shizune smiled softly. "You are correct about that."

Tsunade smirked and said, "Of course I am. I know a changed man when I see one. Well, sometimes. Jiraiya hasn't changed a bit."

Shizune giggled and said, "Speaking of the old man, he's supposed to be here tomorrow to check up on Naruto."

"Oh great, all the more reason NOT to go to the festival," Tsunade snapped, tossing several papers elsewhere.

Shizune sweatdropped. 'I probably shouldn't say that he's coming here then.'


Tenten walked next to Sasuke, feeling very happy and confident in herself.

Sasuke noticed and almost chuckled. "Happy, are we?"

"Very," she replied, sighing softly. "I can't wait to tell the others."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and said, "I'd rather not at the moment."

"Huh?" She turned to him, stopping short. "Why not?"

He stopped as well and said, "There was something else I had in mind."

"Oh?" She asked, looking up at him.

Sasuke sighed. "Yesterday.. You mentioned your mother. And before then you had mentioned her. The grave you were kneeling at once while it was raining... That was her grave, wasn't it?"

Tenten stared at him in surprise before sighing and looking down. "I guess you were eventually going to ask about it. If you want, I can properly show Shiri's grave to you."

The name almost caught Sasuke off guard, but he simply said, "I'd like that."

Tenten nodded and said, "Follow me." She took off sprinting; Sasuke following close behind.

Ino, who was nearby when she saw them run, watched them as they left. 'Today was the day they found out if they were staying in Team Guy or not. I wonder if they passed.'

A hand touched Ino's shoulder and she turned around to find Lee standing behind her. "Oh, Lee! You both made it back safely! How was the mission?"

"It was the most youthful mission yet!" Lee exclaimed.

Ino deadpanned. "Of course it was," she replied, shaking her dead.

Lee's smile softened. "Sasuke-San and Tenten... Are they.."

Ino said, "I don't know yet. They haven't approached anyone about Tsunade's decision, but I feel that it was a good decision. We just have to wait for now."

Lee nodded softly. "Do you know where my blooming teammates went off to?"

Ino shrugged. "Well, they were going in the direction of the gate, so I can assume maybe they're going to Tenten's old house. You can go and catch up with them if you want."

Lee grinned softly as he said, "No, I'll wait until they return." Ino looked at him, feeling a little confused. Usually he'd want to go straight to where his team was.

"Oh, okay. Well, I have to get back to the flower shop. I'll see you later hopefully?"

Lee nodded and gave her a thumb up before exclaiming, "And if not, then tomorrow we shall dance to the falling leaves of the Fall Festival! See you around, Ino-Chan!"

Lee took off without another word. Ino sighed and smiled. 'Always so odd.'


Tenten sat before her mother's grave, feeling a little awkward with Sasuke towering over her.

She sighed softly and said, "As long as I could remember, I had always been an orphan. That was something I had in common with my team. No mother, no father. As you know though, I found out almost four years ago that I did have a mother. Her name was Shiri Li, and like me, she specialized in weapons. It's unfortunate, but that's all I know about her. I knew I shouldn't have cried for her, but knowing that I had a mother I could never talk to hurt. In a way, I understood how Naruto felt about his parents."

Tenten looked up at Sasuke with angry eyes. "I understood how Naruto's loneliness felt. Sure, I wasn't shunned as badly as him, but I was alone until I joined Team Guy."

Sasuke said, "So you're almost somewhat a replica of Naruto. Is that why you'd always get irritated with me about him?"

Tenten smiled sheepishly and said, "Just a little."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "So I see. But.." his voice softened. "I'm sorry to hear that. I... I was a bit of a fool for expressing to Naruto that he didn't know my pain of being alone.."

Tenten blinked, a surprised look appearing on her face.

'Did Sasuke just..?'

He saw the shocked look on her face and said, "Oh don't find it so surprising that I'm confessing something. You do it all the time."

Tenten giggled. "Hard not to find it surprising. I'm so used to you not saying anything really."

Sasuke scoffed but didn't reply.

Tenten then sighed and stood up. "Well, mom, this is Sasuke." Sasuke looked at her curiously, as he always did.

She continued, although a soft blush crossed her face. "He's my new team member. Well, a few months new. We haven't gotten along aside from recently, and... I'm better now. That's all, really. I hope you're sleeping well."

Tenten then bowed slightly at the grave before turning to Sasuke. "Well... We can go now, if you'd like."

Sasuke nodded, turning and walking off. Tenten followed, smiling to herself.

As they walked, Tenten noticed the worn path to her old house. When they passed it, she looked behind her.

No matter how many times she passed the house, it always seemed strange to walk away from it, not to it.

Sasuke noticed her glance and asked, "Feeling homesick?"

She turned her head towards Sasuke, flushing a little. He scoffed and said, "Nothing to feel embarrassed about. I guess that's something else we relate to."

Tenten smiled softly and said, "Yeah, I guess so... You wouldn't mind if we stopped there for a moment. I'm not quite ready to talk to anyone just yet."

Sasuke nodded and turned around with her, falling in step with her. As they walked down the dusty brown path, a deer suddenly jumped out, causing Tenten to yelp and slam into Sasuke by accident.

The deer galloped off, and she sighed, moving away from him.

Sasuke chuckled and said, "You should practice being on guard a little more often."

She pouted. "I'd rather not. It would just make me paranoid."

"Uh huh," he replied as they made it to the old house. "Or maybe you just don't know how to do that."

She sighed softly and mumbled, "You're probably right about that." Sasuke raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Tenten walked and sat at the top of the porch steps, glancing up at the sky. Sasuke watched her, not sure of what to say to her.

She leaned forward, resting her chin on her knuckles; her elbows placed on her knees.

To Sasuke, she almost looked content. He hesitated as he took a step forward, suddenly becoming a little nervous.

Why would he be? It's not like she'll shun or spit venom at him.

She casted her eyes on him and said, "What's up?"

He simply shrugged and walked towards her. "Nothing, actually. How long do you want to stay here?"

"Not long," she replied absentmindedly, yawning just a little.

He shook his head and sat next to her. "You sound tired."

"Nightmare last night," she replied. "I guess bringing up what I'm trying to suppress or let go is the reason why."

He sighed. "I'm sorry I made you tell me."

"Don't be," she replied, "You deserved to know."


She casted a sideways glance at him. "Hey, what's the matter with you? I told you before; you're my teammate and friend. I have nothing to hide."

He nodded some. "I know this... But, I've told you before.. I'm still lost. Somewhat. I can't explain it, and it would take too long to tell you."

Tenten stood up, turning and standing before him. "Now see here, I have all day to hear why you're still lost. You could at least try to explain why you're lost."

"Don't bother," he said, standing up and ending up face to face with her. Neither seemed to mind the closeness, as both were trying to figure each other out.

"Would you stop telling me not to bother? That's like asking me not to care."

After a minute or so of staring in a tense silence, Sasuke broke eye contact and said, "Whatever. Let's just go. We have our captain and teammate to meet up with."

She watched as he walked past her, not even bothering to look behind him to see if she was following or not.

She forced herself not to glare at him as she followed his footsteps.


"-And so we met up with Tsunade today and she's allowing us to continue to be a team. Within three days time, we'll have a mission to do together," Tenten finished with confidence.

Lee hugged her and exclaimed, "This is wonderful news, Tenten! Finally, we get to see you and Sasuke bloom like the fighters you are in battle!!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes but didn't try to refute Lee's exclaim.

Tenten giggled and said, "Yes, I can't wait to fight again! It'll be so much better than just training!"

"And we will bring swift and blossoming justice and action to our next mighty foes!!"

Sasuke said, "I suggest you and Guy break and rest. I'm sure the mission was a handful for you."

"Nonsense, Sasuke-San!" Lee said excitedly, "I am always ready for more!"

The young Uchiha shook his head. He should have known better.

Tenten asked, "So now that you both are back, what will you do now?"

"Um, we're not really sure." Lee admitted. "We shall train!!" Guy announced.

"Great idea, Sensei!" Lee cried. "This is why you are the greatest Sensei!!"

Tenten facepalmed. "They just got back today," she whispered.
"And already they try to train themselves." Sasuke added in.

They simply shook their heads.

Lee said, "We shall train until we tire! We will see the both of you tomorrow at the Fall Festival, right?"

Tenten didn't answer immediately, and Lee's excited expression softened. "Oh, that's right. Well, if you want, I can buy something for you."

Tenten smiled a little. "I'll give it a little thought, Lee."

He nodded and grabbed her hands, catching her off guard. "Just know that either way, I hope you have fun tomorrow, and that you're at your happiest."

She looked at him in a surprised manner before saying, "I will try. See you tomorrow then?"

He nodded, then after a moment of holding her hands, he let her go. He then grinned before saying, "I will see you two tomorrow!"

And with the turn of a heel, Lee took off with Guy, disappearing within moments.

Both shinobi watched them leave. Tenten, who still looked confused, jumped a little when Sasuke touched her shoulder. "Tenten," he said gently, "Did you notice?"

She looked up at him. "Notice what?"

He opened his mouth, but the words didn't seem to form. 'She really is clueless,' he realized.

"Nothing," he replied, turning around.

Tenten sighed and said, "There you go, being cryptic again. What will it take for you to completely trust me, Sasuke? Yes, I remember what you told me a few days ago; to trust you and wait. But if it literally stops a conversation, then what am I to do?"

He sighed. "Tenten please drop it. It's not anything I want to talk about right now."

"Of course not," she partially hissed. "You know what? Forget I ever said anything." She turned the opposite way, storming off.

Tenten had no idea where she was going, but anywhere away from Sasuke seemed like a good place to start.

However, a hand grabbed hers.

"No, please."

She sharply turned her head to glare at him, only for her look to soften.

Sasuke looked pleading, almost desperate.

She sighed and looked away. His grip on her hand tightened. "This... This is a happy day, Tenten. I'd rather not spoil it with an argument. Just.. Give me a little more time. I'll talk. I swear to it."

She looked down and said, "I just don't understand..."

"I know you don't," Sasuke replied, "Give me more time. If it satisfies you, I'll tell you tomorrow."

Feeling that he was simply putting it off for another day, she nodded and said, "Alright. Alright, I'll wait. Wait, are you going to the festival?"

Sasuke said, "I would rather not. Naruto and Sakura and everyone else will be there. I'd rather not be around them."

"But you have to face them sooner or later," she countered.

He sighed and frowned. "What about you? I know you haven't gone in three years, but you're probably going to miss out on a lot of fun with your friends."

"You mean 'our' friends." She said. "Stop trying to single yourself out so much."

She noticed Sasuke's grip getting tighter on her hand. "How about this," he practically snapped, "You AND I go together to the Fall Festival. We put up with whatever is thrown at us, and then I'll tell you. I promise you."

Tenten's nose twitched a little before she sighed and said, "Fine. We'll go together. But... Don't go running out on me, okay?"

Sasuke's grip on Tenten's hand loosened considerably. "I won't," he said, almost gently. "We go together."

She nodded and smiled a bit, returning Sasuke's hold.


Thank you all who've been putting up with the slow development of this trash ship of mine. And just so those are reminded once more, SasuTen will happen but it won't stay. We've got several more chapters and a book to change that >:3

Until the next update!

~ Nimo #IFanonNotFanon

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