Chapter Four - The Final Say

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Tenten?" Lee asked, watching her as she slipped her headband on.

Tenten looked at him and said, "I'm fine now. He didn't get a vital organ and they said I was free to go. I'm much too anxious to stay in bed now, Lee."

He smiled and nodded at her, walking with her as she walked out of the hospital room. Once checked out, the two stepped outside and looked up at the sun as it slowly set. Lee smiled and said, "Another beautiful sunset."

Tenten giggled and said, "Yeah. They're always beautiful. Come on; let's go check out the rest of the guys."

He nodded and walked with her as they headed towards Tsunade's office. When they got near, they saw Naruto and the gang walking out of the building. Tenten waved towards them, and Ino and Sakura ended up running towards her and giving her a big hug.

"Are you alright?" Ino asked, holding one of her hands. "How's your side, do you need more healing?" Sakura asked, holding the other one.

Tenten giggled nervously and said, "I'm fine. The doctor said I healed up well. I just need to actually rest for a day or so, which isn't what I really want to do."

The rest of the group had migrated her way towards her. Kiba said, "Glad to see you're up and moving."

Tenten giggled and said, "Of course I am. A silly bug bomb like that couldn't keep me down." Naruto grinned and said, "I'm glad you're alright, Tenten!"

Tenten giggled and managed to get her hands free from Ino and Sakura. She smiled softly before saying, "To be honest though, I do owe Itachi my life. I hope I'll be able to get the chance to thank him."

Sakura smiled softly before sighing and saying, "We don't know what she's planning on doing. I mean, they just handed themselves over, him, Sasuke, the other members. I hope it adds up somehow."

Ino said, "I'm afraid to hope for the best."

Shikamaru groaned and said, "This is too much of a bother."

Choji said, "For once I agree with you."

Shino shook his head and said, "Let us all get rest tonight. It seems like tomorrow might be difficult for some of us."

Naruto sighed, and Tenten patted his back lightly, saying, "It'll be alright, Naruto. You'll see." Naruto looked at Tenten and smiled wide.


The group said their goodbyes before heading off in different directions. As Lee and Tenten walked towards Tenten's home, Hinata ran up to them and said, "Wait up!!" They both turned to her, and Tenten asked, "What's up, Hinata?"

Hinata smiled shyly before saying, "Well... I was wondering if I could walk with you two to your place."

Tenten nodded and said, "Of course, Hinata. We don't mind."

She smiled and walked in step with them. The whole time they walked, no one had said anything. None of them really felt like there was much to say, which they didn't mind. It had become a common thing between the three of them.

When they made it to her home, she saw a group of shinobi near her door. She called out, "Can I help you?!"

They turned around, and Tenten immediately felt ashamed for yelling.

Hiashi looked down at her, seemingly in relief.

The rest turned around, and she found them to be the other Hyuga that helped. Tokuma jumped down, grabbed Tenten's hands, and said, "It's good to see you alive and moving, Tenten!"

Tenten blushed softly and said, "Thanks, Tokuma. Uhh, you can let my hands go now."

Tokuma immediately dropped his hands and said, "S-Sorry."

Ko laughed and jumped down the railing. "Forgive him," Ko said, wiping off his arm, "He was blaming himself for letting you get hurt. He's always doing that."

The other three calmly walked down the stairs to greet Lee, Hinata, and Tenten.

Hiashi looked at Hinata and asked, "Are you alright, Hinata?" She nodded softly and said, "It's just... B-Been a long day is all..."

Hiashi smiled softly and turned to look at Tenten and Lee. "I know this day has been especially hard for the both of you. I'm just glad you're alright."

"Same here," Iroha said, "I've never seen abilities like that before. Tenten giggled softly and asked, "Would you all like to come inside? I'm kind of getting tired of standing."

Hiashi said, "Of course." Tenten walked up the stairs, opening the door to her home and letting everyone else inside.

Once everyone got settled down, Tenten asked, "Would anyone like a cup of tea?"

Lee and Iroha raised their hands, but everyone else declined.

Tenten then got to putting water on the stove. It was incredibly quiet for a full room, so Tenten said, "The bomb didn't create a deep wound. They told me that with a day of rest, I'd be alright."

"I'm relieved to hear that," Hiashi replied softly.

She smiled a bit and continued, "No doubt I'll be hearing about my actions from Lady Tsunade though." "Why's that?" Hoheto asked, looking up at her.

She sighed and said, "I tried to take on an Akatsuki member alone. That doesn't bid well with her."

She dipped the steaming hot water into who white mugs, slipping the tea bags into them afterwards.

Hinata said, "I'm sure she'll understand."

"She values the safety of us young shinobi," Tenten said, shaking her head, "you know that, Hinata."

Hiashi said, "Even so, I don't believe she'll punish you for it."

Tenten smiled, handing mugs to Lee and Iroha. "I'd like to think not," she replied, sitting down next to Lee. "So," she said softly, "Was there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?"

The smiles on the Hyuga members faded, and Tenten glanced at Hinata, who seemed confused by their reactions.

Hiashi cleared his throat and said, "Well... One of the ANBU members returned, alive and seemingly well. However... He brought letters with him... Letters that Neji presumably left for you."

Tenten stared at Hiashi, feeling her back run cold.

Hiashi said, "I've told you enough today, I know this much. I don't know if-"

"I'm a young adult now," Tenten said softly, standing up and walking towards him, "I'm trained to do what I have to, to assure the village's safety. No matter the words, I can't and won't let Neji's leave affect me. It's been three years, Hiashi. I can handle it."

Hiashi waited a moment before nodding at Hoheto. Hoheto then handed the letters to Tenten, who took them with a steady hand.

She then sat down next to Lee and opened the oldest one up first.

"I miss you..."

"Maybe this was a mistake..."

"Heavy training begins..."

Tenten shivered at Neji's letter and set it on Lee's lap, reading it. The date was six months after the first on the next letter, and Tenten opened it, reading more.

"Nothing is worth it anymore..."

"I'm in hell..."

"I need you..."

Tenten shuddered at his letters, but kept her emotions in check.

'I can handle this,' she thought, picking up the third letter, 'Just words, Tenten. Just words.'

Lee took the second later, and Tenten started reading the third.

"Given up..."

"Not enough blood..."

"The demon was always me..."

"I was the one who truly hurt you."

Tenten wiped her eye quickly before a tear came down, but it was evident to everyone that the letters were affecting her. "I'm fine," she said quietly, "Trust me, I'm fine..."

Lee, who was already crying, gripped her shoulder tight before grabbing the third letter. Tenten grabbed onto the fourth letter and read it carefully, clinging to every word.

"Killed an innocent..."

"Mother is proud of me..."

"Losing myself..."

"This whole time," She said softly, "he was still trying to fight himself... Oh..." Tears slowly streamed down her face as she finished the fourth letter and handed it over to a quietly sobbing Lee, looking up at Hoheto.

She asked, "Is that it?"

He hesitated before sighing and handing her the fifth and last letter.

There were blood stains on it.

Tenten looked at Hoheto in horror before looking at Hiashi and saying, "H-Hiashi... He's not.... H-He's...."

Hiashi looked away, seemingly trying to keep his composure. Hinata gasped softly, unable to say anything. Tenten held back tears and opened the letter, reading it carefully.

"I wanted to see you one more time..."

"I'm sure you've grown into a fine kunoichi..."

"Mother knows now..."

Tenten dropped the letter, feeling upset and sick more than anything.

"..... She killed him...."

Hinata burst into silent tears while Lee bawled his eyes out. Tenten, unable to cry as hard as they were, asked, "Did... Did they ever find the body?"

"They found... Remains," Hiashi replied softly. Ko walked over and give Hinata a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. Tenten stood up and slowly made her way towards the kitchen, clinging the last note Neji Hyuga had ever written to her chest.

'He's gone.... He's... Neji's.... Dead...'


"Where are they?! Shizune was supposed to be back thirty minutes ago!!"

Sakura winced slightly at the raise of Tsunade's voice and silently wished Team Nine would hurry and appear. It was awkward with all of Team Kakashi in the same room, as well as Kisame and Itachi being in there as well.

Naruto kept his mouth and eyes to himself, as the tension was so high in the room, one word could set things ablaze.

Kakashi said, "Aha, maybe they got sidetracked is all."

"Sidetracked is no excuse, Kakashi," Tsunade said through gritted teeth, "And you can't tell me otherwise since you are the king of being late!"

Sasuke couldn't help but to smirk in remembrance of Kakashi always being late for meetings. Kakashi nodded and said, "Even so, it isn't like them to be late. Do you want me to go after them?"

"That's not necessary," Shizune quietly stated, walking in the door. From the looks of it, she looked like she had just finished crying.

Tsunade stood up abruptly in anger and irritation as Team Guy trailed in behind her, standing side by side ten feet from her desk.

With Might Guy and the two, there was always a spark of amusement or joy, but today something different radiated from them.

Sakura noticed at Tenten was lightly holding a series of letters, one of which that was covered in blood. Tsunade said, "What the hell have you three been?!"

Tenten lightly winced at her words, but said nothing. Guy took the liberty to step up and say, "We've been all over, Ma'am. We didn't know we were being called for until she caught up to us near the flower shop."

Sasuke leisurely glanced at the group and noticed that one member was missing. He then glanced at Naruto and Sakura, who were giving Tenten and the others worried glances.

Tsunade said, "And is that all you have to say to me? You've been leisurely walking about, doing nothing?!"

Tenten withheld speaking anything, but she couldn't stop a slight gasp to pass her lips.

Not moments later and almost all eyes were on her. Lee placed his hand on her shoulder without looking at her in an attempt to help her calm down.

Crying was the last thing she needed to do at the moment. Tsunade glared at them in suspicion and said, "There's more you're not telling me. My patience is thin, and I wanted to get this over as quickly as possible. However, no thanks to your little run around, we've had to sit here and wait-"

"Neji is dead," Tenten stated flatly, unable to keep herself from shedding tears.

Shizune had turned around to wipe her eyes once more.

Sakura stared at Tenten in shock. Naruto said, "No, that can't be. How would you know that?!"

Tenten lifted the five letters, placing them on Tsunade's table and saying, "About three years ago, Hiashi had ANBU members try and track Neji and Yoru's every movement. He left letters in each area he stayed in, which we believe was six months per area. He'd leave a letter moments before leaving that area, including his thoughts. His... His body was found... Remains that were confirmed to be his."

Tenten couldn't say anymore, so she simply stepped back and wiped her eyes.

"I deeply apologize for keeping you all waiting," Guy said, "We had spent all day honoring his memory. It won't happen again, I assure you, Lady Tsunade."

Tsunade took the notes and read them carefully from first to last. The moment she finished the last letter, she slammed on her table and yelled, "DAMN IT ALL!!"

Tenten sighed softly. Itachi watched them with interest.

After a moment, Tsunade calmed down and sighed, saying, "I apologize for snapping. The recent events have me on edge. And after the move you pulled yesterday, Tenten, my nerves are on edge. That, of course, is the reason why I called you to this meeting. Do you need a moment?"

Tenten shook her head and said, "No Ma'am, we can proceed."

Tsunade nodded and sat down. She said, "To begin with, the Council and I discussed about Sasuke's decision to stay or go. He has decided to stay."

Naruto couldn't help but to grin wide at him, even though Sasuke didn't look back.

Tsunade looked at Sasuke and said, "However, you are still a Genin. You will have to work hard enable to skip a rank, if that is what you wish for." Sasuke withheld a comment and merely nodded.

She continued, "And Itachi, as for Kisame, they're allowing him to stay as long as he doesn't cause any trouble. For him to become a shinobi is all but impossible, but he is allowed to assist you in missions should you choose to accept becoming a shinobi once more."

Itachi said softly, "I would like to become a shinobi once more. But I want no part of the ANBU."

Tsunade nodded and said, "I respect that decision." She then turned to everyone else and said, "There's a long story behind why Itachi is being given access back into Konoha. Now isn't the time to talk about it, but the reason is justified."

Naruto and Sakura nodded hesitantly, while Sai simply said nothing.

After a moment, Tsunade sighed and said, "Furthermore, Sasuke will have to be placed in a team enable for him to continue his training and work as a proper shinobi." Naruto smiled wide and opened his mouth to say something, but Tsunade spoke up.

"However, he simply cannot be placed back into Team Seven." "Ehhh?! Why not?!" Naruto demanded, almost outraged.

"There are several reasons why not," Tsunade stated flatly, "Because he is just returning, he needs a team who will pester him less. You and he are magnets for arguing and fighting. For another, you've already got your team member. And when you count Yamato, there are now five of you, no reason for six."

Sakura interrupted her, "But Lady Tsunade, we know Sasuke more than anyone else possibly could. Don't you think it's a little more fitting to put him back in the team he started in?"

Tsunade shook her head and said, "Absolutely not. At this point Sakura, we all know how you feel. We all know how you and Naruto feel. And that will cause problems."

Tenten felt awkward standing in the midst of the conversation as if it was something she needed to hear. She cast a glance at Sakura, who didn't look too happy.

Sasuke stared at Tsunade and asked, "If I'm not being placed back in my former team, then what are you planning on doing with me?"

Tsunade sighed and said, "I'll be placing you in Team Nine."

Tenten was taken aback. 'Sasuke? In my team?!'

Naruto started at her in shock before saying, "Don't be ridiculous, Granny-Tsunade!"

"I'm not being ridiculous, Naruto," Tsunade replied coolly, "Sasuke is quite capable with his abilities to back Lee and Tenten up when they need it."

"Pardon me, Tsunade, but I don't think we need him on the team," Tenten said, catching everyone, including herself, off guard. However, she didn't stop.

"Lee, Guy and I are perfectly capable of moving about as a team without a fourth member. Besides, he doesn't deserve Neji's former position. I want someone I can trust, not someone who will abandon their team to work on getting revenge."

"Hey Tenten, you're taking it a bit far!!" Sakura said, stepping forward.

Tsunade said, "ENOUGH! I have made my decision whether you all like it or not. Tenten, I can understand how you feel. Personally, I don't blame you. But a three-man team doesn't cut it."

Tenten restrained her irritation and said, "Yes, Tsunade-Sama.."

Tsunade sighed and said, "Sasuke, I expect you not to give any of them a hard time, and I'm sure they'll do the same."

"Yes, Lady Tsunade," Sasuke replied in a relaxed tone. Tenten turned her head slightly to look at him and found he was looking right back.

No matter how she looked at it, Tenten felt that Sasuke being on the team would be a bad idea.

Despite all of the tension and anger in the room, Lee turned around and grinned at Sasuke, grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"Welcome to the team, Sasuke!!" He said cheerfully. Guy chuckled and put Sasuke in a headlock, catching him off guard. "Expect to train hard, Sasuke my boy!!!"

Itachi looked amused, and despite everything, Naruto managed to smile at the scene.

Kakashi shook his head and smiled through his mask awkwardly. 'Well,' he thought, 'Who would've thought the team to create awkward situations could get rid of them as well.'


Didn't expect that did you? XD Well, not the part about Neji being dead. *giggle giggle* Oops, Neji you done slipped up.

Until the next Update!

~ Nimo

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