Chapter Five - New Beginnings?

Before Tsunade dismissed the meeting, she said, "Lee, Tenten, as a way of getting used to Sasuke a little more before you start your training, assist him in taking him and his brother to their new home. For now, the Uchiha Compound is off limits. However, if you men have anything to retrieve from there, I suggest you do it once this meeting is over."

Itachi nodded while Sasuke stayed mute.

Tsunade then asked, "Itachi, you're okay with this, right?" He nodded and said, "Of course. It might help me get used to being around them as well considering Sasuke is in the team now."

Tsunade nodded and sighed. "I know Sasuke being in Team Guy isn't anyone's favorite idea, but it needs to be done. I'm sure you all will understand."

Everyone nodded in union.

Tsunade then turned to look at Kisame and said, "The house has three bedrooms so you will have a room to yourself. How you will make money will be determined, but for now don't worry about it. Until the three of you get back up on your feet, funds will be provided."

Tenten looked at Tsunade, feeling her admiration and respect for the Hokage grow even more than it had before.

Tsunade sighed and said, "Alright, everyone dismissed." Everyone nodded slightly before making their way out of her office. However, before Tenten and Lee could walk out, Tsunade called out, "Lee, Tenten? I need to speak with you for a moment."

They both tensed up and turned, moving out of the way so everyone else could pass them.

Tenten and Sasuke locked eyes as they passed, and when Sasuke smirked at her, she glared at him before bumping his shoulder.

He couldn't help but to chuckle as he left.

Once the door closed, Tsunade sighed and said, "I'm sorry about Neji... I never thought it would come to him dying. I thought he would make it, even if he didn't come back."

Tenten gripped her pants, feeling a lump in her throat. Lee smiled warily and said, "I had always figure Neji-San would die after me... Not before. I never got to say goodbye. All I can remember is his pained smile before we left him. I can't help but feel like his undoing was partially my fault."

"No, Lee," Tsunade said, shaking her head, "Neji sacrificed himself to keep you BOTH safe. I still regret letting him walk away. But I couldn't go against his wishes. Maybe now he's in a better place."

Tenten nodded softly, feeling tears build up in her eyes again. T

sunade sighed and said, "As of now, Yoru would have no reason of returning. But even so, I want the both of you to be careful."

They both nodded mutely.

Tsunade continued, "I know neither of you really want anything to do with the Uchiha brothers, but I believe that you both will give them a chance to redeem themselves. And to be honest, you guys get along like two peas in a pod.
You rarely get at each others' throats from what I've seen, and your combat is outstanding. You two are more in tune than Naruto is with Sakura and Sai. And because Sakura is in love with Sasuke, it just makes everything more complicated."

Tenten sighed and nodded softly, saying, "We understand, Tsunade-Sama."

Tsunade took a sip of her tea and said, "I know this will be difficult for the both of you. But Neji would want you two to move on and be the best shinobi you can be. Come to me if you're having any trouble, alright?"

They both nodded mutely, and Lee smiled wide and said, "We'll make sure Sasuke-San is as comfortable as can be!!"

Tsunade smiled softly at Lee and said, "I know you will. That's how much I believe in you."


Tenten knew it would be awkward standing in front of the brothers, but she didn't think it would be that bad to where she couldn't even speak.

The next day, Lee was called in by Might Guy, leaving only Tenten to go shopping with them and lead them to their apartment.

After a minute or so of saying nothing, she awkwardly cleared her throat and said, "Lady Tsunade has asked me to accompany you while you shop and lead you to your new home. Well, whichever you'd like to do first."

Itachi smiled softly and said, "We'll have a look at the apartment before buying or getting anything."

Tenten nodded and walked ahead, noticing that there were several villagers looking at her; some in disgust. She ignored the looks and continued on her way.

Tenten had no time to be worrying about others' opinions on the brothers.

She looked at the paper once more and realized that their apartment was close to hers. Really close.

Tenten pondered if Tsunade did that on purpose and sighed softly.

"Is something the matter?" Itachi asked.

Tenten tensed up slightly and said, "Nope, no problem."

Sasuke said, "You're not doing a very good job on hiding the fact that you're uncomfortable. Even an imbecile could tell."

Tenten rolled her eyes and said, "Thank you for clearing that up, Sasuke. And I'm not completely uncomfortable with helping you two out."

Sasuke quickened his pace to where he fell in step with Tenten, glancing down at her. Tenten held back the want to shove a kunai in his face and asked, "What exactly are you trying to prove?"
"Just making sure you're telling the truth," he replied casually before falling back in step with his brother.

Tenten inwardly shuddered with the way his words rolled off his tongue. 'How could anyone be in love with that creep?' Tenten thought.

When they got closer, Tenten heard a caw and automatically looked up. A crow was flying above, slowly lowering itself to where it was five feet above them.

"Peculiar," Sasuke said with little interest.

Itachi smiled and said, "Have we met?"

The crow cawed before swooping down in front of them and back up, landing on the railing above. Tenten, Sasuke, and Itachi jumped from the ground up to the second level of the apartments. Kuro placed himself before Tenten's door on the railing across, and Tenten looked down at the sheet of paper.

"Nine... ten... eleven... Twelve."

She knocked on the door that was to be their home before unlocking it and stepping in.

Moments later, the brothers stepped in as well, and Itachi closed the door behind him. Tenten opened all the doors, finding the rooms average with white walls.

The floors were wood, and there was a window in each room.

Tenten then stepped back and moved towards the entrance of the door. "I'll be waiting for you both outside," she said, not bothering to stick around for a reply.

When she got outside, she breathed out and leaned against the railing, looking down.

'Neji,' she thought, sighing softly, 'I hope you're free now. The curse no longer binds you. Your family and friends no longer bind you... I no longer bind you. Rest in peace...'

The door opened, and Tenten leaned up and gave a small, welcoming smile. Itachi looked at her blankly for a moment before handing her a handkerchief.

She looked at him in confusion and asked, "What is this for?"

"Blink," was all he said.

Tenten did so and let out a small gasp as tears rolled down her eyes.

She quickly wiped her eyes and said, "Sorry. Are you ready to go now?" He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Yes, we are."

Sasuke glanced at her only for a moment before jumping over the railing. Tenten said, "Alright. Where to now?"

Itachi frowned a little before relaxing and saying, "We'll stop by the Uchiha compound."

She nodded and handed him the handkerchief back. He shook his head and said, "I have a feeling you'll need to keep it." She looked at him and smiled with uncertainty, placing the handkerchief in her pocket and jumping over the railing.


"I'll be waiting right here," Tenten said, standing at the edge of the Uchiha compound.

Both brothers nodded slightly before turning and walking away. Both men walked in complete silence in their own ghost town.

As Sasuke glanced around, he thought of back then, and then there were Uchiha all over, walking about and handling their own business.

He almost started to think about his parents, but stopped himself before his chest could start aching at the thought.

Sasuke glanced up at his older brother and for a moment, saw pain.



Sasuke felt his stomach go tight and simply kept his look ahead.

When they made it to their home, both men stopped at the same time. Itachi said, "Sasuke... You don't have to go in there. I just came for a few pictures-"

"I'm not a little boy anymore, Itachi," Sasuke said flatly, walking up to the door even though it seemed like his movements were restrained, "What happened, happened. Nothing can change that. Let's just grab what we came here for and go."

His tone was harsher than he meant, but he couldn't help himself.

Even if he knew the truth, Sasuke was still mad at him.

He was mad the situation that forced Itachi to do what he did.

He was mad at everything and everyone.

Well, almost everyone.

He didn't know what to think of being placed in Might Guy's team. Tenten automatically resented him, which he didn't care about. It seemed like Lee and Guy wanted to give him a chance.

And he couldn't help but to think of Neji Hyuga.

Sasuke had always wanted to spar with the shinobi when he was younger. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'it doesn't matter now.'

Sasuke walked into his room, feeling a wave of memories wash over him. He did his best not to think about any of them, but he couldn't help it.

He leaned up against the wall and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths as his facade started to get the best of him. Yes, he was naturally cold, but all it took was for him to step in his bedroom, after several years of never seeing it again.

'Calm yourself,' he thought, breathing slowly, 'just get your things and go.'

Sasuke got off the wall and quickly looked around for certain belongings, taking them and placing them in a bag. Once finished, he quickly got out of his room, and out of the house.

Itachi was already standing there and waiting for him.

They stared at each other for a moment before Sasuke said, "I'm ready. Let's go." Itachi nodded softly and turned to walk.

Sasuke breathed out before walking and falling in step with his older brother.

Despite his mental resolve, Sasuke couldn't help but feel like running out of the compound, away from his home and away from the memories.

As they exited the compound, Sasuke almost instantly felt relieved. Itachi noticed Sasuke's posture change when they left the compound but said nothing of it. The brothers eventually made it back to Tenten, who was leaning against a boulder, seemingly lost in thought.

Itachi cleared his throat, and she turned to them and said, "All done I see. Ready to grab a few pieces of furniture?"

Both brothers nodded and started to walk. Seeing that she no longer needed to lead them, she quietly trailed behind.

As they entered the market in the village, several people murmured to others, while every once in a while a horrible remark about the brothers rung out in the air. It wasn't long until people started to group up and yell remarks at them, but the brothers didn't seem to care.

When a few remarks were being called out about Tenten, Itachi said, "Tenten, you don't have to do this."

"No," she replied quietly, "I do. A good friend of mine taught me how to have thick skin. Their remarks and thoughts don't faze me."

Itachi found himself smiling at her reply. Sasuke glanced at her for a moment before saying, "Let's just get the furniture and go."

Tenten and Itachi nodded and picked up the pace, ignoring the yells and insults being thrown at them.

They eventually made it to the furniture store.

The woman was wary of the Uchiha brothers, but with Tenten being there, it assured her that nothing bad would happen.

They ended up buying a series of dishes like utensils, bowls, plates, pots and pans. They also bought a couch, a chair, two beds, a table, and a few outfits for both of them.

Tenten had the bought items placed over scrolls. She then sealed them in the scrolls and rolled them up, placing them in her satchel.

Itachi said, "Quite a unique jutsu you use, Tenten." She smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

Once the scrolls were safely in her satchel, they quietly made their way out of the market.

No one bothered to spat comments of hatred towards them.


When they got home, Tenten rolled out scrolls in specific areas and released the furniture inside.

She then assisted the brothers and Kisame in placing the belongings in certain areas. While putting up the dishes, she realized they had forgotten something, and said, "Oh, we forgot to get you both some towels! I have a few I can give you until we go back to the market."

Itachi said, "Don't worry about it, Tenten. We'll manage." Tenten shook her head and said, "I live where the number nine door is. It's literally no problem."

"I didn't know you lived that close," Itachi said, helping Tenten out with dishes. Tenten smiled sheepishly and continued to put up dishes.

When she got down to the last few dishes, Itachi went with Kisame to help set up Kisame's bed.

Tenten got on her tip toes to put up a plate, but an incredible amount of pain struck her side, and she barely put the plate up before collapsing in pain. However, before she could hit the ground, Sasuke held her up from behind.

Tenten winced in pain and said, "T-Thanks..." He didn't reply, and she didn't care.

Tenten held her side and found it was bleeding. Surprised, she said, "I guess I moved too much today."

Tenten closed the cabinet door and walked over to her satchel, slinging it over her shoulder and saying, "Tell Itachi I'm calling it quits for the night."

Sasuke nodded but didn't say anything. She continued, "Knowing them, Lee and Guy will be here before the sun gets up. They'll show you the ropes of everything."

"And you won't be there?" he asked. She shook her head. "I took on the Akatsuki with a bad back and got bombed," she replied, "so I'm taking the day off, and not for emotional reasons."

He nodded mutely, and Tenten couldn't help but to think of Neji when Sasuke responded that way.

Hell, she almost expected him to say, "Hn."

The thought of Neji twisted her heart up, and she turned around quickly and said, "Well, goodnight." Tenten opened the front door and walked out, shutting it behind her.

Sasuke stood there, glancing at the door before looking at his hand, which was all but covered in her blood. "Interesting," he murmured softly, turning and washing his hands at the sink.

While he was soaping his hands, Itachi walked back into the kitchen. It caught Sasuke off guard, and he almost pulled out a kunai on Itachi.

"Easy," he said, "It's just me. Where's Tenten?"

"She went home," he said flatly, rising his hands off. Itachi noticed blood in the sink and asked, "Did something happen?"

"Her wound opened when she was trying to put up a plate. She said she was turning in for the night." Itachi nodded softly and said, "Alright. We're about to make dinner. Rice balls, cabbage and shrimp. Are you hungry?"

Sasuke shook his head and said, "Not really." Itachi nodded softly and watched as Sasuke walked towards his room.

Before he shut the door, Itachi called out, "Goodnight, Sasuke."

The door halted for a moment but soon shut completely. Itachi sighed and went to preparing dinner, all the while Sasuke slid down up against the side of his new bed.

He didn't know what to think, and was highly confused, but at least he had training to look forward to.


Tenten cried silently as she patched up her wounds.

She didn't think Neji's death would mess her up so badly, but the news did, and she felt like she did after he left; broken and lost. She tried to think of something else, anything else.

But her mind was stuck on Neji.

His smile.

His eyes.

His kiss.

'This isn't you, damnit,' she thought, wiping her eyes and lightly smearing blood on her cheek, 'You are stronger than this. He was dead to you a long time ago.'

No matter how she tried to lie to herself, she knew that she always loved Neji. The fact that he could never let her go throughout his trials tore her apart inside even more.

'He never got over me... And I tried to get over him... Kami, am I being punished?'

Old memories of him resurfaced, and she quickly tried to shut them down.

"I won't hurt you anymore." 'No, I don't want to remember.'

"I'd rather be smiling instead of crying, Tenten." 'Stop it. Stop it please!!'

"I love you, Tenten. Don't ever forget that."

Tenten broke into loud sobs and collapsed, falling to her knees on the bathroom floor. She covered her face as her body trembled.

"Neji," she sobbed, leaning over and feeling several types of pain. "I wish I had never fallen in love with you..."


If you've decided to stick with the story up to this point (and have decided that me pointing out fallacies hinted something about Neji), then I congratulate you. Ye of little faith, if I was planning on taking the same route Kishi took, do you really think I would've made this story? Neji is love. Neji is life. Neji will not stab me in the butt. XDD Shrek/Markiplier reference. Sorry, I took up your time. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoy your day.

Until the next Update!

~ Nimo

PS: Not all pictures completely reference the chapter.


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