Chapter Eighteen - A New Friend?
"Where is she?!" Sasuke was panicking, borderline terrified. "Where is Tenten?!"
A nurse held up her hands. "I'm sorry but no one can see the patients right now."
"I don't give a damn about that!" He snapped.
Lee said, "Miss, please! We must see our teammate! We have to know if she's okay!!"
The nurse fumbled for words, only coming up with the same response. Sasuke was about to shove her aside and go inside himself. "Sasuke! Sasuke-Kun!"
Sasuke turned to see Sakura and her teammates run to him and Lee.
"We heard about Tenten!" Naruto said. "What's wrong with her?"
Sasuke raked his hair in frustration. "I don't know," he admitted, his breath completely uneven. Sakura, noting how worried and stressed he was, gently placed a hand on his shoulder. He smacked her hand away, but she ended up grabbing the very same hand, a bit roughly. "Sasuke, please! I know you want to see if she's okay. We all do, okay? But... You have to calm down. You have to let them handle this."
He sighed and looked down, shaking his head. Lee looked down. "This is my fault... I made her run away."
Sakura let Sasuke's hand go and said, "Now Lee. Don't even think about blaming yourself. Whatever happened, I'm sure there was a reason behind it."
As she said this, Sai said, "I hate to interrupt, but we have company." Everyone turned to see Tsunade and Shizune walking down the hall. Hiashi, Ko, and Hinata were right behind, following the two females. Everyone but Sasuke backed up.
He stood before them defiantly; his face practically screaming that he wasn't planning to move. Ko scowled but said nothing, watching as Tsunade approached him. "I know you're confused and angry, Sasuke," she said calmly, "but we need you to wait a little longer. Everything will be explained shortly."
Sasuke's frown softened a little. Tsunade's word was absolute and unquestionable, even he knew this.
He lowered his gaze, stepping back and looking elsewhere. Tsunade and Shizune smiled softly before entering the hospital room, followed by the Hyuga.
Sakura and Hinata locked eyes before the Hyuga Princess followed her father and cousin inside the room. Moments later, the door was shut.
"Tenten. Tenten, can you hear me? I need you to open your eyes."
Tenten's eyelids fluttered open to the sound of Ko's soft voice. A few sighs of relief reached her ears. Confused and somewhat dizzy, but her sight and vision cleared up, revealing five people standing before her. Or rather, five in the room, and Guy at her hospital window.
"Guy.. Sensei..? Tsunade-Sama.. Hiashi.. W-what are you all doing here?" She blinked a few times. "What am I... Oh..."
The games, the dancing, the ride; even Lee asking to go out with her; she remembered it all.
'Didn't I..?' Tenten glanced down at her bandaged arm, but to everyone's surprise, she didn't panic. "Oh... So I passed out.."
Tsuande cleared her throat. "Tenten. Do you know what transpired in the past fourteen hours?" Tenten shook her head. "Um.. No." Tsunade shook her head.
Shizune sighed and said, "Well, fourteen hours ago, we found you unconscious, being clung by a crying vampire. Covered in your blood, might I add!"
Tenten blinked before gasping and sitting up completely straight. "Naomi! Where is she? Is she alright?" "Calm, child," Hiashi chided. "She- Wait. You know her name?" Tenten nodded and said, "Yes. She told me her name."
Ko's eyebrows lowered. "Wait a minute, are you telling me you willingly fed her your blood?" Tenten shrunk, hearing the edge in his voice. "...Yes?"
"Do you realize she could've killed you?" Ko practically snapped. "You didn't even know her; she could've been a spy of Yoru's for all we know!"
Tenten shrunk, but didn't feel guilty. "Silence, Ko," Hiashi stated flatly. Ko looked elsewhere, shaking his head. Tsunade frowned and sighed. "You really do know how to make hasty decisions. Well, good or bad idea, the girl is alive."
Guy grinned and said, "That was a good thing you did though, to be frank."
Tsunade glared at him. "Not the time, Guy. Ahem, moving on, you had to get a blood transplant. None of your comrades know what has happened to you, nor will they know until after we finish talking to this... 'Naomi'. If you're feeling well, you can follow the rest of us to her room." She gave a devilish smirk. "It would be a little awkward to get out of bed right this moment though."
Confused, Tenten looked under her sheets to find she was in her underwear. Tenten blushed furiously and completely hid in the covers.
Tsunade laughed and walked towards the door. Hiashi rolled his eyes, following the chuckling lady. Guy scratched the back of his head. "Ah, Lady Tsunade, I didn't, uh, think that was really necessary. Regardless, Tenten, we shall await your dressing!"
Shizune shook her head. "Hinata, help her out, please." Hinata nodded and said, "Of course."
As she approached Tenten, Tsunade opened the door to find Sasuke backing up from it. She then sighed, walking out as the rest followed her. Judging by the looks on their faces, it seemed as if he, as well as Naruto, Sakura, Sai, and Lee heard the conversation as well.
"Meddling children," Hiashi said, shaking his head. Once everyone was out and the door was shut, Sasuke scowled and said, "Do you really think we're going to just sit tight?"
"We at least expected you to just wait," Shizune said with a sigh.
Naruto said, "So she's okay then?"
Tsunade nodded and said, "Do not bombard her with questions. She will tell what needs to be said once we're finished." Sasuke opened his mouth to refute, but Sakura said, "Yes, Lady Tsunade."
With a curt nod, Tsunade and the others walked down the hospital hall. Once out of earshot, Lee sighed. "This doesn't look good, does it, Sakura-Chan?"
She nodded. "I'd hate to agree, but if Tenten's hurt, and the Hyuga are here..." Naruto frowned. "It couldn't have been her, right? I mean, she's been gone for so long! What would give her a reason to come back?"
Sasuke frowned, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Sai glanced among all of them before looking at Tenten's hospital door. "To finish what she started. It's a possibility that because maybe Neji wanted to return home, Yoru killed him. And because she didn't get what she wanted, she's after Tenten as well."
Sakura gasped. "No, she wouldn't!"
"That's unrealistic and furthermore, not possible," Sasuke flatly stated, turning to them. "Why would she come back for a reason so simple? There's more to this that we're not getting, so I guess we will have to wait." The group nodded lightly.
Sasuke then turned around, inwardly forcing himself to calm down. He read Yoru's case and he knew very well that she would come back for something so simplistic.
Deep down, that scared him.
The door opened in front of him, causing him to take a step back.
Out walked Tenten, dressed in a light blue shirt past her elbows, and a brown pair of pants that stopped right below her knees. She would've looked normal had it not been for her left arm bandaged from the elbow to her wrist.
A little blood had stained the bandages where Naomi bit her.
"Tenten.." Sasuke started to say. She smiled and said, "I'm fine, Sasuke. But, I'll have to wait to say anything right now. I'm sorry."
Sasuke glanced at Lee before grabbing her in a tight hug. Lee hugged her from the other side, already tearing up some. Tenten giggled a little and rested her head on theirs. "Hey, I'm fine. We'll talk later okay?"
Hinata smiled softly at them before her eyes glanced at Naruto. He noticed and blushed, looking elsewhere. Hinata did the same, causing Sakura to look at both of them.
However, before she could say anything, Team Guy broke from their hug.
"Um.." Tenten smiled awkwardly at both of her teammates. "I'll be heading back to my house when I'm finished here. Lee, you still have your spare, right?" Lee beamed and said, "Of course!"
Sasuke gave questioning glances at Tenten, causing her to giggle. "Oh, that's right. Lee, I need you to go make a copy for Sasuke as well." This remark caused Sasuke to become more confused.
"Right!" Lee replied, sprinting down the hall. However, he skidded to a stop before practically glomping Tenten, causing her to yelp in the process. He smiled wide as he said, "I'm glad you're okay, Tenten. Please don't take too long."
Tenten nodded softly, unsure of how to react with him. Just last night he got rejected by her. Or was that all a hallucination?
Lee let her go before sprinting down the hall. Sasuke rolled his eyes and said, "I guess I'll follow then." Tenten smiled and patted him on the shoulder before nodding at the others and walking off.
Hinata waved a little before following Tenten down the opposite hall. Sasuke glanced at her before looking at the ground, placing his hand where hers just was.
Sakura noticed his movement and held back a sigh. She was starting to realize what exactly what was going on. The problem was, she didn't want to.
She was afraid of even fathoming something as heart aching as Sasuke falling for someone else. The very thought scared her.
It was worse than him just ignoring her. Much, much worse.
As they walked down the hall, Hinata kept glancing at Tenten's arm. Tenten noticed and asked, "Brings up bad memories, huh?"
The young Hyuga bit her lip, nodding a little. Tenten smiled reassuringly and said, "I know. But.. It will be alright. This time it was my choice and mine alone."
Hinata said, "Okay, Tenten. I know it'll be alright. I'm just.. Scared." Tenten grinned. "Same here. But hey, at least we have-" A sudden crash caused Tenten to pause in midsentence, making them glance around.
A screech followed the crash, and both shinobi overheard Hiashi's voice. They ran and stopped at a door, which was rattling for a moment before the door went still. Tenten then heard crying and a grunt, as if someone was struggling.
After a moment, she opened the door, and the two rushed in to see Hiashi and Ko holding Naomi down. She looked as if she hadn't slept all night, and despite the chakra cuffs that kept her arms immobilized, she was still struggling wildly.
Tsunade was standing at a slight distance with Shizune and Guy, shaking her head. Hinata stepped into the room and gasped, causing everyone to glance their way.
Tenten suddenly felt awkward.
Naomi, who a just moment ago was struggling, looked up at Tenten, white eyes showing confusion and shock. Moments later, Hiashi said, "It's not a very good time to be in here right now. Both of you go!" Tenten and Hinata winced at the harsh command and turned to leave.
"No! Wait, I'll behave! Please, don't make her go!"
Tsunade, as well as everyone else, looked at Naomi in partial shock. Tsunade waited a moment before clearing her throat. "How do we know you're being truthful?"
Naomi glared at her before glancing at Tenten. "She saved my life. That's enough for me to be cooperative." Tsunade eyed her warily before swiftly nodding to Hiashi and Ko.
After a moment of hesitance, they let her go and backed away, Hiashi's Byakugan still activated. Naomi hesitated before sitting down on her hospital bed, panting a little from fighting so much.
Tenten and Hinata walked in, keeping close to the wall just in case she did try something. Might Guy approached Tenten and rubbed her shoulder in a comforting way.
After a moment of quiet, Naomi said, "I'm so glad you're okay, Tenten. I.. was afraid I had taken too much.." Tenten smiled warily. "You almost did. But.. It's alright. I'm here now."
Naomi smiled wider before frowning and looking down. She then started to giggle. "You are a silly human, though.." Tenten blinked in confusion and asked, "What do you mean by that?"
Naomi snorted and didn't reply. After a minute of awkward silence, Tsunade said. "You know we need to question you, don't you?"
"Yes," Naomi replied. "At least you're giving me the decency to say anything."
Hiashi frowned deeply. "You are lucky we did not hand you over to the Council or the Hyuga Elders. They'd do far worse for you." Naomi waved that away and said, "I know all about them."
Tenten frowned a little but kept her mouth shut. 'What could she possibly know about anyone from this village?'
After a moment, Naomi sighed and said, "To be honest, I don't know where to start. I don't know what would be the most pleasant to hear about."
Tsunade and Shizune exchanged glances, noting the sad look Naomi had on her face. She seemed sincere enough, but Tsunade wouldn't take chances. "Start with why you came here?"
Naomi bit her lip before saying, "I... I was running away." "From who?" Hiashi pressed. Naomi shifted uncomfortably. "From... From my.." She shuddered and sighed softly.
Tenten started to take a step forward, but Hinata and Guy warningly stopped her. Tenten said, "It's okay." The female Hyuga nodded and let her go. Tenten hesitantly approached her, sweatdropping a little as she kneeled before the downed female.
They locked eyes for a moment before Naomi looked away. "You... You keep a great deal of pain inside you, Tenten. You've tricked yourself into thinking you've let go.. But you haven't."
Tenten's eyes widened. Hinata and the other two women looked in confusion, borderline shock.
Hiashi frowned as Ko said, "How would you know anything of her pain? You haven't even talked to her."
Naomi frowned before sitting upright and saying, "Tenten is a member of Team Guy. For a time Neji Hyuga was a part of her team before his disappearing act, joined by his mother. She fell into a depression for a long while, falling in a suicidal faze, might I add. She kept her feelings locked up for a long time, never letting go of Neji, and-."
"Please stop," Tenten almost begged, staring up at her with wide, disbelieving eyes.
"How.. How could you have known all that?" Shizune asked, perplexed. Naomi gave a sly smile. "Being part vampire.. Or a vampire in general, we all tend to have a few abilities here and there. When I taste someone's blood, I see everything. Their past, their friends, their anger, the hatred, even lust; I see everything."
Naomi looked down at Tenten. "Of course, it also depends on how much blood they give me. And Tenten... You gave me a lot of blood. I know your deepest desires, things never meant to be and unspeakable thoughts. It is why I trust you so quickly; why I do not hesitate to smile at the sight of you. You are probably the most happiness I've had in my life, and it is all because of your precious memories."
Tenten shuddered, unsure if she was supposed to be happy or downright terrified. After a moment, Naomi looked to Tsunade. "None of you will want to hear what I have to say."
"That is why we must hear it, Naomi," Hiashi spoke calmly. "I know that you are in relation to Yoru in some way."
Naomi snarled softly, revealing her fangs. Tenten stood up, backing up a little. It wasn't that she was afraid of Naomi. She felt that Naomi might needed some space. She caught Ko and Hinata's glances at her and said nothing. There wasn't anything to be said. Not yet, anyway.
Naomi sighed softly and said, "I was born sixteen years ago, having been blessed with being just a hybrid, nothing more. And Yoru... Yoru is my mother."
Tsunade gasped in shock. Shizune stuttered before saying, "You're the daughter of Yoru? But.. I thought she only had one child!" Naomi nodded softly, looking away.
"She kept it that way... The poor human, the man who passed his genes down to me, was a kind man. I know very little of him, as my mother wouldn't speak of him at all. But I do know that I was conceived not long after Neji was born. I was only eleven-turning-twelve when I met him. His cold eyes bore into mine... It was terrifying, even when I wasn't looking at him. The moment she got him back, she turned her attention away from me for good, pushing me to the side so to speak. And for a while, I was hurt. She did care for me. Almost loved me endlessly." Her face screamed anger. "Until he came into the picture. Then, I was nothing but a tool. A killing machine. I had tried for about a year to get back in her favor, but it did nothing."
Tsunade gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry she did that to you.. Yoru was never a kind woman." Might Guy shook his head. "I've never wanted to speak of her until now. But she was." Tenten looked at her sensei in confusion.
Guy smiled a little and said, "We used to be teammates for a time with one other, aside from me being in another team. I don't remember much about the other teammate; I guess it's because I'm getting older." He chuckled a little.
"How could you not remember your own teammate," Tenten deadpanned. Naomi giggled a little, watching them.
Already it brought some kind of joy to her withered heart.
Hiashi cleared his throat. "If you all don't mind... I would like Naomi to continue." Naomi's smile faded. "Ah... I'm.. I'm not sure you'll want to hear what I have to say."
"You've come this far," Tsunade stated softly. "Go on and tell us the rest."
She sighed, glancing at Tenten before looking directly at Tsunade. "Of course, I was surprised for her to suddenly let me back under her wing almost a year ago. I thought she had gotten rid of Neji and decided to let me back into her circle. But... It was merely for a political reason. I don't know why, or what her reason was... But I was... I was betrothed to..." She sighed and looked away, unable to finish.
Shizune opened her mouth, but Tenten's sharp exhale stopped her from saying anything.
The weapons kunoichi's fists tightened. "You... You don't mean to say that he's..."
Naomi glanced at Tenten apologetically before saying quietly, "Yes... He's alive... And I am married to him."
Okay, first of all I need to apologize. I just recently suffered from terrible writer's block. Not only that, family issues led to me just not wanting to deal with it. I'm sorry it took me a month to update, I know you guys were waiting. I'll try to keep the maximum waiting time to at least two weeks. >~<
But hey, new girl has arrived! And with information too! But is it legit, or just fool's hope?
Until the next Update!
~ Nimo #IFanonNotCanon
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