Introducing Adora Clause!

Hi there I'm Adora Noel Clause! You probably don't know me but recognize my last name well yes it's true I am Santa Clause's daughter.

Now you all know the story of Santa, but you probably have never heard of me.

I was born on you guessed it Christmas Day go figure. I'm an only child but I have lots of elf friends to keep me company. I'm 16 years old yep I know I'm young but that doesn't mean I'm not a brilliant toy maker. My dad is 4,001 years old and my mom is 3,894 years old. I'm sure you're probably wondering how they could be so old well we're not exactly human. My dad used to be an elf and no Elves are not short and tiny like people make them out to be elves live all around the world and have magical powers however elves didn't care about humans all those years ago and when they sunk Atlantis it became illegal to be with them, however my dad fell in love with a half-human. That's right Mrs. Clause used to be a demigoddess daughter of Hecate, but they fell in love and ran away to the north pole with her where they met the SnowFae. The Snowfae had the power to control ice, and snow, but they were much more powerful then elvin frosters. They could also had big white sparkly feathery wings, and communicate with they're flying reindeer. The SnowFae showed my parents the magic of winter, and my parents helped the SnowFae to create a beautiful village that was safe from all outsiders because humans and elves had been trying to take their power for centuries. The Snowfae then crowned him king and queen of winter and they became Snowfae and semi-immortal. My father and mother then came up with the tradition of giving gifst to every good person in the world as a way of spreading their love for both human's and Elves. Anyways fast forward a few thousand years and then after centuries of trying they had me! Their daughter Adora Noel Clause. Adora means gift beloved in latin, and so that's what they named me for in their eyes I was the greatest gift they had every gotten.

I loved growing up in the north pole I had a wonderful childhood full of love and fun. Then when I turned 14 I became my dad's official apprentice but I have yet to go into the real world alone on a mission. I really want to and I think I'm ready now to go and help Christmas spirt all around the world I think I can make some real change!

Well there's no time like the present to show my parents how responsible I am. Time to go do my chores.

I get up off my couch, put on my coat and hat and go to see the reindeer.

I walk through the village it's so magical, especially this time of year. The place is always filled with Christmas decorations but we have even more up at Christmas time

"Incoming!" Yells a SnowFae, and they fly straight into me. Causing us to tumble down.

I look up to see who fell and see my best friend Snowdrop SparkleHeart. Snowdrop is the head baker in the north pole well her and my mom Mrs. Clause. They make the best cookies and Snowdrop judges the annual Gingerbread house competition.

"Hey, Adora" she chuckles. "Hey, Snowdrop" I reply. We stand up and brush the snow off us. "You ok, Snow?" I asked. "I'm good thanks I was actually looking for you but I guess I lost control for a minute" she blushes. "It happens to the best of us," I said. "I'm just going to feed the reindeer want to come?" "Sure!" she replied.

We walked through the village and down to the stables. "Hello everybody!" I said. "Adora!" "Ora and Snowdrop are here!" "Yay I hope they brought treats!" Their voices filled the room. "I'm happy to see you guys, too and yes, we brought food and treats!" I said to them. I handed some food to Snowdrop and we went and fed them.

"Here you go Blitzen enjoy." I put food in her room and handed her a candy cane treat. "Yum, thanks Adora," she replied and gave me a nuzzle.

I kept handing out the food and then after I had fed my dad's sleigh reindeer I went down to see my reindeer, Carol.

"Carol, I'm here," I said, and I walked into her room. Yes, I know our reindeer are spoilt but they deserve it. Carol came trotting over to me, and I gave her a hug. "Adora can we go fly?" she asks.

"Maybe in a bit I still have to clean the stables," I said. Carol pouts. "Don't give me that look I have to do my work," I said. Carol "Awww ok fine." she says. I smile and boop her on the nose. Carol smiles back, and I leave the room and see Snowdrop.

"All done?" she asks me. "Yep all done," I reply. We walk out to the front of the stables and I see my dad coming over. "Adora! Snowdrop!" he says loudly. "Hi, dad." I say with a smile on my face. "Hi Santa." Snowdrop says. "What brings you to the stables?" I ask.

"I was looking for you my dear and I thought you'd be down here. I need to talk to you about something very important and secret." he replied. "I'll see you later then Adora I'm going to go and bake some cookies bye!" Said Snowdrop and she flew off.

"So what's up dad?" I asked him. "Adora I have seen how hard you've been working lately you've been waking up early gone and feeding the reindeer, cleaning the stables, working hard on the toys, helping organize the elf's surprise party. You've been spreading Christmas cheer and love to everybody." He said proudly and I blushed. "I just want to make you proud and help in anyways I can." I said.

"I know and you have gone above and beyond and so I have decided it's time for you to go on your first Christmas mission." he said. "What! Really!" I said and I flew into the air so full of joy! "Yes now come down and I'll explain what I want you to do." he chuckled. I flew back down.

"So I want you to go into the human, and Elvin world and simply help to spread Christmas cheer to all those who need it. It shouldn't be too hard since it is your first mission and I would suggest going to New York city first as those people are always in need of some Christmas mission. You should take Carol to fly there but have her drop you off in a secret place where the humans can't see you." he explained, "And don't forget we aren't the only magical beings out their they're is also Demigods, and Elves, of and you're mother wanted me to say to go visit Hogwarts her old school because they need some Christmas cheer after the year they've had."

"Ok dad I've got it! I promise I'll be careful, safe and I'll make you proud!" I said boldly. "I know you will my little Snow-Angel." He says. I quickly hug him and run to the stables and it turns out my dad already told Carol of my mission, and had a bag ready for me in her room. So I hopped onto her back with the bag and we flew into the sky onto my first mission and little did I know it was going to be a crazy one.

Well what did you think of the first chapter? I hope you enjoyed it do you like low I weaved the fandoms into her backstory? Anyways fun fact I have an Elf on the shelf and her name is Snowdrop SparkleHeart which is why I had to have a character even a small one be named that. Well, I'll probably write another chapter today and I'm hoping to write this whole story out by Christmas. Please comment and Vote! Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

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