After a long time had passed since the battle to rescue Eri from the clutches of Chisaki and the Yakuza, the U.A. students have been progressing along normally in their studies and activities, and soon enough, it was the end of September and October rolled in along with the changing temperature that left the summer heat. While everyone was at U.A. attending regular classes, Ryu was at the hospital visiting Eri as he sat at her bedside and a nurse was also in the room. Eri was sipping juice through a straw as Ryu gently placed his hand on her head and stroked her hair as his thumb brushed gently across the small horn on the right side of her forehead.
"So this was the source of you power...I hope I can help you control it..." Ryu thought as she turned towards him and stared at him as he let a small smile slip. "I'm just glad you're at least comfortable when I'm around..." He thought before she spoke up.
"Um...can I ask you something...?" She asked as Ryu let out a small sigh.
"You want to know more about Y/N?" He asked as she nodded.
"I...remember he was there...and I also remember meeting him that other time...what is he like?" She asked.
"....He's an idiot." Ryu said plainly as Eri had a stunned and surprised look.
"Huh?" She hummed while holding her juice cup.
"Y/N is a warrior, like I am. Compared to me, he was a low-class warrior who some thought would never become the strongest hero. And if you compare him to me now, people have the arrogance to say we're on even terms." Ryu gritted his teeth.
"What about the others who came...What are they like?" She asked before the nurse tapped Ryu's shoulder.
"Your visit time is up, sir." She said as Ryu sighed and got up.
He patted Eri's head before grabbing his things and turning to leave.
"I'll be back to check on you." Ryu said before leaving as Eri just watched him leave and close the door before she stared out the window.
As he walked out of the classroom, he remembered his conversation with Whis before.
"If he's still out there, it'd be in your best interest for you to return with us to continue your training....If you are to keep your promise to her." He remembered Whis saying.
"I'll return on one condition...She comes with me. No questions asked." He remembered the deal.
"There is no problem with that. She may come." He remembered Whis agreeing.
Flashback Over
"I know I need to get stronger...But right now her health is more important..." Ryu thought as he left the hospital.
The Same Day, U.A. High
After Ryu had left the hospital, he took flight to the air and began to fly towards the school where he would continue to stay at until Eri makes a complete, one hundred percent recovery and that she would be ready to be re-entered into society. As he arrived at the school, he flew through the doors and around the halls before dispersing all his energy and sliding to a stop in front of his class, Class 1-A. As he opened the door, he walked in on something that definitely did not suit his tastes.
"We have a cultural festival." Aizawa announced while being coddled in his sleeping bag.
"SO SCHOOL-LIKE!!" All his classmates yelled in joy.
"...I'm going home." Ryu said as he tried to leave but was caught by Iida who waved his arm around like a robot.
"Wait, Ryu-kun! You're going to be part of this as well!" Iida announced as Ryu had a shocked look.
"What the--!? Get off me! Hey!" Ryu tried fighting as Iida dragged him back to his seat and sat him down as Ryu crossed his arms and scoffed.
"Ryu-kun, how was Eri-chan today?" Tsuyu asked as his slightly turned towards her.
"She's fine. I'll leave it at that." Ryu said to her before fellow classmates began to shout in excitement.
"CULTURE FESTIVAL!!" Mina yelled.
"The school-like stuff has come!!" Kaminari screamed with joy.
"Let's decide what we're gonna do!" Sero declared cheerfully before Kirishima suddenly shot out of his seat.
"Is it really okay for us to be so carefree at this point in time!?!?" He asked in shock of the timing of the festival as his classmates were shocked.
"'ve changed, huh?" Aizawa said to him.
"But it's valid, isn't it? Especially during this "Proliferation of Villains" period!" Kirishima said to him.
"That's an excellent point. However, U.A. doesn't revolve around the hero department. If the sports festival is sponsored by the hero department, then the culture festival is in the domain of other departments. The level of exposure isn't comparable, but to them, it's an exciting festival. Moreover, the truth of the matter is that there's a considerable number of students who are stressed out from the daily activities of the hero department and its new boarding system." Aizawa explained to Kirishima.
"Since you put it that way...I really don't have anything to say..." Kirishima said as he sat back down.
"That is also why you shouldn't apologize so easily. This year will be different from past years. Part of the staff will be cut and the culture festival will only occur within the school. I've already said we're not the main drivers of this event, but as a rule, each class has to pick one program. Today, we'll be deciding on that." Aizawa said as he slid down the wall in his sleeping bag and Iida as the class representative and Yaoyorozu his assitant, stepped up to the podium.
"Please allow me, Class 1-A Representative Iida Tenya, to facilitate some progress! I will try my best to narrow down ideas smoothly!!" Iida spoke loudly and firmly. "First, let us pick some possible themes! Those with suggestions, raise your hands!" Iida announced as Kaminari shot up his hand. "Kaminari!" Iida called him.
"Let's do a main cafe!" Kaminari suggested.
"Maids...A service theme, huh? Not bad!!" Iida responded as Mineta shot his hand up with bloodshot eyes.
"THAT'S TOO TAME, KAMINARI!!" Mineta yelled.
"Mineta-kun!" Iida called on him.
"A TITTY BAR!!" Mineta declared.
After that suggestion, Mineta was bagged and strung up by a rope by Tsuyu as she handed the rope to 21 who held it with her tail. After that, Uraraka stood up from her seat with excitement.
"Uraraka-kun!" Iida called on her.
"A Mochi Shop!" She suggested happily.
"Arm wrestling competition!!" Kirishima yelled out.
"That's feisty!" Iida commented.
"Bikkri House!" Toru yelled out with bubbly enthusiasm.
"I don't know what that is, but I'm sure it must be interesting!" Iida commented.
"Crepe House!" Sato yelled out.
"A grab-and-go food theme, perfect!" Iida commented.
"DAAANCIIING!!" Mina said while flashing her dance moves.
"Flashy!" Iida commented.
"...A petting zoo." Koda spoke softly.
"A petting zoo!!" Iida repeated.
"A banquet for students of darkness." Tokoyami suggested.
"Hoho!!" Iida was intrigued.
"My glitter show." Aoyama suggested.
"...Huh!?" Iida asked in confusion.
"...A short play or something?" Jiro suggested.
"Gotcha!" Iida commented as Yaoyorozu wrote down the final things on the chalk board. "Well then, anything else?" Iida asked his class as Aizawa slept in his sleeping bag.
They all took a look at what was written on the board as Yaoyorozu spoke up.
"I think that covers the suggestions from everyone." She said before grabbing an eraser. "I'm going to erase all of the ones that are inappropriate or unrealistic and the ones that I don't really understand." He said as the one who made bold suggestions were shocked.
"Ah." Aoyama was in shock.
"How ruthless." Tokoyami said.
"Huh?" Mineta was saddened.
"I wasn't asking you to begin with!" Bakugo commented.
"Local History Research Presentation" sounds pretty boring." Someone shot down Iida's suggestion.
"It's whatever but pretty much anything else would be more fun." Another voice stabbed Iida's suggestion.
"Yeah." A lot of people agreed.
"Don't defy common consensus." Iida said with a hurt and strained face.
"We already have so many study hall sessions. If only I were useful..." Momo muttered.
"I'm going to combine the food themes into one, okay?" Iida said.
"Won't soba and crepes clash, though?" Someone asked as there was a silence before the storm hit.
"LET'S DO BIKKRI HOUSE THEN!!!" Toru yelled at her classmates as they all argued over what to do.
"Be quiet! Be quiet!" Iida failed at handling the situation as Momo watched.
"We weren't able to narrow it down, huh...?" She commented over the mess of things before the school bell rang and signaled class was over.
Aizawa stood up and walked out with his sleeping bag as everyone watched him leave nonchalantly.
"It was a pointless meeting in the end, huh? Make a decision by tomorrow morning. In the event that you can't decide...We'll have a public lecture!" He threatened them all before walking out.
After school ended, all of class 1-A was gathered in the communal area to try and find a compromise for the program they would all choose to do at the culture festival. Iida was sitting in a chair looking at a laptop while everyone gathered around him to try and come up with ideas, except for the intern group who was part of the operation.
"Where can I find some kind of hint...?" He thought as he clicked through various videos and blogs to get inspiration.
"Where's the intern group? And Bakugo, too?" Kaminari asked as Mina spoke up.
"Supplementary classes. They said they can't really participate in the discussions, so they'll go along with whatever we decide. And Bakugo's asleep." She explained.
"Now that I've tried to settle down and rethink it all...Regarding what sensei said about other departments' stress, I think we should come up with a design plan that would assist them in letting off some steam." Iida brought up the topic.
"That's true, isn't it...? Students aspiring to be heroes shouldn't have to go through this much stress." Yaoyorozu said.
"If that's the case...I don't think U.A. students familiar with lunch rush's cuisine should attempt a theme based on food." Ojiro suggested.
"Ah, so you're saying no food-related themes?" Sato said sadly.
"That's my personal opinion, if we're thinking of it as a service to other departments." Ojiro replied.
"When you put it that way, I guess you're right...It would be a huge disservice to them if we were only selecting a theme based on our own desires." Shoji said aloud.
"Well then, what if we did something more festival like...?" Toru said while getting onto the couch to sit next to Momo. "Like a maid cafe, petting zoo...Bikkri House?" She asked the two class reps.
"A petting zoo is kinda unsanitary, isn't it? Hmmm, we need something to let off some steam..." Someone mentioned.
"How about the short play idea?" Someone suggested Jiro's idea as everyone was intrigued.
"An amateur level play surely won't add any stress!" A few of them agreed.
"Everyone getting to dance would be fun..." Todoroki said as he stood up. "Wouldn't dancing be a good idea?" He asked.
"What an unexpected supporter!!" Mina said in shock of Todoroki as he swiped the laptop away from Iida.
"One second." He said as he began to surf the web. "There was one thing. I forget what it's called...Where everyone gets rowdy. Ah, this thing." He said before he finally found what he was looking for and turned it for everyone to see as it was a concert.
"THIS CANNOT BE A TODOROKI IDEA!" Everyone said in shock.
"When did you become a party person, Todoroki...!?" Mineta said in shock of the idea.
"I'm not. I thought Iida's suggestion was the best. And along those lines...Wouldn't it be best I suggest a place where everyone could have fun? It's an idea I got from the provisional license training course." He said as Sato was in deep thought.
"What kind of training course were they in...?" Sato thought as a picture of both Bakugo and Todoroki dancing popped into his mind.
"I see..." Iida said while watching the video.
"I'll only say this once, but wouldn't that just be as stressful as doing the play?" Sero asked.
"I CAN TEACH YOU GUYS!" Mina jumped into the conversation as Aoyama stood behind her.
"Two step!" He said as he showed off the moves he learned from Mina.
"An amateur with awkward moves mastered the steps in one day! Ashido's instructions are the real deal!" Toru said as Mineta popped up.
"Hold it, amateurs!! Dance is rhythm!! In other words, "Music"!! The guests will need first-rate music!!" Mineta declared.
"If we're talking about musiiiiic...!" Toru trailed off as all eyes landed on Jiro as she jumped from the attention.
"Uh, what?" She asked scarcely before Toru suddenly jumped at her.
"A live performance with Jiro-chan's instruments!!!" Toru said excitedly.
"Wait a minute...!" Jiro tried to calm her down.
"What for?!" Toru asked as she stopped short of Jiro. "Not only are you really good at teaching music, but when we were playing together it was so much fun!!!" Toru said as she remembered playing Jiro's instruments with the other girls.
"Ashido, and everyone else, it's not exactly a hobby rooted in heroism you know? For me, it really is just a simple hobby...Honestly, it's not something I could be proud enough about to perform..." She said timidly while playing with her earphone jacks.
"So that was it. That thing today..." Kaminari spoke up as he remembered Jiro being embarrassed from the topic of her music hobbies. "It's so cool that you're so good with instruments!" He said loudly as she got flustered and Koda suddenly came towards her.
"Jiro-san, it's a skill that may put a smile on people's faces. I think it's well-suited in the work of a hero!" He said to her as she was deep in thought and Momo came between them.
"I understand both of you requests, but it's completely up to Jiro herself." She said before Jiro spoke up wit her hands over her head and she looked flustered.
"If I don't do it, after this much commotion..." She trailed off as everyone stared at her. "But it doesn't have to rock, right...?" She asked with a pink hue on her face as everyone came together in excitement.
"Then Class A's program iiiis..." Mina built up her words as everyone yelled together.
"A LIVE PERFORMANCE AND DANCE WITH PARTY SPACE!!!" They all declared together as they found their program for the festival.
With Ryu, At The Hospital
Ryu was stood next to Aizawa in the doorway of Eri's hospital room as Midoriya and Mirio were both stood in front of Eri who was sitting on her bed staring at the two she met that day.
"At least she's trying to recuperate..." Ryu thought as he remembered giving the intern group a message.
Flashback, Supplementary Classes
The intern group consisting of Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, Tsuyu, 21, and Ryu were all taking notes in class before Aizawa interrupted them.
"Before we finish off today, Ryu has some news for us." Aizawa said as Ryu stood up and turned to them all.
"Even though I'm against the request, Eri wants to meet with Midoriya and Mirio." He said as they were surprised.
"She wants to see Midoriya-kun?" Tsuyu asked.
"Yeah." Aizawa nodded. "This request is exclusively for Midoriya and Togata. This is the first time she's asked for anything, since being hospitalized." He said as Midoriya had a surprised look on his face.
Flashback Over
"Is this alright?" The nurse outside asked.
"We were told to keep anything that could trigger her memories of the incident away from her. We were worried about a "rampage". However, that's not much of a concern at this point. Given the child's current energy level and the fact that she's at ease whenever Ryu-san forces his way in, the probability of another rampage is practically zero." The doctor said as Ryu leaned against the wall and closed his eyes while Mirio and Midoriya were excited to see Eri.
"We're sorry we couldn't come see you earlier." Midoriya apologized as Mirio held up a basket of fruits.
"It's an assortment of fruits! If you like them, then eat on up! Do you have a favorite fruit? Can I guess? It's peaches, isn't it?! You're kinda peachy, after all!" He said while showing her the fruit basket and Ryu grew irritated enough that he transformed for a moment before returning to normal, but caught their attention for a moment.
"What? Is there an enemy?" Midoriya asked as Ryu just scoffed and Aizawa shook his head at him.
"It's apples." Eri said softly while holding and looking at the basket of fruit.
"Just like I thought!" Mirio said jokingly.
They cut up some apple slices and fed her some as they sat at her bedside and talked the entire time.
"This whole time, even when I had my fever, I-I was thinking that, even while I was being s-saved...I didn't know your name." She said while looking at Midoriya who was stunned. "I only knew Lemillion-san, Ryu-san, and Y/N-san, and I wanted to know." She said to him.
"It's Izuku Midoriya, and my hero name is Deku! Um, "Deku" is shorter, so it'll probably be easier to remember. "Deku" it is! My name is Deku!" Midoriya spoke in a longer fashion.
"Hero name?" Eri asked.
"It's kind of like a nickname." Midoriya said.
"Deku-san." She said to remember. "Lemillion-san, Deku-san, and...that man with the really hurt, all because of me..." She said as they all stared at her.
"We haven't told her about Nighteye." Ryu thought.
"If she finds out, she'll blame everything on herself and try to shoulder all of the guilt." Mirio thought.
"I'm sorry you all had to experience such painful things because of me." She apologized while looking down.
"She'll find out sooner or later, but...Right now would be too cruel." Mirio thought.
"It's-It's because of me that Lemillion-san, that you lost your powers..." She said as she was about to break down.
"Eri-chan." He said before patting her head and smiling brightly in front of her. "Nobody thinks you caused painful things. Everyone's thinking something more like this! "It's great that Eri-chan is safe"! It's no use apologizing to people that aren't there! Let's take it easy. Everyone fought because they wanted to see your smiling face!" He said before removing his hand.
Eri stared at the two of them for a moment before trying something that stunned everyone. She began to make strange faces and also tried pulling her cheeks up with her hands as Mirio and Midoriya were confused, but Ryu clenched his fist under his underarms as he knew what she was trying to do.
"I'm sorry...How do you smile again?" She asked with tear drops that welled in her eyes as she looked down.
"Back when I first saw her...she did smile...but she was sick and not too aware of things, which meant she did it unconsciously..." Ryu thought as he gritted his teeth as he imagined Chisaki's arms wrapping around Eri, still trapping her in the past. "This child still, hasn't been saved at all. As long as she is unaware of true happiness, she'll never be free...Dammit...How the hell can I teach her how to be happy...!?" Ryu thought in frustration before Midoriya shot up from his seat and had a look like he had an idea as he walked to Aizawa.
"Aizawa-sensei, can't Eri-chan go out for even one single day?" He asked Aizawa.
"What are you planning?" Ryu asked.
"It's probably not impossible, however...How should I put it? Where she'll be transferred to..." Aizawa trailed off as Midoriya had a more frantic look.
"Where the hell are you going with this, Midoriya?" Ryu asked before it suddenly clicked in his mind. "You mean the culture festival?" He asked as Midoriya nodded and looked at Aizawa.
"Can Eri-chan come, too...!?" He asked with hope.
"...I see." Aizawa said as he stared at his students and the girl.
"To the cultural festival! Can Eri-chan come, too!?" Midoriya asked once more as Mirio smiled at the idea.
"Cultural Festival...?" Eri asked as Mirio turned towards her.
"Eri-chan! That's a great idea! There's this thing called a "Cultural Festival"! It's a festival put on by our school! The students set up events and foods for other students to enjoy...! And apples! They'll probably even have candy apples!" Mirio said with excitement.
"Candy Apples...?" She asked.
"It's an apple that's sweetened to the point of becoming candy!" He explained to her.
"Sweetened..." She mumbled as she imagined it and began to somewhat drool from her mouth.
"Let's talk it over with the principal." Aizawa said as he began to dial a few numbers on his phone.
"Well then...! Eri-chan...What do you think?!" Midoriya asked excitedly.
".......I-I've, been thinking, ever since I was being saved...About the people who saved me...Lemillion-san and everyone else, I want to get to know them more!" She said in hopes of being able to go as Ryu was surprised by her drive to meet everyone.
"I'll tell you about us until you can't take it anymore!" Mirio said.
"Let's start working to get the go-ahead from the principal!" Midoriya spoke up.
"I'm currently on suspension, so I can be on a constantly supervised date with Eri-chan, right?!" Mirio asked as Ryu looked at him in disgust and anger that he transformed again.
"Date?" Aizawa asked.
"A honeymoon couple's outing!" Mirio suggested.
"As if I let'd you be alone with her!" Ryu yelled angrily.
"Honeymoon couple's outing?" Aizawa asked in confusion.
"Senpai, what are you saying?" Midoriya asked as Mirio began to laugh.
"Don't laugh, you dolt! I can call the police on you! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ryu yelled.
After visiting Eri and talking up a storm with her about the coming festival, Ryu, Midoriya, and Mirio all left as Aizawa went on without them to continue the calls to try and get permission for Mirio and Eri to go to the festival. As they were walking down the busy streets, Midoriya and Mirio were both excited for Eri.
"After seeing how she is now, I hope we can fulfill her desires and bring make her truly happy." Midoriya said as Mirio nodded.
"Yeah, let's do our best." Mirio said to them.
"Don't forget that I'll be there as well. Like hell I'd leave Eri to the likes of--!" Ryu cut himself off when he stopped walking and glared ahead of him.
Play Song At Top
"Ryu-kun? What's the...matter...?" Midoriya soon grew silent as he went wide-eyed at seeing who was stood in front of them.
When they all stared ahead of them, the three students froze in place when they saw someone they didn't expect to run into at the time, the masked villain suspected to be working with the League of Villains.
"It seems that you three are in brighter moods, would care to tell me what's happened over the course of time?" The suspected villain spoke as people began to take notice of him.
"H-Hey, isn't that guy wanted?" Someone said.
"That's the guy from the new right? The one who attack the truck carrying Overhaul?" Another asked.
"Momma, who's that?" A little girl asked as he mother suddenly picked her up and began to move away without saying anything.
"What do you want?" Mirio asked as the suspect tilted his head.
"I was just strolling around the area when I happened to sense a very strong battle power nearby. When I recognized the energy, I couldn't just simply ignore it." The villain said as he stared at Ryu. "It's been some time, hasn't it, Ryu?" The person asked as Midoriya and Mirio looked at Ryu.
"It has been long indeed. Tell me, what is it like living as a slave, Y/N? Or is it Buu? Either way, you're both idiots." Ryu said as Mirio and Midoriya were shocked at what he said.
"That's Y/N-kun?" Midoriya thought in shock.
"Hahahaha. It is only Buu now. I've destroyed Y/N's mind long ago, and his body, my new vessel, is under my complete control." He said as he clenched his fists in amusement and Ryu glared at him.
"You say that now, but we both know that's not the truth." He said as Buu fell silent. "You can never destroy the idiot that Y/N has become. As much as I hate saying it, he is the people's Symbol of Hope. You can never destroy what he is." He said as Buu seemed irritated as he clenched his fist tighter and Midoriya and Mirio noticed this.
"I think it'd be best to watch your tongue if you know what's good for you. Wouldn't want an accident to occur, would you?" Buu said as Ryu could feel his energy rise. "The point is I'm telling you now, boy. I'm always watching you. I can't let a power greater than mine exist, so be a good child and disappear. That's my final warning to you." He said to Ryu.
"A warning, that's all?" Ryu said as he stepped forward and got in Buu's face as he glared at him. "And I'll give you one last warning. The next time I see you, and you're not Y/N. I'm going to crush you, and throw you into the wind." Ryu threatened Buu as they stood off.
The two of them stared at each other for a few moments before Buu scoffed and turned towards an ally as they all watched him walk away.
"You may all laugh now, but something big is coming..." Buu said before he turned around and glared at the three students. "And this time your precious little Y/N, the Symbol of Hope, won't be there to save you." He said before he disappeared in the darkness of the alley.
"Double security." Ryu spoke up. "I'll be with Eri the entire time during the festival." Ryu said as Mirio looked at him. "If that fool shows up, things will get ugly. If it does happen, take her as far away from the place as you can. You run and don't stop, no matter what." He said.
"But—." Mirio was cut off when Ryu glared at him.
"You leave everyone to the heroes, right now, your only mission is to keep that girl safe and try to make her happy. Do it." Ryu said to him.
"...Alright." Mirio said as police sirens were nearing the area, but Ryu suddenly began to leave. "Where are you going?" He asked.
"To go get our trump card..." Ryu said as he leapt into the air while pulling out his phone.
After dialing a number and waiting on hold for five minutes, Ryu was finally transferred to the line he was trying to reach.
"This is Gang Orca. Who is this?" The pro hero said over the phone.
"It's me, Ryu Shiozaki. I need to ask you for something." Ryu said.
"And what's that?" Gang Orca asked as Ryu clenched his fist and remembered a memory he tried forgetting.
"Is he still around?" Ryu asked as Gang Orca was still confused.
"Will you just tell me who you're talking about?" Gang Orca said in irritation.
"Is he still around..."
"Your legendary warrior..."
U.A's set for a tight schedule with the Cultural Festival coming within the month. At her request, Midoriya and the other two work their way into getting the school's permission to let her attend the event, but many sets of eyes have their sights set on the upcoming festival. A warning given to Ryu from Buu has been issued as Ryu had fired back a warning of his own. Ryu believes that you are still alive inside, but if you are, when are you going to come out, and what state of mind will you have if you do come out. Find out next time on 'The Symbol of Hope.'
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