Chapter 39: Respect For The Upper Class men, U.A's New Top Three

"How about a little role play to get you in the mood? I'll play the villain, you play the hero. Which will you save?" You said while aiming your hand at his teammates and the other at Aizawa.

"Hey! Y/N!" Aizawa tried to stop you, but you grinned.

"Come on, hero! Who!?" You yelled while charging up your attacks.

"You're insane!" Mirio yelled.

"I'm the villain, right?" You laughed as he was shocked. "Now, choose! Or I'll blast them all!" You yelled as your power increased.

Mirio tightened his fist as you smirked at him tauntingly. Suddenly though, there was a change of power and your energy began to dissipate. Everyone was confused as you laughed loudly.

"Did you really think I'd actually go for it? Man, I may be a little reckless, but I'm not insane." You laughed as Mirio was confused. "Now then, what shall we do with you? Hmm, all right, I want you to hit me as hard as you can." You said to him as he grew confused.

"Is that right—?" You cut Mirio off when he tried to understand what you meant.

"Now hold on. You might have misheard me. Not half as hard. Not some arbitrary percentage. I want you. To hit me. As hard. As. You. Can!" You taunted him.

"And if I don't play along?" He asked.

"Then you never really deserved to be number one." You said as he got angry.

He disappeared into the floor and shot up in front of you as he delivered a strong kick to you head that made you turn around and spit up some blood. You wiped your cheek a little impressed from his strength as he stood a few feet away.

"How's that for you?" He asked.

"Hehe...Now we're getting somewhere." You laughed lowly as you wiped some blood from your lip and smirked at him. "My turn." You said.

You suddenly disappeared at insane speeds as everyone gasped. Mirio and the others looked around all over the place as they tried to find you, while 21 and Ryu followed your moves with ease.

"Where'd he go?!" Kirishima yelled in shock.

"What's with this first year?" Mirio muttered as he looked around all over for you.

Suddenly, you reappeared behind him as he gasped while turning around.

"Hey there." You said sent a punch toward him.

Just as you expected, your fist along with your arm went through his face as he moved and tried to punch you. You raised your hand to block, but his punch phased through you again, so you let out your energy in a short burst that pushed him back as you advanced towards him. When you tried to kick him, you were surprised when he blocked it with his hand, rather than phasing through it.

"Impressive, not that many people can block a strike this powerful. You really worked hard to get to where you are now, haven't you?" You spoke with him.

"I worked as hard as I could to get to where I am now." He said as your hand suddenly phased through him and you fell forward through him as he turned around and tried to punch you, but you jumped away from him.

As you landed and he was about to advance, you raised your hand towards him to signal him to stop.

"Please, I have to know. What's your quirk? It's truly amazing. Please explain it to us first years." You said as you gestured to your classmates.

Mirio stared for a bit before sighing that he got a small breather and stood up straight as he spoke up.

"My quirk is permeation. What you guys called a warp was, as you guessed, an application of that." He explained.

"How exactly do you warp?" Midoriya asked in complete interest as he instinctively tried to right down notes and Uraraka was staring at him in shock of his movements.

"If I activate my quirk through my entire body, then my body can go through everything. Everything. That means, the ground, too." He said as he tapped the ground with his foot.

"Oh, then that falling into the ground?" Uraraka asked.

"That's right. I fell underground. And then, when I release my quirk while I'm falling, something strange happens. Apparently, things that have mass can't overlap, so I get repelled. In other words, I get repelled to the surface in an instant. That's how my warp works. By changing the angle based on the direction of my body or pose I'm holding, I can aim for where I get repelled to!" Mirio said to them.

"Sounds like a buggy game." Mina pouted.

"You could say that!" Mirio said in excitement.

"So you can avoid all attacks and move wherever you like in an instant. It really is a very strong quirk--" Tsu spoke only yo get cut off.

"No, I made it into a strong quirk." Mirio said as you were all confused by his words. "While my quirk is activated, my lungs can't take in oxygen. Even if I breathe in, it'll just go through, right? In the same way, vibrations go through my eardrums, and light goes through my retinas. I can go through everything. That means I can't feel anything. I just fall even while I have mass. That's all it is. That's why, if I want to go through a wall, I activate everything but one leg, then I release in the other leg and land on it, activate my other leg and go through. Even for a simple action like that, there are a bunch of steps involved, right?" He asked them.

"If it were me, I'd mess that up if I were in a hurry..." Kaminari said to Mineta.

"Besides, if I can't feel anything, I wouldn't be able to move." Mineta quivered a bit.

"That's right, as expected, I was always behind. In no time, I'd dropped to dead last. I dropped my clothes, too." Mirio said as he raised his hand above his head. "In order to get to the top with this quirk, I couldn't just stay behind. Predictions! I had to think faster than those around me! Sometimes I had to be tricky! Above all, I had to predict what would happen! And what made those predictions possible was experience! I built my predictions on what I knew! It ended up being kind of long, but that's why I wanted to fight you all! I wanted to show you through experience rather than words! In our work studies, we're not guests—We're treated as one of the sidekicks and as pros! That's really scary. Pros will sometimes end up watching people die. But those scary and painful things you'll go through— All of them are first-rate experiences you wouldn't be able to have in school! I changed the experience I got during my work study into power and took the top spot! That's why I think it's something you should do even if you're scared, first years!" He spoke loud and proud as everyone was amazed by his speech, even you and Ryu.

"Even his speech was like a pro's." Ojiro clapped with everyone else.

"I can't believe he did all this for us for something he could have explained in a minute." Momo clapped as well.

"Guests" huh? It's true that I felt like that at my internship." Kaminari said.

"They tried not to let us do anything dangerous." Jiro replied to him.

"So that means that's not how it'll be during the work studies, huh?" Sero rubbed his chin.

"Now that we've got our provisional licenses, we'll be treated like pros once we're on the scene." Iida said as Uraraka nodded.

"We've gotta prepare ourselves for that." Sato said.

"It's just what I wanted!" Kirishima punched his left palm with his right fist in excitement.

"That's right. We came to U.A. because we wanted to be pros!" Toru said excitedly.

"That's right." Shoji agreed.

"C'est la vie." Aoyama chimed in.

"All we can do it go up." Tokoyami said.

"Plus Ultra." Kota spoke softly.

"I need to get my provisional license soon, or I'll get left behind." Todoroki thought in determination.

"I have to say..." You started as Mirio turned to see you walking towards him as you reached out your hand towards him for a handshake. "...At first, I saw you just as small fry, but now I know you're the real deal. You got my respect as a fighter, and a future pro hero." You said as he shook your hand as well. "I'm still shooting for number one, don't count me out yet."

"I won't. You're not too bad as well, problem child." He said as you smirked and stepped back.

"Now then, shall we finish where we left off?" You said as you got into a stance.

"Yeah, please." Mirio said as he put his arms up.

Just as you were about to go at it though, you felt a strong energy suddenly appear and Ryu and 21 felt it, too.

"What's wrong?" Mirio asked.

"Y/N." Ryu sajd as he transformed.

"Yeah, this is bad." You said as you powered up as well and transformed.

"What's he doing out in the open?" 21 said as she charged up, too.

"What's wrong?" Aizawa asked.

"One of the League of Villains most dangerous people is out right now..." You said as you turned to your teacher and classmates. "Cell has arrived." You said as the three of you flew towards the exit and flew out to the city.

"Y/N! Ryu! Wait!" Aizawa tried to call you three, but you all ignored him.

"What should we do?" Midoriya asked.

"You're all staying here in the school! Return to your classes! Say thank you to the third years!" Aizawa said as he ran out the gym.

"We should do as he says." Mirio said. "It was great to meet you all, now let's do what Eraser Head says." He said as he and his friends left.

While flying out about 2 miles you already saw smoke and a few fires in the distance. Cell was causing mayhem in the business district as people below ran for the lives.

"Ahhh, nothing sounds better than the screams of the innocent. I made the right decision cutting myself off from those buffoons." Cell sighed happily as he fired another blast from his finger and blew up a gas station.

Police officers tried to stop him, but were forced to retreat from his attacks. Cell walked through the streets as an injured Endeavor jumped from the flames of the burning gas station and yelled.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!" He screamed as he tried to burn Cell, but got grabbed by the throat as Cell smirked.

"You see, you look like an extra from a budget porno flick. The kind where everyone gets tested afterwards. Even the cameramen." Cell looked to the side.

"Wh-What did you--!" Cell cut Endeavor off again.

"Did they find you in the subway? Were you homeless? Did you get your start in bum fights?" Cell asked with a smirk.

"This is getting oddly personal..." Endeavor thought while gasping for air.

"Do you have any actual friends? Any relationships at all that aren't about your money or your position?" Cell asked.

"...I have children." Endeavor coughed.

"Oh, those poor orphans." Cell mocked him and his inevitable fate as he slapped Endeavor away and he slid across the ground.

He struggled to get on his knees and saw as Cell charged an energy attack on his finger. Just as he fired, you dove down and smacked the attack away as it flew onto the street and exploded as Ryu and 21 landed next to you.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Y-You...I don't" Endeavor coughed as you glared at him.

"Get out of here. We'll take care of him." You said while turning towards Cell.

Much to his disagreement, Endeavor was dragged away by the police and medics who were on scene as you stood against Cell in the middle to the street.

"Well, if it isn't the, "Symbol of Hope" right? That's what you call yourself?" Cell asked.

"That's right." You nodded.

"Good, then I'll enjoy crushing everyones hopes as I crush you." He said as he began to stretch his body and roll his arms around to loosen up.

"I'll take him on first. Anything happens, I want 21 to get as many people out of here as possible, Ryu, you follow up." You called out.

"Tch, whatever." Ryu scoffed as 21 nodded in agreement.

"Getting right down to it, are we? A bit out-of-character. Shan't you send in your entourage, one after another, so as I may leave *you* for our Grand Finale?" Cell asked you.

"Well, I've waited a long time to beat you down, so I *guess* I could wait a couple more minutes--." You were cut off as Cell spoke up.

"No, no, no! This is good! Call my bluff... No, I'm more than happy to skip the hors d'oeuvres and dive straight into the main course." He said as you smirked and took a fighting stance.

"Now you're speaking my language." You said to him as you crossed your arms in front of you and your power exploded out and you turned super saiyan 2.

"Holy crap! Prince, do you feel that?!" Cell yelled to Ryu.

"F*** off!" Ryu yelled back.

"And he didn't even have to pump up, like some roiding, angsty child!" Cell mocked 21 this time.

"Hmph!" 21 pouted as you powered up even more.

"Well, boy, now that you've shown me yours...let me show you mine!" Cell said as he smirked and clenched his fist as his power exploded out and matched yours.

"Yeah, whip out your power, Cell!Let me feel it!" You said with a grin.

"Oohoooh! Now you're speaking MY language." He said as he powered up even more and you walked up to him as you stared each other down while a news cast was recording from a roof top a block away.

Back at U.A. it was lunch time and everyone was watching the news and saw you standing off against Cell.

"Y/N never ceases to amaze me." Midoriya said as they watched the live feed on their phones.

"That guy was at the fight where All Might fought the boss villain. What's Y/N gonna do now? Isn't he pretty strong?" Jiro asked.

"I hope he stays okay..." Momo said while clasping her hands together close to her chest.

Meanwhile across the cafeteria, the Big Three were all sat down at their table as they watched closely on their phones as well.

"Hey, hey, listen. Do you think they'll be okay?" Hado asked.

"He didn't look like someone to go down easily, especially since he was able to stand his ground against Mirio..." Amajiki said lowly.

"Let's see what you can do, Problem Child..." Mirio thought while watching you closely as you stood in front of Cell as you both were smiling at each other.

"So, you gonna take a swing? Or are you just gonna stare into my eyes?" Cell spoke as you snapped out of your trance.

"Hmm? What was that? I was busy staring into your eyes." You said as he couldn't take it anymore.

"Ooh, you beautiful hero bastard, just punch me already!" He begged as you punched him in the gut.

He punched you back in the gut as you kicked him in the side of the head, then he kicked you in the gut as you elbowed him on the top of the head. As you were about to elbow his shoulder, he caught your arm and threw you over him as you dashed back towards him and sent a barrage of attacks at him and he blocked them all.

"Chickity China the Chinese chicken." He sang while blocking your attacks before kicking you away from him as you flipped around a bit before landing on your feet. "Come on, kid. You gotta have a better move than--GAAAAH!" He was cut off by you punching him hard in the gut as he spat up and you kicked him into a bus.

You aimed your hand at it and blasted it with an energy attack as there was a loud explosion. You lowered your hand as you stared into the fire and watched as Cell walked out from the flames and glared at you.

"All right, that was so annoying what you just did that it just made me not want to kill you fools." He groaned as he wiped his lips.

"Wait, does that mean--?" You were cut off by him again as he nodded.

"Yes, kiddo, I'm not going to kill you and the civilians I attacked..." He said as he looked pass Ryu and 21 and saw police still evacuating injured civilians. "They are." He grinned as you stared at him in nervousness.

"The implication being...?" You gasped and almost threw up as Cell did something you didn't expect.

The tail tucked away in his back suddenly opened and from his rear, he began to moan and groan in pain as strange forms shot out from his back.

"AGH~!" He groaned as he shot one out.

"Ohh my god..." 21 stared in shock.

"AHHH~~! GAAAAHHHH~!!" He groaned as shot out another.

"Ladies and gentlemen at home, the terrible Cell is now...doing one of two things, I'm pretty sure we can't show either one on network television." The reporter said as everyone at U.A. watching on their phones was watching in sheer interest.

"BWAAHHHHHH~~!" He shouted as he shot out another one.

"I don't understand! Where's the egg!?" Kaminari yelled in disgust from watching as he leaned back and threw up.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME! YOU ALL DID THIS TO ME!" Cell yelled as he shot out another one.

"Life uhh, finds a way..." Kirishima watched in horror.

"WHOOAA~~!!!!" Cell groaned and moaned as he shot out another pod.

"To make me vomit!" Mineta yelled as he watched in terror.

"AAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!!!!" He was spazing out almost as he shot out two more pods from his tail and it closed up. "Oh god...All right..."EEGH!" He groaned and shivered as his tail was sensitive and opened a bit and closed. "Ahh, egh, and that's going to be doing that for the rest of the day." Cell said before shaking his head and turning towards you. "All right, boy. I want to introduce you to my children!" He said as you were shocked to be staring at tiny Cell Jrs.

"Norio, Damien, Travis, Kurtis, Dale, AND Johnathan!" He introduced them before smiling at the last one. "Oh! And this one's for you, my dear prince. Behold, Vegeta Jr!" He said as the lead one smiled at Ryu.

"Ryu~~~" Vegeta Jr grinned and spoke creepily towards Ryu as he stared at it with shock.

"It's like every nightmare I've ever had fused into one, cloned itself, f***ed the clone and made those!" Ryu stared in shock as they walk towards the three of you.

"That is...terrifyingly accurate..." 21 quivered from feeling their strong energy that had matched yours and stepped back.

"Gather around, children. Daddy set up a play date for you. Now make sure you share your toys, don't leave daddy's sight..." Cell told his children as he grinned and looked at you. "And bring me the bodies." He said.

"No!" You yelled.

"But most importantly, have fun!" Cell told them.

"WEEEEEEEEEE!" They all laughed as you increased your power and got ready.

"Cell Jr's incoming!" You yelled.

"We are NOT calling them that! GRRR!!!" Ryu yelled as he transformed as well.

Just as Ryu was going to strike one, the one named Vegeta Jr. blocked his attack and smiled at him.

"Big Brother." He grinned as Ryu quivered slightly. "I'm fighting you." It taunted him as Ryu yelled as he missed it again.

"Don't let them pass us! There are still people evacuating down these blocks!" You yelled while fighting off three at once.

21 was fighting 2 of the demon spawns as Ryu fought the other two and you were handling three. 21 knocked the two of them back with her tail and tried to blast them, but they were too fast for her blast and dodged them all. One appeared behind her and kicked her in the back.

"GAAH!" Her eyes were wide open as the other one appeared in front of her and elbowed her on the top of the head, sending her into the ground.

"21!" You yelled as you Damien into a car flew towards her.

Just as you were about to reach her, Ryu came flying into you and you were both thrown into the wall of a building as you slid down and sat on the sidewalk. Just then, the Cell Jr's turned towards the evacuating citizens and saw a woman carrying a small child in her arms as they were the last ones left.

"Come on! Hurry!" A police officer yelled as he ran with them to try and get them away.

Kurtis appeared in front of them and stopped them as Norio came in and punched the officer so hard he was unconscious. The woman dropped to her knees and protected her daughter as they were stuck in front of a tall brick building.

"Mommy! I'm scared!" The little girl cried.

"Please! Have mercy! Let us go!" The mother cried as all the Cell Jr's laughed and lined up as they faced the building.

The charged up energy attacks and aimed at them as the mother closed her eyes and shielded her daughter. They fired multiple energy attacks and there were loud explosions. As the firing stopped though, the woman opened her eyes and saw she and her daughter were unharmed. She turned towards the monsters and saw them grinning as they pointed up and flew away. the sound of something crashing and tipping over caught the woman's attention and she turned to see the bottom of the brick building was destroyed and could no longer support the building, meaning it was going to fall on them.

"Ooh, a nice touch." Cell chuckled.

"NO!!!" You yelled as you struggled to get up and flew towards them.

As you flew though, the building came down faster than you expected.

"I won't make it in time!" You thought as you looked at the little girl and saw her screaming and crying as you gritted your teeth and widened your eyes. "HYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" You yelled as you flew towards them.

Just as you reached them, the building came down hard and there was a loud crash as a dust cloud blew throughout the street. Everyone watching gasped in shock and horror seeing that you hadn't flown out yet with the civilians and they assumed the worst.

"Th-There's no way anyone can survive getting crushed by that..." A U.A. student said.

"Y/N..." Momo's heart dropped as the girls began to cry and weep.

"...Onii-chan..." 21's eyes were filled with tears as Ryu was somewhat jaw-dropped seeing that you didn't make it.

"Oh, but don't worry. You'll be joining him soon enough." Cell said as his children came to his side and they aimed their hands at the two of them. "Tell the "Symbol of Hope" I said hello." He said as they charged up their attacks.

"You're going to pay for that." 21 growled as she and Ryu got up and increased their power again, but not by a lot.

Play Song At Top

Just as he was about to fire though, there was a strange sound coming from the downed building. A bright light shined underneath as lightning surged all over and around it. Everyone gasped at what they were seeing and Mirio grinned as he watched on.

"He's coming." He said.

Suddenly, much to their disbelief, the building suddenly began to rise back up which made them jaw-dropped.

"Impossible..." Cell muttered as he and his children stepped back and strong winds were blowing from the building.

As the building rose up they could see you lifting it with both your hands as you struggled to get it up and you were transformed into Super Saiyan 3. They looked passed you and saw the shocked faces of the little girl and mother as they stared at you.

"Get out of here." You said as the mother cried and thanked you as she ran out with her daughter.

"Get them, mister!" The little girl yelled as you moved yourself from under the building and dropped it again as you caught your breath and stared at Cell in anger.

"Attacking a woman and her child like that is unforgivable. Now it's my turn..." You started as you walked towards him and he and his children jumped back.

"Kill him!" Cell yelled as he and his Cell Jr's fired beams at you.

What shocked him the most was that you dodge, but deflected them all away.

"What the hell are you!?" He yelled as you suddenly appeared behind him.

"I'm Y/N L/N, The Super Saiyan." You spoke intimidatingly as he gasped and flew away from you.

In an instant, you appeared in front of Vegeta Jr and punched him so hard he split in two and blew up. You did the same to the two on your right and spin kicked the one behind you as they blew up as well. You aimed your palms towards the remaining Cell Jrs and blasted them into oblivion as Cell was in shock.

"This can't be! I'm the perfect weapon! Nothing can beat me! NOTHING!" He yelled before feeling two hands behind him as 21 and Ryu had their hands placed on his back.

"There is something that can beat you." 21 spat at him in anger.

"That's us...Bitch." Ryu said before the two of them blasted him in the back with their full power.

Cell yelled in pain as he was on fire from their attacks. As he looked forward though, he grew a look of terror as he saw charging a big attack in the palm of your hands.

"KAAAAAAAAAAAA...MEEEEEEEEEEEEE...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...MEEEEEEEEEEEEE..." You chanted as the street filled with blue light and strong winds blew everywhere.

Mirio chuckled as his friends stared at him with confusion.

"I've fallen behind again...But I won't stay there for long, Y/N L/N." He said as you finished charging your attack.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cell's screams echoed as he was blown into the atmosphere and out of eye sight.

As your attack ended, you were panting heavily as Ryu and 21 came up and stood next to you. You lowered your hands and smiled as they nodded in acknowledgment of the stopping Cell from killing anyone. Just then, there was the sound of clapping and you all turned around and saw police officers, firefighters, pro heroes, and civilians coming towards you three and cheering for you all as you stood there in amazement.

"I can get use to this." Ryu grinned as he struck a nice, strong pose for the cameras.

Meanwhile back at U.A., the students were cheering and screaming happily as the were celebrating your victory while Mirio got up from his seat and left the cafeteria with his friends as he stared at the ceiling and sighed with a look filled with determination.

"You're U.A.'s Big Three now, Problem Children..." He thought before clenching his fist and walking proudly towards his class with his chest out and smile on his face. "But I'll catch up to you soon, I promise!" He promised himself as he walked on to continue to get stronger, and aim for the number one spot once more.

You've made a huge image of yourself to the public and your idea of Hope continues to spread to the civilians you will continue to protect. You and your friends have risen above and beyond what anyone could expect, and you only strive to reach even greater heights. What new feats will you overcome? How many more villains will you stop? How much more hope will you spread around? Find out next time, on "The Symbol of Hope."

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm posting this one early, but still try to expect another chapter every Saturday. Since season 3 has wrapped up, I'm thinking and might try to go off of the Manga now, so if I do, you'll continue to see chapters come out, but if not, this book might go on HIATUS until season 4 is released, which I can't wait for. I'll let you all know what I decide, and I'll probably do holiday specials so don't worry, you'll get those. I hope you all enjoyed. I'll see you in the next one!

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