Chapter 3: Clash Between Heroes & Villains, Welcome To Class 1-A

"H-How dare you...How dare you...!" You yelled as dark images from your past flashed in your mind.

Your muscles were bulging and you were gritting your teeth as your energy began to rise so much that it was blowing everyone away. The ground underneath you cracked as there was another explosion at the entrance. When the smoke cleared, everyone was shocked and relieved when they saw All Might enter, and he was not smiling.

"It's fine now! I am here!" He said in fury.

"All Might!" The students yelled in unison.

"But wait! Y/N-kun!" Uraraka yelled as he looked at you and felt your power rising.

"That young man, what's happening to him?" He wondered.

"Oh, we're getting a "continue"..."Shiguraki trailed off before stumbling again as he looked at you and your hair began to flash blonde.

"How dare you!" You yelled as there was a flash of energy that exploded out of you and your eyes widened as your hair turned to a golden blonde color and a golden aura encased your body.

Everyone was shocked at your transformation as you glared at Shiguraki.

"You like seeing quirks? Well this is mine, bastard." You said as you suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the monster was kicked away crashed into the fountain as Shiguraki regrouped with Kurogiri. You were now standing in front of Tsu and the other two as your muscles were bulging and sparks surged all around you.

"His mom was blaster girl, who could manipulate energy and turn it into beams or blast, and she married "Elite Warrior" who had the quirk to make himself stronger, faster, and increase his fighting stats beyond a normal humans limit. Can Y/N use both of them at the same time? No...If his quirk uses up his stamina, then he's going to be running on fumes soon!" Midoriya discovered while staring at you as you approached the villains.

"He was going to kill those three...He was going kill them and enjoy it, just like that bastard..." You said as a memory flashed in your mind.

"Hahahaha! I'm going to gut you where you stand, and hang your family by your intestines!" A villain yelled at your mother as she stood between you, your father, and the villain.

You snapped back to reality and glared at him as your power increased, as well as your rage.

"I will never forgive you...How dare you!" You yelled as your power exploded. "FACE MY RAGE, SHIGURAKI!!!!!!!" You cry echoed throughout the dome, scaring everyone and briefly stopping their fights.

Shiguraki glared at you with hate and anger as he began to breath heavily and scratch away at his neck before suddenly stopping and slouching forward.

"What an annoyance you are...."Shiguraki said before turning away slightly. "Hey, come over here and deal with this brat." He said loud enough for someone to hear.

All Might stared at you as your power roared with intensity and the minor villains stood in shock and fear, seeing the strength you had unleashed. Suddenly, a new villain had jumped into the picture and stood in between you and Shiguraki. He had all pink skin and two black arm bands with yellow linings and white baggy pants ending in black boots with similar yellow pattern ending in grayish brown shoes. On top he wore an orange gi with a blue shirt underneath.

"I'm afraid I can't let you come any closer to the boss here." The villain said as you glared at him.

"Out of my way, bastard." You spat as he chuckled at you.

"Already calling me names? You don't even know me. Allow to me introduce myself..." He said while clenching his fist and smirking at you. "I am Super Buu, the mightiest villain of all time." He said as everyone stared at the two of you with intent. "If you want to get to him, you'll have to go through me first. I'll warn you however, my quirk is something special." He said.

"Ohh yeah? What's your quirk then, "Super Buu?" You asked as he laughed.

"Well, how about I show you?" He said with a smirk before aiming his palm at you.

You were surprised when you saw pink energy form around his palm and fire out at you. You fired one yourself to blow it up before it hit anyone. He was chuckling at you as you scoffed.

"Energy quirk? Big deal, I can do that plus more." You said as he merely laughed.

"I'm sure you can, but I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. You best not underestimate me, boy." He said as your patience was fading.

"Fine, you want to fight me? Let's go over there then." You said as you pointed towards the landslide zone.

"Fine with me." He said as you watched him in shock as he flew into the air and went towards the disaster zone.

"He can fly as well? His quirk must be something else, no one can have more than one quirk, it's impossible." You thought as you turned towards your allies.

"Once I'm done with that fool, leave Shiguraki to me. He will suffer for what he did." You spat at Shiguraki as he glared while you flew off, but just before you left, Tsu called you.

"Y/N!" She yelled.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Come back safe..." She said in worry.

"Mhmm, I'll be right back." You nodded while flying off.

As you caught up to Buu, you looked down and saw Todoroki who had just frozen a large group of villains before looking up at you in shock.

"Y-Y/N?" He asked as you waved him off.

"Move to somewhere safer, it's about to get intense over here." You said as h thought for a moment before using his quirk to slide away from the disaster zone on ice. "Alright, now get rid of your goons." You demanded from Buu as he laughed.

"Of course." He said before much to your shock, he tore off the long appendage that hung from his head and tossed it at them.

The strange piece of flesh he threw suddenly unraveled and the smaller threat villains all screamed as they were covered and swallowed by the blob of flesh.

"Wh-What the!?" You gasped.

The blob swallowed all the villains below and flew back to Buu as it merged with him and the appendage grew back as you felt a huge power increase in him.

"Hahaha, there, now you've seen my quirk. I can absorb or eat anyone, and make their quirks my own. From what I've seen from you, I already absorbed heroes who had energy based quirks, and others who had strength enhancing quirks as well. Your death is inevitable." He said.

"Hmph, so you steal people and their powers? What a disappointment." You said as you landed on the ground.

"What was that?" He asked in slight anger while glaring at you.

"Stealing people's quirks and their lives shows how weak you are. Once I deal with you, I'll find a way to set those people free, I promise you that." You said as he landed on the ground in front of you.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, boy." He said as you both took on battle stances before charging forward.



With All Might & Others

As the others saw you leave, their attention was turned back towards All Might who was stood at the top of the stair case. Midoriya was in shock as he stood there jaw-dropped.

"All...Might...He's not smiling..." Was all he could get out.

"I've been waiting, hero. You trash of society." Shiguraki said as he stood up straight.

"That's All Might...? It's my first time seeing him in person!" A villain asked his comrades.

"He looks so intimidating..." Another said.

"Idiots, don't hesitate! If we kill that, we'll--" He was cut off when a sudden punch had struck him down and unconscious.

The same happened to all the rest of the villains down below as All Might had made his way and was checking on Aizawa who was barely alive.

"Sorry, Aiawa." He said as he glared at the three villains before much to Midoriya's surprise, he dashed over to them and got the three of them out with Aizawa, traveling so fast that the gust of wind left behind blew off the dismembered hand on Shiguraki's face.

"Huh? Huh!? What?" Mineta asked in sheer shock and confusion.

"Everyone, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa to you. He's unconscious. Hurry!" He ordered.

"Y-Yes, sir!" Mineta said.

"Ribbit!" Tsu responded.

"All Might..." Midoriya said while looking at him.

Shiguraki was in some sort of despair with his hands covering his face as he stumbled around.

"It's no good...It's no good...It's no good...I-I'm sorry, Father..." He panted before kneeling down and picking up the dismembered hand and putting it on his face before he calmed down. "He hit me as he was saving them. Heh, it's the violence of a government official. He's fast, as expected. I can't follow him with my eyes. But not as fast as I thought he'd be. I guess it's true after all...that he's getting weaker." He spoke with a grin.

Midoriya helped get Aizawa up to carry him before turning to All Might.

"All Might, you can't. That villain took One Fo--" He cut himself off to make sure they didn't know their secret. "He took a punch that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch. He's gotta be--" He was cut off by All Might silencing him.

"Young Midoriya!" He said before turning to him with a smile and giving him a peace sign over his eyes. "It's fine!" He reassured Midoriya.

Midoriya looked down in thought for a brief second before turning around and heading off with Aizawa and the other two. All Might turned back towards Shiguraki and dashed forward with his arms crossed in an X while preparing one of his smash attacks.

"Carolina..." He trailed off.

"Nomu." Shiguraki said as the monstrous humanoid got in between them.

"...Smash!" All Might finished as he slashed with his arms across Nomu's chest, creating a shock wave that made the water jump behind Nomu.

All Might stared in shock as Nomu looked at him before leaning back to dodge his grab.

"It seriously has no effect at all, huh?!" He said as he punched Nomu in the gut and dodged another grab. "In that case--!" He said before punching Nomu twice in the face as Nomu roared at him and made him jump back. "It doesn't work on his face, either, huh?" He said before sliding to a stop and attacking him again with hard punches.

"It doesn't work because of Shock Absorption. In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh. Whether he'd let you do that or not is a different issue, though." Shiguraki said confidently as All Might dodged Nomu again.

"Thanks for telling me all that!" He said as he got behind Nomu and wrapped his arms around his stomach. "If that's true, then that's easier for me." He said as he suplexed Nomu, making a small explosion in the spot they were in and sending out a strong shock wave.

"Hey, hey." Shiguraki said while covering himself.

"All right! Take that!" Sato said in excitement.

"W-Wow..." Sero trailed off.

"Those guys are underestimating All Might too much!" Sato said as Mina and Uraraka looked at each other with tears in their eyes and smiles.

"How did he make a suplex look like an explosion?! All Might's on a whole nother level!" Mineta stated.

"Even though he's a rookie teacher who can't teach without looking at his notes." Tsu stated while looking back.

"It's possible they have a way to kill him...Even so, there's nothing we can do right now. Instead, if anyone gets held hostage, we'd be worse than in the way. Rather than wondering about the villains, we have to trust All Might!" Midoriya thought while moving along with them as they carried Aizawa.

"Get'em! Aim for the balls!" Mineta yelled.

"Were we overthinking it?" Tsu wondered. "He's amazing!" She said.

"But..." Midoriya trailed in thought. "But I know...Everyday on my way to school, I read the hero news in real time. When they were talking about how All Might wasn't at USJ, the three fingers Thirteen put up secretly were probably...because All Might was at his limit. It must've been because he'd used too much of his power!" He thought in shock "I'm the only one who knows..." He trailed off as he remembered All Might showing him the wound on his torso.

"It's an injury I got from an enemy's attack five years ago. Half my respiratory organs were destroyed, and I lost my whole stomach. I've become emaciated from the repeated surgeries and the aftereffects. Right now, I can only work as a hero for about three hours a day." He remembered All Might tell him. "I will save people with a smile! The Symbol of Peace cannot be daunted by evil. I smile to show the pressure of heroes and to trick the fear inside of me." All Might said in his memories as Midoriya looked back in worry.

"I'm the only one who knows--" He thought while the other students cheered him on. "All Might's secret and the predicament he's in." He said in his head as the smoke around All Might cleared and revealed that All Might was not okay.

All Might was bleeding from his mouth while holding Nomu's waist as Nomu had been thrown halfway through Kurogiri's warp gate and came back up under All Might and grabbed his sides with his sharp claws, piercing All Might's skin and wound.

"Is...Is that how it is?" He asked in pain as everyone turned silent in shock and Nomu's claws dug deeper into his flesh.

"Were you trying to keep him from moving by sticking him deep in concrete? You won't be able to stop him like that. Because Nomu is as strong as you are." Shiguraki taunted him. "Hehehe, this is good, Kurogiri. It's an unexpected opportunity." He said as Kurogiri was slowly closing the warp gate and Nomu pushed his claws deeper in his wound.

"Ouch! That's my weak spot! Stop it!" All Might thought in pain as he let go of his waste to try and pry off Nomu's hands, but to no avail. "What power!" He thought before turning towards them. "This is your first offense? You'd better prepare yourselves..." He trailed off as Shiguraki scratched his neck.

"Kurogiri." Shiguraki called.

"I do not want blood and guts overflowing within me, but I would be happy to take in someone as great as you." He said as Nomu was slowly being pulled back through the portal. "You're too fast to see with the human eye. Restraining you was Nomu's job. And then, when your body is halfway in, to close the gate..." He said as he thought of cutting All Might in half. "and tear you apart is my job." He said as All Might gasped while trying to break free.

"Asui." Midoriya called Tsu.

"What is it, Midroiya?" She asked.

"Trade places with me carrying Mr.Aizawa." He said as she was surprised and confused.

"Ribbit?" She asked. "Okay...But why?" She wanted to know.

"No..." Midoriya trailed off in his head while beginning to run towards All Might. "No, All Might!" He said while breaking off into a full sprint towards them.

"Midoriya!" Mineta yelled in shock.

"There are still tons of things I want you to teach me!" He thought while running as fast as he could. "All Might!" He yelled, catching his attention.

"Young Midoriya? What are you..." All Might trailed off as Midoriya jumped and reached out to him before Kurogiri got in the way.

"How foolish." He thought while glaring at Midoriya and opening a warp gate.

Just before he got sucked in though, Bakugo jumped into the battle and hit Kurogiri with an explosion from his hand.

"Move! You're in the way, Deku!" He yelled while grabbing the physical piece of Kurogiri and slamming him down on the ground. "Take that!!!" He yelled in anger.

A wave of ice suddenly moved and froze Nomu from his feet, through the portal, and up to his arm.

"He's frozen? Young Todoroki!?" All Might turned to see Todoroki standing there using his quirk.

"All I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might." Todoroki said in a plain voice.

"He controlled it so that the ice stopped just before it reached me." All Might said while grabbing Nomu's hand. "Thanks to that, his grip loosened!" He was able to pry open his hands and jump out of his grasp and hold his wound.

"All Might!"Midoriya said in slight relief.

Suddenly, Kirishima jumped into the action and hardened his arm as he tried to hit Shiguraki, only for him to jump back.

"Huh? Damn it! I didn't get to show off!" He said in disappointment.

"Stop acting so stuck-up, foggy nobody!" Bakugo taunted Kurogiri.

"The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you." Todoroki said to the villains.

"Kacchan! Everyone!" Midoriya teared up and wiped them away as they all glared at Shiguraki.

Tsu and Mineta watched from a distance while holding Aizawa as they were in shock at seeing their classmates save All Might.

"Todoroki...Bakugo..." Mineta said.

"And Kirishima." Tsu said before hearing Aizawa slightly groan. "Leave this to them. Let's hurry!" She said.

"Right!" Mineta agreed.

"Everyone..." Uraraka said in relief and happiness as she watched the battle from the entrance before looking down and seeing Tsu. "Wait, isn't that Tsu?" She asked while pointing at them. "Hey! Hey!" She waved at them.

"Ochaco?" Tsu asked while looking up.

"Hey, help us out! He's heavy!" Mineta referred to Aizawa.

"Mr.Aizawa!?" Uraraka said in shock.

"Let's go!" Sato ran off to help them as she followed.

Mina watched them going before hearing Thirteen speak weakly as she had been badly injured.

"L-Leave this to All Might...When the other teachers get here, get to a safe place..." She said weakly.

"O-Okay!" Mina replied to reassure her.

It was a stand off where All Might and everyone else was as Nomu was still frozen and stuck in the warp gate as Bakugo held down Kurogiri, leaving Shiguraki to himself.

"Kurogiri, our exit and entrance, has been overcome. We're in a pinch." Shiguraki said in a calm tone as Bakugo smirked at Kurogiri.

"You careless bastard. You're just what I thought you'd be. Only certain parts of you can turn into a misty wrap gate. The fog gate covered your actual body, right? Back then...When that bastard almost blasted you into oblivion..." He spoke as he remembered you splitting him and Kirishima up from Kurogiri. "If you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't touch you, then you wouldn't have said "that was close." He tauned him as Kurogiri tried to move, but Bakugo let off small pops on his physical body that made him stop. "Don't move! If I feel like your moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up." He threatened with a grin as Kirishima looked at him with an awkward smile.

"His behavior isn't very hero-like..." He said lowly.

Shiguraki stood there with his hands intertwined as he overlooked the situation they were in.

"In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured. Kids these days are amazing. They make the league of villains look bad." He said before turning to Nomu. "Nomu." He called and ordered him.

Suddenly, Nomu began to go back out the portal and stood up enough to make his frozen arm and leg break as he stared at them all, shocking them.

"Even though his body's broken...He's still moving?" Midoriya was confused.

"Get back, everyone!" All Might told them.

The remaining ice on Nomu cracked off as new muscle tissue from his arm and leg began to grow rapidly.

"What? His quirk wasn't shock absorption?" All Might asked in shock while standing up as Nomu stood up as well as his new growing limbs almost finished.

"I didn't say that was all he had. This is his super-regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag." Shiguraki said happily as Nomu's wounds healed and everyone got on their guard. "First, we need to get our gate back. Go, Nomu." Shiguraki ordered him.

Nomu dashed at speeds faster than anyone could see, all except for All Might.

"He's fast!" All Might thought.

Nomu neared Bakugo and threw his fist forward as it collided and created a small explosion that blew everyone away and made someone crash against a gate. Midoriya sat up in slight pain before looking through the smoke to see Nomu protecting Kurogiri.

"K-Kacchan!" He yelled in fear before looking around and seeing him in sheer shock and disbelief. "Kacchan?! You dodged? That's amazing!" He said in amazement.

"No, shut up, scum!" He said before gritting his teeth. "I didn't...see anything..." He thought in anger.

"Then how...?" Kirishima asked as Todoroki and them looked towards the gate that someone crashed into.

"Then that was..." He trailed off as the smoke revealed All Might with his guard up while coughing.

"All Might!" Midoriya yelled.

"He protected the child, huh?" He asked as All Might was breathing heavily.

"Don't you know how to hold back?" All Might asked in slight pain.

"It was to rescue my companions. I had no choice. I mean, earlier, that...that plain-looking one. He was about to punch me with everything he had. you know. Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. Isn't that right, hero?" He taunted All Might while raising his hands. "You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. "Symbol of Peace"? Ha. You're just a device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this once we kill you!" He preached loudly.

"That's preposterous. The eyes of white-collar criminals like you burn silently. You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you, you liar?" All Might retorted as Shiguraki smiled under the hand on his face.

"He's already figured me out?" He grinned.

"It's three against five." Todoroki mentioned with a stern look.

"Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!" Midoriya said.

"These guys are crazy, but if we back up All Might, we can push them back!" Kirishima said while hardening his hands.

"No!" All Might said while walking forward. "Run away." He told them.

"You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right?" Todoroki provoked All Might.

"That was a different story, Young Todoroki. Thanks. But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got." He reassured them.

"All Might, you're bleeding..." Midoriya said in worry. "Besides, time's--" He stopped himself from continuing to keep their secret as All Might gave a thumbs up to him. "All Might..." He thought as All Might turned back towards the three villains.

"Nomu, Kurogiri. Get him. I'll deal with the children." Shiguraki said as the villains got ready.

All Might tightened his fist and readied himself for his last attack while glaring at them.


"It's true that I have barely a minute left. My power has been declining faster than I expected." All Might thought as Shiguraki got ready to move.

"Now, let's clear this and go home." He said while ashing forward towards Midoriya and the others.

"But I must do this." All Might said to himself as he dug deep down inside himself.

"Hey, we've gotta do this after all!" Kirishima said while putting up his guard.

"Why? Because I am..." All Might trailed off as he felt One For All come to life inside of him and give him the power and energy he needed for this last attack. "...the Symbol of Peace!"All Mght said as Shiguraki stopped in his tracks and everyone gasped at All Might.

Nomu and All Might dashed towards each other with full speed as they put all their force behind their fist, and once they clashed, a massive shockwave blew everyone away from each other and forced them to hold onto whatever they could to prevent from being blown away.

"Damn. Hey, you talked about his shock absorption yourself earlier, didn't you?" Shiguraki asked while landing near Kurogiri.

"Yes, I did!" He said proudly as he and Nomu clashed fist two more times before trading blows with each other at inhuman speeds.

With each punch they traded or clashed, shockwaves would push everyone farther and farther from their battle.

"A head-on fistfight?" Midoriya asked while holding his ground barely.

"W-Wow...!" Kirishima gasped.

"I-I can't get near them!" Kurogiri said while being pushed back.

Both their feet cracked the ground beneath them as All Might and Nomu rapidly traded punches with one another as All Might was beginning to push him back.

"If your quirk isn't shock nullification but absorption, then there's a limit to it, right?" All Might asked as he landed more punches onto his body as Nomu punched his bleeding wound, making him spit blood but he continued to push on. "Made to fight me?" All Might asked as he pushed him through the area, blowing away trees and debris into the air. "If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!" He yelled as Shiguraki was shocked at how much faster and stronger All Might was becoming.

"He's bleeding while giving it his all...! He's not swinging randomly. Every single more than 100% of his power!" Midoriya thought in awe while watching the war in front of him.

"RRAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" All Might yelled as he punched Nomu far away from him and jumped into the air towards him. "A hero..." He trailed off as he clothes-lined Nomu across the neck and blocked his punch. "...can always break out of a tough spot!" He yelled as the two spun in the air before All Might grabbed Nomu's arm and threw him into the ground with full force, creating a massive crater under him as Nomu bounced up slightly, and everyone watched in awe as All Might landed in front of Nomu and dug deeper than he ever had. "Hey, villain, have you ever heard these words?" He said as he reeled his arm back and clenched his fist so tight as steam covered it from his sheer power. "Go beyond! Plus...!" He trailed off as he smashed his fist against Nomu's stomach with all his might. "ULTRA...!" He screamed as Nou was blown off his feet and sent flying through the dome and into the sky as you and Buu both stopped fighting when you heard the explosion.

"Damn, that's All Might for ya." Buu said with a smirk.

"He is the number one hero." You said as the two of you got back into your fighting stances.

"I'm going to enjoy turning him into candy." Buu said while licking his lips.

"As if I'd let that happen, HYAAAA!" You yelled as the two of you fired an energy blast at each other, creating an explosion.

Nomu flew out the dome and blew through sets of clouds before flying so far that he was not able to be seen anymore. All of the students at the entrance looked up at the hole in shock as they couldn't believe what happened.

"That was a villain up there just now, wasn't it?" Sero asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Sato said in disbelief.

"This power is..." Shoji trailed off.

"It's All Might! There's no one else who can do something so amazing!" Mineta said with joyous tears in his eyes as everyone began to cheer and feel relief.

"Is this a comic book or something? It's like he nullified the shock absorption. His brute strength is crazy." Kirishima said.

"What insane power...Does this mean he rushed at him so fast he couldn't regenerate?" Bakugo asked lowly.

"So this is the top..." Todoroki though.

"Is this...the world of pros...?" Bakugo thought in utter disbelief as Midoriya looked over at All Might.

"All Might..." Was all he could manage to speak.

"I really have gotten weaker...In my prime, five hits would've been enough." He said as he stood up and placed his fist on the right side of his chest while looking at Midoriya with a smile. "But it took more than 300 hits." He said as Midoriya smiled and teared up, and felt himself beginning to slowly revert to his original form and steam emitted from his body. "And now...I'm out of time..." He thought while turning to Shiguraki and Kurogiri. "Now, villains..." He started as Shiguraki was shaking in sheer anger. "I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible." He told the two.

"He used a cheat?!" He snarled while scratching his neck intensely.

Mean while, you were hopping around the dome and looking for Buu as he had ran off after you blasted him with you Big Bang Attack. As you were floating around, you saw Momo and Jiro backed against a wall as a villain was holding Kaminari, who seemed to be troubled at the moment mentally, hostage. As you got closer, you could hear the villain speak up.

"Novice heroes shouldn't make light of hostages. If you two don't put up a fight, I'll let this idiot go." The villain who had a shocking quirk said while his hand surged with volts of electricity. "Someone else's life, or your own. Hahaha...Now. Don't move." He said while walking towards them.

Much to his shock, you grabbed his wrist and bent back towards you as you grabbed him by the throat and kicked his other arm to release Kaminari.

"Y/N-kun!" Momo yelled.

"Novice heroes huh? Then what about a future pro hero!?" You yelled as you slammed him through the ground, knocking him unconscious. Jiro rushed to help stand up Kaminari as Momo ran to your side.

"Momo, are you alright?" You asked in worry.

"Yeah..." She said with a smile before looking at you and seeing your beat up body and slightly ripped clothes. "You're hurt!" She yelled in worry.

"I'm alright, but you all have to get out of here. There's a villain that's giving me a hard time, and-" You cut yourself off as you swiped away an energy blast that exploded near a set of rocks as you turned to see Buu smirking at you.

"Ohh, you were able to deflect my attack? Quite impressive." He taunted you.

"Momo, get Kaminari and run as fast as you can." You said to her.

"But-" She was cut off by you.

"We don't have any time for this! Get out of here right now, Momo!" You said as she winced at you before nodding and running off with the other two.

"Saving your little girlfriend I see? How sweet. Too bad that will be your final moments with her." Buu said as he flew towards you.

"Like I'd let that be our last minute together." You said with a glare as you stood firm in your stance and powered up.

Back with All Might, Shiguraki was scratching his neck in anger and annoyance as he tried to grasp the situation.

"Hey, what's going on? He's not any weaker at all. Did that guy lie to me?!" Shiguraki wondered.

"What's wrong? You're not coming?" All Might asked from where he stood. "You said you'd "clear" this or something, right? Come and get me if you can." He said with a piercing glare, making Shiguraki suddenly gasp and step back.

"All Might..." Bakugo muttered.

"As expected, it looks like there is no need for us to fight." Todoroki mentioned.

"Midoriya! We should get out of here now! It'll be worse if we end up getting taken hostage instead!" Kirishima tried to call him.

"No...He's bluffing. It's almost lost under the cloud of dust, but I can see the steam-like substance that comes out when he transforms. All Might is..." Midoriya thought in worry.

"I can't move anymore...That Nomu thing was too strong...Frankly, if I even move one step, I won't be able to keep up this bluff. I'll go back to my true form. Just a little more..." All Might thought. "Well? What's wrong?" He yelled at them. "Hesitate. If I can stall for just a little longer..." He begged that his bluff would work as Shiguraki scratched his neck to the point it was going to bleed.

"If only I had Nomu...That guy would've been able to go up against him without thinking about anything!" He yelled in frustration.

"Shiguraki Tomua! Please calm yourself." Kurogiri tried to get his attention. "Looking carefully, I see that he was definitely weakened from the damage of Nomu's attacks. Besides, the children appear to be frozen in fear. We still have underlings who can be used. There are likely only a few minutes left before reinforcements come. If you and I work together, we still have a chance of killing him." He reassured Shiguraki as he calmed down.

"Yeah...yeah, yeah...That's right...That's right...We have no choice but to do it. I mean, we have the last boss right in front of our eyes." Shiguraki said as the minor villains that All Might knocked out were starting to get back up.

"All Might will do something about the main bad guys. Let's go help the others!" Kirishima suggested while hardening his arms again.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki called him, but he didn't reply.

"I'm the only one who knows...The mist guy is probably the most dangerous. All Might has most likely gone pass his limit. If the mist guy toys with him, I'm sure..." He thought before seeing Shiguraki running towards All Might.

"You're coming, huh?" All Might thought in despair.

"This is revenge for Nomu!" Shiguraki yelled.

"Jeez, holy shit!" All Might thought while trying to move his body as Kurogiri opened a warp gate while flying towards him. "Hurry! Everyone, hurry!" He begged in his head.

What caught all three of their attention however was when they all saw Midoriya flying towards them with his fist reeled back.

"He's fast" Shiguraki thought.


"I'm the only one who knows the predicament he's in!" Midoriya thought as his legs broke in the air from using One For All at full power once again.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima yelled.

"They're broken...even though I controlled it earlier...But I made it! The hidden part of his body! As long as I aim at that, I can blow him away!" He thought as he yelled. "HAAAAAAA!!!! GET AWAY FROM ALL MIGHT!!!!" He yelled at them.

Shiguraki reached into Kurogiri as his hand went through a warp gate and appeared in front of Midoriya's face.

"This hand is...the one from back then?!" He thought as he remembered Aizawa's elbow crumbling from the touch of his hand.

"I won't fall for that again!" Kurogiri said as Shiguraki laughed insanely, but then....


Shiguraki's hand was shot and he pulled it back through as Midoriya fell down and the students turned to the entrance and All Might turned in hope.

"Are they here?" He asked.

From the main entrance stood the pro hero, Snipe, as he fired his revolver once more and the bullets flew pass a fleeing Momo and Jiro and hit two villains, disabling them.

"This attack..." Jiro trailed off.

"Could it be...?" Momo asked while looking forward to the entrance.

"Sorry, everyone! Sorry we're late! I gathered all who were immediately available." Principal Nezu announced as he rode on top of Vlad King's shoulders, another pro hero.

"Iida-kun!" Uraraka yelled as she saw her friend who had escaped to get help return with the teachers.

"I, Tenya Iida, class 1-A representative, have now returned!" Iida announced as he was stood next to all the pro heroes of U.A. High.

The villains below rallied together and charged up the stairs towards them, but Present Mic stepped forward and blew them away with his high pitched voice and disorientated them as Ectoplasm blew out ectoplasm from his mouth which turned into clones of himself and knocked down more enemies.

"Split up and protect the students!" Nezu ordered as the heroes jumped in.

"Yes, sir!" They all replied.

Multiple blasts originated near the stairs as Shiguraki was now in downcast.

"Aw man, they're here." He said while holding his hand and backing up to Kurogiri. "It's game over now. Shall we go home and try again later, Kurogir--?" He was cut off when more bullets from Snipe hit him in the legs and shoulder and Kurogiri shielded him while prepping the warp gate.

"Someone whose quirk can capture them all from this distance..." He called for someone while blasting Kurogiri when Thirteen showed up.

"Me!" She said.

"Tomura Shiguraki!" Kurogiri tried to send him back when suddenly he was being pulled back towards the entrance. "This is...Thirteen!" He turned to see Thirteen sucking him towards her with her black hole and the five compartments in her glove open and struggled to close the gate as Shiguraki glared at All Might.

"I may have failed this time, but I will kill you next time...Symbol of Peace, All Might!" Shiguraki said before they disappeared.

As everything was being taken care of, Midoriya was on the floor again in shame with himself, thinking he was useless.

"I wasn' to do anything..." He choked out.

"That's not true." He heard All Might say as he turned to see half his body and face in his true form. "If it weren't for those few seconds you bought me, I would've been killed. You saved me again." He told him as Midoriya teared up.

"All Might...I' glad you're okay...!" He said with tears of relief.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima yelled as he ran towards them.

"Oh, Kirishima..." Midoriya said.

"Are you all right?" He yelled while coming closer.

"Young Kirishima, I applaud you for your concern for your friend! But wait, he'll find out. Crap, wait! Damn it!" All Might thought in panic as the smoke covered his true form and Midoriya began to freak.

"K-Kirishima, wai--!" Midoriya was cut off when a wall suddenly blocked the two from each other and Kirishima saw Cementoss to his right.

"We want to make sure that all students are safe, so please gather in front of the gate. We will deal with the injured here." Cementoss said.

"That makes sense! Roger that!" Kirishima said before bolting towards Bakugo and Todoroki. "Hey, he said to gather in front of the gate!" He yelled as Midoriya and All Might sighed in sheer relief and he sat down to catch his breath.

"Thanks. You saved me, Cementoss." All Might thanked him.

" I am a fan of yours, too." He said with a smile. "Let's get you to the nurse's office while keeping you hidden. But man, you are reckless everytime, huh?" Cementoss stated.

"If I didn't act recklessly, I would have been killed." All Might said which surprised them both. "That was how strong the enemy was." He said as Midoriya was wide-eyed and started to think deeply before they were about to be helped up.

Just as they were all about to leave the destroyed area, there was a huge explosion that caught all the heroes and students attention. They looked over and saw Buu fly out of the smoke cloud and slide across the ground. He struggled to get up and was covered in burns and wounds as he glared into the smoke cloud.

"RAHH! Curse you!!!!!" He yelled before another ball of energy hit him in the stomach, exploding and sent him flying again.

Play Song At Top

Everyone watched as you slowly walked out of the smoke cloud and glared at Buu as he struggled to get up to his feet once more. What shocked everyone was the condition your body was in. Your clothes were torn and you were bleeding from the right side of your head as blood trailed down from the left side of your mouth.

"Y-Y/N..." Midoriya said in shock as you walked towards Buu.

"Y/N-kun! Get out of there! Let the pros handle this!" Iida yelled from the top of the staircase where everyone else was.

"Do not interfere, or I'll blast this entire dome into oblivion!" Buu yelled in anger as he glared at you.

"What's the matter Buu, I thought I was gonna be a walk in the park for you? Maybe you're all talk and no bite?" You taunted as he growled.

"Silence! Ugh! I hate you! What are you!?" He yelled at you.

"What am I?" You asked as the energy around you began to slowly spark and roar to life. "I'm the son of a mother who was seen as the Symbol of Hope. A mother who was forced to sacrifice herself in order to save her child and lover. It is my destiny to take on her role as the Symbol of Hope, and I will come and answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent, the light in the darkness, I AM Truth." You said as the ground began to shake once more.

"Y-Young Y/N..." All Might said in utter shock and jaw-dropped.

"Y/N-kun..." The girls thought in worry as you went wide-eyed and released your voice and power.

"ALLY TO GOOD, NIGHTMARE TO EVIL!" You yelled as your aura and energy erupted out of you and cracked the floor beneath you.

Your aura shined so bright that it forced everyone to cover their eyes. Buu stared at you in sheer anger as you held your ground and stood tall and strong without showing weakness.

"This bluff better work, I've got only a small amount of energy left before I collapse..." You thought as you took your fighting stance. "Come on then, Super Buu. Let's finish this." You said as he looked around.

"This isn't good. I may be able to handle him, but all these other heroes will certainly give me a problem with all the energy I've used already. Damn him! DAMN HIM TO HELL!" He thought in anger as he sighed and smirked.

You watched as he healed himself and smirked before speaking up.

"As much as I'd love to stay and kill you all, I have other business to attend to. The next time we meet, the outcome will be much more different, boy. Until next time." He said before blasting the floor beneath his feet, creating a huge dust cloud.

Once the smoke cleared, he was gone and you glared at the spot he stood in while everyone stared at you.

"Hmph, the outcome will be different, that's for sure." You said as you turned to everyone. "Is everyone okay?" You asked.

"Y-Yeah, what about you?" Kirishima asked while slowly walking to you.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine-." You cut off as you fell back to your normal state and collapsed on the ground.

"Y/N!" Kirishima yelled as he ran to your aid and lifted you into his arms. "Call a paramedic!" He yelled as students rushed to get you medical attention.

Paramedics rushed to your aid and took you back to U.A. High to treat you as the other students were evacuated and asked individually what had happened and what they knew about the villain group. After a long time had passed and it was now sunset, you opened your eyes and saw the ceiling of a room that you didn't recognize.

"A-Am I dead?" You asked yourself.

"No, but you almost died." You heard a voice say.

You sat up and groaned as you turned your head and saw Recovery Girl sitting at her desk as she turned in her chair and looked at you.

"Ahh, you're awake, that's good. You used up a lot of energy in your little skirmish, so all you needed was some rest. Though, I suggest that you remain in bed for a while." She told you as you shook your head.

"I'm alright, thank you." You said as you sat up from the bed you were in and rubbed your head before standing up and looking out the window to the sunset. "Are the other kids okay?" You asked with concern.

"Besides Mr.Midoriya getting both his legs broken, and All Might using up a lot of energy while fighting with an open wound, everyone else if fine." She said to reassure you as you nodded and adjusted your clothes before walking up to her and she gave you a big kiss on the cheek as you returned a small one. "I can't stand it when my Grandson gets hurt. Are you sure you're okay sweetie?" She asked as you smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"I'm alright. I have to get back to class though, I'm sure everyone's got questions to ask me." You said. "See you soon!" You said before leaving the nurses room.

"I hope soon comes later..." She trailed off while turning back to her desk to continue her work. "You did well sweetie." She thought as she looked at a family picture on her desk that showed your mother and father in their younger days as they held you as a baby.

As you walked down the hall and made your way back to Class 1-A, you heard many voices inside and listened closely before entering.

"I still can't believe how crazy that was! Did you see Y/N when he and Mr.Aizawa jumped into action and beat up all those villains! It was amazing!" You heard Kaminari yell.

"It was impressive, who knew he'd be that strong?" Jiro said as Momo was daydreaming.

"He was so strong and brave, ugh, he's so perfect~" She said in pleasure as a few girls glared at her.

"Hmph, he just caught them by surprise, when I see him again, I'll put him in his place!" Bakugo said in anger.

"But did you guys hear what he said though? He talked about being the new Symbol of Hope, and how he was the protector of the innocent. I don't want to bad mouth the guy, but that's a lot even for All Might I bet. He can't do it by himself." Iida said as a few others agreed.

"Well, if that's his goal, then let's help him." You heard Uraraka say which surprised you.

"Help him?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah! Who says that heroes ALWAYS have to work alone? I mean, yeah, a lot of us are trying to reach for the top spot of being the number 1 hero, but if he's trying to just be a legitimate hero to help others, we can always help him! Doesn't that sound great?" She suggested as you smiled at her suggestion.

"Yeah, that sounds cool! He looks like a cool guy too, so maybe he can hook me up with the ladies?" Kaminari said as the girls all snickered behind his back.

Suddenly, they heard the door open and turned around to see you walk in with a smile.

"I don't know about hooking you up, but I'd enjoy the company if all of you would help out every once in a while once we're all heroes." You said as you were suddenly surrounded and Momo latched onto you.

"Y/N! Are you okay!?" She asked in worry as you patted her head.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy is all. Nothing to worry about. I was worried more about you guys." You said as the girls snatched Momo away while giving her menacing looks.

"Y/N-kun, I think it's best if you get more rest." Iida suggested as you shook your head.

"Nah, I'm alright." You said as you walked pass everyone and turned towards them to get a good look at them. "Even though I'm new....Thank you, for everything." You said as everyone smiled and gave you a thumbs up.

"You're a part of Class 1-A, we have to help each other in any way we can. Ribbit." Tsu said as you nodded.

"Alright, then can I ask you all a favor?" You asked as they nodded. "Wh-Where's my locker? I kinda forgot...?" You asked with an embarrassed tint of red and smile while rubbing your neck.

They all looked at you and laughed as they pulled you into their group and led you out with them. You smiled and laughed alongside them, feeling that you can trust them with everything you have, and that they can trust you as well.

"Y/N-kun." Iida said, getting your attention.

"Huh?" You asked as everyone got in front of you and gave you another thumbs up.

"Let's do our best and go beyond! Plus Ultra!" They all said in unison which made you smile and return the gesture.

"Yeah! Go beyond! Plus Ultra!"

A/N:......8200 hands hurt.....anyways, let me know if every saturday is too long of a wait, and what kind of schedule do you want his book to have but obviously not everyday, hope you enjoyed....

spectre, out...

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