"Don't worry, Y/N-kun~ I'll be gentle~" She cooed into your ear as you went wide-eyed.
"W-Wait, aren't I the one who's suppose to say that...?" You asked as you looked at her and grew a look of horror as she was grinning with a glint in her eye.
Half An Hour Later
All the girls were sitting down in the resting area as they heard the elevator open and turned to see you and Momo walking out. Momo had a big happy smile on her face as she was dragging your almost lifeless body along with her.
"Okay, you said you were going to help train Midoriya, so I'll let you go. After that, you come right back to me, understood?" She asked while beaming with energy.
"Y-Yes, ma'am..." You said as you felt your soul leave your body while walking out to the courtyard to meet with Midoriya as Momo joined the girls on the sofas as Mina leaned back in her seat.
"Bleeehhh, we're working so hard everyday..." She cried out in exhaustion.
"It's not called "intensive training" for nothing, huh?" Toru replied as 21 nodded while drinking a soda pop and letting out a happy sigh.
"Even so, there's less than a week left before the provisional licensing exam." Momo said as Toru turned to her with excitement.
"Yao-momo, how's your ultimate move coming?" She asked as Momo tilted her head.
"There's something I want to do, but my body can't keep up yet, so I need to develop my quirk a little more first." Momo said as Toru turned to Tsu next to her.
"What about you, Tsu-chan?" She asked.
"I've perfected a move even more frog-like than before. I'm sure even you'll be surprised, Toru-chan." Tsu said while sipping a box of strawberry milk.
"What about you, Ochaco-chan?" Toru asked with excitement, but Ochaco was spacing out while sipping from a box of milk.
"Ochan-chan?" Tsu poked her arm as she yelped and suddenly jumped in her seat.
"Ahhh! Huh?" She yelped while turning to her.
"You seem tired." Tsu commented.
"Oh, no, I'm not tired at all. I'm just getting started!" Uraraka said quickly as the other girls stared at her strangely. "At least, that's how it's supposed to be, but how do I put it...? Recently, my heart's been feeling all stirred up..." She said timidly.
"It's love!" 21 and Mina said while getting close to her face with grins and making her gulp in sheer embarrassment.
"Wh...What? Glove? Shove? Dove? I don't know what you're talking about!" Uraraka said while waving her hands around crazily.
"Is it Midoriyakun, or Iida-kun? You're always with them, aren't you?" Mina asked with a grin.
"No, no, that's not it!" Uraraka squeaked while covering her face and using her quirk on herself subconsciously as she began to float above them. "No, it's not, it's not..." She kept repeating.
"She floated..." Mina mumbled while slightly jaw-dropped.
"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as it's not Onii-chan. Because he's mine~" 21 said while fantasizing about you holding her in bed and your faces were close.
"What was that, lamprey?" Momo asked with a dark tone as 21 grew a red aura and glared at her.
"You heard me, you wide-mouthed gorilla." She growled back at her as they were staring each other down.
"Who is it? Which one? Who is it?" Toru kept poking at the subject with all her interest.
"Spill it out. You'll get a lighter sentence if you confess." Jiro said with a grin.
"That's not it, really! I really don't know anything about that stuff..." She said while holding her chest.
"It's not good to force an investigation, you know." Tsu said while breaking up 21 and Momo.
"That's right. More importantly, we have an early start tomorrow, so we should turn in." Momo suggested.
"What? No way! I want to hear more! Even if we don't talk about anything important, I want to force it to be about romance!" Mina whined like a child.
"That's...." Uraraka trailed off before hearing another noise from the courtyard.
"All right, looking good, brother!" She turned around in the air and saw Midoriya shadowing you as you were showing him fighting skills and techniques using your legs.
Uraraka was staring at Midoriya and began to get lost as her heart was beating faster and she blocked out everything else around her as Midoriya shook his head.
"Sorry, it's hard to try out these techniques and implement them with what Iida taught me." Midoriya apologized as you shook your head.
"It's all right, let's take it from the top. Ready?" You asked as you got into a stance and he copied you.
"Yeah!" He replied as Uraraka kept watching closely.
"That's not..." Uraraka trailed off in her head as she continued to watch him until you were both done for the night.
Timeskip, Provisional License Exam Day
Your days of training had passed by, and the day of the license exams fell upon you all. You were gathered outside of the building where you would be tested as you looked down the street to see other buses lined up behind you.
"Ah, I'm getting nervous!" Jiro despaired.
"I wonder what we'll have to do...I wonder if I can get my provisional license..." Mineta said while moving his body left and right repeatedly before Aizawa suddenly got in his face.
"Mineta, it's not about whether or not you can. Go and get it!" Aizawa said as Mineta changed his attitude.
"Right, c-coourse-of!" He spoke strangely as Aizawa stood straight to address you all.
"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks...You'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best." Aizawa demanded from you all.
"All right, I'll become a chick!" Kaminari said with determination.
"I thought you were already one?" Ryu said as Kaminari wallowed in hurt.
"Let's all call out the usual! Ready, set,--Plus..." Kirishima was suddenly joined by another voice.
"...Ultra!" Someone screamed as you turned to see a random student from another school standing near you all as you saw a very tall and well built young man with buzzed dark brown hair and black eyes.
"You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa." A young man with small slanted black eyes and purple hair that covers a left eye as he was stood next to a young woman with straight, fawn colored hair that reaches just below her shoulders, and dark brown eyes as she had noticeably full and glossy lips. Also next to them was a creature of some sort covered entirely by light brown hair, with no distinct features besides his eyes, which could barely be seen.
"Oh, no! I am...very...extremely...sorry!" Inasa yelled as he bowed his head so hard he slammed it on the floor and started to bleed with a smile as you were all creeped out.
"What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm!?" Kaminari said a little scared by his actions.
"Wait, that uniform...!" Jiro gasped as your classmates recognized it as well.
"It's from that famous school in western Japan..." Ojiro said.
"U.A in the east, Shiketsu in the west..." Bakugo finished as you and Ryu narrowed your eyes.
"Hmph, a simple rivalry between this school and theirs...we'll finish that in a single blow." Ryu said as you nodded in agreement.
"I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A. High School! I am extremely honored to be able to compete against U.A. students! I'm looking forward to it!" Inasa yelled as he was bleeding even more from his head.
"Oh, blood." The girl with the fawn colored hair said as the other boy began to leave.
"Let's go." The boy with purple hair said as his classmates followed him inside.
"Inasa Yoarashi..." Aizawa muttered as you all looked at him.
"Mr.Aizawa, you know him?" Toru asked him.
"He's...strong." He said as you were all surprised from his bluntness. "Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance." Aizawa said to you all as you were surprised.
"So you're telling me that walking sack of disgusting enthusiasm is a first year like us?" Ryu said with a glare as an official from the test came outside and spoke up.
"And now, everyone from U.A., please excuse me!" Inasa called from his group as he walked inside.
"His name's Inasa Yoarashi? Even though he says he loves U.A., he threw away his chance to enroll. I don't get it." Sero spoke.
"Right? What a weirdo." Mina said while seeing him walk off.
"He's weird, but he's the real thing. Keep an eye out for him." Aizawa warned you all as you all heard another voice approaching you all.
"Eraser? It's you, isn't it, Eraser!? I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!" An energetic voice called as Aizawa cringed and slowly turned towards the voice as you all saw a young woman with an athletic build and chest-length hair sea green, her eyes were inverted in color, her pupils are light whereas her irises are dark, her most predominant feature is her smile.
"She's..." Midoriya said as the lady hero walked up to Aizawa and said something that shocked you all.
"Let's get married." She said with a smile.
"No." Aizawa instantly shot back as Mina got excited in the topic and the lady hero started laughing.
"No? Good one!" The woman laughed loudly as Aizawa had an annoyed face.
"You're hard to talk to, as usual, Joke?" Aizawa
"...Smile Hero: Ms.Joke! Her quirk's Outburst! She forces those near her to laugh, dulling their thinking and movements! Her fights against villains are full of craziness!" Midoriya said excitedly.
"If you marry me, then we can make a happy family with never-ending laughter!" Joke said with a thumbs up.
"A family like that can't be happy." Aizawa stated glumly.
"You two seem close." Tsu suggested as Joke turned towards her.
"Our agencies used to be close to each other! In our cycle of helping each other and being helped, our mutual love for each other bloomed--" She was cut off by Aizawa.
"No, it didn't." He retorted.
"Oh, I love your quick retorts! You're so worth teasing, Eraser!" She said with a giggle while holding her hips proudly.
"Joke, since you're here, that means..." Aizawa figured as he closed his eyes.
"That's right. Come here, everyone! It's U.A." She said as she pointed towards you guys and you saw her class coming towards you all.
"Oh, it's the real thing!" A boy who has shaggy black hair, comparatively small eyes, and a well-sculpted body said.
"Wow, that's amazing! I've seen them all on TV!" An average-sized teenager girl, with blonde hair that is oddly spiky behind her ears and bangs that lie over the right side of her face, and also wears blue fish-shaped earrings and has sharp teeth said.
"Ketsubutsu Academy, second years, Class 2! They're my class. Please be kind." Joke said as the boy who was walking in front suddenly grabbed Midoriya's hand and made him gasp.
"I'm Shindo! U.A. this year's had trouble after trouble, so it must've been tough!" Shindo said.
"Huh? Ye..." Midoriya couldn't finish as he moved onto Kaminari and grabbed his hand.
"But even so, you all are still aiming to be heroes like this, huh? That's wonderful!" Shindo said as he suddenly moved onto Jiro and spoke before pulling back and winking while making a fist. "A heart of fortitude is what I believe all heroes should have from now on!" He said while sparkling.
"He's too bright!" Midoriya thought.
"He's totally a charming pretty-boy type!" Kaminari suspected as Shindo turned to Ryu.
"From among you, there's Bakugo, who experienced being the center of the Camino incident. You have an especially strong heart." Shindo said as Bakugo was confused as he walked up to him.
"Today, I'll do my best while learning from you!" Shindo said while holding out his hand as Ryu suddenly got mad.
"Hey!" Ryu yelled as Shindo turned towards him. "Did you seriously just say that when we are in the middle of battle...you'd try and learn from us...?" He asked as Shindo was confused.
"Um, yes?" Shindo said nervously as Ryu was shaking with anger before he opened his eyes and glared at him.
"How disappointing." He said as sudden shock wave shook the area and made everyone except you and 21 stumble around. "You asked to be tutored during a battle?" He spat at Shindo.
"Onii-chan..." 21 said in worry.
"Yeah." You nodded, but didn't stop Ryu.
"Can you...even..." Ryu said as a bright aura irradiated his body and made everyone slightly nervous. "...call yourself..." He was about to transform, but you placed a hand on his shoulder and shook your head as he scoffed and powered down. "Tch, if I see you on the battlefield, you're going to wish you didn't want to become a hero." He said as he walked off inside.
"Sorry, that's just Ryu's ideals getting the better of him." You apologized.
"It's fine. It just proves how strong his heart is." He said while rubbing his neck.
"Hey, Y/N-kun! Can I have your...auto..." The girl with sharp teeth trailed off and got scared as she saw Momo, 21, Jiro, and even Mina pop up behind you with menacing looks aimed right at her. "...graph...?" She asked in slight terror as you apologized in advance.
"Hey, change into your costumes and go to the orientation. Don't waste time." Aizawa ordered you all while walking inside.
"Yes, sir!" You all said.
"It's like...contact with people outside of school reminds..." Jiro trailed off.
"U.A. students are actually pretty famous, huh?" Kaminari thought he knew what she was going to say.
As Jiro felt you wrap an arm around her and pull her with you as Kaminari blinked and followed you while whining about you all leaving him behind.
"Could it be...? You didn't tell them, Eraser?" Joke wondered while staring at him walking away and staring at him with confusion.
After changing into your costumes, you all entered the orientation hall as other students from other schools flooded inside and there looked to be a thousand students all trying to get their licenses.
"There are so many..." Midoriya said in shock.
"There's so many..." Uraraka repeated.
"Um..." You all heard a tired voice on the mic and looked forward to see a tired man standing at the podium. "Well then, let's do that provisional license thing...I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commission. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep...Nice to meet you. I've been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep...We're too short-staffed...I'm so sleepy!" He exclaimed on the mic. "With that conviction, I will give you the orientation." He said while slouching on the podium and closing his eyes.
"He's not hiding how tired he is. He's definitely not okay." You thought while staring at him in shock.
"About the content of the provisional license thing...Frankly, all 1,540 examinees here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise!" He said with a tired tone.
"Seriously? That's not a lot to go on." Sero said.
"Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes, and ever since Stain was arrested, many have shown great doubts about the current state of heroes. Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is...It's a ruthless story of these modern times...But anyway, whether it's for compensation or for loyalty and courage...the result of many heroes working hard together to help people and defeat villains is that right now, the time for when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short that it'd make you sick. You all are about to receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with that speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed!" The tired announcer said as the screen behind him turned and showed the number to pass the first test was 100 out of the 1,540 examinees. "The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass." He said as everyone in the hall was completely shocked beyond belief.
"That's crazy! There's over a thousand students here! Didn't they say half would pass?!" 21 gasped.
"So less than 10% will succeed in making it to the next half of the test." Ryu said.
"This suddenly got a lot more serious." You said while clenching your fist.
"Well, a lot's happened out there in the world, and you know, about luck and everything...So anyway, here are the requirements." The announcer said as he held up a ball and a target sensor. "The examinee will put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area. You can't put them on the soles of your feet or in your armpits. You will also have six of those balls. The targets are made to only light up if they're hit by these balls, and if all three of your targets light up, then you're out. The person who lights up your third target will have it count as their defeat. You get through this round by defeating two people. That's it for the rules." He explained as you looked at everyone around you.
"Tch, this is gonna be one hell of a mess. Everyone's going to be running wild trying to steal defeats to pass. Some harsh rules, but nothing we can't handle." You thought as the announce spoke up.
"Okay then...After we open, we'll pass out the targets and balls, and then we'll start one minute after we've gotten to everyone." He said which confused everyone.
"Open?" Todoroki wondered.
Suddenly, there was a loud noise and the hall began to shake violently. You looked up and saw the roof beginning to split apart and the walls were coming down. The entire hall opened and unfolded like a box as you saw you were in the middle of a massive arena with different areas and sections spread out.
"I believe you all have terrain that you like and dislike. Use your quirks and do your best." The announcer said to you all.
"This is way bigger than it needs to be." You thought while staring at the entire thing.
"Anyway, we arranged for the terrain to be announced like that...But yeah, it's unnecessary. It's because of this my sleep was...I hope the developments are speedy so that I can rest as soon as possible..." The announcer said while holding his head and was tired.
Meanwhile, Ms.Joke and Aizawa were sat in the spectators seats looking down at the arena as everything was about to begin, and Joke decided to crack a joke.
"Eraser, your fly's down..." She covered her mouth to giggle.
"Why is everyone around me so noisy?" Aizawa thought in annoyance.
"I can't believe you still had twenty students, though. It's unusual for you to not have expelled anyone. You like your class this time?" Joke asked him.
"Not really." He replied as she laughed loudly while holding her stomach.
"Don't be embarrassed! That's so lame! Go out with me!" She said suddenly.
"Shut up." Aizawa said bluntly as she laughed again.
"But then, it's strange...There's no way you don't know about that." She said as the exam began and everyone started running off to different areas.
"Everyone, don't get too separated! Let's move as a group!" Midoriya suggested.
"You got it." You nodded.
"Yeah right, this isn't a field trip!" Bakugo yelled while running off on his own.
"Idiot, wait up!" Kirishima chased him.
"Kacchan!" Midoriya called him.
"Kirishima-kun!" Iida tried to call them back.
"I'm going on my own, too. It's hard for me to use my power in a big group." Todoroki said as he walked away and Ryu left without a word.
"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya called as Mineta came up.
"Midoriya, there's no time! Let's go!" He said to him.
"Right!" Midoriya agreed as you all began to move and the teachers watched closely.
"Every year, the test is different, but there is one thing that's almost like a tradition for this provisional licensing exam." Joke said while watching U.A. run as a group.
"I don't think it's a good idea to go off on our own, though..." Midoriya said as you spoke.
"Ryu will be fine, the other three, I don't know. Let's worry about that later, though. We've got bigger problems!" You said while running ahead.
"Like what?" Mineta asked.
"Can't you tell? Everyone knows what powers we all have." You said as everyone was somewhat confused.
"They already know?" Uraraka asked.
"I see, the sports festival!" Iida said as you clenched your fist tightly and began to gather your energy together.
"As all the high schools around the country compete to pass the provisional licensing exam, the only high school that has lost the advantage of no one knowing their quirks...the top school whose sports festival is broadcast across the country showing not just the students' quirks, but also their weaknesses and fighting styles...Your school." Joke said while turning her eyes towards Aizawa to see his reaction.
"The other schools should have figured out about the easiest way to win. This is going to be a battle between schools. If it is that, then I have a pretty good idea about which school they'll target first." You said as your class came to a realization.
Play Song At Top
"Does that mean..." Mina trailed off.
"Don't tell me..." Jiro didn't wanna believe what was about to happen as the bell to begin combat rang.
"First test, start!" The test commenced.
"Stay behind me!" You ordered as everyone stopped behind you and got on guard.
"If you like your class this year, then you should've told your students. What always happens at the beginning...The crushing of U.A." Joke said as you saw students from Ketsubusu High cut you all off and go flying towards you.
"He was right!" Midoriya said while clenching his fist around his ball.
"I saw it on TV! Your power to manipulate energy and make yourself stronger! Well, if a nail sticks out, then you've got to hammer it down!" Shindo yelled as their school all threw a barrage of balls at you all.
"Y/N!" You heard Ryu as he came landing next to you. "He's mine." He said with venom in his tone as you two watched the barrage come flying towards you.
"Move out of the-!" Midoriya was cut off when you signaled everyone with your hand to stay still.
"The crushing of U.A." There wasn't really a reason why I didn't tell them, but in the end, it wouldn't change what they had to do. They just have to overcome everything. A hero is someone who can turn around a bad situation. In the first place, if they become pros, then everyone will already know their quirks, so I'm sorry, but we look a little further ahead than everyone else. And you shouldn't count us out yet either, we have something no other school has..." Aizawa trailed off as he knew what was coming and the entire arena began to shake violently.
The barrage of balls heading towards you all suddenly stopped as rocks and debris began to float in the air and sparks began to surge wildly around you and Ryu as you both grunted and gritted your teeth as your energy was boiling inside you.
"You made a grave mistake, Ketsubusu High..." You said.
"What you saw at the tournament was merely a fraction of what we could do..." Ryu said.
"And what do you have?" Joke asked while holding onto her seat and watching in shock.
"Wh-What are they doing?!" Shindo gasped as he backed away.
"HEY! HERE IT COMES! GET DOWN!" Tokoyami yelled as everyone behind you ducked and covered.
"...we have super saiyans." Aizawa said as he stared at you two.
"super....what?" Joke asked.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You and Ryu yelled as there was a massive explosion of light and a shock wave blew away everything in your area and into the other areas.
"Wh-What are they..." Everyone from the other school gasped as they saw you and Ryu transform as they backed away slightly and you and Ryu stood at the head with glares.
"So..." You trailed off as you and Ryu formed energy blast in your hands and stepped towards them.
"Who's up first?"
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