Chapter 20: Ascend To The Next Level, A Better Understanding

Training Camp Day 2, 5:30 A.M.

You were all gathered outside by Aizawa as everyone was very tired, and you were snoring while standing up as Tsu leaned on your left shoulder, Momo was on your right, 21 was on your back making you lean back, and for some reason, Mina was at your ankles, using your feet as a pillow. Just as you were weirdly napping, a wrap of tape spun around you all and slapped you all awake.

"Yes, sir!" You all shouted as the snot bubble you were blowing popped.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today we will begin training camp, to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. Proceed carefully. So Bakugo, try throwing that." Aizawa said as he tossed him a ball.

"This is from the fitness test..." He said while looking at it.

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 7052 meters. Let's see how much you improved." Aizawa said as Bakugo walked forward to throw.

"Oh, we're checking our progress?" Mina said in excitement.

"Since a lot has happened these past three months, huh? Maybe he can throw it a kilometer now or something!" Sero said in hype.

"Do it, Bakugo!" Kirishima screamed.

"Then..." Bakugo smirked as he reeled his arm back. "Here I go...Go to hell!" He screamed as he threw the ball with his quirk so far it went out of sight.

"I wish you could go there." Ryu said while not being impressed by his actions and checking his phone for something.

Bakugo stood there thinking that he was way farther than before, but what Aizawa said next surprised everyone.

"709.6 meters." He said as Bakugo's eyes shot open in shock and he showed everyone the distance measure.

"Huh? It's less than I though..." Sero said.

"It's been three months since you started high school. Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increases in stamina. As you can see, you quirks themselves have not improved that much. That's why we will work on improving your quirks starting today." Aizawa said as he grew a nasty grin. "It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to actually die..." He advised them.

"Good, they're here." Ryu said while putting his phone away and everyone stared at him. "Y/N, come on." He said.

"Where are you two going?" Aizawa asked.

"Wait, what's here, Ryu?" You asked as he smirked.

"Our training room." He said as trucks came through the trees and on the back they were towing a huge spherical machine which shocked everyone.

"Whoa, what are those?" Kirishima asked as you all watched it be wheeled over to the clearing where everyone would be training.

"It's our personal gravitational training room. Y/N, we'll start off small with 250 times the normal gravity." He said.

"Hmmm, sounds good, but I don't think these clothes are going to last in there." You said while pulling on your U.A. P.E. uniform.

"Wait, 250 times normal gravity!? You could die!" Momo said in worry.

"No, not really." You said with a straight face.

"250 times gravity is child's play compared to what we can do. Let's go, Y/N." Ryu said as the two of you walked away and stretched your bodies.

1 Hour Later, With Class B

Your rival class was stood outside the entrance of the main housing building in the forest as their instructor came out and saw them struggling to stay awake.

"Develop our quirks?" Kendo asked while holding up her classmate, Komori.

"Class A is doing it already. Let's go, quickly." Their instructor, Vlad King said as he led them to the training grounds. "Last semester, Class A got all the attention, so next semester, it'll be Class B's turn. Got it? It won't be Class A, it'll be us, Class B!" He said as they tiredly walked along and Tetsutetsu was tearing up.

"Sir...! Sorry that we are such disappointing students!" He cried to Vlad King.

"Even if you say that we're going to develop our quirks out of the blue, all twenty of us have different quirks, so how are we supposed to know what we're developing and how?" Setsuna asked.

"Can you be more specific?" Her classmate, Kamakiri asked.

"When muscle fibers are overused, they break and become stronger and thicker. Quirks are the same. If your keep using them, they become stronger, and if you don't, then they waste away. In other words, there's just one thing to do!" Vlad King said as they reached the training grounds. "Break through your limits!" He yelled as Class B was shocked at what was in front of them.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Bakugo yelled as he pulled his hands out of the extremely boiling hot water barrel and fired a massive explosion into the air to train to expand his sweat glands and increase the rate of creating his explosions and increase their scale. "DAMN IT!!!" He yelled as he repeated the process over and over and over.

Class B looked to their right and saw Todoroki cooking in a barrel of water as well as he switched the temperature constantly from fiery hot to icy cold, alternating between the two to get his body used to freezing, and have him try to control his temperature of his flames, and eventually use both at some point in time.

"AAAAHHH!!! GAAAAHHHH!!!!" Class B looked up to see Sero crying as he continuously shot out tape from his elbows to train himself to increase the capacity and improve the strength of his tape.

Down below, Class B saw Kirishima sparring with Ojiro using their quirks to train each other to become even stronger. Looking behind them to see sparks shooting off a mountain, they saw Kaminair screaming idiotically as he ran his electricity constantly through a large capacity battery to train him to be able to handle large amounts of electricity and voltage.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~!!!!!" They heard a loud cry and saw Koji stood on top of a ledge of a cliff, shouting out to the forest loudly to train his voice to reach farther out, and secretly help him be less shy.

They heart a laser fire and saw Aoyama firing his navel laser into the sky repeatedly to train his body to get use to firing his laser so he can keep using it even after getting a stomach ache and also to increase the range of his laser. Class B shot their heads over to a pitch black cave where they heard Tokoyami's voice crying and screaming in agony. Tokoyami was training in the darkness to help control his Dark Shadow even after it goes wild.

"DARK SHADOW!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!" His cries echoed from the came as they turned to see Uraraka spinning around all over a steep cliff side at zero gravity to increase the max weight she can use on her quirk.

After seeing her roll away, they saw Iida sprinting by with his exhaust spitting out fumes as he kept striding along to increase his leg strength and stamina. On another cliff side, they saw Tsu climbing up the side of it with her tongue shot all the way up as she used her hands and feet to scale the steep slope to train and work her muscles. They heard aggresive eating and turned to see Sato eating lots of junk food and cake while curling a dumbbell at the same time to train himself to power up even more after eating sweets. Next to him was Momo who also eating countless food and using her quirk to constantly create things to amplify her creations and shorten the time it takes to make something. Class B shot their heads over to see Jiro and Mina against a wall, as Jiro was stabbing the wall with her earphone jacks to increase the quality of sound, and Mina was pressing her hands against the wall while secreting acid from her hands to train her skin's durability. They looked down and saw Mineta crying on the floor as he was constantly pulling those sticky orbs from his head while blood trickled down his face to train his scalp to not bleed after pulling out so many. Then Shoji stepped into view with his extra appendages that had eyes looking all around as he tried to find Toru, training himself to make more dupli-arms to look for her as she continues to hide in presence as a potato chip bag blows onto her body, making it float.

"What is this hell?" Rin from Class B asked while looking on in horror.

"Those of you who are operative types will have to raise your maximum limits. Heteromorphic types and and other composite types need to train the parts of their body related to their quirks. Normally, this would occur as your bodies grow..." Vlad King trailed off as his class stared in horror and Aizawa came towards them.

"...but we don't have that time." Aizawa said to them. "Class B, you guys hurry up, too." He told them all.

"But once we join, there will be forty three in all. Can just six people manage the quirks of that many people?" Kendo asked.

"That's why we're here." Aizawa asked as a female voice chimed in.

"That's right! The four of us are one!" As the full team of Wild Wild Pussycats showed up and did their intro.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" Mandalay said.

"We've come to lend a paw and help!" A woman with long, green hair and big round yellow eyes that were almost open all the way said, and as a part of her costume, she had pink marks on her cheeks that resemble whiskers and a pink circle around her right eye, and sported a yellow version of the Pussycat's hero costume.

"Coming out of nowhere..." A tall, muscular transgender man with short brown hair and a small triangle shaped beard said, and he had blank white eyes with black markings surrounding them, and wore a brown version of the Pussycat's hero costume.

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" Pixie-Bob exclaimed.

"Wild, Wild...Pussycats! The full version!" They yelled in unison as they posed for Class B and Bakugo cursed while pulling his hands out from the hot water barrel.

"My quirk is Search! I can know all the info about up to a hundred people just by looking at them!" The green one known as Ragdoll said. "I can find out their location and weaknesses, too!" She said happily.

"With my Earth Flow, I can make the perfect places for each person to train!" Pixie-Bob told them.

"And with my Telepath, I can give advice to multiple people at once." Mandalay said with a smile.

"And my job is assault through punching and kicking..." Tiger said as they were intimidated by him.

"There's a lot of things wrong with that..." Rin said as Bakugo cursed again and blew an explosion into the air.

"All you power-up types, come to me! Tiger's Bootcamp has already begun!" Tiger said as everyone looked to see Midoriya training in an old fashioned way.

"That's so obsolete!" They all thought.

"Now, hit me with everything you've got!" Tiger ordered Midoriya. 

"Five percent Detroit Smash!" Midoriya thought as he swung at Tiger but missed completely.

Tiger kicked him into a tree and walked towards him.

"You're still pretty lively! That means your muscle fibers haven't been ripped apart yet!" He scolded Midoriya as he got up on his hands and knees.

"Yessir..." He struggled.

"I can't hear you!" Tiger yelled.

"Yessir!" Midoriya cried out.

"He's scary." Kaibara of Class B thought.

"It's "Plus Ultra," right? Then do it! Give me "Ultra!" Tiger demanded.

"Yessir!" Midoriya screamed.

"That guy's the only one whose gender and genre is different from the others, huh?" Shishida thought in shock.

"U.A's busy, so it's hard to spare staff for just the first years of the hero course. Based on their track record and wide range of quirks, these four are the most logical choice to train your quirks in a short amount of time." Aizawa told Class B.

"Don't fall behind Class A! Let's go, Class B!" Vlad King said.

"Yes, sir!" His class understood.

"Umm, what's that thing over there?" Tetsutetsu asked as they all looked over to a weird structure.

"That's where Y/N and Ryu are--" He was cut off when the thing exploded and you and Ryu landed on the ground, groaning as they saw you had changed into training clothes like Ryu's. "" Aizawa said while staring at you both.

"O-Okay, maybe 550 times normal gravity is a bit much right now..." You said while twitching.

"D-Damn it..." Ryu groaned as the two of you got up. "Bring in the other one!" Ryu yelled as another truck hauled in another training room and you both got in and the second you got in, it exploded again. 

"Ryu! You broke it again!" You yelled from inside the smoke.

"It wasn't me! Whoever designed these damned things didn't follow my specifications like I asked for!" Ryu yelled.

"Those two are truly amazing..." Everyone thought together as you and Ryu walked out of the smoke and stood in a clearing.

"Well, should we try it out?" You asked Ryu as he nodded.

"I'll go first." He said as you stepped back and everyone stopped training to see what would happen as Ryu smirked and stared at everyone. "Are you ready now? To witness a power that you will never see for another thousands of years?" He asked.


Everyone watched as Ryu transformed and a bright aura began to surge around him and grow brighter as the winds began to pick up speed. You felt his energy spiking and watched closely.

"Alright, now let's see how far we've come in this short time." You thought.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!! GRRR! RRAAAAAHHH!!! HAAAAA!" Ryu was raising his voice as his energy grew even stronger. Everyone gasped and stepped back farther from him as you watched closer and saw sparks flying off his body as dust whirled around your feet and the entire area began to shake violently. Sparks covered the ground as his muscles began to bulge and grow bigger than their previous size. Rocks from cliff sides were blown away as his light shined brighter and brighter. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Ryu screamed as there was a massive explosion of light that made everyone cover their eyes and the shaking grew even more violent. After a few minutes had passed, the winds and shaking had died down, and everyone opened their eyes and gasped when they saw Ryu.

"He's done it...He's ascended." You thought as the dust cleared around Ryu and revealed his new form.

Ryu was breathing heavily and calmed down as his muscles seemed to lose their tension. He smirked feeling a new height of power, and saw the shocked faces of everyone around him as they basked in his new form and chuckled.

"I am Super Ryu." He said.

"Alright, now you try it, Y/N." Ryu demanded as you nodded and stepped forward and saw everyone staring.

"All right, everyone. Watch me, now." You said as you took a deep breath.

After collecting yourself, you clenched your fist tightly as you transformed and your golden aura surrounded your body.

"Grrr....! Haaaaaaa! HAAAAAAA!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! GYAAAA!" You yelled as you threw your hands down and your muscles grew.

Your power had actually blown everyone away and sent them rolling on the ground as Midoriya was in awe and ran up to you.

"Wow! Amazing! Your power! Y/N, you did it! You ascended to the next level like you said!" He told you as you looked at him before looking back to the ground.

"I could go one step further if I wanted to." You said as everyone was surprised and Ryu wanted to see what you meant.

"Huh?" Midoriya asked.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" You screamed as your power flared up insanely again and you hair grew even longer than before. Sparks surged all over your body as your muscles and chest grew to an abnormally large size. "GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" You screamed as Momo crawled for you. 

"Y/N!" She called out in worry as she was shocked to see the state your body was in.

You were grunting and panting with the incredible energy surging inside of you. As the winds calmed down and your energy came to a slow, your breathing was normal again and you were stood up straight as Midoriya was fanboying over you.

"Wow! You're more than a regular hero now! You're one of the greatest! I bet no one can stop you except for All Might!" He screamed as you looked at Ryu and nodded thinking the same thing he was.

"No, this new form has a weakness..." You thought in despair. "Not in this form, we can't take on any villain just yet." You said as Ryu looked away in anger.

"What? But why not?" Midoriya asked.

"We know we look like we can, Midoriya, but these bulky muscles make it hard to move fast. And if we're going to fight anyone at full power, we can't have anything slowing us down." You explained.

"Ohh..." Midoriya said in realization.

"We may have great power, but what good is it if we can't catch our enemy? It takes more than brute strength to win a fight." You said as you and Ryu exhaled as you turned back to normal and you looked at Midoriya. "And transformations waste a lot of energy. You've been finding that out when you've been using your quirk constantly, all of you. It's not easy, right?" You asked as they all stared at you and you furrowed your eye brows at them. "Right?" You asked in a serious tone.

"R-Right." They all responded.

"We can't afford to waste energy, but at the same time, we need our powers for the fights that are to come. Somehow, we have to get to a point where it feels natural to use our quirks, so that we can conserve energy.  Ryu, let's try being super saiyan for the whole day." You suggested.

"Alright, that could help." He agreed as he walked back towards the gravity training room and transformed. 

"All of you do your best as well. We don't have a lot of time, so let's get these quirks stronger and faster than ever before! Plus Ultra!" You shouted.

"Plus Ultra!" They repeated as you transformed and walked back into the gravity training room with Ryu, and it exploded again.

"Ryu!" You complained.

"That was YOU this time you numbskull!" He yelled as another truck wheeled in another gravity room.

"Those two really are amazing..." They thought awkwardly as they went on with their training.

Timeskip, Dinner Time

Everyone was limping back to camp except for you and Ryu as Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll were waiting for you all and there were ingredients and packages of curry in front of them as they smiled brightly.

"Now, remember what I said yesterday? "Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you!" Pixie-Bob quoted herself yesterday.

"At least make your own food! Curry!" She said while showing everyone the food they'd be making as everyone groaned weakly.

"Yessir..." They struggled to speak and stand.

"Ahahahaha! You all look exhausted!" Ragdoll said while bouncing happily. "But that doesn't mean you can make and old sloppy cat food!" She told them while laughing hard and Iida's eyes shot open.

"It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling their stomach and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster. That's U.A. for you! No opportunity wasted! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!" Iida tried to bring up everyone's spirits.

"Okay..." They all grumbled.

"Iida's so useful." Aizawa thought while staring at them students.

You all gathered the strength and energy you needed to start prepping for dinner as everyone took on a job and you were working a grill as Todoroki lit your wood on fire as you set up your containers that had the curry inside.

"Todoroki! Can we get a fire here, too?" Mina called him as Sero looked at Bakugo.

"Bakugo, use Explosion to light this." Sero asked him.

"Like I would, scum!" Bakugo yelled as he used his explosion to try and light a fire, but insted blew up the entire grill station they had.

"If you only rely on others, then you will not learn how to light a fire." Momo said as Jiro watched her in awkwardness as she created a lighter and lit her grill.

"No, it's fine." Todoroki said as he lit another one of the grills.

"Wow, thanks!" Uraraka praised him.

After prepping all the curry and setting up the food, it was finally time to feast once more.

"Thanks for the food-!" Everyone was interrupted again.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" You both yelled as you and Ryu both began to devour bowls of curry and rice, as everyone else followed suit.

"If I got this at a restaurant, I wouldn't be very happy, but in this situation, it's delicious!" Kirishima screamed.

"Don't say that it's rude!" Sero said while downing his bowl of curry and rice.

"Yao-momo, you eat a lot, huh?" Mina asked her as she ate next to you.

"Yes. My quirk turns lipids into various atoms to create things, so the more I eat, the more I can make." She said as Sero overheard and didn't think before speaking.

"It's like poo." He said as Momo got REALLY embarrassed and Jiro punched his arm as you aimed a blue ball of energy in his face. 

"APOLOGIZE!" You and her screamed.

"I'M SORRY!" Sero begged for forgiveness.

As you were chowing down across from Ryu, trying to see who could eat the most curry, you heard Mandalay's voice calling for Kota.

"Kota, it's time for dinner! Kota!" She called as you looked up and saw him walking away from the camp and into the woods.

"Where are you off to...?" You wondered while putting down your bowl and wiping your face.

Kota was stood on a cliff side, looking out to the starry sky as his stomach was grumbling loudly with hunger.

"You're hungry, aren't you?" You called to him as he turned and glared at you while you carried a tray of curry. "You can eat this curry. It's pretty good." You said as he got up and shot daggers at you.

"You...! How'd you find this place?" He demanded to know.

"I followed your energy. Every life form has a sense of energy, that's how I found you. Sorry." You apologized. "I just thought you'd want something to eat." You said.

"I'm fine. I don't need any." He told you.

"A growing boy needs to eat right. He also needs plenty of juice, but that might just be me." You joked while trying to lighten the mood.

"You heard me before, didn't you? I don't intend to hang out with you. Get out of my hideout!" He demanded while looking away from you.

"So, this is your secret hideout, huh? I had one too, back at home, whenever I didn't get what I wanted, I'd always run to a secret hideout I had in a tree of my backyard." You said as he still didn't look at you.

"Getting all into trying to improve your quirk. It's gross. You want to show off your power that badly?" He asked as you set the tray of curry down.

"Kota Izumi....Izumi...As in the son of Water Horse? With the water quirks, right?" You asked as he shot his glare even harder at you.

"Did Mandalay tell you!?" He demanded to know.

"No, she didn't. I knew them as well, we had met before." You said as he was surprised a bit. "It's hard to remember everything, but I know that my mother cooperated with them a few times before the accident. It was unfortunate what happened to them. I remember it all." You said as he turned away from you. "Kota, you're not--" He cut you off.

"Shut up. Everyone's crazy... Calling each other stupid names like "hero" and "villain" and killing each other...Talking about quirks and stud...It's because they're all showing off that it ended up like that...Stupid..." He said as you took a breath.

"Your anger isn't just towards us's to everyone with a quirk...that's who you're angry at, right?" You asked. "Kota, this world is such a complicated place, more than 80% of the world has a special power, and if you try to continue to push out the things you hate, it's just going to make things even harder on yourself. So, if you could--" You were cut off again.

"Just shut up! Get out of here!" He demanded as you sighed and turned back.

"I'm sorry, I was just rambling on about nonsense..." You said while walking away, but stopped a few feet from him. "You don't have to remember this, and I doubt you will, but...Kota...I think that when you finally meet someone who's willing to risk their life for yours, I think you'll finally see why we fight, us heroes...And hey, I don't really like anyone thinking of me as a hero, so if you'd like...Why not see me as a friend?" You asked him with a smile before you left and he stood there in silence and stared down at the curry you left for him.

"Shut up...All of you..." He said lowly as the stary sky lit up next to him, and behind him, a rock was withering away from water erosion, even though there is no water source on the mountain.

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