Hiding Again
Will was, as a matter of fact, was slithering silently down the dark central staircase in Castle Redmont, wrapped in his cloak and cowl, his soft-soled boots making no sound on the stone floor. Pauline crept a few steps behind him, making just a little noise in her long flowing skirts and soft day slippers. Will made it to the bottom of the stairs and ghosted across the landing to stand on the other side behind a floor-length draped tapestry. When Pauline came to the bottom, he silently gestured for her to stop for a moment. He then peered out from behind the tapestry's shadow and checked the hallway. Then he gestured again, and Pauline moved quickly, smoothly, and silently across the landing and met Will under the tapestry. He moved aside so that she could have the better cover, so that she was just behind the tapestry and Will was in the dark shadow. Will checked the hallway again, and murmured softly to Pauline, "We are getting close enough to the main hall that I think you should stay here for now while I go check it out. I'll return very soon and report back. Make sure you stay behind the tapestry and don't even peek out. Just that sudden movement could make someone suspicious."
Pauline nodded wordlessly, and Will moved out from the shadow of the tapestry and into the open. He moved smoothly across the open landing and into the anteroom that attached to the main hall. He moved over to the curtains surrounding the window, melted seamlessly into its shadow, and waited for someone to come inside. Will looked around the anteroom and thought, Last time I was in here was after escaping the crowds with Alyss, not even 2 hours ago. It can't be possible something that normal could have been happening before something like this. Will sighed at the irony, and just as he got settled into his hiding place and fixed his cowl so that its shadow completely hid his face, someone pushed on the large doors and Will froze as a Genovesan entered the room. He watched as the Genovesan, who kept his back turned to Will so he couldn't identify him, pull out a small slip of paper and read what was on it carefully. Then he put it back in an inner pocket and stepped over to the even bigger main doors that lead to the main hall. Will watched him open the door widely, step through, and release the door, allowing it to start to swing shut behind him. At the last minute, Will darted out from behind the curtain and slipped through the crack in the doors, immediately diving to the left. Will knew there were large potted plants around the doors that were tall enough to give him substantial cover, and by diving to the left, he landed right behind a large potted plant. To the naked eye, it looked like a slight shadow had flitted across the door and then disappeared behind the plant. Will rose to crouched position behind the plant as the Genovesan walked on down the long carpet, oblivious to Will's entrance.
Will looked out and observed the hall. The banners on the wall had all been torn down and pictures on the wall had be slashed. At the end of the hall surrounding the audience chair was a large pack of the hired men, speaking in what sounded like Toscan. They must have been hired from Toscana, thought Will. He noticed Baron Arald, Lady Sandra, and a few more nobles were all sitting surrounded by guards at the end of the hall, cowering under the watchful eyes of the enemy soldiers. Sir Rodney was nowhere to be seen, however. There were also a couple hundred Redmont soldiers sitting in packs on the floor, their hands bound in front of them, slumped over and defeated. The were going around hitting them and screaming at them to tell them where the gems were. The soldier sitting closest to Will suddenly whimpered as the Genovesan came up to him. The Genovesan leaned over the soldier and hissed in the common language, "What did you tell the other man? What was it you said?"
The soldier flinched and said haltingly, "W - hen I was r - running to escape, I - I saw -"
"Just say it!" the Genovesan said softly, but it was all the more menacing because of it.
The soldier flinched harder. "I - it was a R - ranger, and the head diplomat, a l - lady."
"What were they doing?"
"They were - were talking."
The soldier was now shaking violently. "They were talking to an - nother soldier, something about s - sending a message."
"To whom?"
"'Nother Ranger, I - I think."
At this the Genovesan leaned back a little and thought for a moment. Will pursed his lips nervously, worried that the soldier would be scared into revealing his or Pauline's name. But his worry was abated as the Genovesan stepped back from the soldier.
"Release him. He has given us valuable information. " The Genovesan gestured to the guards and they stepped forward and sliced off the ropes that bound his wrists. The soldier stood hesitantly, and then stumbled out of the hall when the guards near the door opened them for him. Will, intent on following and talking the the released soldier, glanced one last time at the far end of the hall and almost gasped aloud. Now among the many hired Toscans were Genovesans, at least 5 others, circulating through the men. I have to tell Halt! Seven Genovesans, Will thought. Flashbacks of Halt being hit by the Genovesan's arrow in the wilderness of Picta overwhelmed him for a moment as he remembered his cry of pain, him lying there, muttering, hallucinating, his own wild ride to Norgate to get Malcom, fighting and capturing the Genovesan... Will shook his head out of his daze of memories. He wasn't going to let that happen again, he told himself. Having seen enough, he quickly left after the released soldier, slipping once again through the narrow doors when the other men's backs were turned. Will checked his surroundings, making sure that there was no one close, then he bounded after the soldier, grabbed his shoulder and dragged him into a side office off the main hallway. The soldier tried to call out in fear, but Will clapped his hand over his mouth.
As soon as they were safely and silently inside the office, Will thrust him into a chair and hissed, "If you scream I will send you back into that hall with a black eye."
The soldier opened and closed his mouth like a fish a few times, then got himself under control and clicked his jaw shut, swallowing hard. Will waited until he had calmed down a little, and then whispered, "Do you know who I am?"
"You're Ranger Will." The soldier whispered this confidently, but he still sounded afraid.
"I heard everything you said to that Genovesan." The soldier glanced up fearfully at these words, hoping he hadn't said anything offensive to the famous Ranger. "Why didn't you tell him my name?"
The soldier shifted uncomfortably. "I - well - he didn't exactly ask, did he?"
Will stared at him for while, and then his frown softened into a faint smile. "I like how you think. You are a brave soldier. Can I trust you to deliver a message?"
The soldier's shoulders went from slumped to straight, and little bit of confidence entered his voice as he replied, "Of course. Anything for you, Ranger Will."
"Good. I need you to tell Ranger Halt that there are seven Genovesans in the castle and that Lady Pauline and myself are still uncaptured, but most everyone else is, except for Sir Rodney, who I suspect is hiding. Can you do that for me when you get to our camp?"
The soldier's eyes widened. "Seven - " he said loudly, but then he stopped and dropped his voice back to a whisper. "Seven Genovesans?"
Will nodded grimly. "You have to get that news to Ranger Halt, it may save all our lives. Can you do that for me?"
The soldier straightened his shoulders even more. Now he thrust his chest and stood with dignity and said, "Of course, Ranger Will. It would be an honor." He then tipped his chin up and strutted out of the room like a rooster. Will watched him leave, laughing inside. As soon as the soldier closed the door behind him another Genovesan appeared at the end of the hall. At this terrifying sight, the soldier kicked up his heels, all dignity forgotten, and ran full tilt down the hall and out the main door that the enemy guards had opened a little to let him through.
It was then that Will realized his mistake and dropped to the floor as the Genovesan entered the room. Will rolled silently to his left underneath the large conference table in the middle of the room as the Genovesan came up to the edge on the opposite side of the table. Will didn't dare breathe as the Genovesan's boots clicked as he walked slowly around the large table. Will could see what was coming and he knew he had to prepare. He grabbed the edges of his cloak and wrapped them tightly around his legs so that they wouldn't hang down. Then he reached up above him and grabbed the thick iron rods attached to the bottom of the table. He then raised his feet up and wrapped them around the thicker ones at the center of the table. He took a silent deep breath and tightened his arm and leg muscles, pulling himself up off the floor and flattening himself against the bottom surface of the table.
Just a few seconds later, he heard a moment of sudden silence, and then the Genovesan's head suddenly appeared under the far edge of the table, and he screamed, "HAH!"
But there was no one under the table. The Genovesan narrowed his eyes and carefully scanned the entirety of the dark shadows under the table, but saw nothing.
Will had forced himself not to move an inch, even when the Genovesan yelled. He held his breath again as the Genovesan looked straight at the end of the table he was clinging to. Will felt his muscles trembling with the strain of holding himself up far off the floor but he grit his teeth fiercely and bit the inside of his cheek to distract himself. He didn't move his head, but he looked right into the Genovesan's eyes and saw that it was one that he and Halt had been following, Giovanni. He searched for a moment longer, then frowned suspiciously, and finally stood up. Will forced himself to hold completely still until the Genovesan had left the room completely and shut the door. He hung under the table for another minute just to make sure, and then allowed his hands and legs to relax and he dropped soundlessly back to the floor and almost moaned in pain as his muscles cramped violently. He lay there for a moment, breathing deeply and painfully flexing his arms, legs, hands, and feet, allowing himself a few louder breathes to pull extra oxygen into his exhausted body. Finally, once he had recovered enough to move without too much pain, he cautiously crawled out from under the table and rose unsteadily to his feet. He took a few steps to recover his balance and he glanced out into the hallway through the window, and, seeing that it was clear, snuck out the door and down the hall. He turned a few corners and returned to the landing where the floor-length tapestry hung. He jogged lightly over to the far side and pulled back the side, only to find no one there. His heart skipped a beat as he whipped his head back and frantically glanced around for a few seconds before a sudden whisper broke the silence. "Over here!"
Will whirled around to the far side of the landing, where a small walk-in linen closet door stood open a hair, and Pauline was leaning out. Will glanced across the landing and then ghosted across to the door, which he opened and then stepped into the small dark closet. Pauline motioned for him to remain quiet as she silently shut the closet door and then walked all the way the back end, where there was another door. She reached for something, Will saw it was the door knob. She turned it and the door swung open to reveal a dusty passageway of stone. He leaned in near her ear and whispered, "Where does this lead, Pauline?"
"It goes to the wine cellar. They won't be down there, since it's padlocked from the inside by servants to prevent thieving nobles in the night. It will be a safe place for us to talk." She whispered as she started down into the passageway, Will following close behind.
Well, that was a little bit nerve wracking... Thanks all so much for reading! Really long section this time! I am on a writing streak, so expect fast updates for the next few days. Please vote and comment if you liked it! ;)
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