S1 E9: Hellow Brother.

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As the snow fell softly outside, the sun is shining in cold light, blanketing the world in white. But inside the grand hall of Mecatopia Academy, the air was warm, heavy with the scent of candle wax and the quiet murmur of ancient secrets. Shadows danced along the stone walls, flickering with the light of dozens of candles. A hooded figure sat in the corner of a dim room, their voice no more than a whisper, as if the chronicle of dragons they held demanded reverence.

"Beware, young ones," the figure said, her voice like a chilling breeze. The shadows around her seemed alive, coiling and twisting into the faint forms of dragons that slithered up the spine of the room. Isabella, standing near the far edge, froze as the shadow of a dragon brushed against her. A hot breath seemed to tickle her neck, making her heart race. She touched her neck instinctively, as though to feel the invisible presence.

The figure continued in a dark, foreboding tone. "The Dragon’s Blood runs deep... reborn in innocence but cursed by fate. The crown is a dream, always out of reach. This academy, a sanctuary to some, will become a battlefield to others. Betrayal is closer than you think. Beware the one you trust most, for it will be their blade that pierces your heart."

The room grew colder, and the figure extinguished the candles, leaving behind an unsettling silence.

The following night, the students of Mecatopia Academy assembled in the Great Hall, their excitement buzzing like electricity in the air. The tables were lined with new faces, each student carrying the weight of their potential and curiosity.

Professor Aria Luminara, the charm teacher, stood at the front. She was a lively woman with short, curly blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. Her vibrant, colorful robes matched her energetic presence as she clapped her hands to gather everyone’s attention.

β€œFirst-year students!” she called out with a wide smile. β€œWelcome to Mecatopia Academy! I’m Professor Luminara, your charm instructor. Today, before you get too comfortable, we’ll be holding the traditional Orient Ceremony. Professor Adams will guide you through it, and trust meβ€”it’s an event you’ll never forget!”

The students exchanged curious glances as a tall figure strode toward the podium. Professor Gabriel Adams, with his commanding presence, long white beard, and piercing grey eyes, exuded an aura of authority. Dressed in elegant robes adorned with ancient runes, he began speaking in a voice that immediately silenced the room.

β€œWelcome to Mecatopia Academy of Excellence,” he said, his voice deep and resonant. β€œYou stand here today because you are extraordinary. Each of you possesses abilities that mark you as unique, and this academy will hone that potential. But know thisβ€”being here is both a privilege and a responsibility. Mecatopia has stood as a beacon of knowledge and magic for centuries, and it demands discipline, unity, and respect.”

His gaze swept across the hall. β€œYou will face challenges. Some will test your skill. Others, your character. In the coming days, you will partake in tasks designed to push you to your limits. They will occur from September 18th to 24th, followed by the Arcane Ascendancy Event in October. And yes, there will be celebrationsβ€”a Halloween party on October 31st, a Christmas feast, the Aether Ball in January, and the Prom on January 12th. But remember, these events pale in comparison to the true trials you will face here.”

Aurora’s eyes sparkled as she leaned toward Isabella. β€œDid you hear that? An Aether Ball? This is going to be incredible!” Isabella smiled faintly, her excitement tempered by the weight of Professor Adams’ words.

β€œBut beware,” Professor Adams continued, his voice darkening. β€œThis academy holds secretsβ€”some beautiful, others dangerous. There are places here that are forbidden for your safety. The Forbidden Tower, the Ancient Library, the back side of the castle… and the Sealed Portal.”

A hush fell over the room as he mentioned the portal. The very name sent a chill down their spines. Lysandra, ever confident, raised her hand and said, β€œThe Sealed Portal. It’s where the dark powers were locked away centuries ago, isn’t it?”

Professor Adams nodded gravely. β€œIndeed. That portal has claimed the lives of many who dared to approach it. If you value your life, you will heed my warning and stay far away.”

The wind outside howled, shaking the windows of the Great Hall as if to echo his words.

After the Orient ceremony and breakfast, the students were led to their portal area by Professor Seraphina Viperscale, a striking figure with long, flowing black hair and golden, serpent-like eyes. Her voice was smooth but commanding as she introduced the house prefects.

β€œPrefect Luna Rosenberg from Arcanis,” she said, gesturing to a poised girl with an air of wisdom.
β€œPrefect Sara Hale from Aquaris,” she continued, pointing to a confident young woman with piercing blue eyes.
β€œPrefect Silas Smith from Draculis,” she said, motioning toward a tall boy with sharp features and a calm demeanor.
β€œPrefect John Lewis from Lupinia,” she added, acknowledging a muscular boy who radiated strength.
β€œAnd lastly, Prefect Stella Silvanus from Faeloria,” she concluded, introducing a girl with an ethereal glow and an aura of grace.

β€œThese prefects will guide you, but rememberβ€”they are students too. The responsibility to thrive at Mecatopia ultimately rests with you.”

As the students followed Professor Viperscale out of the hall, Isabella glanced at Aurora. β€œThis place is full of wonders and dangers. Are we ready for this?”

Aurora smirked. β€œReady or not, it’s happening.”

Together, they walked toward their new beginning, unaware of the shadows waiting to unravel their fates.

The students gathered at the portal area, each species approaching their designated gates. Isabella’s group stood together briefly, exchanging goodbyes, the swirling magic of each portal casting eerie glows. One by one, they stepped through.

The silence of the Velmont estate was deafening. Phillip paced through the dimly lit halls, his mind still consumed by the cryptic letters. The air felt colder than usual, and the distant howl of the wind added to the unease that gripped him.

He stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard. A faint blur of movement caught his attention near the hedges below. Phillip’s senses sharpened instantly. With a vampire's speed, he descended the stairs and appeared outside in moments, scanning the area.

"Who’s there?" he called out, his voice firm.

A shadow moved just at the edge of his vision. He turned swiftly, but the figure was already behind him.

β€œHello, brother,” came a familiar voice, smooth and cold as the night.

Phillip spun to face him. His elder brother, Lucian Velmont, stepped into the moonlight. Dressed impeccably in dark attire, Lucian carried an air of authority and menace that Phillip had always despised. He is the boy who compelled Aurora in party.

β€œLucian?” Phillip’s tone was a mix of surprise and suspicion. β€œWhat are you doing here?”

Lucian smirked, his crimson eyes gleaming in the pale light. β€œOh, I’ve just come to see my little brother. Can’t a man visit family?”

Phillip’s jaw tightened. β€œLike you care about me. Drop the act, Lucian. Why are you really here?”

The smirk faded from Lucian’s face, replaced by a serious, almost predatory expression. He stepped closer, towering slightly over Phillip. β€œI’m here to reclaim something precious,” he said, his voice low and deliberate, each word dripping with implication.

Phillip frowned, his mind racing to decode the cryptic statement. β€œWhat are you talking about?”

Lucian’s gaze lingered on Phillip for a moment, as though he were deciding how much to reveal. Then, with a dark chuckle, he turned away, his figure blurring as he disappeared into the shadows.

Phillip stood there, his fists clenched. He had no idea what Lucian meant, but he knew one thing for certain that whatever his brother was after, it couldn’t be good.

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