I walk along the cracking unkempt cement street as the sun starts to set. Around me are broken ransacked buildings full of shattered glass and overgrown foliage. Each one I see on my walk I have already searched and taken anything that was of use, but most are empty nothing left but broken peaces. At the end of the road I reach my destination, an oasis in a sea of empty, the hood. That's just what it's been called since I can remember. It's a patched up two story building that looks as if a house was dropped onto another and than skinned of there protective siding. The whole thing is covered head to toe in layers of peaces of plywood that doesn't quite fit together. The roff is covered in moss and vines and where holes have formed is just more wood covered in duct tape. Where windows were are now blank spaces covered with newspapers, magazines, tarps, and of course more duct tape and wood. I walk up to this wilting building I call home and knock on the door 3 distinct times to show I'm no enemy. I her the door unlock and i open it. I force myself through layers of fabric making sure to hold onto anything liable to fall off and finally reach a clearing. A dimly lit room full of deteriorating furniture and people to match. The whole place hangs thick with a musk that is hard to describe. Everyone looks as if they've given up and are only clenching onto life because they have nothing better to do. As they see me walk in there faces light up with the glimpse of hope that quickly falls away when they see I have nothing nothing for them. "Nothing today kid?" Randy asks sitting in his rotting recliner holding a pipe with nothing in it. "Not today. I'm having to go farther trying to find places I haven't been in yet." I hang up my bag and flop onto my small tattered bed kept in the corner of what used to be a dining room. I've lived here all my life or at least the life I can recall, and ever since I've been here my name has been kid. I used to have a name but when I came here people started to call me kid and it stuck. No one can remember what my name was. I live here with 10 other all much older than me and covered in black spots almost like burns that were never treated correctly. Years ago before I was born people around the world started reporting there skin turning black and causing extreme pain and eventually death. The spots had no cause. No bacteria was found then body's were tested and the only thing that could be connected to the spots was the sun. People who stayed inside were not effected. The world went silent as people escaped to there dark retreats and slowly died off either from the spots, each other, or malnourishment. This event was called the blight and now all that's left of humanity is small settlements of people like us who have found a way to survive, the they was we survive is me. I was delivered to the hood by my mother holding on to the last bits of life. I am the only one that can leave. Somehow I can go out without being effected by the blight. They call me a sun walker but the more accurate term is miracle. Nice falls and as the others wake up I can finally rest. "Did he find anything?" I hear Sara whisper to Randy as I start to dose off. "Nothing today, I think we're putting to much pressure on him" Randy reply's back. "Id day it's not enough that one is the last chance of our survival" Joey says slowly climbing down the decrepit stairs. I finally fall asleep exhausted by the day. I'm in the middle of a dream of tropical fruit and cold rain on my face when I'm suddenly jostled awake. "Kid... Kid! Ya gotta get up" Randy on shaking my shoulders and I wipe my eyes. "There's something outside you have to go take a look"
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