Urgent Matter

In less than a few seconds, Discord and I were in a throne room. So this must've been the kingdom that Princess Celestia lived in. Nice digs. "Raphael! I'm glad you could make it," said Celestia as she walked in. I took off my helmet and knelt before her. "Of course Princess," I said, "a promise is a promise after all. It's good to see you again." Celestia smiled and said, "At ease, Raphael. You may rise." I got up and stood on my two feet. "Come, let us go to the library," said Celestia as she began to walk. Discord and I followed her, and I carried my helmet with me. "So what can I do to help?" I asked. "You'll see for yourself," said Celestia, and we were at the library. Also with us was a purple Alicorn mare with a blue mane with pink and purple streaks and violet eyes, an amber unicorn stallion with a fiery mane and cyan eyes, a red unicorn stallion with a greyish red mane, and a yellow unicorn stallion with a greyish green mane. Those two looked to be the amber unicorn's parents. The young stallion looked sad.

"Raphael, this is my former student, Princess Twilight Sparkle," introduced Celestia, "this is Ray Shimmer and his wife Chara, and their son, Garrett." I waved hi and said, "Nice to meet all of you." Twilight nodded and said, "It's an honor to meet the warrior who rescued my mentor." I shrugged and said, "All in a day's work for me." Garrett chuckled and said, "I like your sense of humor. I'm just curious, what kind of being are you? I've been around dragons, but you certainly don't look like any dragon I've encountered... The way you stand on your hind legs reminds me of some of my friends."

"I'm a mutant turtle," I said, smirking a little. "Wow, that is cool dude," said Garrett as he shook my hand. I couldn't help but like Garrett. He reminded me of Mikey. "Now that you've all made acquaintances, allow me to explain why I brought you here," began Celestia, "before Twilight became a princess, and before she was my student, Ray and Chara's daughter, Sunset Shimmer, was my student. She was smart, brilliant, and had the makings of potential success. But sadly, she was also arrogant and cruel. She was rather a force to be reckoned with when angry." As I listened to Celestia's story, I couldn't help but relate to Sunset a little. Her anger almost reminded me of myself at her age.

"In her defense, I was imprisoned at a young age," explained Garrett, "and I was presumed dead. Grief can turn anypony cruel. And that type of cruelty drives families away." I nodded and said to Garrett, "Amen to that, brother." Twilight smiled, glad to see that Garrett and I were getting along as we fist bumped. "Sunset learned that she could become an Alicorn Princess," continued Celestia, "but I denied her the crown, believing she didn't have the humility ready for a responsibility as a princess. We had a falling out, and she ran away to a portal to another dimension." I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What kind of dimension?"

"One similar to yours," said Celestia. "Try and picture all of us as humans," said Twilight. "But with our usual colors," said Garrett. It was an interesting visualization. "That's where she ran off to?" I asked, earning a nod from all of them, "What did she look like?" Garrett got out a picture of what Sunset looked like when she and Garrett were kids.

I looked at the picture, and thought it was cute. "I can see a resemblance," I said, imagining what Sunset looked like as a human. Twilight then said, "When I became a princess, Sunset found out and stole my crown, going into the human world. Spike and I chased after her, trying to get my crown back. I had to adjust to being human, but thankfully, I made new friends that helped me. We tried to stop her from wearing my crown, but we were too late. The crown had powerful magic that corrupted her and turned her into a demon... She zombified the entire school, well except for me and my new friends, and planned to overthrow Celestia, trying to prove her superior/equal. Thankfully, my friends and I stopped her, defeating her. Sunset did feel remorse for her actions, and I hoped my new friends would help her redeem herself and learn the magic of friendship. But if I knew then what we know now, I would have persuaded her to leave the human world and come back home with me to attone for her sins..." I had a bad feeling this story wasn't going to end well.

Twilight sighed sadly, "After Spike and I went home, my friends turned their backs on her. Everyone that Sunset angered and bullied got their revenge on her. They tormented her, belittled her, made every day a living hell for her. Sunset started to harm herself. They broke her, going too far. It took such a toll on her that... Sunset killed herself." Twilight looked down, starting to cry. Garrett and his parents were in tears. "We... We found out that... She... She died a month ago..." Garrett said, choking up, "I didn't want to say goodbye... She was my best friend..." That's when he started to cry. Twilight hugged him, knowing he was devastated. I looked at him sadly and said, "I'm sorry for your loss..." I felt bad for this family. Even Sunset.

"The reason I have summoned you here is because I am considering the idea of traveling in time to the day Sunset killed herself," explained Celestia, "and I want you to be the one that travels back in time to save her." I was surprised. "You want me to go back in time and save Sunset Shimmer?" I asked in disbelief. Celestia nodded. "It would mean the world to all of us..." she said, "protect Sunset and keep her safe." I looked at the Shimmer Family, Princess Twilight, and Princess Celestia. If there's one thing I know, it's that no parent should ever have to bury their own child, or a young sibling have to go through that type of grief. I looked at Celestia and said, "I'll do it."

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