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No one's POV
The Karasuno volleyball team has started they're morning practice but the Captain, noticed that there are two missing persons. "Hey, have you all seen Asahi and Shou-chan?" Daichi the captain crow asked his teammates. "No, we haven't. But this is weird....Hinata-san is never late, i kind of understand Asahi but Hinata-san? No" Ennoshita said to the captain crow.

"Pfft, i bet she overslept and is hurrying over here, forgetting to wear her uniform and brushing her hair." The salty humanoid said. "Tsukki..." Yamaguchi said in a scolding tone. "Urusai Yamaguchi."  "Gomen Tsukki!.." Yamaguchi is starting to get tired of apologizing that isn't even his fault.

"MAYBE SHE GOT KIDNAPPED!?" Tanaka shouted "OH NOOOO!! MY CUTE GODDESS!!" Nishinoya cried. "YOUR GODDESS??!! SHE IS OUR GODDESS YU!!" Tanaka shouted at his friend. "OH right!" Nishinoya then rubs his nape. "Stop! She does not belong to the both of you!" Sugawara shouted with a scary aura arround him.

"O-osu..." The two idiotic duo said in unison while shrinking. "Hm, maybe she tripped." Kageyama said bluntly. "Th-that doesn't make her late tho-.." Kinoshita said to Kageyama. "Maybe she encountered some delinquents and is shouting for help, and then the main character of this story called "life" is there to save the day and then they started to hang out and they fell inlo--" Narita then got interrupted by Kinoshita. "Yes yes we get it... *sigh*"

Then suddenly the gym door bangs open, revealing....................Asahi carrying a kid. The team then looks at Asahi. "Oh Asahi! There you are! Your late." Said Daichi while going to Asahi then he stops walking. "Wheres Sho-chan??" Sugawara asked walking towards Asahi as well. "Uhm- well....." Asahi then gets interrupted by Tanaka. "Wooahh who's that cute kid??? She kinda looks familiar......" Tanaka puts his hand on his chin. "Well....this is....." Asahi pauses for a moment, then he finally answered. "It's Hinata....."

Sugawara tripped before he gets to Asahi, Kageyama spits his water to Tanaka, Tanaka was shocked and didn't notice, Nishinoya got hit by a ball that Ennoshita spiked, Ennoshita fell, Narita, Kinoshita, Kiyoko and Daichi was just surprised. Yamaguchi accidentally drops his waterbottle on the ground, Tsukishima is just indifferent.

"Hn...?" Child Shoyo tilts her head cutely. Causing the others to have a heart attack "Sho-chan!!! Your so cute yes your are!~ yesh you aree!!~" Sugawara magically teleported to where Asahi is and he started to tickle the cute little kid Shoyo, she then started to giggle cutely. Sugawara then  clenches his chest. "UGH!.....So cutee!!..."

"Asahi...Why is Sho-chan with you?" Daichi asked Asahi. "Hmm....Welll......"

               ~Flashback to earlier~
Asahi was running because he was already late for morning practice, but then he hears a kids voice. He wasn't sure on what to do, if he was gonna leave the crying child or help the crying child. If he goes to help the kid, they might cry even more because kids are scared of Asahi. But he doesnt want to leave the crying child alone so he went to where the child is.

He finally found the child and he goes closer to the crying child. "U-uhmmm...Hey kid...A-are you ok? Are you lost?...D-do you need help..?" Asahi asked in the most softest voice he could do, because he doesnt want to scare the little one. The little girl then turns around and looks at Asahi, Asahi flinches.

Because he's scared that the child might be frightened. The little girl stopped crying and just stares at him. Asahi noticed that there are a pile of big clothes that doesnt fit the child and also a bag that resembles Shoyo's bag as well. "Teddy!" She pointed at Asahi, Asahi flinches at the sudden comment. "H-huh..??? Yes?..What??" Asahi is confused.

"Teddy! You....wook wike meh Teddy!" She smiles at him brightly. "Ah......she's....she's not scared of me.." Asahi mumbles. "Up! Up!" She demanded. "H-huh?? U-up?...I guess you want me to...carry you.." Asahi then grabs the jacket on the ground and started wrapping it around her and then he started to carry her.

"Wooooo!!! Swo high!!" She puts the both of her hands up. "Ah-ahahaha.......Yes.." Asahi smiled a little bit. "What your name?..." Asahi asked the little one. "Hnnnn.......Sho~yo~ Hi~na~ta~!" Shoyo then smiles brightly at him. "H-huh?" Asahi was shocked and surprised.

                 ~End of Flashback~

"Thats....what happened.." Asahi said. "So basically this kid is Hinata-san, but how did she turn into a child?" Ennoshita asked. "W-well....Im not sure..." Asahi looks at the little one while Shoyo was just staring at the people that surrounded them. Shoyo then pouts and hugs Asahi. "TEDDY MINE!" Shoyo shouted and tried to look intimidating as possible but failed.

"E-eh??" Asahi blushed a little. "Sho-chan, thats not your teddy bear...Sho-chan..could it be..??" Daichi then playfully gasps. "Hnn??? Sa~wa-chan..??" Shoyo looks at Daichi confused. "Are you breaking our promise..?? Now I'm sad...." Daichi then started to be playfully hurt. "!!!" Shoyo then made a Σ(°ロ°) face.

"No!! I shtill mwarry you!!" Shoyo shouted at Daichi, and confirms that she probably wont break the promise. The team then looks at Daichi with a shocked face. "WHAT???! YOU ALREADY PROPOSED TO HER??!!" Nishinoya shouted in disbelief. "When we were kids, yes." Daichi replied proudly.

"THATS SO NOT FAIR CAPTAIN!" Tanaka exclaimed. "So..?" Daichi then looks at the idiotic duo with a scary face. "N-nothin'...." the two said shrinking. Shoyo then looks at Saltyshima with a very curios face. "Ugh, what?" Tsukishima said annoyed. "KEI TSUKISHIMA! BE NICE TO HER" Sugawara scolded Tsukishima. Tsukishima just rolled his eyes.

"Beanpole" She then pointed at Tsukishima. "Pfft-- HAHAHAHA" Kageyama and the two idiotic duo started laughing, and Yamaguchi just tried to hold it in. "Wh-what did you say" Tsukishima had a tick mark on his forehead. "Beanpole!" Shoyo said again. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" The three laughed in the background.

Daichi then claps his hands. "Alright
alright, everyone let's all continue our morning practice." The three then stopped laughing and said "Osu". "Shimizu, can you take care of Shou-chan?" Daichi asked Kiyoko. "Of course." Kiyoko said in a happy tone. "Thanks, alright!! Lets start running 10 laps around the court!" Daichi shouted at his teammates and goes to them.

Asahi gives Shoyo to Kiyoko, Kiyoko then starts to carry Shoyo. "Shoyo-chan, do you want to eat?" Kiyoko asks her cute kouhai while smiling. Shoyo's eyes sparkled and then she nodded. "Ok, but first we need to get you some clothes to wear." Kiyoko then walks towards the girls changing room.

She puts Shoyo on a bench and she opens the locker, then she magically pulls out a kids clothes. "Hmmm....Lets see.......Oh! Here it is." Kiyoko finally picks an outfit and started to help Shoyo change.
(This is wut de outfit looks like, credits to the original owner of this pic.)

"You look so cute Shoyo-chan" Kiyoko smiles while taking pics of Shoyo in different angles. Shoyo twirls around and started posing for the camera. "Hehehe~" She giggles happily. "Well then, lets go buy some snacks now." Kiyoko said to Shoyo, and she nods happily. Kiyoko then started to carry Shoyo outside the gym and towards the cafeteria.

Many students stared at the cute little sunshine, some took pics cuz of how cute she is and some awed at her sight. They then arrived at the cafeteria and Kiyoko bought some snacks, and they went back to the gym. They then sit on the bench watching the team play while Shoyo eating. "Yu~mmy!!!" Shoyo said delighted. Kiyoko smiles at her cute kouhai softly.

Shoyo then takes a piece of strawberry flavored bread and raises her lil hand to Kiyoko's mouth. "Hm?" Kiyoko looks at the cute sunshine. "Eat" Shoyo asked Kiyoko. Kiyoko then smiles. "Ok, thank you for the food." Kiyoko then opens her mouth, and Shoyo feeds her the piece. "Hmm...Its delicious" Kiyoko said smiling at her cute kouhai. Shoyo then raises her hands happily smiling. Kiyoko pats the little sunshines head and the two girls smiles.

The team noticed the interaction between them and they're hearts started melting on how cute it is, even Saltyshima thinks it's cute. Practice then ended and it's time to go to class. Kiyoko already spoke to Ennoshita and Shoyo's class advisor on what happened to Shoyo. So everythings alright now.

Ennoshita brought Shoyo to their classroom and all of their classmates looked at Ennoshita confused. "Hey Ennoshita, whose kid is that? Is that your little sister?" A classmate asked. "Ah...No she's not my little sister." Ennoshita answered. "Hinata-chan seems to be absent...." a girl classmate said kind of sad. Then the Teacher walks in.

"Alright everyone sit down." Eveeyone then sits down, Ennoshita also took a sit while Shoyo is just sitting on Ennoshita's lap. A student raises her hand. "Uhmm... Teacher why is Hinata-chan absent?" "Hmmm well, this may be hard to believe but" The Teacher then points at the little sunshine. "Thats....Actually Hinata..." The Teacher sweatdropped.

All the students looks at the direction where the Teacher pointed at, and they were shocked. "WHAATT??!!" Everyone shouted. Ennoshita covered Shoyo's ears and Shoyo is just confused. "Y-you mean.....Th-thats Hinata???!" A student said quite shocked. "Yes, now lets proceed to our class."

After class and its recess time, everyone then started to bombard Ennoshita with questions, and Ennoshita answered them one by one. After he answered all of their questions, Ennoshita then sighed tiredly. Shoyo then tugs Ennoshita's uniform, Ennoshita looks at Shoyo confused. "What is it Hinata-san?" Ennoshita smiled at her softly. Shoyo then pointed at her stomach. "Ah you must be hungry.." Ennoshita said to Shoyo who nodded.

Ennoshita then stands up and proceeds to walk to the cafeteria where he sees Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. "Oh hey guys." Ennoshita greeted the first years. "Hello Ennoshita-san.." Yamaguchi also greeted and Saltyshima just didn't care at all. "Meanie!!" Shoyo shouted at Tsukishima. Tsukishima just looked at the girl.

"Me? Pfft please. I'm not THAT mean. Maybe you are" He smiled mockingly at the little sunshine. "I'm nwot mwean! I'm a gwood gurl!!" Shoyo then sticks her tounge out. "Yeah yeah whatever." Saltyshima rolls his eyes then he starts to walk away. Yamaguchi smiles at the little sunshine and follows Dinoshima.

Shoyo just looked at the green haired boy with stars in her eyes. Ennoshita looks at Shoyo with a confused face but he just shrugged it off and goes inside the cafeteria. He then buys some food for them, They go outside and sits on the bench and started eating.

Kinoshita spotted the two he then makes his way to them. "Sup Ennoshita" Kinoshita then sits beside Shoyo (Shoyo is inbetween the two of them,to put it simply she sits in the middle) "Sup" Ennoshita greeted back and continues eating his bread. "Hmm...I'm quite curious on how Hinata-chan turned into a child" Kinoshita said. "Me too. I wonder what happened." Ennoshita replied.

~timeskip brought to you by...Kageyama's favourite milk"

Shoyo was just watching them practice while Kiyoko was guarding Shoyo if there was any balls that goes towards them. Tanaka then slammed the ball down making it they're point. "HELL YEAAAHHHH!!!!!!" Tanaka screamed. Shoyo looks at him with amazement. "Wooooaahhhh!!!!!" Shoyo then claps her hand while giggling.

Tanaka saw this, and he started grinning so widely 'Hinata is cheering for me!!!' He thought happily. Shoyo then started walking towards where the ball has been kept, she took one ball and started carrying it over to the corner, Kiyoko of course followed Shoyo.

Shoyo throws the ball up really high and she spiked the air, the ball then landed on her head. "Owiee!" Shoyo rubs the top of her head. "Oh no, Shoyo-chan are you okay?" Kiyoko goes to her kouhai and rubs her head. Shoyo nods while grinning happily. Kiyoko sighs in relief.

Shoyo leaves the ball behind and goes to where Yamaguchi is. "Hm? Hinata-senpai..?" Yamaguchi looks down at the little sunshine, the sunshine just looks at him for awhile she then smiles at him. "Beautiful!" Shoyo points at Yamaguchi. "E-eh??" Yamaguchi was surprised by the sudden compliment. She then runs to Narita leaving Yamaguchi flushed and confused. "Tsk......" Saltyshima tsked under his breath.

"Up!" Shoyo said to Narita, Narita then picks her up. "Yes? What is it Hinata-chan?" Narita looks at the little sunshine. "Story" She said. "Oh? You want me to tell you a story?" Narita asked the little sunshine. Shoyo nods happily. "Ok then." Narita smiles at her softly. Narita then proceeds to tell Shoyo a story. After for awhile Shoyo then made a -_- face. "--And the end!" Narita said happily. "Thwats bworing!" Shoyo shouted at him. "Eh??? But it was good tho.." Narita sweatdropped.

"Even mwy Dad cwan twell a gwood stwowy!!" Shoyo said to him. "I dwont like womance!!" Shoyo pouted. "Oh you dont?" Narita asked. Shoyo nods in confirm. "I see haha okag sorry." Narita scratches his cheek. "Down!" Shoyo points at the ground. "Alright right" Narita then puts Shoyo on the ground. She then runs towards Nishinoya who was drinking water, because it was breaktime.

"Hmm??? SHHOOYYYOOO!!!" Nishinoya kneels down and happily opens his arm for Shoyo. Shoyo then ran past him, leaving a frozen Nishinoya. Daichi chuckled, and the others laughed. "Sh-shoyooo...." Nishinoya started tearing up. Shoyo then runs back to Nishinoya with a towel. "Hnn??? Awe you owkey?" Shoyo asked Nishinoya.

Nishinoya looks at Shoyo. 'Oh- she was only getting a towel-' He thought. "Shooyyyooooo!!!" Nishinoya then hugs her. "Ewwww!!!! Your sweatwy!!!" Shoyo pushes Nishinoya and gives him the towel. "No huggies!" Shoyo then crosses her arms. "Ah-........okay-....sorry..." Nishinoya then wipes his sweat off.

Then suddenly a large smoke appeared around Shoyo. "Shoyo-chan!!" Kiyoko ran towards her kouhai. "Sho-chan!" Daichi and Sugawara also ran towards her. "Boke!!" Kageyama shouted and the team started running towards Shoyo worried. Even Saltyshima :^.....

The smoke started to disappear little by little. "Shoyo/Hinata!! Are you okay?!" The two idiotic duo shouted. Then all the smoke disappeared revealing Shoyo sitting on the ground without any clothe--- Kiyoko and Daichi then came to the rescue! They took off their jacket and puts it on Shoyo. Daichi and Kiyoko covered Shoyo. "Don't you even dare take a glance at her" Daichi said with a scary aura around him.

Kiyoko also made a very scary face.
( :0.....) the team looks away, some covered their eyes. "What... happened" Shoyo questioned. "Nothing happened Shoyo-chan" Kiyoko then smiles gently at her kouhai. Shoyo has finally turned back to normal. Asahi then came in running with Shoyo's clothes he gives it to Kiyoko, Daichi and Kiyoko then walks over to the girls dressing room while still covering Shoyo.

Shoyo then changes into her clothes and went back outside like nothing happened at all. Everyone was blushing. "So what happened??" Shoyo asked again. "W-well..." Asahi scratches his cheeks. Daichi and Kiyoko then started to explain on what happened earlier.

"Eeehhhhh??!!!!" Shoyo shouted in a surprised tone. "That's quite unbelievable..." Shoyo muttered. "Yes, but you were cute when you were young Shoyo-chan." Kiyoko smiles at her kouhai softly. Shoyo blushes at the compliment "Th-thank you!" Shoyo rubs the back of her head.

Daichi then claps his hand together. "Alright! Since something crazy happened and all, why dont i treat you all with meat buns." Daichi puts his hand on his hips, Shoyo turns around to look at Daichi. "MEAT BUNNNSS??!!!!" Shoyo shouted excitedly.

"I'll treat you an ice cream Shoyo!!" Nishinoya said happily. "Wooaaahhhh!!! Really?! Thank you!" Shoyo smiles brightly at Nishinoya. "N-n-no problem!!" Nishinoya then blushes. "Brooo so lucky!" Tanaka then nudges he's bro's arm. "Hahahaha!" Nishinoya laughed. Everyone then packs and leaves.

They started to walk towards coach Ukai's store. "Say boke.." Kageyama spoke to Shoyo. "What's up bakayama?" Shoyo looks up at  Kageyama. "What kind of person....do you like?" Kageyama asked a very surprising question. And it made the team turn towards their direction.

"What kind of person do i like?" Shoyo repeated the words that Kageyama said to her. Everyone was listening, Tsukishima even turned off his music to hear the answer as well. "Hmmmm...........Just, anyone that also loves me for me! Thats all" Shoyo shrugs smiling. Kageyama blushes. "Oh....alright." He then looks away. Everyone mentally thanked Kageyama for the surprising question.

They then arrived at Coach Ukai's store, Daichi bought meat buns and started giving them their meat buns. Shoyo ate like theres no tomorrow. Shoyo looks like a hamster right now, and everyone thought it was cute. After they were done eating they're meat buns they then part ways and went home.

The end


dit: oop- i forgot the part where Nishinoya buys Shoyo an ice cream....Oh well ( =v=).....I'm too lazy..

Thank y'all so much for the 200 reads!! I didn't expect that there will be people to read this crappy fanfic hyahaha

There's nothing really special that is happening in this chapter so i apolagize if it's boring, i tried to make it wholesome and cute TvT.....

Anyways...I'm happy either way! Have a great day or evening!
(´ ε ' )♡

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