Prologue: Null Trailer

Hello and welcome back ladies and gents to The Summoner of Nothingness! With both the Bio and Harem chapter in the rearview mirror it is now time to rewind the metaphorical clock and view Y,N's life before....the mission. Back before everything changed, back before he fled the Black Claw alongside Blake, and back when his powers were fully utilized in ways of bloody torture and assassination rather than helping or protecting others. Back during the days of loyal, nearly unquestioning service towards what he believed was the only path towards equality, Y,N's black coat was truly synonymous with death. Yet, while Y,N has attempted his best to bury these and any other memories of his previous occupation underneath layers of stoicism and denial, no one can run away from their memories forever, they are eternally linked to one's mind and being. Anyway, I'm your host of the night or day, OverlordAKX, and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue chapter! Without further ado, let's take a trip down memory lane!

No POV, Location: Cerulean Heights(Three months before the mission, Eight months before Volume 1)

*It was a dark, hot summer's night in Cerulean Heights, a luxurious residential area situated atop a hill that consisted of lavish houses that towered over Vale's main city. Given its geographical superiority over the city which dwelled below, it would be no surprise that this place where the rich and elite Faunus of Vale's society lived, laughed, and partied with one another, all while Faunus on the lower pegs of the social hierarchy, and most importantly, humanity, suffered. While others laughed and lived away their lives with no worry or doubt, humans were forced to lurk in the shadows or risk being placed firmly underneath the mighty boot of a Faunus. Even in the best of circumstances, humans were still viewed as nothing more than indispensable, unimportant, worthless secondary citizens, the type that could be used, abused, and thrown aside with no hassle. Meanwhile, these fat cats, sometimes literally, lived wealthy and pampered lives like the kings of old. They didn't have to worry about money, they didn't have to worry about prejudice, they didn't suffer glares and mumbled whisperers of poorly concealed hatred, they didn't have to worry about being proverbially, and sometimes literally, getting crushed underneath someone's boot, they were perfectly secure and had everything handed to them on a silver platter. It would make any self-respecting human's stomach turn and make them want to watch as these arrogant, self-centered, human-loathing assholes were slowly dissected. Barry Zarr, a pig Faunus and head CEO of the Zarr Dust Conglomeration, was a perfect example of everything humanity hated from someone in his lofty position. He looked down at humanity like filthy swine, quite ironic for him, and treated them like miserable sacks of flesh that either needed to be removed from the equation or be used for cheap, cruel, and dangerous labor. Yet hardly anyone knew about these vile acts due to two important factors: his firm position in the social hierarchy and his infectious charisma. Those factors served as perfect guardians that allowed Zarr to continue his actions without the threat of consequence or widespread public ridicule. Alas, Zarr's putrid actions had not gone unnoticed by everyone; while most turned a blind eye to these actions or were completely unaware of the monster that lay behind that picturesque smile, others knew about the hideous beast that lurked and made it their mission to eliminate him once and for all. Some had gotten close, including several previous Black Claw assaults, yet none were successful due to one reason or another. Whether it was Zarr paying his killer off, his security team being too tough to crack, or something else, the faunus always had a proverbial shield around him. But little did Zarr know on this fateful night, as the shattered moon dully hung in the sky and the summer's air lingered pleasantly, that his mortal coil was about to be plucked by an entity even more intimidating than any known Grimm in existence. Zarr was now being targeted by a human whose methods were equally brutal and effective. The infamous black cloak of death was descending upon this wicked soul, and none could stop it from snatching the little piggy into its cold, callous clutches.*

*Within Zarr's egoistical abode, a dark portal, a "Corridor of Darkness," emerged within one of the many rooms Zarr used to entertain guests during his lavish galas and parties and outstepped the infamous black cloak of death. As its feet briefly creaked against the wooden flooring, the figure noted how everything within the house was stuck in perpetual, never-ending, fear-inducing silence due to Zarr's desire to obtain the perfect amount of "beauty rest." The stoic figure narrowed its eyes in disgust behind a layer of darkness as it gazed at the various decorations and paintings that littered the room, most depicting faunus superiority over humanity or Zarr boosting his already ludicrous ego. Not only was the art ghastly, but merely being in the same room where faunus incessantly chittered and chattered about their wealth and luxury made it a sickening experience, yet the figure steeled itself; the missions came before anything else. The figure departed with nary a sound and proceeded into the hallway, which was littered with various artistic objects such as paintings ranging from straightforward to abstract, elaborate busts of famous figures from faunus history, and at the end of the hallway, a life-sized statue of Barry Zarr himself, standing triumphantly over a defeated Grimm. The statue captured everything that made the figure loathe the CEO, including that smug smile that loudly beamed the phrase "I'm better than everyone," but what truly made the figure switch from disgusted to an enraged scowl was what lay in his left hand: a leash. The figure's eyes slowly followed what the leash was attached to, and to his complete and utter lack of was a human. The scowl on the figure only increased as it saw subtle chippings covering various parts of the poor human's body, clearly signifying scars and wounds; it was obvious that Zarr liked to use humans like hunting dogs. Oh, how it took herculean restraint for the figure not to cleave that statue in half with its Lunatic, but such a loud clatter would alert every guard in the household, so the figure quietly departed from the hallway.*

*After creeping through several hallways, each highly detailed with various works of art showcasing "faunus superiority," the figure came across the entrance to a room. With a tiny push to check its contents, the figure discovered that "room" was a massive misinterpretation. The "room" in reality was a grand, spacious ballroom, more akin to the inside of a cathedral than an actual room, with a dozen windows on each side, half of which allowed the shattered moon to light a white path from one end of the room to the other. Furthermore, three chandeliers, each spaced out and decorated with what looked ivory, lazily hung up on the ceiling, silently begging to be lit and showcase the brilliant glittering they possessed. Glancing back and forth at the opposite ends of the door to ensure no guards were lying in wait, the figure slinked inside. As it cautiously darted its eyes around the hall, the figure withheld the innate urge to yell and hear how many echoes would bounce and bound around the room due to its current mission. However, it did let out a faintly audible intake and outtake of air because, much like one of its...passengers, the figure felt unexplainable peace and comfort of the soothing moonlight flow through its body, with the effect being especially effective after numerous vile hallways that clearly, and often painfully, depicted humanity in positions that could be charitably described as "fearful submission." Yet such blinding rage wouldn't disappear into the darkened hold of never-ending desolation; no, the figure found a perfect outlet to unleash its bubbling wrath: Barry Zarr.*

???#1: *says in a hushed tone* Can you believe this place, man? This Zarr guy is living in absolute royalty! What I wouldn't give to sleep in one of these rooms for a night!

???#2: *lets out a brief chuckle* I know. Wealth has its privileges; living in a lavish mansion is one of them.

???#1: *says in a cheery tone* And to think that Zarr guy is so humble to others despite living like a king!

???#2: *shakes his head* I just wish he would tone down on some of those paintings....those paintings, man...they just ain't right. 

???#1: *shrugs playfully* Eh. Who cares? They're just humans, they don't matter much. 

???#2: *mumbles* Whatever ya say, man. Let's just continue our patrol. 

*Crap! The presence of guards was something the figure already considered, especially those posted outside of doors, but they nevertheless made this particular mission even more difficult. Especially when it only took one conscious bodyguard with one active walkie-talkie to bring an entire legion crashing down upon an area! At first, due to this room lacking any proper hiding spots due to the dull moonlight pouring in, opening another Corridor of Darkness was the smartest choice. However, the figure thought, two guards seeing the fading remains of a portal of darkness would undoubtedly cause them to raise the alarms and send more guards swarming toward Zarr's room. There had already been several prior assassination attempts on Zarr's life, each with varying degrees of failure, meaning the legion of security guards posted throughout the building would certainly leave nothing to chance. No, the figure narrowed its eyes; despite containing some inherent risk, the wisest choice was to take these two guards out here and now. The black-cloaked figure stilled its breath and waited in part of the hallway, which wasn't steaming with moonlight as the door on the opposite side of where it originally entered creaked open. However, before an untold number of guards entered the room, the figure took further caution by snapping its fingers; the figure's outline was briefly surrounded by a byzantium purple coloring, which caused the entire room to become momentarily surrounded by a pinkish barrier, but before anyone could notice the colorful tint, the coloring vanished without a trace. Now, the figure had enough space to work without being impeded.*

???#1: *creaks the door open* Anyway, perhaps if I'm able to defeat an intruder, Mr. Zarr will promote me! 

???#2: *softly chuckles* Already got your mind firmly set on the future dontcha?

???#1: *scoffs* of course I do! *gestures at himself proudly* With my limitless skill and prowess, the future means everything! Everything!

*Two male security guards, one a lion faunus and the other an elephant faunus, stepped into the massive room, the door softly creaking behind them as it closed. The former came equipped with a belt of seven throwing knives, each slightly glimmering in the darkness with dust-enhanced ends and a grappling hook. Peppy cockiness glimmered within his green eyes, the kind that came with self-imposed invincibility privy to those without any outside combat experience. That kind of unadulterated cockiness was something the figure truly despised; anyone who incessantly gloated and showboated did not gain any respect from the cloaked entity. The latter came equipped with a dark green hatchet contained within a holster on its right leg. Chiseled wisdom swam in his lavender eyes, the kind that spoke of someone who had experienced plenty of what the world had to offer, whether combat-oriented or not. Finally, and the most important part to the cloaked figure, each had a walkie-talkie dangling from a hook near the bottom of their suit. Knocking those immediately out of contention would ensure no other guards would arrive to assist these two soon-to-be casualties.*

*The pleasant crackling of lightning suddenly began to hum throughout the room as the figure summoned forth the weapons of one of his passengers, and before the guards could even react to the crackling or the presence of lightning floating and curving in the darkened room, two knives, each surging with potent lightning, struck the two walkie-talkies and impaled them against the wall with little resistance! The two guards were taken aback by this swift onslaught and had little time to defend themselves as the figure propelled itself forward at blistering speeds and delivered a bone-clenching roundhouse kick to the lion faunus, which sent him crumbling down to the floor, and with momentum on its side, the figure grabbed the elephant faunus by his left arm, and with an inaudible grunt, judo threw him clean over its shoulder and onto the floor! Now standing with the elephant facing his front and the lion at his back, both the cloaked figure and the elephant faunus immediately went for their weapons. Unholstering his weapon and shaking his head, the elephant faunus rose back to his feet and tightly gripped his weapon with his right hand, a hatchet with a visible dust compartment currently housing a shard of fire dust, cautiously stepped towards the cloaked figure. Likewise, with two knives crackling with lightning, the figure tightly gripped its weapons and moved forward. Once in one another's range, and with a few incredibly brief moments of analysis, the two combatants swung their weapons! The guard mightily swung his hatchet in a horizontal motion, which was blocked by one of the figure's lightning knives, which caused the sound of metal clanging against surging electricity to emanate throughout the room. Meanwhile, before it pierced any part of his body, the elephant faunus used an open-palm strike right to the side of the figure's triceps, causing it to give out a nearly silent hiss and drop the weapon. The figure suddenly broke the deadlock between weapons by sinking to its knees, causing the hatchet to swing wildly due to the unexpected removal of the opposing force. Before the guard could counter, the cloaked figure whirled around to the guard's side and performed a sudden scissor takedown maneuver, causing the elephant faunus to plant against the ground firmly. The figure immediately grabbed one of its nearby electrically enhanced knives and took no remorse in plunging it deeply into the elephant faunus' leg! The guard screamed as a cruel mixture of metal and electricity rang through him!*

Lion Faunus: *yells while nursing the side of his jaw* Alright bastard, you wanna play hardball! I'm game!

*Glancing back, the figure saw that the brash lion faunus had gotten back up to his feet, a knife glimmering with fire dust in his hand. Without hesitation or strategy, the younger guard threw his knife directly toward the intruder's head! However, much to the guard's utter shock, the cloaked figure didn't dodge, sidestep, or defend against the incoming projectile, instead the cloaked intruder backflipped, with the knife zooming over and lightly clipping the top of its hood mid-flip, followed by it placing both hands on the wooden flooring to give it an additional boost, and in one fluid rotation, the figure pulled out four more knives positively crackling with lightning and threw them at the guard! Having little time to dodge the incoming attack, the lion faunus swiftly grabbed another knife from his belt, this dully glimmering with brownish dust, and threw it a few inches before him. A dull brown arcane symbol appeared on the floor, which was the harbinger of the arrival of an emerging giant rock structure! The lightning knives then haplessly impacted against the dense structure and seeped into the material before dully fizzling out.*

Lion Faunus: *cockily sneers* You definitely got some tricks but that's all they are! Tricks! Meaningless distractions that don't compare to my excellence! 

*Instead of responding to the faunus' statement, a sitar's pleasant, yet underlyingly sinister, strumming filled the room. Before the younger guard could question this bizarre introduction, a giant wrecking ball of water crashed through the lion faunus' rock structure! Pieces of rock debris and the hardened water construct slammed into and mercilessly battered the guard, shredding parts of his outfit and depleting his aura! Falling onto the floor, the guard could only watch with ragged breath and various bruises scattered over his body as the water morphed into a crazed torrent, which swept up the hapless faunus and pieces of rock! Quickly water flooded down his open mouth, and sharpened water was either infiltrating already existing wounds or piercing his skin to create new ones; it was almost like being caught inside the maw of a horrid Grimm! The damage continued as the torrent of water brutally flung the guard into a wall several times, each slam taking a chunk of his aura. Then the water momentarily spat him out upwards, only to leap after the guard and crush him against the stone ceiling with the sharp hiss of the sitar! The unforgiving impact, mixed with several pieces of rock from the previous structure ramming into his upper body and legs, caused the guard to scream as he felt several bones shatter or buckle, muffled and distorted by the water. Pain coursed throughout the guard's body as he was alight with agony from the various broken bones and bruises littering his body, which his aura was dutifully attending to fixing, and the slow issue of being drowned! The lion faunus vainly attempted to free himself, at first, by hopelessly swimming. Yet, the torrent was too fierce and effectively held the guard in place before he weakly reached for his grappling hook, as his vision was becoming hazy and his air scarce. With slow, subtle motions, the guard successfully grabbed his only source of escape and aimed for the opposite side of the room. One press and he felt himself pierce directly through the foul beast, yet with another strum of the sitar, several hands composed of water launched out of the localized tempest and tightly gripped onto the guard's leg. The lion faunus let out a pained yelp as he felt the water hands, each armed with claws on each of their digits, sink into his skin without any remorse or mercy, and with the two opposing forces pulling him in different directions, the lion faunus felt genuine fear as he could feel signs of tearing!*

Lion Faunus: *grits his teeth, suppressing a pained whimper* I....I....can't lose! excellence shalln't bested!

Elephant Faunus: *playfully scoffs* What did I say, kid? That negative mixture of cockiness and underestimation of your opponents would cause you to fall apart!

Lion Faunus: *painfully laughs* Hardy-har-har! You gonna help or just stand there, old man! The rigor mortis better not have kicked in already! *yelps as the pressure increases* Oum damnit!

Elephant Faunus: *presses a button on his hatchet, changing the glowing red dust to a cool white* Experience over cockiness rookie, remember that. 

*Glowing with the frosty power of ice dust, the elephant faunus rushed towards his trapped comrade. The more experienced guard severed the watery arms with precise strikes befitting a samurai warrior! As the lion faunus dropped to the floor, letting out a silent curse as he did so, the water hands limply dropped from his leg and dispersed into mere puddles on the floor. Meanwhile, the arms of the raging torrent violently thrashed around its immediate vicinity as the ice rapidly spread over the liquid limbs! However, neither guard was allowed a moment of respite as the sitar's violent, ear-shattering screech brought their attention directly back onto the cloaked intruder. Sliding across the floor, minuscule self-contained streams of water underneath his feet, the intruder slammed the head of his sitar against the elephant faunus, causing him to sprawl onto the floor, and before the younger guard could attempt to grab one of his dust knives, the puddles around him shot up and ensnared his arms in chains! The younger guard attempted to brute force his way out of these damnable cuffs, letting out a rage-filled scream as he did so. His screams suddenly changed from rage to agony as the cuffs linking his arms went from stationary restraints to raging, rushing water that began cutting through his wrists! The intruder circled the two guards, water rushing and raving rapidly behind him, thereby cutting off both guards from any possibility of escaping! Then with a soft combination of strumming that would make the angels weep from euphoria, the figure began to rise and continue circling the guards, water rapidly falling from the bottoms of his feet like waterfalls! Then after a few more rising circular motions, the figure hit a gentle note....before it slowly screeched into a sharp hiss, and from all around, the walls of water which entangled the guards began sprouting spikes! Sliding down to the bottom of its watery structure, the figure continued to strum and watched as the spikes slowly closed in on the guards.*

Lion Faunus: *grits his teeth* Bastard! Ya can't even fight me like a man!

Elephant Faunus: *wipes his mouth while slowly standing up to his feet and looking around* Blind rage isn't the answer, rookie. Such traits have thrown us into this accursed tomb. 

Lion Faunus: *growls as the raging currents continue cutting into his wrists* Stop talkin' gramps and help get us out of this disaster! Otherwise, we'll be the ones striking out!

Elephant Faunus: *eyes twinkle with mirth* I got a plan. Just make sure you follow along rookie. 

Lion Faunus: *rolls eye* Tch. 

*Without another word, the elephant faunus slashed at the water restraints, freeing the younger guard. Then, with nary a moment passing, the older guard gazed around at the structure encircling them and swung the blade of his hatchet directly at the watery spikes! He screamed in pain as blood began to gush from the wound inflicted upon him; however, the result the older guard desired came to fruition as the area where he struck started freezing over! Understanding what the old coot was doing, the lion faunus reached for a fire dust-enhanced knife and chucked it at the frozen wall with desperate abandon! As the knife touched the ice, the dust stored within the handle of the weapon activated, and a massive implosion of raging fire cut through the blockade, sending chunks of ice and spurts of fire flying! The guards took this opportunity to jump through their destructive opening and landed on the safe wooden floor. Taking a quick breath after their neath-death experience, with the lion faunus' fleeting aura stitching his wounds, they turned their attention back to the cloaked intruder. The elephant faunus gripping his hatchet tightly, and the lion faunus grabbing two dust-enhanced knives, the two stalwart guards prepared for whatever else this mysterious freak could throw at them. However, while their minds concluded they firmly held the numbers advantage, the intruder's next attack secured their position on the back foot. Because as they began to slowly edge themselves toward the unresponsive cloaked figure, the self-sustaining column of water violently wobbled and contorted as another loud jamming session of the sitar caused the water to change shape once more! But instead of taking the shape of a wrecking ball, spikes, walls, or anything else, the water began to form into...into people! The guards were left slack-jawed as soft, imp-like cackling began to emanate from the forming water beings, specifically from their watery orifices! Brandishing their sharpened water variants of knives, the water clones slightly slumped over, showing how hideous and contorted they could become due to some spikes shooting out of their backsides, and mischievously cackled amongst themselves before charging at the duo!*

Elephant Faunus: *breathing heavily* What....*huff* what trickery is this!

*The water clones didn't provide an answer as they lined up, one behind the other, and within a split second, the one in the back jumped into its partner and proceeded to shoot itself out of him like a cannonball! With four knives firmly held within each hand, the water clone let out a devilish cackle as it flew through the air and threw four watery knives at the older guard! Sharing a momentary glance at one another, the guards separated. The younger guard jumped into the air, knives glistening in hand, and sneered as he fell and promptly plunged a pair of lightning-enhanced dust knives into the water clone's shoulder blades! The water clone briefly let out a distorted, sinister shriek of pain as the pure electricity coursed throughout its body. Yet, the successful maneuver was short-lived as the creature, under intense pressure and pain, malformed itself, with its body effectively swapping ends, and attempted to stab the lion faunus directly in the face! Jumping back from the attack, which lightly nicked his cheek, the brash guard panicked as the creature, now reformed and slightly spazzing and twitching, let out a hideous cry before charging forward! Blades of sharpened water clashed against blades of metal as the two warriors traded blows back and forth, each graze or slash causing the recipient to hiss softly or sadistically cackle as parts of their body became littered with bruises and wounds. The two combatants swung their knives simultaneously and met in a deadlock, eyes swimming with confidence meeting an endless, watery void. Yet, it did not last long as the water clone cackled while dissipating into a puddle and swiftly reappeared, with only its torso sticking out, behind his target, stabbing its water knives into his legs while doing so! Leaping back towards the center of the room, lion faunus gritted his teeth, mentally fuming, and steeled itself for the next attack, which the water clone happily obliged by reforming and running forward at a blistering speed! The resulting clash continued their little game of back and forth as various parts of their torsos would become scarred and "bled," either actual blood or loose water, with successful hits, yet neither had secured a definitive advantage.*

*Meanwhile, the older guard, without even a trace of fear, the guard flipped his weapon. With the press of a button on the opposite side of the dust compartment, a small hatch opened up, and with a loud, resounding "BANG!", a ball of ice shot out and froze one of the water knives, causing it to fall and shatter into hundreds of pieces. Several more shots rang out, with six more water knives crashing and breaking against the floor. Yet, the guard wasn't fast enough to take out all of them, and one managed to sink deep into the elephant faunus' shoulder, causing the guard to fumble backward as pain shot through him momentarily. Taking this moment to continue its relentless assault, the water clone sank into the floor. It slid across the ground, right behind the elephant faunus' unprotected backside. With a watery replica of the guard's hatchet clearly in hand, it dementedly grinned and swung its replica deeply into the older guard's right leg! The color crimson beautifully contrasted against the clear water, and the elephant guard, instead of crying, whimpering, or fleeing, calmly breathed in and out and, despite the immense pain in his body from the previous attacks, steadied his grip, narrowed his gaze at the half-submerged combatant, and then let out a warrior's cry as he swung the hatchet vertically into the water clone's head! The hideous creature let out a horrific, albeit distorted, screech as its head was spilt right down the middle by the elephant faunus' hatchet! Yet, that screeching soon converted into maddening, almost insane, giggling. The elephant faunus then watched in abject horror as the creature slowly stood up from its puddle, savagely pulled the hatchet from its head, and slithered the two halves of its head onto each shoulder blade! Half of a grin plastered on both sides of its face, the creature, holding both hatchets tightly in hand, crazily slashed at the guard with nothing but inducing pain and cruelty on its mind. Due to being frozen in horror and shock, the first couple of salvos from the water clone resulted in deep wounds cutting into the guard's flesh, causing more crimson red to mix with crystal blue water. But after his mind had caught up with what was now occurring, the elephant faunus calmed his breathing and body once more and then struck the water clone's hand with a brutal aura-enhanced chop, causing the entire limb to fall off and begin twitching erratically. Swiftly picking up his weapon, the older guard began walking back as the clone, now short one limb, dangerously swung its replica of a hatchet in various directions and paths, with no room for counterattacking, causing the guard to be placed onto the backfoot as he was inched towards the middle of the room.*

*Once both guards were in the center of the room, both clones stopped their assault and ghoulishly cackled amongst themselves, like they were sharing a sick joke. Then with one more attack, performed haphazardly and blocked by the guards, the clones melted into the floor. Steeling themselves, the guards anticipated the clones would return from their puddle forms, recharged and fully energized. However, they were just normal puddles after an experimental kick from the lion faunus. Completely perplexed, the guards looked back towards the cloaked figure, and now instead of standing and strumming a sitar, he was floating in the air with seven sharp, dangerous-looking lances either in its hands or circling around him! Before either guard could move, react, or even throw their weapons, a massive gust of wind blew them away from the intruder! Yet, before they could brutally impact against the opposing wall, another gust of wind emerged from behind them, anchoring them in one specific portion of the room, which happened to be underneath one of the three chandeliers glamorously overlooking the entire domain. Both guards squinted their eyes and let out pained hisses as the harsh wind made their various wounds scream out with inflamed pain, and the intensity was even causing some minor cuts to form against their skin. Then, without remorse, the figure tilted its gaze toward the overlooking chandelier. Then, with a simple point, one of the lances circling its body flung away from the figure and sliced directly through the system upholding the decorative piece. With a loud snap, the support system of the chandelier gave way and fell onto the entrapped guards! A loud "CRASH" perforated throughout the entire room as the chandelier smashed against the guards with little resistance and pinned the both of them underneath the lavish decoration, with only weak groans of pain coming from the wreckage signifying they were alive.*


Lion Faunus: *coughs up some blood and grins while slowly crawling from the wreckage* I hope that was fun...*coughs and trembles severely* because, this ENTIRE battle caused enough volume to wake the dead! Legions of security guards will rush into this room and kill ya where you stand! We're at the bottom of the ninth dipshit!

The Figure: *stares intensely at the faunus, not a singular word emanating from the dark void of its hood* 

Lion Faunus: *cringes underneath the harsh stare of the figure, before yelling* What, asshole! Frightened into silence, are ya! *cackles lightly* I bet in no less than a minute dozens of guards will burst in and teach you a *cough* painful lesson about respect and superiority!

The Figure: *snaps its fingers and a pinkish barrier surrounding the entire room fractured like glass and collapsed in on itself before vanishing entirely*

Lion Faunus: *shakes his head before saying aggressively* What the hell was that!? Another one of your damned tricks? 

The Figure: .......

Lion Faunus: *demands in a voice filled with venomous rage* Say something damnit! 

The Figure: *quietly says in an emotionless tone* Have a splendid night.

The guard didn't even have the chance to react nor retort as the figure stomped the guard's head with its boot, knocking out the wounded faunus cleanly. Walking out of the ruined room, the figure slightly adjusted its cloak and then continued its mission like nothing had happened to impede its progress momentarily. A slight tear in its cloak was the only evidence of a scuffle on the figure's visage. The figure knew Zarr's room was nearby due to the increased number of security guards prowling around. However, instead of wasting further time or energy, the figure summoned its ace, a deck of unassuming playing cards. Any guards who had befallen the figure's course thought the same; all of them assumed that the cards were an impractical joke; alas, that notion would be shattered once they were absorbed into the card. This method allowed the figure to dispatch opposition and quickly locate a room that clearly, and annoyingly stated in big, bold golden letters, "Master Bedroom. Do NOT enter!". The figure pushed the door, and the polished door creaked open with a silent hiss. Peering within the room told an apparent story of Mr. Zarr's personality: a pompous, greedy, entitled, and racist bastard hiding under the disguise of a charismatic man of the people persona. Such a tactic was devious and fooled hundreds of thousands....but false faces did not easily hoodwink the figure. Slowly, with the carefulness of a mouse, the figure walked over to the side of Zarr's bed, and what he saw disgusted it to the core. Arrogance, greed, and a sense of superiority above all other living creatures, especially humans, wafted off the man's aura like a plague of death.*

Barry Zarr: *mumbles* Aaaaa...waaaaaa...I don't wanna wake up mommy.....I'm too rich and famous for you...zzzzzzzz.

The Figure: *says in a soft yet emotionless* Rise and shine Mr. Zarr. Wake up....and smell the ashes. 

Barry Zarr: *peeks his eyes open* Whaaaaaaa *looks at the figure and screams in sheer terror* GGAAAHHHhhhhhhhhh

*Zarr's screams do not last long as he, like many guards that attempted to keep him safe from the righteous hands of justice, was ensnared by the cold embrace of the black cloak of death. With the first half of the mission having been completed, the figure spat on Zarr's bed with clear disdain, released the unconscious guards from the various other cards, and then teleported away using a Corridor of Darkness. From Zarr's perspective, he was submerged in some thick, inescapable mold for hours. He could move his limbs, yet he would move nowhere; he could blink his eyes, but he could see nothing; he could hear everything transpiring around him, but he had no context of what was happening! He was completely, utterly trapped within this damned prison! He attempted to scream and yell for his release, at first attempting to frighten his kidnapper via informing the figure about his endless wealth and plentiful source of connections, whether it be General James Ironwood, Headmaster Ozpin, or a bunch of other CEOs, Huntsmen, and Officers, but it wasn't fazed. Zarr then attempted to beg using cash, jewelry, women, property, and even human slaves. None seemed to garner any reaction except for the last, which made Zarr momentarily flash a smile and let out a mental sigh until the figure began to fold Zarr's card, thereby causing an inexplainable level of pain to shoot throughout Zarr's entire body! Finally, after several more irritating hours, Zarr was released from his card prison and immediately looked around wildly to see where he was. Instead of being placed within a lavish mansion, gorgeous hotel, or even a half-adequate warehouse, he was trapped in an interrogation room with aura-blocking cuffs strapped around his legs and arms. The room itself looked barren, which only a portion of Zarr could see due to the incredibly dim lighting streaming from an ajar door and a faint lightbulb.*

Barry Zarr: *yells with tear streaks rolling down his chubby face* Where am I!? I, Barry Zarr, head CEO of the Zarr Dust Conglomerate, demand to know my location! Otherwise, I'll have you down in the dust mines with those other disgusting mongrels!

The Figure: *scoffs and says quietly* Such a pitiful threat. 

Barry Zarr: *stammers* H-H-Huh! *squints his eyes and surveys the room* Where the hell are you!? 

The Figure: *steps around in the unpierceable shroud of darkness, causing noise to bounce around the room and throws a file onto the table which details Zarr's physical appearance, age, and current profession* 

Barry Zarr: *turns his head upward in the vein sense of securing superiority over this kidnapper* I demand to know where you got all of this! Are you some kind of demented stalker! *sneers* I could have given you an autograph and personal tour if you so desired....*whispers sensually* and taken you to my private bedroom if you're a cutie. 

The Figure: *frowns, before saying in a cold and emotionless voice* Such tastelessness, guess it only makes sense for a pig faunus. 

Barry Zarr: *darts his eyes around the room to locate the source of the moving* How dare you! I, Barry Zarr, refuse to be treated like this!

The Figure: *says in an ominous tone* Then you won't like where this conversation is heading next....

Barry Zarr: *coughs worriedly before saying in a clamed-up tone* What....what the hell do you mean by that! I refuse to be intimidated by freaks like you! 

The Figure: *quickly shoots down Zarr's attitude* I know all about your misdoings when it comes to humans. Every. Last. *places one of its hands onto the desk* Detail. 

Barry Zarr: *slams the underside of his fists on the table* Lies! Hideous, slanderous, lies! You have no proof! None at all! 

The Figure:*silently flings some papers onto the table*  

*Zarr stares at the assortment of papers on the table and sees insidious headlines and files relating to his misdoings. Everything read out in big, bold letters, clearly defining and detailing his various misgivings regarding the vast majority of humanity. Just like other bastards like Mr. Jacques Schnee, Zarr forced humans to work in his dust mines for little pay, little rest, and a lot of risk. Those working down there would be incredibly lucky to live through the year. Other notes and files explained in gross, horrific detail the actions Zarr performed on female humans, including him and his mates circling them around like a trinket. Finally, other notes showcased the intricate networks he had cultivated throughout all four kingdoms when selling and buying various humans. The most prominent name was highlighted in bright red was a woman he knew all too well: Clair Belladonna. That kitty was ferocious about her situation; given that she was a former Black Claw member, it only made sense, and she tried to kill him and then herself numerous times to escape her new environment. Ultimately, Zarr had enough, and after several failed attempts to snap her mind like a twig, he had her transported to a dust mine in a particular notorious part of Vale called "Devil's Row." Like others who incurred Zarr's wrath, she was sent there to "disappear from society." Fearful at the list of documents spread out before him, Zarr shakily raised his head and could only stammer and stutter like a defeated pig caught in a spider's web.*

Barry Zarr: *breathes in and out softly* Where....where did you get these?

The Figure: .....

Barry Zarr: *says slightly louder* Where did you get these documents! 

The Figure: ....... 

Barry Zarr: *yells* None of these documents are real! They're foul, brutal lies which only want to defame the image I've cultivated throughout the years! *wildly looks around the room* let me walk free, you utter, piss stain------!

The Figure: *appears from behind Zarr and slams the faunus' head into the desk*

Barry Zarr: *says muffled* bastard....I did...absolutely nothing wrong!

The Figure: *narrows its gaze and summons forth Interdiction* 

Barry Zarr: *pupils dilate in fear* Woah....woah...woah...what....what are ya gonna do with that?!

The Figure: *slowly edges one of Interdiction's lasers towards Zarr's head*

Barry Zarr: *gulps softly before says in a faux courageous tone* Ha! D-Do your worst! I have nothing to reveal because I did nothing wrong!

The Figure: *places Interdiction a few inches away from the back of Zarr's skull, pausing only for a moment, before beginning to push lightly against the faunus' skin*

 Barry Zarr: *screams and whines bloody murder* GAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA! *yells* I did NOTHING wrong--gaaaaghhhhhhhhhaaaa! 

The Figure: *applies some more pressure onto the back of Zarr's head, causing more of his skin to become inflamed* 

Barry Zarr: *whines and cries* Fine! Fine! Ya want me to admit all of this, do ya punk! *the little professionalism remaining left his tone and all that was left was a raging brute* I did it! All of those actions were willingly performed by me and me alone! Clair Belladonna's disappearance, the dangerous working conditions of humans, the treatment of female humans, the usage of humans as hunting animals! Every singular second was done with complete glee! *yells* Just stop the pain! 

The Figure: Hmm. *pauses before dispersing Interdiction* Thank you for that confession, Zarr.

Barry Zarr: *yells* Whaddya mean 'confession', ya muppet! 

The Figure: *taps its right index finger against its hood* Your type, the ones who prey upon weak and innocent souls due to their social status, are always the easiest to come undone when placed under pressure. 

*Before Zarr could angrily answer, his vision quaked, twisted, and torn at itself, almost like his vision had been covered with a funhouse mirror. He fearfully screamed and covered his eyes as reality itself melted into nothingness. Within those few moments of vision, Zarr swore everything looked like an abstract painting! Finally, after a few more torturous seconds, the visual tremors ended and spat out Zarr into.....the same setting? Zarr looked around wildly, stammering and whimpering like a petulant child, before his gaze finally landed back on the table. His skin shifted into a deathly shade of pale white upon viewing what now lay on the table. What had once been incredibly detailed documents and files regaling Zarr's various hideous activities against humans had transformed into random newspaper clippings and doodles depicting Zarr as some demonic entity with him holding screaming and hapless humans in his contorted, elongated, spindly hands. His eyes widened, and nonsensical mumbles came tumbling out of his mouth while numerous beads of sweat pooled around his face. His attention was then grabbed by the sound of a book snapping shut, followed by the sound of an audio cassette tape popping out. Then the figure appeared in Zarr's field of vision, with its hood removed, revealing the kidnapper's face. Immediately, Zarr's eyes widened as he realized who the figure was a man who was supposed to be dead by all accounts! A man who died centuries ago at the hands of the superior faunus race! It was a man who alongside his organization, perished at the Battle of Rising Falls!*

Barry Zarr: *whispers**yells loudly and begins to shake against his restraints* this can't be happening! You're dead! You're supposed to be nothing more than a skeleton, a myth! *looks past the figure and towards the door* Somebody, anybody get me outta here! 

The Figure: *says in an emotionless, slightly bored tone* No one is coming to rescue you, Mr. Zarr. The only people around are you and me. You could yell and scream into the void for hours...and no one would arrive. 

Barry Zarr: *snaps his gaze back toward the figure, whose tan skin, devilish orange eyes, and silver hair couldn't be mistaken for anyone else, visible tears running down his cheeks* What....what have I done to upset you, restless spirit! 

The Figure: *chuckles lightly and folds his arms* You know who I am? 

Barry Zarr: *nods his head rapidly* You''re Xemnas! You're *gulp* you're the leader of the legendary human resistance group: Organization 13!  *lightly grits his teeth* You and your team were absolute nuisances and thorns to the faunus people! 

Xemnas*: *gravely laughs* Someone paid close attention in their history class.*narrows his gaze and speaks in a cold, merciless tone* But I've crawled out of the darkest pits of death to continue my crusade, Mr. Zarr, and since we have that audio tape of your confessions, your services longer required. 

Barry Zarr: *stammers and attempts to flee by pushing his chair back* What! N-N-N-N-No Xemnas! Ya got it all wrong! I-I-I-I can still be useful! I can give ya names, locations, contacts, clients, anything, everything! J-J-J-J-Just let me live! 

Xemnas*: *jumps up and over the table before placing his hands firmly on the arm grips of the chair* How fitting, Mr. Zarr. In your final moments, you squeal like an actual pig. *says a quiet, insidious voice* Now, Mr. Zarr, tell me, what do you fear?

Barry Zarr: *stutters* I-I-I f-f-fear nothing, spawn of hell!

Xemnas*: *his tone gains a twisted, yet still emotionless, edge* I know you fear something, Mr. Zarr, everybody does. *stands back and summons forth Interdiction, but this time they now have a sharp, hissing noise emanating from them and shine brighter* And we have all night to figure out just what you're afraid of. 

Barry Zarr: *a few tears fall down his eyes in sheer terror as the devil, clad in black, approaches*

Xemnas*: *smirks* So let's dig...a little deeper. 

*The screen fades to black as the "camera" slowly pulls out of the room, followed by the door suddenly, and quiet violently, slamming shut. As the "camera" further pulls down the hallway the sound of horrified, pain-filled screams can be heard emanating throughout the desolate hallway; they were the screams of a terrified pig finally meeting the swift, remorseless hands of retribution and justice. Xemnas* made certain that everything Zarr ever did to negatively impact, ruin, or end a human's life was brutally repaid. No transgression was forgotten, no sin left unchecked, no fault left unpunished. And all of it was performed via the sharpened edges of Interdiction. However, the screams didn't last forever, because as the "camera" kept pulling outwards, the screams became quieter and quieter until....nothing but silence rang out. 

Mission Successful.*

And that's a wrap! I hope all of you enjoyed this Prologue chapter and are excited for the next chapter as we'll be making a hard timeskip all the way to Beacon Academy! That's right, the trials and tribulations of the Black Claw have passed, and our runaway humans now seek refuge within a huntsman/huntress training academy! The next chapter shall focus upon Y,N and Blake's initial introductions at Beacon, whether they be negative, positive, or....bizarre. Hopefully, this chapter will be arriving sooner rather than later, but ultimately, I shall not promise anything given how much time work and homework take away from me on average. Alas, please do consider hitting that follow button and joining the Broski Army/Overlord Battalion as we're on the slow and exciting climb towards 5K Followers! You're all awesome guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 


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