Leanne's POV
As we walk around the fair ground trying to agree on which ride to go on next, Steve spots one of the game stands. "Come on quick before all the best prizes go!" He pulls me over excitedly. I stands with him as the others wonder off their own ways. Steve wins an hands me a giant teddy bear, "aww I love him" I smile cuddling the huge fluffy thing then give Steve a huge hug and we walk off to go an find the others. I'm hoping they didn't go on the new roller coaster without us as. We're looking around For them then I notice Steve stop and start looking annoyed again. "What's wrong?" I ask confused "fucking Jackson's again!" he snaps. I look over to where he's looking an I see Jermaine an a group of people (I'm guessing are his brothers) standing near one of the rides talking. Then I notice the cute boy from the bar standing behind them. I start to become really nervous all of a sudden. I can't believe he's here! He looks like he's waiting for someone. As I'm looking at him, I start getting those butterflies again I want to go over an say hi but I don't because he'd probably think I'm some creepy stalker if I did. I sigh to myself then back turn to Steve an realise he's still talking while giving the death stare to Jermaine. "Those Jackson brothers are all the same" he says still with his eyes locked on Jermaine. I Look over again and see the cute boy from the bar smiling at a girl walking over to him with 2 ice creams. she hands one to him and she hugs him an gives him a kiss on the cheek. 'He has a girlfriend!' I say to myself as I feel my heart sink. I can't believe he has a girlfriend. I keep staring an them and he puts his arm around her and they walk off smiling. "Feel sorry for any girl that goes near a Jackson" I hear Steve say "come on let's go find the others" I fake a smile trying to hide the fact I just wanna cry, luckily he's too busy mentally punching Jermaine to realise I'm kinda upset. I take his hand an we walk off to find the others.
Michaels POV
We're walking around the fair an my brothers stop an see a group of girls an start talking about who's gonna go for who. I sigh an roll my eyes because I knew it was gonna be like this. I look around and look over toward the game stands an I see her! She quite far away but that's definitely her it's the cute girl from the bar! As I'm looking at her I start getting those butterflies again. she's with a group of people (they must be the roommates she told me about). I really wanna go over and say hi but my nerves start to kick in again plus she'd probably freak out thinking I'm some weird stalker if I did. I look over an see my brothers are still talking. When I look back over to the girl I see her holding hands and smiling walking towards the game stands with some guy "WHAT THE FUCK!" I snap not realising I said it out loud "what's wrong?" Janet turns to me. I don't say anything and She looks over to where I'm staring "is that her?" I sigh the nod still looking at her. she's smiling while the guy stood next to her is playing the dart game, I start imagining one of the darts bouncing back and hitting him it the face. God I really hope one hits him in the face. "So go over an say hi" Janet nudges me bringing me from my thoughts and turn to her "I can't... she has a boyfriend" I turn an point them out to her. He's giving her a huge teddy bear and she smiles and hugs him. Janet looks at me and sighs a sympathetic smile at me. She can tell I'm crushed. I don't even have say anything to her because she can tell just by looking at me. "Why don't I go get us some ice cream?" She smiles again trying to cheer me up, then walks off to the ice cream stand. She comes back a few moments later an hands me one then gives me a hug and a peck on the cheek. "C'mon lets go find that ghost train you love so much" she says grabbing my hand. I smile and nod. I don't bother shouting the others because I know they wouldn't want to come anyway so me and Janet just go are own way.
We come out of the ghost train and see the others walking towards us "why'd you walk off?" Jermaine asks I was about to speak then Janet cuts me off "we went for ice cream an then on the ghost train to cheer Michael up" she smiles an rubbing me on the shoulder. "Why? What wrong with him?" Tito asks confused "nothing I'm fine" I quickly say Trying to end the conversation but then Janet looks at me and does that sympathetic smile again and everyone starts staring at me "it's nothing! really! I'm fine!" I say again only this time more defensively, because I just wanna forget the whole thing but Janet rolls her eyes at me and turns to the others "the girl Michael met at the club has a boyfriend" Marlon puts in arm around my shoulder "forget about it Mike. they'll be other girls" he smiles and we start walking, then (as always) Jermaine has to throw his two cents in "well if you hadn't have walked off you could have had one of the girls we just had. Only took 2 minutes and we had them round the corner" he laughs "I don't want your slutty cast offs!" I snap at him "A fuck is a fuck Mike" he shrugs "do you really think any of the chicks round here are looking for some kind of committed relationship? Nope! they wanna quick fuck and that it so quit acting like some pussy whipped mamas boy all the time" he snaps back. I charge at him, tackling him to the ground we start fighting an the others drag us apart "don't ever call me that again!" I scream at him trying get at him again but Marlon holds on to me and Tito is holding Jermaine "will you two please stop fighting for just one day!" Janet shouts at us both and I can see shes on the verge of crying. As much as I wanna punch Jermaine in the face right now, I don't wanna start Janet crying so I push Marlon away an walk off.
Leanne POV
We find the the others standing near the gift shop an as we walk over to them we walk straight into yet another argument between Dave and Stacy "you lying cheating fucker!!" Stacy screams at Dave "I saw you with her!! I turn my back for a second an your already trying to fuck some random hoe!!!"
"listen to me! you stupid bitch!!! She walked over an ask me for the time an that's it!!!! I told her the time and she left!! You do this every time we go out!!! Dave screams back and everyone else is trying to calm them down. Their so busy screaming to even notice that pretty much everyone is now staring at us. First argument of the summer and I just knew it would be them two. I start walking off to try and find somewhere quiet. since I'm going to have to listen to them when I get home I decide I may as well enjoy some quiet time now while I have the chance. I see a quiet park area so I go and sit down on the grass. Staring at the fair and start feeling more relaxed.
I hear someone walking behind me and I jump turning around quickly and I see him slowly walking towards me. I smile awkwardly and he smiles back the same way and sits next to me he looks upset but I don't say anything. We both Look straight ahead looking at the fair and there's an awkward silence for a moment "what's his name?" he mumbles and I look at him confused "who?" He looks at me then looks down "your friend?" He mumbles then looks back towards the fair. I look down and realise I'm still holding the giant fluffy bear Steve won for me, Which I'd completely forgot I'd been carrying around. "He doesn't have a name"
"yes he has" he says softly still looking forward and looking upset. "Mr fluffy snuggles" I mumble, feeling my cheeks going red. He smiles through pursed lips an I can see he's trying not to laugh. He sighs then looks at the ground. "What happened to your boyfriend?" He mumbles "boyfriend?" I turn and at look at him confused and he looks straight ahead again "he was with you earlier, he gave you..." he stops an an smirks slightly "Mr fluffy snuggles" why did I have to name him that!? I think to myself "I don't have a boyfriend, Steve's just my friend. he wins me a bear every year. It's kind of a summer tradition" he sighs an rolls his eyes then turns to me "I thought he was you boyfriend, that's why I didn't come over... I'm sorry" he sighs then looks down again "wouldn't your girlfriend have been mad?" I ask an he looks up confused "girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I saw you too and I wanted to come over to you but then I saw her come over with ice cream an you walked off holding her hand" he frowns an looks at me confused for a moment then smiles "oh thats Janet! she my little sister, I don't have a girlfriend" we both giggle realising what happened. We look at each other silently for a moment feeling slightly awkward about the mix up then I realise something else "you never told me your name"
"it's Michael" he smiles "what's yours?"
"Leanne" I smile back
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