I've got my damn head in the clouds. It's like Lennox has taken up a huge chunk of space in there. I can't stop thinking about the way her lips felt up against mine and the weight of her body as she leaned into me. And the image of her in my sweatshirt was — I can't find the words to describe it.
I need to concentrate on this oil change, feels like I've been at it for hours.
"Lennox Taylor, huh?"
Over the soft hum of the shop radio, Dan's voice pierces through me. I spin and come face to face with his narrowed eyes. He crosses his arms and leans against the tall blue vertical pole that sits a few inches from the car I'm working on.
He stares at me like I'm a child in trouble. I wipe my hands on the dull red rag draped over my shoulder and step out from under the car. One of the other guys, Tony, moves in to finish up.
"Lennox Taylor?" Rob echoes.
He comes up behind Dan and falls in line beside him.
"Lennox Taylor," I repeat.
"Dude, why didn't you just tell me you had a thing for her?" Dan asks.
Honestly, I didn't know I had a thing with Lennox until that tiny piece of paper slipped between our lips. Even as Dan's angered stare holds me accountable for my actions, I don't feel guilty for it. It's not like I made it happen, it just did and now — now she's invading my mind.
"Max has a thing?" Rob's jaw drops.
Dan nods, keeping his arms crossed. "How long dude? It was at the movie theater, wasn't it?"
"No, it wasn't like that," I say, truthfully.
The movie theater was different. Lennox was uncomfortable. Anyone could see it. Dan is my best friend, but it was a shitty move on his part. I don't understand how he didn't pick up on her feelings.
"That's not what that kiss looked like." His voice has an edge to it.
I toss the dirty rag back over my shoulder and close in on Dan and Rob.
"Kiss? My nephew made a move on Lennox?"
Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I moan.
"I don't know what's going on," I say.
I lower my hand. Rob has one of those proud grins on his face, with a smidge of surprise lingering in his wide-eyed gaze. Dan's jaw is set tight as he tries to piece everything together. I don't want to screw up my friendship with him, he's one of the only friends I'm close to and knows almost everything about me. I didn't mean for it to go that far.
Dan holds up his hands as if he's surrendering. "Dude, if you're into her I'll back off. She was definitely into you."
Laughter hits me. The two of them stare like I've lost my mind. It was only a kiss because of a game, right? And then the second time was just — I'm not even sure. The words, it's fine, I'm not into her like that sit on the brim of my lips, but don't leave them. Dan's real feelings are reserved for Maya, it's why he went after Lennox, she is a distraction. I wish I could have yelled at him for the way he made Maya feel that day at the theater. Maybe if I tell him I'm into Lennox then he'll back off.
"Okay, fine. I admit I like Lennox. At first, she drove me mad but now I don't know, man, something just..." I shrug.
It's supposed to be a lie, so that Dan can put his attention back on Maya, but as the words leave my mouth, they sound real. Rob crosses the small open space between us and sets a hand on my shoulder.
"I knew there was something going on when we met her that day. My nephew is dating Lennox Taylor, not every day you can say that."
His forehead wrinkles in confusion.
"She came over for dinner that night we went to the movies."
I peek up at Dan and let out a cool breath. There's no sign that he's angry, or that he's going to storm out and never speak to me again. The weight I've been carrying lessens a little.
"Oh, that's cool man." His eyes flicker to the floor, then back up at me.
It sucks that I think I might have hurt my best friend. He seems a little down. I fight the urge to tell him that this could be his chance with Maya, but don't want to push him.
Dan kicks at the dirty shop floor.
"Speaking of dinner, you should have her over again," Rob says with a smile.
Before I can respond, one of the guys calls for Rob. He walks away, leaving Dan and I in a face-off. For the first time since I met Dan, he's speechless. I'm still waiting for him to walk out and never speak to me again, but instead he says, "Come on the boat with us tomorrow."
All the tension in my body deflates. We have been talking all summer about a boat trip.
"That sounds awesome."
"Jeremiah said he's going out with us," he says.
Jeremiah is Dan's older brother. He goes to college out of state and only sometimes comes home for the summer. Dan's been able to drive his dad's boat since he was fourteen, and we try to go out when we can. Although he has his license, he needs his dad or anyone over the age of eighteen to be on board.
"He's back?" I ask.
"Came back last week, he's heading back to Vermont on Tuesday."
"Oh that's—"
"You should bring Lennox," he says quickly.
I stumble over my own words. "Uh — yeah — I could ask her."
A pleased grin forms on Dan's lips.
"Okay, we leave at seven. Do you need a ride or—?"
"I can drive, I'll ask Rob for the truck. Smith Point, right?"
"Yup! As always."
"Great, I should probably finish up. I'll see you tomorrow."
Dan nods, and quietly turns and walks away. I watch him over my shoulder as he gets into his car and drives off.
I'm grateful that Rob lets me off early. It's hot and sticky but going on a walk or sometimes even a run helps me clear my head. This thing with Lennox has me questioning not only my feelings, but hers too.
There was a moment when we kissed that it felt as if she was really into it. When she moaned into my mouth, I nearly lost it right there. I didn't want to admit it, but there's no denying I have a thing for the one girl who will probably break me in the end.
I must be running on autopilot. How did I not realize that I turned onto her street? Her pristine house sits in front of me like it's calling me in. Her car, along with two others sit in the driveway. Maybe I knew exactly where I was headed. Dan said to invite her, but I could have easily done that over the phone. I'm here, so there's no turning back now.
I stroll up to the door like it's no big deal, but really, I'm shitting my pants. My pulse drums in my ear, loud enough to drown out all the other sounds. I press the doorbell before I can talk myself out of it. Within seconds the door swings open, revealing one of her dads.
"Hi Mr. Taylor. I don't know if you remember me."
He narrows his eyes. "It's Max right?"
"Yes Sir."
"Was Lennox expecting you?"
He gives a friendly smile, but it's a little reserved. I would be too if I was a dad and a random boy showed up at my house looking for my daughter.
"Uh no sir. I was walking home from work, and I don't have her number. I wanted to ask her to come on our friend's boat tomorrow."
That's kind of a lie, I did save her number from the group text, but I thought it would be weird to just text her if she hadn't given me the number herself.
"Oh, I'm sure she'd love that. Come on in, son. I'll call her down," he says.
The sounds of Mario Kart echoes through the TV speakers. I peek in and see Elli, the boy from the park.
"Hey Elli, do you remember Max?"
Elli looks up and smiles.
"Game, game!" Elli jumps, pointing at the TV.
"Yeah, we played a game together."
Elli abandons Princess Peach and jumps up to grab an extra remote. His little legs make it across the room in record time.
"Game," he says, handing me the remote.
"You want me to play?"
Elli nods, so I take the remote from him. Her dad is still there, he's watching with a curious eye, but a smile remains on his stoic face.
"I'll get Lennox."
I take a seat beside Elli. Footsteps enter the room, I expect Lennox, but am greeted by her other dad, Walker, I think his name is.
"Hello Max. It's good to see you again."
His eyes shimmer with his smile, and I believe he's actually happy to see me.
"Hi, Mr. —"
"Just call me Walker, son," he says.
"Ax, look!" Elli screams out and points to the TV.
I was so wrapped up in what her dads think of me that I hadn't realized the game started. Turning back, I get immersed in the game with Elli. He's all over the place, jumping up and down as our characters race through the track he chose. I hold back a bit and let him cross the finish line first.
"Nice job dude," I say.
Elli starts doing a victory dance around the living room. Memories of my sister resurface, but for once doesn't crush me like I expect it to.
The remote almost slips from my hand at the sound of her confused voice.
"Hey Lennox. I'm so sorry to just show up unannounced."
She sits on the arm of the couch, and her eyes briefly flicker over to the TV before they land back on me. I set the remote down on the other side and turn to face her.
"It's fine. Is everything okay?"
I scoot closer to where she's sitting. She doesn't back away or look terrified that I might kiss her again. That's a good sign, I guess. I'm stuck on my words and probably look like a complete moron staring at her like a star-struck fan.
"Umm... yeah everything is fine. Dan invited me to go on his boat tomorrow and I wanted to see if you were interested in coming?"
My voice trembles on each word. What is wrong with me? It's not a date, I try to tell myself. All we did was kiss. Things shouldn't be this weird between us.
"Oh, yeah. Alexa had texted something about a boat. I was busy working on the premier stuff."
"Oh, okay. So, you— you already have a ride and everything?"
She purses her lips, then licks them. Her attention stays focused on something over my shoulder. Maybe Elli. I'm not sure. My leg has a mind of its own and starts shaking a little.
"I was gonna drive—"
"I can pick you up." I cut her off.
I sound so desperate it's sickening. I don't know what's come over me.
"Okay, sure."
She bites her lip. I can't help the way I keep focusing on them, wishing they were on mine again. A sense of calm rushed over me when we kissed the other day and the urge to do it again is so strong. Things have changed in such a short amount of time. The idea of liking — maybe even falling for someone like Lennox scares the shit out of me.
The raging hormones coursing through my body wants more than anything to push her against the wall and kiss her. I have no idea where that idea even came from.
"Max," she says softly.
"Oh, sorry. Is six, okay? Dan wants to be there around seven, so..."
"Yeah, six is cool. Why so early?"
"Dan and his brother like to get out early, less people to compete with at the ramp," he says.
"Oh, okay. Do you have my number?"
"Oh I..."
"Let me text you. I saved your number when Alexa sent the party message to everyone." Her admission causes a pink tinge to rise on her neck and reach her cheeks.
I could have avoided this awkward moment and just texted her. Although, I don't regret coming here, seeing her, or piecing together these weird feelings.
"Ax, play again?"
Elli carefully tugs on my shirt. I smile at him. "Sure, as long as it's okay with your sister."
I look at Lennox for confirmation. "Sure, but only if I get to join."
Lennox crosses the room and grabs one of the many controllers lying around. She slides onto the couch beside me. I'm thankful that I changed out of my old greasy work overalls before I left the shop. I still feel like I smell like oil and exhaust fumes, but at least I won't get their couch dirty.
Elli comes back and sits on my other side. Lennox's body is so close that our shoulders are touching. I'm aware of every breath she takes. Her movements are big, and she leans into every turn her character makes.
"Ax wins!" Elli yells.
I didn't realize how far ahead I was, but Elli doesn't seem upset about my winning.
"You did a great job, buddy," Lennox says.
She reaches behind me. Her chest presses against my arm, as she taps Elli on the shoulder. I clear my throat and try to imagine things that aren't Lennox. Wow, that kiss messed me up.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt."
Walker leans against the entryway. He watches Lennox and I with a smirk on his face.
"Max, would you like to stay for dinner? I just attempted chicken parm, and it smells amazing if I do say so myself."
I meet Walker's gaze, and in the corner of my eye I catch Lennox's unreadable face.
"It's cool if you want to stay," she says.
Her body brushes up against mine. I think I catch her about to put her hand on my leg to reassure me, but she must second guess herself and pulls away.
"Okay, yeah sure."
Walker claps his hands together. "Awesome! Baby, set another plate!" he yells towards the kitchen, then happily hops off.
The shy, unsure version of Lennox is shining through. Another soft blush grazes her soft pale cheeks.
"Sorry, he just gets a little excited with his newfound love of cooking," she says.
"It's fine."
Lennox's eyes meet mine again and I'm frozen there. The video game music lightly plays in the background. Elli is quietly doing something on the floor. Everything else is blurry and only Lennox is in focus. My body leans into hers. She copies my movement, and we are maybe centimeters a part. I lick my lips waiting for the moment when hers touch mine.
The couch behind me dips with Elli's presence. "Ax again!"
"Dinners ready!" Walker sings from the kitchen.
Lennox stands up so fast that her face pales, and she looks as if she's going to pass out. I get to my feet and automatically put a hand on her hips to steady her. My other hand takes hers in mine and we link our fingers together. Lennox lets out a trembling breath and squeezes my hand. Elli skips around us and heads right to the kitchen leaving Lennox and I alone.
I spin her into me, and she gasps. I've never done that to a girl before. Her pulse quickens under my grasp, and I lean in, and our lips inch closer again. This time I feel the brush against mine.
"Lennox I..."
"Ex, Ax, come," Elli says, tugging at Lennox's shirt.
Her hand drops from mine, but even as he tugs her away, she glances back over her shoulder and gives me a small smile.
Having dinner with Lennox and her family wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Her dad makes me a little nervous, but I know he's only looking out for her. Walker was the life of the party and made sure to keep including me in the conversation.
Rob came to pick me up after work and it made saying goodbye a little less awkward. It was a good thing he did come because Lennox had a surprise waiting for him when he got there. There were three tickets to the premier, one for me of course, and then a signed poster from the entire cast with Rob's name on it. He was like a child who just got his favorite toy for Christmas.
Now I'm letting off some steam by doing some quests on my Paladin. Dan isn't online and for once I'm relieved that he isn't. Next to me my phone goes off. I grab it quickly when I see who it's from.
Orbit_TheaterLI: I took your advice today. Well kind of, I guess. I took a small chance. Tomorrow I'll have the opportunity to take an even bigger leap of faith.
Funny, I feel the same way. Talking things out with this stranger has brought out a brave side to me I didn't know I had. Like when I held Lennox's hand and pulled her into me. I almost kissed her. Before this summer, I would have never been that brave.
VGMaster_10: I followed my own advice, and I'll admit it was good advice.
She sends over an emoji with its tongue sticking out. I put the phone down, and lean back in the chair, closing my eyes. Tomorrow should be interesting, I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight. I know I said it's not a date, but after tonight I'm not so sure.
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