My head is throbbing. I hardly make it up the stairs without falling over my own two feet. Kicking off my shoes I throw myself onto the bed. Uncle Rob and Monica aren't home yet, and the house is quiet. I relish the silence.
I'm so tired, I have no energy to turn on the computer to play games. Instead, I tug my phone from my pocket and scroll Instagram hoping for a response. There's nothing in my inbox but The Orbit Theater page updated with a post about Transformers, so I respond.
VGMaster_10: Bring back Shia, and Meghan Fox!
To distract myself I start scrolling again. My eyelids grow heavy. A dot appears next to the message icon and I almost drop my phone on my face. That would have been a fun black eye to explain.
Orbit_TheaterLI: Hi back!
I sit up. My head continues to throb, but I start typing back anyway. It feels silly. Am I really that lonely that I'd go as far as to sending a DM to a business page like we're best friends?
VGMaster_10: Was beginning to think I scared you off.
I regret writing that, but there's no erasing it now. I've already hit the send button.
Orbit_TheaterLI: I don't scare easily.
VGMaster_10: Is that so?
It sounded playful in my head, but over the internet the other person has no clue.
Orbit_TheaterLI: So, once again it looks like I'm going to have to argue with you about your answer to the question I posted. I'm not too keen on Shia, met the guy once and I don't know, I wasn't impressed.
I laugh. I don't mind arguing with whoever this person is because it's all in good fun. I love a good debate about anything having to do with movies.
VGMaster_10: You met THE Stanley Caveman? If you don't know what movie I'm talking about, we can't be friends.
Orbit_TheaterLI: Well, you're in luck because Holes is one of my top favorites. I crushed hard on Zig Zag. My dad showed that movie to me when I was eight. I watched it so much the DVD got scratched.
I wiggle my fingers over the keypad on the phone attempting to come up with something to say. I don't want to sound like a complete dork, but it seems that the person on the other end is just as big of a movie geek as I am, and nothing is scaring them away, so far.
VGMaster_10: How'd you meet him?
They answer right away.
Orbit_TheaterLI: I lived in L.A for a bit.
I guess I have more in common with the person on the other end of the account than I thought. Aside from movies we are both West Coasters.
VGMaster_10: I'm from California too. So, what are you doing running an Instagram page for a theater in New York?
Orbit_TheaterLI: Stalker much?
They send it with an emoji sticking out its tongue. I laugh.
VGMaster_10: Not stalking, just having a conversation. I was curious.
Orbit_TheaterLI: New York is home.
Sometimes I feel like New York feels more like home than California. Things back home are rough and here I can just let go of all of it for a little while. There's something about this place that just keeps me coming back. I like the people I associate with. I like how they know only a little of my story, and from what they do know they don't judge me.
VGMaster_10: Confession: sometimes it feels more like home than California for me.
Orbit_TheaterLI I'm going to stalk you now, what brings you to the East Coast then?
I don't mind answering them, but I'll keep it simple. I tell them that I'm visiting family for the summer and leave it at that. They respond with cool and send a regular old smiling emoji. I watch the blinking cursor on my screen, unsure if I should talk more or if our conversation is ending there for the night. A minute later another message comes through asking what the last movie I saw at the theater was.
VGMaster_10: I've already seen two at the theater this summer. One old and one new. The older one was Jumanji because well who doesn't love Robin Williams. The second was the new live action Aladdin movie.
Within seconds a teasing message comes back.
Orbit_TheaterLI: Thought you weren't a Will Smith fan?
My pulse is unsteady. They have been paying attention to our conversations. It should make me nervous. This is the internet after all, but instead it's comforting.
VGMaster_10: Confession alert! He actually killed it!
Orbit_TheaterLI: I'm in shock, I'm taking a screenshot now! I have to document this. Oh, and Robin is the man.
I laugh and send her a tongue emoji as well and write the letters LMAO. I'm about to write something else when there's a tap on my door.
"Yeah?" I call out.
Rob peaks his head inside the room. "Hey, could you come down for a minute?"
I can't really get a read on Rob's face because I can only see half of it. I look up at him and nod to let him know I'll be down in a minute. He shuts the door and fear washes over me. What if something is wrong with mom? In fact, I haven't heard from her since early this morning. Or could it be dad? Is he here? The thoughts make me almost forget to say goodbye to Orbit_TheaterLI. I send a quick message letting them know I need to go, but I'd be on tomorrow if they wanted to chat. I know it sounds crazy, but I enjoyed my conversation with them tonight.
I stuff the phone back into my jean pants and head down to the kitchen. Monica's voice echoes through the house. She's on the phone. Her bubbling excitement piques my curiosity. She's pacing back and forth in the living room while glancing down at her finger. That's when I see it. A beautiful diamond.
Uncle Rob sneaks up behind me and leans against the door frame, watching his bride-to-be with admiration in his eyes and a wide grin.
"You proposed?"
"It was a no brainer, man. She's — well one day you'll understand."
Rob has always been a guy who smiles and laughs, but this look is something different. He's almost glowing he's so happy. Monica hangs up the phone then holds out her hand for me to see. I'm impressed by the diamond that sits on her left ring finger. My Uncle has good taste.
I reach out to give her a hug. Her warm honey scent wafting around me. She pulls away and looks back down at the ring, then dances around a little. Her eyes meet Rob's, and she does a little squeal.
Being a teenager Marriage of course isn't something that I think about, and my parents didn't really set a good example, but seeing Rob this way has me wondering maybe it's not so bad after all.
"Thank you, Max. I'm so excited!" she says. "I'm sorry, I have to call my parents."
I step aside as she practically skips across the room to make her call.
"Let's grab a drink," Rob says.
I follow him into the kitchen. He grabs a beer from the fridge and hands me a mountain dew with a smirk.
"How'd you sneak those in there?" I ask.
Rob chuckles. "I have my ways."
The first day I arrived there was not a single beer or soda in the fridge and now its filled up with it.
We open our cans and clink them together. Rob takes a sip, and sighs in relief like it's the best thing he's tasted all day.
"I've got two questions."
"What's up?" I ask, with a mouth half-full of soda.
I put the can down on the counter and lean against it. Rob fidgets drawing circles with the moisture clinging to the can.
"Will you — uh — will you be my best man?"
I choke. "Are you sure you want me as your best man? I mean what about your friends at the shop and —"
"Of course, I want it to be you. Don't be so shocked," he laughs.
Being Rob's best man is a big honor. Aside from Dan and Maya, Rob has been the boulder holding me in place. He took me in every summer and treated me like a son. I try not to show that I'm choked up a bit by him asking.
"Wow. You just took me by surprise that's all." I take another swig of my drink, then set it back down. "I'd love to be your best man."
Rob's shoulders fall, and he moves in to give me another hug. "That's good, man. I'm so glad you said yes. Oh — and there's one more thing."
"Yeah," I ask reaching for the soda again.
He shifts nervously and nearly downs the can of beer. I almost expect him to crush it over his head like he tried to do last summer. He had a nice shiner on his forehead after that attempt. It's crazy how much a year can change a person. Last year at this time he was a single man doing his own thing and now — he's starting a new life and I think its great.
"Do you think your mom would come? It would mean a lot if she were there."
Having mom here would make my summer. Mom and Rob were close growing up. He and Dawn didn't ever get along as well as him and Mom. He worries about her as much as I do.
"I can ask. I'm not sure if she'll say yes, but yeah, I'll try."
He tosses the beer can into the recycling bin, nailing the shot.
"Still got it," he says with a grin.
I snort. There's the bachelor I've known all my life. I shake my head at his antics.
"When are you getting married?" I ask.
"Wow. That's really soon."
He nods and pats his belly. "Bun in the oven."
It takes me a second to get his reference, and when I do, I almost spit out the mountain dew all over him. Holy crap. Rob gives a half smirk and a shrug.
"She's – you're going to be a father?"
"Don't act so shocked," he chuckles. "Believe me I was surprised too, but then I saw that little blip on the screen, and I don't know man it's like something clicked. I'm happy."
This is all happening so fast for him, but there's not a doubt in my mind that he can handle it. He's owned his own business for years and while our family thinks he's failed, in my eyes he's a hero. He may act like a teenager or a twenty-something year old, but he'll make a great father.
"Well, I'm happy for you then. Wow – that's incredible. I'm not sure about mom."
"You think Dawn would fly out here with your mom?" he asks. "I know it's a lot of money, I could even maybe pay for the ticket."
He leans against the counter crossing his arms. It's going to be hard to convince Dawn, and it may be even harder to convince Mom, but I have to ask.
"It would mean a lot to me to have my sisters there. Dawn thinks I'm a screw up just like Dad, maybe this will show her," he says, going for another beer.
Although they are twins, Aunt Dawn and Uncle Rob don't have the best relationship. Mom used to joke saying they were the worst twins ever.
My phone chirps and I look to see a text from Dan.
Dan: Yo dude, call me!
I'm hoping that whatever Dan has to say will give me time to think about how I'm going to ask mom to come out here.
"I'm really excited for you, and I'll see what I can do about mom." I look back down at my phone. "Dan just texted, I'm going to spread the good news – if that's okay."
"Fine by me. Spread the good news far and wide."
I gulp down the rest of my drink and toss it towards the can completely missing it.
Rob chuckles. "I thought you play basketball?"
"Oh, hush old man," I tease him with a grin.
"Maybe you could bring that girl of yours," he says, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Wait – who? Oh, Lennox?"
I don't know why, but when he says her name in the same sentence as "girl of yours" my heart does wild flips.
"We could have a Starlien theme..."
"No way Rob!" Monica yells from the living room. "My wedding will be elegant and not some fanboy fantasy."
We look at each other and laugh. Monica continues her conversation with whoever is on the phone. She's going off on how Rob is insisting they have a Sci-fi themed wedding.
"It's going to be in the backyard honey, how elegant can it be?"
I'm pretty sure that's my cue to step out of this conversation.
"You better watch it, or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."
I'm amused by how they tease each other without fighting. Even when Mom and Dad weren't fighting, they never talked to each other in that way. At least not in front of me.
"You better watch it man, you heard her," I say.
"Funny, now go finish texting your boyfriend."
"Now who's the comedian?"
I take the stairs two at a time to get back up to my room. Before I make it to the top, my phone starts singing in my pocket. It's Dan. I swipe up and answer his call.
"I haven't heard from Lennox. Do you think she's not interested? I sent her a text to find out if she was okay, was she okay when you dropped her off?"
He doesn't give me any time to say hello, just rambles on about Lennox. I don't know why he's interested when he has the perfect girl right under his nose.
"She's fine dude. Why do you care so much?"
I get back to my room and settle down into the computer chair.
"I want to ask her out again," he says. "But not like a group date. Is that crazy?"
I was hoping that Lennox's plan would help bring Maya and him together. Apparently, all it did was make Dan pine for her even more. A strange feeling overcomes me. I would do anything to get him to back off her. It's almost like I'm — no — there's no way I'm jealous, that's crazy.
"Let's get your mind off Lennox. Get your shit together we're going on a run."
"Hold on, I'm doing a raid with these guys and — oh c'mon, man. These guys suck."
"Hurry up," I say.
Even though I'm tired as hell I turn on my computer anyway. I know I'll have a hard time falling asleep with the news of Uncle Rob's wedding, calling mom, and these weird feelings I have about Lennox, so I force my eyes to stay open.
I'm about to sign into the game when my phone goes off. I moan expecting to see Dan's name pop up, but instead I see an unknown number. I open the text.
Unknown: Yo guys it's Alexa PARTY @ my house this Friday 6pm. For all you newbies my address is 26 Cedar Lane.
A few seconds later Dan texts back.
Dan: I'll be there if my girl Lennox is going!
I don't know what Alexa is trying to do, but I sure hope it's not an attempt to get Dan and Lennox together.
Unknown: You'll just have to wait and see.
I sit back and watch the conversation unfold. Lennox sounds annoyed even through text. He insists that it will be their second date and Lennox bites back telling him that it's not. Maya pipes in saying she'll be there. I hadn't even noticed her on the list. Does Alexa even know what she's done? Dan and Lennox aren't happening. And what about Maya's feelings?
It's a rash decision, but I store Lennox's number in my phone. Hanging out with her the last few days has made me see a whole different side to her. One I like, and one I'd like to get to know.
"You ready? Or are you daydreaming over there?"
Dan's voice overpowers the start up music to the game, pulling me from my endless thoughts.
"Always am," I reply.
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