Chapter 22: Kings Are Crowned All Around

Location: Russia

Y/n was definitely reliving the most dopest marvel movie people has shittingly ever rated in the whole MCU. Now currently he was charging the Abomination and was about to relive the moment that Abomination tackles his ass out of midair.

Y/n: Let's change it up then!

When Y/n was in range, Abomination jumped in the air to tackle him but Y/n kept on running and grabbed the Russian's foot before slamming him down on the ground. Y/n picked up the stunned Abomination and made him stand up before dropkicking him with both feet hitting his chest and sent him flying back through the forest.

Y/n: Take that bitch!

Abomination roared as he got back up immediately and glared at Y/n who prepared himself for a very pissed off russian titan to come charging his way. The two glared at each other like a classic cowboy stand off until Abomination made the first move and went to pick up a chunk of rock out of the ground.

Y/n: Time to make use of the distraction!

He charged forward and closed the distance relatively quick as Abomination picked up a chunk of rock and hurled it right at him but Y/n sidestepped easily and nailed a solid haymaker to the russian's jaw before uppercutting him into the air before grabbing his foot and slamming him down again and again.

Y/n roared as he then tossed Abomination away and the behemoth landed back on the Earth with a loud BOOM! As Y/n just looked at him with confusion.

Y/n: Why the hell isn't he fighting back?

Abomination got right back up like nothing happened and clenched his fists so hard it made bones popped and cracked as he gained a madman look on his face and approached the Hulk.

Abomination: You fight like a wannabe!

Y/n: Says the one who takes hits like a pussy!

Y/n sprinted forward and punched him in the face which sent him reeling but this time... Abomination didn't move at all as he just looked back at him with a crooked smile. Y/n threw more punches with even more strength but Abomination was just taking them like a champ.

Abomination: Pathetic.

Y/n roared and threw another punch but this time Abomination caught it before he threw Y/n down and slammed his massive fists into his back which made him roar in pain. Grabbing his left foot, Abomination pulled hard and slammed Y/n on the ground before throwing him a great distance away as the green giant crashed through multiple trees and came to a stop, leaving a big divot in the ground.

Y/n: Fuck, that shit hurts.

He got up and glared at Abomination who was walking leisurely towards him like he had all the time in the world. Hulk growled as Abomination chuckled darkly before raising his fists and mimicking the taunt he saw back in the 2008 movie.

Abomination: Come on, fucker.

Y/n cracked his neck before looking around and sadly didn't see a big ass police car next to him so that he could pick it up, rip it apart and slam him with it. He looked at his hands before cracking his knuckles and grunted in rage as his eyes glowed green.

Y/n: Well... we're going off script!


Abomination snarled before he began charging towards the Hulk at massive burst of speed which Y/n started to do as both of them snarled in rage at the potential bloodbath to come. Both titans charged at each other as the distance closed in faster and faster by the second.

Y/n: Here we go!


Location: Boston

Godzilla and King Ghidorah squared off once more as the rain poured down on them and lightning flashed in the sky as the two kaijus eyed each other seeing who's gonna make the first move.

King Ghidorah: Come on! Move you fat bitch!

Godzilla: I was hoping you were gonna say that.

Godzilla began charging Ghidorah as fast as he can go while King Ghidorah used his wings and propelled himself forward with his backlegs putting in more force. Debris and buildings shattered like glass in their path as both titans drew closer and closer to each other.

Before they could make contact, Godzilla fired his atomic breath straight at Ghidorah's chest which made the alien stop charging and roared in pain before Godzilla used this and rammed Ghidorah at full speed which nearly knocked the dragon off balance.

With Ghidorah in close range, Godzilla makes a grab for Kevin's head but misses as the three heads recover and shot forward, biting Godzilla's neck and both his arms before lifting him up and slamming him into the ground.

Ghidorah uses his heads and began biting at Godzilla's gills which caused the lizard to roar in pain before he parried Ichi's incoming attack and atomic breathed Ghidorah in the chest again which sent him pitching backwards so Godzilla could get up.

Ni: Fucking atomic breath!

Ichi: Shit fucking hurts!

Kevin: Oh yeah~

Ichi/Ni: The fuck wrong with'chu?!

Godzilla grunted as he got back up and snarled at Ghidorah before releasing his loud roar which shattered the windows of nearby buildings not knocked over.

Ichi: Here he comes again!

Ni: Lemme at him!

Ghidorah roared back before charging at Godzilla who waited until Ghidorah got close enough before sidestepping the attack completely and since Ghidorah was so big, he couldn't turn properly as the 521ft titan crashed into a building.

Godzilla: Pathetic.

He then charged forward and slammed Ghidorah through the building with brute force as Ghidorah was struggling to stay balanced but that blow nearly knocked him off his feet as his tails were the only thing keeping him from falling down.

Before Ghidorah could recover, Godzilla was on his ass as the lizard grasped Ichi and squeezed his claws into his throat. Having a firm grip on the middle head, Godzilla was about to rip it off before Ni fired a gravity beam straight in his face which caused him to let go and shove Ghidorah away.

Ichi: That wasn't so bad!


Too late, Godzilla had swung his body around before he slammed his tail into Ghidorah with about a force of 95,000 Tons. It slammed straight into Ghidorah's ribs which cracked on impact as the alien fell to the ground and roared in pain before Godzilla came and towered over him.

Godzilla: Now to finish the job.

Kevin: Psst.

Ichi: Not now Kevin!

Kevin: To our left.

Both heads glanced to left and saw that there was an electrical plant and it was radiating with power as both heads grinned at the opportunity. Ichi nodded before firing a gravity beam straight in Godzilla's snout which made him snarl in pain before Kevin shot out and bit down on electrical plant.

Electricity began to arc through Ghidorah's body as he then got up and towered over Godzilla who recovered from the gravity beam and glared at Ghidorah who smirked darkly at him.

King Ghidorah: Boom.


Location: Russia

Y/n ducked as Abomination threw another boulder before charging forward and punching him hard in the ribs before grabbing his head and slamming it against his knee. Abomination recovered fast because he put Hulk in a headlock before pounding his fists into his head.

Abomination: Fucking weak to wield such power!!!

He then dragged Y/n's dizzy body to a nearby mountain and began slamming his head against it over and over again as green blood oozed out of Y/n's wounds. Using his russian fighting techniques, Abomination judo slammed Y/n to the ground before pinning him to the ground and holding onto his right arm.

Abomination: So much for an alpha titan.

He then pulled Hulk's arm out of his socket which made Y/n roar in pain before Abomination flipped over and began punching with no mercy on Y/n's face as the ground shook beneath him. The russian hulk then picked Y/n and threw him towards the Russian Military Base as crashed down and was not moving as his body was bleeding profusely.

Abomination: Face it, you cannot beat me!!!

He grinned as he saw the Hulk's beaten body but then it turned to a frown as he heard... laughing from Y/n.

Y/n: You... really think I was... trying?

Y/n got up shakily before his face transformed into anger as his eyes glowed green and his wounds began to heal and seal themselves as Y/n rolled his arm and cracked his socket.

Abomination roared and charged forward and went to throw a punch but Y/n caught it and threw a heavy punch straight into his jaw which sent him flying backwards and landed on his back.

Y/n: Now... we fight for real.



Location: Boston

King Ghidorah was radiating pure energy as lightning bolts shot out from his body as it decimated buildings around him. The sheer power of the charge was like an impulse grenade released because Godzilla was feeling the effects of it as it sizzled his skin and made it steam and burn as he stumbled backwards to shield his eyes.

Soon the lightshow finished and Godzilla was able to see again as he panted to catch his breathe before those pants became snorts of intense anger as he glared at Ghidorah who fired all of their gravity beams at Godzilla's chest which made him screech in pain and fall on the ground in pain.

King Ghidorah: You should've stayed dead!!!

He flew over to Godzilla and his heads bit down on Godzilla's neck and arms to lift him up which was what the lizard wanted him to do so he let loose his atomic breath right at Ghidorah's chest which sent him back some distance as Godzilla tromped forward while still firing his atomic breath.

Ghidorah roared and took to the skies and charged towards Godzilla and landed right on his sharp spiney back. Godzilla roared as the massive 140,000 Ton titan landed on his back but the lizard kept his footing as he felt his muscles strain from the extra weight.

Ghidorah's feet dug around Godzilla's spines as Ichi and Ni began biting at Godzilla's gills while Kevin gravity beamed the wounds which made a blood fountain out of Godzilla's neck. The lizard roared in intense pain as Ghidorah continued his relentless attack as Godzilla tried to knock Ghidorah off but it wasn't working.

Kevin then began to gravity beam Godzilla's dorsal spines which made Godzilla screech in more pain but his dorsal plates began to glow a powerful blue until nuclear smoke began to emit from his back and created a massive blue fog to envelop the area and it was thick but Ghidorah continued to stay on Godzilla's back as Ichi and Ni bit into Godzilla's gills.

For a few moments, this continued until Godzilla felt a massive amount of power radiating from his back and he knew what this was, it was a nuclear pulse.



Ghidorah went booming off of Godzilla's back as they screeched in pain as their scales burnt and some of his skin burned off from the sheer force of the pulse. Godzilla panted in anger as he had enough of this bullshit, he tolerated him long enough.

Godzilla: COME HERE!!!!

He charged the rising Ghidorah and ram him into the ground before atomic breathing him right in the chest until flesh started to appear and Ghidorah screeched in pain. Ghidorah swung his wing at his face but Godzilla bit down on hit and grabbed it both of his arms and stepped on the bone which snapped it in half and Godzilla ripped Ghidorah's entire right wing off as blood gushed out of the wound.

Ghidorah screeched in pain as Godzilla grasped the other wing and snapped that one off clean like it was made of paper. Now limbless, Ghidorah crawled away with his feet as Godzilla charged forward and stepped on his left leg and broke it immediately before biting down on the other one and ripping the foot out of the ankle socket and spitting it to the side before stepping down on Ghidorah's burnt chest as bones cracked underneath his foot.

Ichi: Get.... off.

Godzilla, in response, grabbed Kevin's weakened head bit it clean off before grabbing Ni's incoming jaws and splitting them open before breaking his jaws and both necks fall to the limply as the god turned to lone head of the three.

Ichi: You think you'll...*coughs blood*... reign supreme... forever? There's alpha to kill... you.... Hehehe.

Godzilla: Yeah... but you're not one of them.

He pressed his foot into his chest as Ichi roared in pain until Godzilla's foot went through Ghidorah's chest and squashed his heart completely as Ichi wailed but it was silenced by Godzilla finishing his sentence.

Godzilla: Not anymore.

(0:12 to 0:15)


Ghidorah was no more as the atomic breath left a seared and deceased body as Godzilla lifted his foot from the dead body and it was drenched in blood as he panted and his spikes dulled until their was no blue color at all.

Godzilla snarled as the sun rose and he took in the gleaming sunlight as he sighed in content having been able to feel the sun on his body. He then heard stomping and he turned his body to see a couple of titans converging on him. Methuselah, Queen MUTO, Scylla, Behemoth and a fellow friend of his, Mothra all circled him as Godzilla looked at each of them and snarled a command

Godzilla: Bow.

One by one, the titans bowed to him and Mothra chirped at him happily before bowing respect to Godzilla as he straightened his body and roared to heavens so the whole world will hear him.


Godzilla finished his roar, which commanded the other titans to go to sleep and don't cause trouble, and glared at the horizon as he sensed two alphas on the other side of the planet. He then started to walk there until it turned into a run as he approached the nearest body of water and dove right in and swam to the nearest Hollow Earth tunnel because he has a destination.... And it was Russia.


Location: Russia

Abomination spat out blood as Y/n nailed another punch to his jaw before grabbing the back his neck and slamming the russian's head against the ground and Y/n pressed his foot against his skull.

Y/n's body had a long gash across his chest along with multiple stab wounds across his limbs as he panted from the long fight he had with Abomination. Multiple times he miscalculated what Abomination was going to do and it costed him battle wounds and blood but he managed to take him down.

Y/n raised his fist to bring it down on Abomination's neck to break it but then he heard an alpha roar.... Godzilla's roar that echoed all the way from Boston.

Y/n: The son of a bitch won.

Abomination used this distraction and punched Y/n in his ankle which made him roar in pain before the russian got back up and speared Y/n into the Hollow Earth Tunnel he came out of and the two of them went tumbling into the depths.

Y/n: Fuck I can't see!!!

He threw a blind punch and it connected with Abomination's jaw and once he heard that, Y/n grabbed Abomination's throat and began to strangle him before the tunnel brightened and it spat them out in a snowy area with glaciers... they were now in Northern Russia.

Abomination got up and grabbed Y/n before pinning him to a nearby glacier before driving his elbow spike straight into Hulk's chest which made him cry in pain as Y/n struggled to get his arm off him.

Abomination: Such a pity for you, a weak specimen... not worthy of this power!!!

Y/n grunted as the spike touched his beating heart and that fueled his rage meter as he felt his wounds heal again and his strength surged to powerful levels as he grabbed Abomination's wrist and pried it off him. Abomination roared and poured in more strength but he didn't have a rage enhancer so his strength had a limit but not Hulk's.

Y/n grunted before he headbutted Abomination hard enough to make blood splurt out of the russian's nose. Y/n rushed forward and headlocked the Abomination from behind as the russian struggled and elbowed Hulk's ribs to get him off.

Y/n got angrier and angrier as he tightened his grip until Abomination punched backwards and Hulk snatched the elbow spike and ripped it out of Abomination's skin. He roared in pain as Y/n held the spike in his right hand and headlocked the Abomination with his left.

Y/n: DIE!!!

He shoved Abomination to his knees and stabbed the spike in the front of Abomination's throat. He shoved Abomination flat on the ground and stepped on his back before gripping the spike and pulling hard. Abomination's head along with his spine came pulling out of his body as blood coated the snow and ice they were on.

Y/n panted as he held Abomination's head in his hand as he kicked the headless corpse away before he heard the sound again, Godzilla's loud growl was entering his ears as the King of the Monsters was approaching his location. Looking at the head, Y/n growled before looking at a sharp ice spike that was near him.

Y/n: Time to show superiority in this fucking world.


Location: Northern Russia

The ice broke and Godzilla rose from the rubble with his spikes glowing blue as his eyes were glowing blue as he looked around for the two alpha titans that were near or each other.

Godzilla: Two alphas in the same place, most likely fighting.

Ichi's warning that they're were more alpha titans out there that were capable of killing him was nothing to take lightly. Godzilla walked around in the snow as a blizzard swept in and obscured his vision as he peered into the snowstorm to get a visual of the alpha titans.

About a few minutes have passed before Godzilla spotted something, in the distance, it looked like the figure of an alpha titan standing in the gloom. He growled and rushed towards the figure until he got close enough to actually see what it was and it made him stop.

Abomination's decapitated head was impaled on an ice spike along with the headless corpse, Godzilla walked closer and sniffed the dead carcass, it was one of the alpha titans he sensed but where was the other one?

Instinctively, Godzilla turned to his left and saw where the other one was, Hulk was standing in gloom of the blizzard, glaring right at him. Godzilla sized him up and calculated that there was about 1500ft of distance between him and the Hulk.

Y/n glared at Godzilla like he has nothing to lose because he didn't, he figured Godzilla would want him to submit but there was no way in hell he doing that. Godzilla glared back at the Hulk as he figured this was the Titan that declared his Alpha Status when he was resting underwater, this was someone who could disrupt the balance of the world.

Godzilla roared loudly that would make any titan bow before him immediately to signify his alpha position and that he is the King of the Monsters.


He would figure he'd give Hulk the chance to walk away with his life if he chose to bow before him. Considering the fact that Hulk decapitated the Abomination with his bare hands, Godzilla was looking forward to fighting him if Hulk chose Option 2, to not yield to him.

Y/n not only picked Option 2, he made sure his response got through Godzilla's thick ass skull that he will never yield to him. Y/n roared loudly which signified that he was an Alpha Titan and he wasn't giving that status up.


Godzilla snarled and his spikes along with his eyes glowed blue with nuclear energy as Hulk growled loudly. Both of the Titans were tired from there separate fights with Abomination and King Ghidorah respectively and weren't really in peak condition to fight each other.

Y/n: Let's do this.

Immediately he turned around and started to run to the Hollow Earth Tunnel at full speed. Y/n then heard Godzilla's Atomic Breath getting charged up and he made it to the hole and jumped just as the Atomic Breath fired right above his head.

Y/n: I'll fight Godzilla some other time, right now, I need rest.

Godzilla, on the other hand, snarled in frustration but felt fatigue surge into his limbs as the fight with Ghidorah was really start to get to him. He turned around and swam in the ocean but not before glaring at the hole one more time.

Godzilla: You better pray I don't get catch you because you won't survive.

Both Alpha Titans, both Kings in there own realms were now on each other's radar but little did they know, a third King was waiting to enter the ring on Skull Island and he wasn't bowing to none of them if he came across them.



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