Chapter 4: Brother and Sister part 1

Both Ichigo and Rukia were shocked with what Hiroshi had told them. That Hollow they after, turns out to be none other than Orihime's older brother, Sora.

Rukia: Are you sure...?

Hiroshi: *nods* I am sure. I never forget a face. He was no doubt Orihime's brother.


At the desert, Sora could be seen, screaming in agony as his mask regenerates itself. He then roars to the eternal night sky.

Back with the others

Ichigo: I don't understand, what's going on...?

Rukia: Ichigo...

Ichigo: Huh?

Rukia: Here's a word of advice. When attacking Hollows, come from behind and cleave their heads with one blow. Don't forget, it's basic theory for any Soul Reaper.

Ichigo: Why, what do you mean?

Rukia: It will keep your injuries to a minimum. Also, with any luck, it will keep you from learning the Hollow'a identity.

Ichigo: Wait a minute. What do mean the identity?

Rukia: Hiroshi just saw for himself.

Hiroshi: Hm?

Rukia: Do you understand? The Hollows were once souls of human beings, no different from everyone else.

Both Hiroshi and Ichigo are at complete shock.

Hiroshi: Are... Are you serious...?

Rukia nods her head.

Ichigo: *in disbelief* You never told me that! So that thing I saw was just a monster, wasn't it?! It was some from Hell that needed to be wiped out!

Rukia: That is correct. He is just a monster now. And he must be destroyed.

Hiroshi: ...But, it was human once.

Rukia: It can't be helped. Souls that hold on to feelings of resentment or regret would sometimes resist Konsō and linger on alone in this world. Should that happen, they either become Hollows on their own, or they're devour by other Hollows and become one of the fold.

Hiroshi: But that's...

Hiroshi then has a flashback of Sora's face.

Hiroshi: This is crazy...


Tatsuki: What! They were together!!?

Tatsuki is at Orihime's house, eating some beef stew that Tatsuki just brought over. But when Orihime told Tatsuki about what happened today, she was surprised.

Orihime: Mm-hm. But they were just walking home together, Tatsuki. What's the matter?

Tatsuki: *cross her arms* Oh man, I never know Hiroshi was such a smooth operator! I mean honestly, he didn't even walk home when you were hurt!

Orihime: Well no, I mean he did ask me if I wanted him to walk me home. *blush* But I...











Orihime: I warning you, you better watch out, champ, 'cause I'm winning this match!!

Tatsuki: hey, wake up, you're daydreaming again!

Orihime: I'll give you right, and another! BAM! Ahhh! Look out, he's got a gun!!


Orihime/Tatsuki: Huh?

Tatsuki: Hey, what was that...?

The girls heard a sudden. The look around to see where it was coming from, but unbeknownst to the two, it's much closer than it is.

Back at Hiroshi's house

Hiroshi: I don't understand. Why did Sora attacked me?

Rukia: Judging from the last Hollow that attacked you, I would guess there's a more powerful Hollow behind this that wants to consume your spirit energy. It probably has several Hollows under its control. It knows where you are now and is sending other Hollows to carry out its orders. That would explain why Orihime's brother has come to attack you. Which is why we must eliminate him.

Ichigo grabs Rukia by her shirt.

Ichigo: You expect me to just kill him now!? There's no way I could do that--

Rukia: *swats Ichigo's hand away* You have to do it! You haven't got a choice! If you don't kill him, he'll wander around forever. And he'll keep coming after you and Hiroshi, again and again until he gets either of your souls. *realizes something* Wait, you're both not the only ones in danger.

Hiroshi: What are you--

Just then, Hiroshi's eye widen, as he realized what Rukia meant.

Hiroshi: Orihime...!

Hiroshi then bolt out of his room.

Ichigo: Hiroshi!

Rukia: He's right, Ichigo. We have to hurry.

Hiroshi's POV

Right run, I'm running outside to Orihime's house, where Sora is most likely going to.

Hiroshi's thoughts: I have to hurry! Otherwise, Sora would do something he'll regret!

As i was running, I then get these images in my head. Images from my past. When I was a kid, I lost someone important to a bullet. Since that day, I swore to myself that I will never sit by and watch anybody die. I would train myself to prepare for the physical challenges that awaits me, and protect those I care about. But...

Hiroshi's thoughts: If I don't get there soon, Orihime will die! I have to help her! I will help her! I...I...

Then suddenly, I felt as if everything around me has slowed down. I felt an instinct...calling-- NO! This instinct is screaming at me. It's telling me to keep moving, and defeat!y enemies.












Hiroshi: I will save her!

And like that, I started going faster than before, as the energy around me spills out from my body.

Rukia's POV

I was on Ichigo's back, and we were in shock to what we saw.

Rukia: I didn't know he could do that...

Ichigo: ........Same here...

Back with Orihime/No POV

Orihime: Wow, that was just the best dinner ever!

Tatsuki: Yeah, it really was. Thanks. You got any dessert?

Orihime: I'm all out of ice cream, but I do have some bean sprout, and some eggplant jelly, we can pour over them.

Tatsuki: Ew, no thanks.

As they're were talking, a rip appeared on a stuffed animal.

"Enraku the Bear"

The two ladies heard the noise.

Tatsuki: What was that?

Orihime: *gasps* Oh!

Orihime sees her bear on the floor. She crawls over to pick it up and is upset that there's a tear on the toy.

Orihime: Poor Enraku fell down! Oh my gosh, how you get this big rip on your head?

They then hear the loud noise again. Tatsuki looks around, wonder where it was coming from till they both look at the closet, as the noise becomes louder. Orihime then feels something in her hand. She looks down, and she gasps in shock and confusion, as she sees a red substance in her hand.

Orihime: Blood...? Is this blood...?

She then gasps when a giant hand goes through her, causing her to fall.

Tatsuki: *gasps* Orihime!?

Tatsuki feels a presence coming towards her, but she's then to the wall. She looks at her left to see that she's bleed with confusion.

Tatsuki: What happened, and why am I bleeding?

She's then knocked over and thrown across the floor. She gets back and looks around, to see what hit her. But unbeknownst to her, it was Acidwire, who is right in front of her.

Tatsuki: Something's here. But I don't see anything--

She's then taken down by Acidwire, who now hovers over her.

Tatsuki: What's happening!? Who's there!?

While that's happening, Orihime is sitting at the opposite side of the room.

Orihime: What's going on? What is that...that monster? And what is it doing to Tatsuki?

Her attention then turns to...her body.

Orihime: Who is that...? That's me... But how!?

Orihime then notices a chain connected to her chest.

Orihime: *confused* What is this? *tries to pull it off, but to no avail* I...I came breathe!

Tatsuki: GAH!!

Orihime stops what she was doing and sees Acidwire strangling Tatsuki.

Orihime: Tatsuki! *thoughts* I can't just sit here! I've got to do something!

She gets up, and throws herself at Acidwire's arms, pushing it off of Tatsuki's throat, allowing Tatsuki to finally breathe.

Orihime: Tatsuki! Are you okay?

Orihime had her hands on Tatsuki's arm while she was checking on her. But Tatsuki doesn't see anything. Instead, all she sees in something invisible grabbing her arm. In a panic, Tatsuki moves away and to the wall.


Orihime: What are you screaming about, Tatsuki, it's just me! What's wrong!?

Acidwire: It's useless talking to her now, Orihime. She can't hear us. She can't even see us.

Tatsuki, after everything has happened, passes out.

Orihime: Tatsuki! *turns to Acidwire* Why not? And how do you know my name?

Acidwire: .......That makes me sad, Orihime. *moves closer to Orihime* Have you forgotten my voice, how could you? It's me, can't you tell?

Orihime: What are you talking about?

Acidwire: It's makes me sad, Orihime! Very, VERY SAD!!!

Acidwire goes to attack Orihime, who closes her , expecting a hit...but it never came.  She opens her eyes, and to hwr surprise, it was...Hiroshi, who stands between her and the Hollow.

Orihime: Hiro-kun...?

Hiroshi: That's enough, Sora.

To be continued!

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