Chapter 3: Orihime

Honda Residence

After school was finished, Hiroshi, Ichigo, and Rukia all heads to his house to talk about what happened earlier today.  Once they got there, Hiroshi introduced Rukia to his aunt, and told her that they were a 'study group' and that Rukia was a transfer student.  After they went to his room, they get down to business.  Rukia tells Hiroshi who he is, where she came from, what she's doing in Karakura Town, what her duty is, and what the Hollows are.  Hiroshi took it well.

Hiroshi: Shinigami...  A place called the Soul Society...  These creatures called Hollows...  And you're here because you're taking the place of the Soul Reaper who is unable to do his job for the time being.

Rukia: *nods her head*

Hiroshi: And what Ichigo did to that boy earlier, what you called a "Konsō".  When you help the spirits pass on, right?

Rukia: *nods her head again* That's right.

Hiroshi: But now you can't return home because Ichigo unintentionally took your powers, meaning you can't perform your duties.

Rukia: *lowers her head and closes her eyes* Unfortunately, yes.

Hiroshi: And these Hollows.  Do they any chance wear a mask?

Rukia: Yes, they are formed from the hearts they lost as humans.  Why?

Hiroshi: ...Because I've encountered one before.

Both Rukia and Ichigo's eyes widened with surprised.

Ichigo: What?

Rukia: Are you sure?

Hiroshi: Yeah, it was last night.  I was on my way home, when a Hollow showed up and attacked me.  But as it was attacking, it stopped.

Rukia: *confused* Stopped?

Hiroshi: *nods* Yeah.  I don't know myself either.  All I did was stared at it, and it just disappeared.

Rukia: *ponders* Hmm.

Rukia thinks about the incident that Hiroshi told them about.  She then remembered three nights earlier, she felt an unfamiliar presence in the area she was at.  Then she puts two and two together.

Rukia: *realization* Of course.

Hiroshi: Hm?

Rukia: Three nights ago, I've sensed a strange spiritual pressure when I came to this town.  It was nothing I felt before, neither Hollow or Soul Reaper.  *gets up and stands in front of Hiroshi* came from you.

Hiroshi: *confused* What're you talking about?

Rukia: What I'm talking that maybe, that Hollow that attacked you...ran away because it sensed your spirit energy.  Meaning...your spirit energy is 'different', compared to the others.

For the first time, Hiroshi looked surprised by the information that was given to him.  But he puts that in the back of his mind...for the time being.

Hiroshi: Well now, there's only thing to do...

Rukia: .... What's that...?

Hiroshi: .......I'm gonna help you and Ichigo.

Ichigo and Rukia looks at him with surprised expressions.  Rukia is about to object to this, but Hiroshi stops her.

Hiroshi: Don't try to convince me otherwise.  My mind is already made up.  And don't forget, Rukia, you don't have your powers, so you're at a disadvantage for the moment.  But...

Rukia: Hm?

Hiroshi: Despite your lack of power, you do have some good information on the Hollows, which could be very useful to us in the long run.  In times of battle, knowledge is the best weapon.  And besides...

He then holds up his hand to Rukia.

Hiroshi: *smiles* There's nothing wrong with asking for help.

Rukia looks at him, surprised by his words, but smiles back before taking his hand and shakes it.  Ichigo smiles as well.  Just then, they heard a knock at the door.

Hiroshi: Door's open!

The door opens to reveal Mari, who has a tray of sandwiches.

Mari: I thought you kids might be hungry, so I made you some snacks.

Hiroshi/Ichigo/Rukia: Thanks.


Meanwhile at Orihime's house, Orihime is seen doing her homework in her room, but unbeknownst to her, outside her bedroom window, someone is hovering over her house.  He appears to be a spirit of a man with brown hair that stops at his neck, fair skin, and sports a business suit.  He also possesses the same chain on his chest as the boy from before as well.

"Sora Inoue"

He is Sora Inoue, Orihime's deceased older brother, and he watches down with a somber expression.  But then, an unfamiliar presence emanated from behind him.  When he turns around, sees what appears to be a Hollow.  Sora tries to get away, but it was too late, as the Hollow grabs him and takes him away to an unknown location.  Once there, Sora looks around, startled, confused, and frightened, as the two Hollows stand over him.

Sora: What's going on!?  Where am I!?  I don't understand, what are you gonna do to me!?

A shadow then looms over the terrified spirit, as Sora turns around to see what's behind him.

???: Are you lost, little spirit?  Now, let's devour this soul.

Sora gets up and starts fleeing for his life.

???: Get him!

As ordered, the two chases after Sora and are able to reach up to him.  More Hollows came, and they proceed to feed on the poor spirit while the main Hollow that could be their leader laughs.  Once the feeding is over, Sora begins to change.  His body tears through his suit, and legs forms into a single massive tail.  After that, a white substance comes out of his mouth and all over his face until it forms a mask.  He then roars into the sky.  

Back with Orihime, she has just finished with her homework for today, and she goes to get ready for bed.  As she gets in her bathroom, she gets ready for her bath, as she turns on the water of her tub.  She then proceeds to take off her clothes until she's completely naked.  Once the tub is full, Orihime goes inside and relax.  While she currently bathes, she thinks about Hiroshi's face, back at school.

Orihime's thoughts: Hiro-kun...

The next day

Rukia: *talking through a book* Here my voice o'lord!  Help your humble child understand why she was born!  And if you divine will wishes it, summon her back to your side!  I await your--


Rukia: What is your problem?  I am studying contemporary language.

Ichigo: You're off by a couple centuries.  So tell me, how long you plan on following me around?

Rukia: Until you answer your calling as a Soul Reaper.

Ichigo: Yeah, right, whatever.

Hiroshi: *to Rukia* By the way, where'd you get that manga?

Rukia is about to tell Hiroshi when...

*Tires screeching*

The trio hears the sound and sees a car stopped by driving away.  When they got there, they see Orihime on the ground.

Orihime: *getting back up*

Ichigo: Hey, Orihime!

Hiroshi: Orihime!

Orihime: Uh, Hiro-kun, Ichigo!

Hiroshi: *worried* Did you just get hit by that car?

Orihime: Oh, maybe?

Hiroshi: "Maybe"?  Are you gonna be okay?

Orihime pops back up with a smile on her face.

Orihime: Mm-hm.  It was just a little bump on my head, don't worry.  I'm fine.  I swear.

Ichigo: You sure you're okay?  Where that car go that hit you?

Orihime: Hm...?  It drove away. ☺️

Hiroshi: (-_-) Orihime...

Orihime: Uh.  Oh, sorry.

Hiroshi: *sighs* Well, as long as you're okay, then it's all right.

Orihime: *notices Rukia* Mm, Rukia?

Rukia: That's right, and who are you?

Hiroshi: *whispers* That's Orihime.  She's in the same class as you.

Rukia: Huh?  *bows to Orihime* Oh, of course, how are you?

Orihime: *bows to Rukia* Oh, I'm great.  Thank you.

Rukia: Well now, it appears you've been shopping.

Orihime: Huh?  *realizes* Oh, that's right.  Dinner.

Orihime picks up her shopping bag and holds up a leak.

Orihime: *relieved* My leaks, bananas, butter, and bean jam seemed to made it too. 😄

Ichigo's thoughts: Ugh.  I don't want to know what she's gonna make with that.

Hiroshi's thoughts: Looks like she's experimenting with different flavors.  Interesting.

Just then, Rukia looks down and notices a large bruise on Orihime's left leg.

Rukia: *to Orihime* How did you get that bruise on your leg?

Orihime: What bruise?  *looks at her bruised leg* Oh, I guessed that happened just now when that car ran into me.

Ichigo: Jeez, does it hurt?

Orihime: A little bit, but I'm okay.

Hiroshi: Are you sure?

Orihime then notices Rukia is kneeling down and observing her bruise.

Orihime: Um, what's the m, Rukia?

Rukia: Huh?

Orihime: Is everything wrong?

Rukia: *smiles nervously* Uh, right.  Well...  Take care! 😅

Orihime: Thanks.

Hiroshi: You need any of us to walk you home?

Orihime: Oh, um, I'm okay, really.  See ya!

Orihime turns around and walks down the street.

Ichigo: Man, she needs to be more careful.

While Orihime left, Rukia ponders about the origins of that bruise.


Rukia: So then, that girl.

Hiroshi/Ichigo: Huh?

Hiroshi: You mean Orihime?

Rukia: Are you two close to her?

Ichigo: Well, not really.  I barley know her and we don't really talk much.  But she's friends with a buddy of mine from the neighborhood, so I see her around.  But Hiroshi, on the other hand, knew her since they were kids.

Rukia: *looks at Hiroshi* Really?

Hiroshi nods his head.

Hiroshi: We used to have brothers who were friends since middle school, so we hanged out a lot.  From what I was told, her parents were, how I put this...never the caring type.  It got to a point where her older brother, Sora, had to take her away from them, and they stayed with us until he was able to find a stable job to support himself and Orihime.  For the next few years, things were going okay.  Until...

Rukia: Until what...?

Hiroshi: Well, I sure Ichigo can tell you that.

Rukia turns to Ichigo.

Ichigo: Sora was in this terrible accident and died at our clinic.

Rukia: What...?

Ichigo: He was in a car wreck.  He was the only family she had.  I'd never realized that she was the girl I saw crying that day.  I only found that out just recently.

Hiroshi: And i found out when Aunt Mari told me.  From that day, she had to live on her own, but thankfully, Tatsuki and I were able to help her cope with her loss.

Rukia: ...How in tune to the spirit realm were you two?

Ichigo: Huh?  Not as much as I am now.  I mean, it was only recently I've been able to fully sew and communicate with the spirit realm.

Hiroshi: Same here.

Rukia's thoughts: Just as I thought...

Ichigo: Why, what's up?  What have you been thinking?

Rukia: Nothing.

Rukia walks passed the two boys.

Rukia: See ya.

Hiroshi: Huh?  Where you going?

Rukia: *turns to Hiroshi* Back home.

Hiroshi: Where's that?

Rukia: You really want to know?

Hiroshi: Well, I don't want to intrude on personal life.

Rukia: Then don't ask me.

Rukia turns back and leaves, much to Ichigo's annoyance.

Ichigo: Tsk.  Yeah right.

Hiroshi: Hey, Ichigo...

Ichigo: Hm, yeah?

Hiroshi: That dress Rukia was wearing.  Doesn't it look...familiar to you?

Ichigo ponders about the question Hiroshi had asked him.

Ichigo: (-_-) ...I don't know...


At night, Hiroshi is sitting in his chair, wearing a tank-top and pajama pants while watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

(A/N: Quick reminder, the story takes place in 2001, so around this time, Hiroshi is watching the 1993 mini-series.)

As he was watching the video, he feels a strange presence.  Then on instinct, Hiroshi ducks down, as a giant hands comes swooping right over him.  He looks behind him to who it was, and to his surprise, it's a Hollow, as it comes through the wall and into his room.


The Hollow known as Acidwire roars at the young man, who calmly grabs a nearby lamp while the Hollow isn't looking before throwing it at the monster.  But Acidwire swaps it away.

Hiroshi: Okay, bad idea.

Seeing that this is going to be a tough battle, Hiroshi gets up and cracks his knuckles.

Hiroshi: All right then, let's get serious...

Hiroshi: ...Come on...

Acidwire: Roooaaarrrr!!!

Acidwire swings its claw hands towards Hiroshi, but Hiroshi dodges each attack with ease, like a professional boxer.  Hiroshi the proceeds to hit the Hollow with a spinning back kick.  Acidwire then tries to sweep him off his legs with its tail, but Hiroshi is able to jump over it.  Hiroshi prepares himself, as Acidwire turns around, which give Hiroshi the perfect opportunity, as he come forth and delivers a right hook to the creature's face, staggering Acidwire back.  That punch was hard enough to cause some damage to Acidwire's mask, causing it to crack.  Then, a part of it breaks, exposing...the Hollow's human face...

Upon seeing it, Hiroshi's eyes widen with shock and horror.

Hiroshi: No...  It can't be...  Sora...?

Acidwire (aka Sora) hold his head as he roars in pain.  He then flies to the ceiling before disappearing.  Once the Hollow is gone, Ichigo and Rukia, who is riding on his back shows up at his room window.

Ichigo: Hiroshi!  You all right!?

Hiroshi: ........I'm okay...  It's just that...  That Hollow...wasn't just a Hollow...

Rukia: *confused* What do you mean...?

Hiroshi: *turns to Ichigo and Rukia* That Hollow...was actually Sora...  Orihime's deceased brother...!


















Ichigo: What...?

To be continued

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