Chapter 2: Substitute Shinigami, Enter Rukia Kuchiki
Hiroshi Honda, age 15, is currently heading home after a long day of school. While on his way home however, he feels a strange presence coming from area he was in. He sighs to himself,mas he believes that it might be those punks that are back to most likely get revenge for beating them up a few days ago.
Hiroshi: Alright. *turns around* Come on, let's get this over with--
Then on instinct, Hiroshi jumps as something down in front of him, making a small hole I the street. He looks to see that it was some kind of monster, with a white mask on.
(A/N: I do not own this picture)
The Hollows goes for another attack, only for the creature to stop what it was doing...when it saw Hiroshi's eyes.
For some reason, the Hollow couldn't move. It's like everything from within is telling the beast to run, flee before it's too late. And they won't stop screaming.
Hiroshi: Whatever you are...piss off.
Now fearing for its life, the Hollow turns and runs off before disappearing into thin air. After it vanishes, Hiroshi gets up and dusts himself before returning home.
Hiroshi's thoughts: What the hell was that about?
The early morning sun rises over the town, but currently, Hiroshi is still lying asleep in his bed until...
Hiroshi: *groans* I hate this fucking clock... *yawns*
Hiroshi gets out of bed and does some stretches until he hears a satisfying pop.
Hiroshi: *sighs in satisfaction* There we go.
After that, Hiroshi washes himself a bit and puts on his school uniform, a grey jacket and pants, with his shirt untucked, the collar unbuttoned whole the jacket is open. He then goes downstairs to see his aunt placing his breakfast on the table.
Hiroshi: Morning, Aunt Mari.
Mari: Morning, Hiroshi. Breakfast is ready.
Hiroshi: Thanks.
He sits down and enjoys his breakfast.
After eating, he puts the chopsticks down before putting his hands together.
Hiroshi: Thank you form the meal.
He grabs his bag and walks out.
Karakura High School
Hiroshi is walking down the hall, when he accidentally bumped into Orihime.
Hiroshi: Oops, sorry, Orihime!
He holds up his hand to her. She was about to take it, but when Orihime sees his face, she couldn't help but blush over his handsomeness. She quickly stands up.
Orihime: No, no, no, it okay! Um, well-- oh, look at the time! It's time for volleyball. 😅
Orihime turns around and runs off. As she left, Tatsuki is standing next to the teen boy.
Tatsuki: Wow, didn't see that was something.
Hiroshi: Tatsuki...
Tatsuki: Yeah...?
He turns to the girl with a 'concerned' expression.
Hiroshi: Be honest with me... Am I scary?
Tatsuki: Why'd you think that?
Hiroshi: Because every time I get close to her, she runs off.
Tatsuki: *pats his back* You're not scary, so don't worry about it. And besides, she thinks you're handsome.
Hiroshi: She what now?
Tatsuki: Oh, nothing. By the way, how's your modeling job holding up?
Hiroshi: It's okay. Got a call, saying that we'll be doing summer wear soon.
Tatsuki: Neat.
In the girls bathroom, a moaning sound could be heard in one of the stalls. We then cuts to inside the stall to see...Orihime, who is sitting down with her panties lowered to her ankles, as she's currently inserting her fingers in and out of her womanhood with her right hand, and messaging her right breast with her left. As she was masterbating, she has an image of Hiroshi's handsome face.
Orihime's thoughts: Why? Why can't I get him out of my head?
She then starts to imagine herself laying on a heart-shape bed, in the nude while Hiroshi was hovering over her. It then cuts to them proceeding to engage in sexual intercourse, in various positions.
Orihime: *moaning* Ah, Hiro-kun!
Class 1-3
Back in class, the boys are having a conversation about what happened with Ichigo last night.
Keigo: Hey, Ichigo, I heard a truck crashed into your house last night, dude.
Ichigo: *sitting in his chair* Pretty much.
Mizuiro: Did you clean it all up yet?
Ichigo: What are you kidding? It's gonna take forever.
Chad: Need any help?
Ichigo: Huh? *looks up at Chad and smiles nervously* That's okay. 😅
Keigo: Yeah, Chad, I mean, you could end up bringing the whole house down, you know?
Hiroshi: Hey, what do we got next?
Mizuiro: Language lab.
???: Hello, you're Ichigo, aren't you?
Ichigo: *turns around* Huh? *eyes widened* What?
Hiroshi and the others also look to see a petite girl, sporting black hair, purple eyes, light skin, and is wearing the Karakura High School uniform.
"Rukia Kuchiki"
Rukia: I'll be sitting next to you from now on. My name is Rukia.
As if he saw a ghost, Ichigo pops out of his chair, freaking out.
Ichigo: *points at Rukia* It- it's you!
Keigo: Hey Ichigo, what's wrong with you?
Chad: You two know each other?
Rukia: Of course not, we never met before. Isn't that right, Ichigo?
Hiroshi: Haven't seen her before.
Mizuiro: Rukia's a brand new transfer student.
Keigo: Nice to meet ya.
Rukia: *holds out her hand* it's a pleasure.
When Ichigo looks at Rukia's hand, she flips it over to reveal some writing on her palm that reads "Make a scene and you are dead" on it.
Ichigo: *gasps in shock* (0_0)
Rukia: *smirks*
Outside in the back of the school, Ichigo and Rukia are now having a serious conversation.
Ichigo: *demanding* Alright, you freaky little nut job, what the hell do you think you're doing!?
Rukia: *acting innocent* How scary, you big brute. Jeepers, you're not gonna hurt me, are you?
Ichigo: *points at Rukia* First of all, you can knock it off with that "goody-two-shoes" act, OK?
Rukia: Well I think it's pretty good, considering I learned it over night.
Ichigo: *places his hands on his hips* Alright, forget it. So tell just what you're doing out here anyway? Weren't you supposed to be heading back to your Soul Society or whatever it was?
Rukia: *frowns* I can't. Only Shinigami can go back to the Soul Society. *lowers her head* I haven't the power to return anymore.
Ichigo: What do you mean?
Rukia: Last night, I lost almost all of my powers as a Soul Reaper. I'm afraid they were all absorbed into you, Ichigo.
Ichigo: Huh? I wouldn't know anything about that.
Rukia: Thanks you you, for the time being, I'm stuck in this ridiculous Gigai form.
Ichigo: *confused* What do mean by "Gigai"?
Rukia: *points to herself* It's a temporary body that serves as a vessel in an emergency. If a Shinigami is drastically weaken, they reside inside of a Gigai until their powers come back.
Ichigo: Oh, now I get it, so that's why the others were able to see before, right?
Rukia: Precisely. And so... Until all of my powers come back, it's up to you, Ichigo to perform the duties of a Soul Reaper.
Ichigo: Heh?
Rukia: It's only natural. You now possess the strength of a Shinigami. You do not have the right to refuse your call--
Ichigo: *cross his arms* No way!
Rukia: What?
Ichigo: My monster fighting days are over. That was a one time deal.
Rukia: Don't be ridiculous, Ichigo. You did just fine yesterday.
Ichigo: That was only because my family was in danger. But it's not like I'm really to go and fight for complete strangers or anything. Sorry to disappoint you.
Ichigo turns around and walks off.
Rukia: I see... *puts on a red glove with a skull* Guess there's no other choice then. Hey!
Ichigo: *turns his head* Huh?
He then see Rukia running towards him. Before he can do anything, Rukia's hand has already making contact to his face, pushing him...out of his own body. Now, he appears in a different outfit, consisting of a black kimono, white socks and sandals, with a katana as leng as him on his back. After collecting himself, Ichigo looks see his body on the ground.
Ichigo: (O_O) AH, SHIT, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BODY!?! What in the world did you do to me!?
Rukia: Follow me.
Rukia walks off, with Ichigo reluctantly following her. But unbeknownst to the two of them, somebody was watching them the whole time, and without them even knowing.
???: Shinigami, huh?
Back with Ichigo and Rukia
The two are now at the park, where they walk pass items that were left for a child that lost his life some time ago.
Ichigo: Hey, you're gonna tell me where we're going here?
Rukia: *pulls out a phone* We're getting close.
Ichigo: *annoyed* Close to what?
Rukia: Our latest orders. From the Soul Society, it looks the spirit of a boy that dwells here and this park is likely coming under attack soon--
She's cut off from what she was saying when they heard some screaming. They look to see the spirit of a little boy, who has a small chain attached to his chest, and is running from what appears to be a large monster with six legs and is wearing a white mask.
Spirit boy: *scared* HELP ME!!
Ichigo is about to run and help the boy, but...
Rukia: Hold it!
Ichigo: What is it?
Rukia: *mockingly* Just where are you going? That boy's a "complete stranger", isn't it?
Ichigo: ...So what? I can't just stand by and let this happen! You expect me to watch him die--
Rukia: Don't be such a fool!
Ichigo: Huh?
Rukia: In the eyes of a Shinigami, all the spirits of this world are equal. Getting involved, simply because spirits are nearby or need help isn't how it works.
While they were talking, the boy is still running form his life while screaming for help, causing Ichigo to turn around.
Rukia: Leave him be! If you attend to help this child, then commit yourself to saving EVERY spirit. You must be willing to go to any length...even to sacrifice your own life.
The words from Rukia was deep. Ichigo stood there, not moving an inch, as the Hollow comes near the boy. The boy falls to the ground, and the Hollow raises its leg and goes for the kill...but...
Ichigo cuts off two the creature's legs off with his sword. Rukia gasps from what she saw.
Shadows cast over Ichigo's eye. The Hollow falls over in pain as it disappears.
Rukia: Have you made your decision, Ichigo?
Ichigo: Ichigo Hell I have.
Rukia: Huh?
Ichigo: I haven't decided to do squat. I save this kid because I wanted to. You hear me? What about you?
Rukia: *confused* Me?
Ichigo: *serious* I seem to remember you putting your life on the line to save me last night. Tell me, were you really thinking your duty when you rushed to help me? Of course not. That's the last thing in your ming when save someone.
Rukia didn't have anything to retort because Ichigo was right. Last night, when the two first met, she willingly threw herself in the jaws of a Hollow to save Ichigo. She rushed in, getting herself injured, not because it was her duty as a Soul Reaper, but it was because she wanted to. But she's then taken out of her thoughts when the Hollow returns, and comes charging towards Ichigo, who has his back turned.
Ichigo: At the very least, I choose...
Ichigo: To be different!
Ichigo turns around, and STABS the Hollow in the face. He pulls it out and let's the monster fall and dissipates. After things finally calmed down, the boy picks himself up. When he sees Ichigo with his sword out, he flinches by the sight of him. Ichigo then lowers to the child's level.
Ichigo: Hey, kid, if you don't want to go through that again, you better hurry up and pass on already.
After saying that, the orange-haired teenager then stamps the boy's forehead with the hilt of his sword. When that's done, the boy closes his eyes, as he is able to finally pass the Soul Society. Once he's gone, Rukia walks up to Ichigo.
Rukia: You did that quite beautifully.
Ichigo say anything as he gets up.
???: Well now, that was interesting.
Surprised, the two turns to that it was...Hiroshi himself.
Ichigo: Hiroshi...?
Hiroshi: Sorry, Ichigo, but I was a bit suspicious about our new transfer student.
Rukia: *fainting ignorance* What do you mean, Hiroshi?
Hiroshi: Earlier, back at class, you had "Make a scene and you're dead" on your palm. Also, you did something that caused Ichigo to appear in what he's wearing right now, and the fact that you left his body on the ground back at school. If I didn't hide it, somebody would've founded it and cause a panick. Now, tell me, who are you, really? And what was that monster that Ichigo killed?
Rukia could see that Hiroshi would not be easily fooled like the others. She was about to tell him, but Hiroshi holds up his hand, singling her to not talk.
Hiroshi: But not right now. We have this conversation back at house. For now, let's get back before the others get suspicious.
Both Ichigo and Rukia nods their heads in agreement, and the three heads back to school.
To be continue
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