
      Anna arrived at the restaurant; AnStin treats.

     "Anna." Justin walked into the kitchen few minutes Anna had just settled in.

     "Yes Justin?" Anna looked up at him. She was instructing two female staffs on what to do.

    "Can I see you for a minute?" He asked.

   "Oh. Sure, give me a second." Anna told him and Justin went out. She turned back to the ladies waiting for her orders. "Okay... Um... Why don't you break the eggs and extract the egg white, then put it in the mixer. When it's fluffy enough you can add the sugar, okay?" Anna said to them and they nodded.

     Anna walked out of the kitchen, heading to Justin's office. "What's up?" She tossed her hair away from her face.

      "I've got news." Justin said with a smile on his face. He was seated by the edge of his table, facing the door.

     "Go." She said, signalling for him to continue.

     "You remember the biennial fundraising gala, The Hazel gala?" Justin raised his brows.

      Anna frowned. "The one for the elites around the world? Where they come to talk about innovation and creativity... Stuff like that?" Anna asked, Justin nodded. "

     "We're going this year." Justin smiled at her. "This time, I had an insider show me a peek of what the guest list looks like. Anna, there are so many influential people popping in this year and this is going to be good for our resturant. Martha Stewart is definitely showing up." Justin was really excited.

    "Wow, how did you manage to get an invitation? The organizers are very particular about their exquisite guest list." Anna asked him.

     "I guess I was lucky enough to have a friend who was ready to lend a helping hand so he got me a spot." Justin said to her. "Anna, I don't know if you remember but I might have told you about Tom Johnson, he manages the biggest pastry restaurant here in Ireland. He wants to meet with us at the gala!!!" Justin was ecstatic. This is the opportunity to make big! You're going for the gala, please say yes." He stood up from the table. "

     "Of course... We are." Anna stressed the WE.

         He nodded... "Um... Anna... That day is my wedding anniversary, you know Betty and I have been having series of issues lately, so I was planning to... You know, stay home and work out our differences." Justin told her.

     Anna tucked her hair behind her ears. "When is the gala?" She asked.

      "Next week Monday. Today is errr... Friday? Yeah Friday. Do you think you could help me out?" He asked.

      She exhaled deeply... "Oh Justin. I've got a kid you know? Mondays are really hectic for me. Preparing her lunch, breakfast, getting her ready for school, picking her up, taking her for ballet classes, her home work...." Anna could name everything she was going to do on Monday.

     "There's no need to come here on Monday. Take the day off work, spend all the time with Isla and then in the evening, you can go for the gala. Plus! Isla could stay with Betty and I for the night, we don't mind having her at our place at all." He told her.

     Leaving Isla with Justin and his wife Betty wasn't a new thing for Anna but she didn't want to, there was always her cousin Naraya or her aunt Syla to look after her daughter.

    "It's fine. My aunt will be around anyway." Anna told him.

      "So it's a yes?" Justin asked in anticipation.

    "I can't refuse can I?" Anna chuckled softly.

    "Thank you! Oh thank you Anna!" He went to hug her. "You're such an angel."

    "You owe me big time." She told him with a smile.

    "Name it!" Justin said, willing to do her bid.

    Later that evening......

    "You look hot." Naraya commented with a smirk, looking Anna up and down.

    Anna was dressed in a velvet royal blue short bodycon while Naraya had a mini grey dress on.

     "You look hotter. You still don't want me to know where we're going?" Anna asked as they walked down her stairs.

    "A club! Girl damn, look at that ass." Naraya smacked Anna's butt.

   "Hey!" Anna's hand flew to her butt immediately.

    "You're gifted." Naraya laughed heartily.

   After twenty minutes of driving, they finally got to the luxurious club and were given VIP treatment.

    "Now this is what I'm talking about." Naraya did a hair flip, giving Anna a smile.

    Anna scanned the area, the place was hardly lit with lights except the dim red and blue lights that flashed as quickly as she blinked. "And pretty noisy..." Anna voiced that last part.

     "Even better." Naraya pushed up her boobs, chesting out even more.

    "What are you doing?" Anna asked her, trying to speak above the loud music.

     "What does it seem like am doing?" Naraya laughed at Anna. "Baby girl, this is the VIPs and I have to shoot my shot tonight. You have to let loose okay, don't you see how pretty you look?"

     Anna smiled and that's when someone came to take their order. She left everything for Naraya to decide because that was Naraya's speciality.

    Anna's eyes roamed around the place, the VIP wasn't just any VIP, it was really organized. That's when her eyes landed on two girls, maybe 20 or 21? The girls were with a man old enough to be their father.

     Look how he's touching them! Anna scoffed mentally when she noticed that his hands were given on her breasts. This made her think of her own daughter. Would Isla be wild and careless? No! I will never let my daughter grow up like those girls. Anna frowned at her thoughts.

     "What's with you?" Naraya asked as soon as she noticed Anna's frown.

     "Nothing." She wasn't going to tell Naraya what she thought. "If Dee finds out about this, he'll probably reprimand me." Anna chuckled to the thought that she had someone chiding her even though she was already a grown woman.

     Just then they were served as much alcohol as Naraya wanted.

    "Thank you." Naraya smiled at the man who had brought it to them.

     "Enjoy yourself ladies, the bills been paid for." The macho man told them.

     "Really?" Both Anna and Naraya said together.

    "Yup," The macho man pointed at the direction of a man who was smirking at Anna and Naraya. "He's over there, blue shirt."

     "Aww, that's so nice of him." Naraya awwned, giving their mysterious buyer a cute wave.

    "He said I should give this to you." The macho man turned back to Anna, holding a small paper in his hand.

   "What's that?" Anna asked as she collected the card from the macho man. She opened it, mentally reading, Jack.

     "I'm gonna leave you ladies now, excuse me." The macho man said before leaving.

     "What's that?" Naraya inquired, giving Anna a smug look.

    "I don't know, maybe his name or something." Anna shrugged, giving the card to Naraya.

     "So his name is Jack." Naraya studied the card. "He even dropped his number."

    Anna hadn't noticed before. "He did? Like does he think I'm gonna call him or what?" Anna said, really sarcastic.

    "Yeah, I guess that's what he thinks." Naraya chuckled, handing the card back to Anna. "Just wave or smile to the poor guy, I mean, he did pay for these." She pointed to the drinks on the table.

     "Did I ask him to? Did I beg for it?" Anna scoffed, rolling her eyes.

     "You don't want him coming over here do you?" Naraya shook her head in amusement.

    Anna blew raspberries before turning to the man in blue who was sitting at a distance. She immediately gave him one of those her fake smiles that no one would know was fake, the man used two fingers to blow a kiss back at her.

    "Yikes," she turned back to her cousin. "He's a creep."

     Naraya laughed while taking a big gulp from the expensive wine they got. She then remembered something. "Right! You were saying something about Dee."

   "Yeah," Anna shrugged, taking a glass of red wine. "He doesn't like me going to places like this." It's not that she liked either.

     "What's your relationship status with Dee? You both fuckbuddies?" Naraya asked nonchalantly.

     Anna coughed, spilling the wine on her dress.

    "Oops." Naraya laughed, pouring more wine into her glass.

      "Please don't use that word in front of my daughter, if I ever hear her say that, I'll kill you." Anna shot Naraya a glare.

    "Ha ha, okay mama bear. But seriously, you guys should just make it official. Anna, I don't even know your problem! Dee is wealthy, he's extremely hot and sexy, so handsome and stunning, he really adores and cares deeply for you. To top it all, he is Isla's father." Naraya narrowed her eyes, throwing her hands up.

     Anna bit her lip as soon as the lights flicked. "It's more complicated than that Naraya." Anna sighed deeply.

    "You are making it complicated. Why don't you want your family to be together? From Dee's point of view, he really likes you." Naraya told her. "How about you, don't you feel anything for him?"

    "Dee and I are friends." Anna finally said. "We don't see each other the way you see us, I swear." Anna said calmly.

     "Like booty call?" She raised a brow.

   "No! Stop saying those things. He and I aren't in a sexual relationship, you just happen to always meet us in compromising situations. If I told you we haven't shared a kiss before, would you believe me?" Anna asked, sipping from a glass.

     "Nope!" Naraya threw her hands in the air. "Since you don't want him, give him to me." Naraya pouted her lips.

     "No!" Anna said sharply.

   "Ah, ah, ah, I see what you're doing. Possessive eh?" Naraya raised her glass, smirking at Anna. "Cheers."

   Anna leaned back on the chair, folding her arms. "Stop taunting me."

     Suddenly, Work by Rihanna ft Drake started playing.

    "Oh my god, this is my song!!" Naraya squealed. She stood up with a glass in her hand.

    "Where are you going?" Anna furrowed as she watched Naraya fix her hair.

   "Darling, amma get pregnant tonight." Naraya blew her a kiss. "Do you wanna tag along?"

    "Nah, I'm good." Anna nodded.

   "Your loss." With that, Naraya walk-danced away.

     Anna blew raspberries, she thought Naraya said it was going to be fun. She got her phone, taking to Instagram.

Meanwhile...... Same club....

   "You're so hot, and so damn familiar. Have we met before?" The red haired girl asked Scott who was seated beside her. Her fingers were twirling around a lock of her hair.

    "What's your name?" He whispered seductively in her ear, making her giggle.

    "Whatever you want me to be." The girl bit her lower lip while staring down at Scott's lips.

    Scott smirked at her, studying her face. She had so much makeup on, her red lipstick was way too much that he knew that if he kisses her, he will definitely have it all over his lips.

    "I'll call you red." He said, leaning to kiss her cheek. Scott could see Chad having a conversation with some girl, they were laughing.

    "I love it." The redhead giggled, tracing Scott's lips with her fingers.

    Scott frowned slightly at her. He didn't like his woman giggling, he never found it cute or alluring. Before he could say anything, the woman pressed her lips against his, kissing him slowly.

   She isn't bad for a kisser. He thought, flowing along with he intense kiss.

   "Hello, Justin?" Anna said as soon as she placed the phone over her ear. Before she could hear his voice, the music blared and she lost what his said. "Can you give me a second, I'll call you back." Anna said, standing up to leave.

      Anna walked past two people who were practically dry humping and making out like crazy. She couldn't see their faces because the redhead girl was literally trying to swallow his face while the man shamelessly squeezed her butt.

   Pig. Anna nearly voiced out her thoughts. Why couldn't they wait till they got home

     She was looking for a more quiet spot to call. She walked down a secluded corridor with less noise, she then entered what looked like an empty storage room.

    "Where are you?" Anna heard Justin ask.

   "Naraya and I are having a girls night out." She said with a smile.

    "That's nice. But I wasn't invited, ouch."

  "It's a girl's thing Justin." Anna told him. "Naraya is having more fun than I am."

    Justin laughed echoed... "I'm not surprised."

   "So... Um, why'd you call?" Anna asked, turning her back to the door.

     "Well, I have something I forgot to tell you."


    "It's about the new branch in America..."

"What about it?" She asked curiously.

    "I was thinking, both of us are here, why can't one of us move down to America."

     Anna didn't know why she suddenly felt hot. "W-why? This is our headquarters."

     "Anna, I can't place someone I don't trust to manage that place for us. The only person I trust is you,"

    Anna sighed... "Justin, I... I can't go back to America." Anna didn't want to even think of going back. She was really happy where she was, she didn't want a change.

   Justin took a short pause before he continued. "It's only going to be for a while, two months or so, it's just to keep things running. You are better at handling people than I am. You're the head chef, people would want to know you. I'm really really really counting on you on this one." Justin told her.

    Anna licked her lips nervously. The new branch was at Washington DC, what were the odds she'd bump into Scott Ontario? 20:100?.......... She couldn't turn Justin down, he had helped her alot when she was just starting as a baker.

     "Can I think about it?" Anna's voice pleased with him.

     "Yeah, but I really wish you'd say yes." Justin hoped.

     "Thank you." Anna told him. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" She told him.

    "Yeah, goodnight." Justin said to her.

  "Goodnight." Anna said before hanging up. She didn't want to go back to America yet, she wasn't ready.

     She took in a deep breath and turned to the door. Just before she could take two steps, the door slammed shut unexpectedly before her eyes; making her jump.

    Scott's making out session with the redhead finally came to a stop when he felt his phone vibrate in his pants pocket.

  "One second." He gave her a quick peck on the lips, pulling her away from his laps. Scott got his phone out and when he saw the caller ID, his frowned. "Sorry I've got to take this." He told the redhead as he stood. "When I get back, I'm gonna take you to heaven." He smirked at her.

     "I will be right here." She gave a seductive wink.

    Scott quickly left the place, looking for a very quiet place to talk to his father. That's right, Ethan Ontario had just called.

     "Dad." Scott said as soon as he cleared his throat.

    "How was the trip? I hope it wasn't stressful?" Ethan's voice came through the speaker.

     "It wasn't." Scott answered as he got to a corridor.

     "The preparations for the Gala, how is it going? Chad's there with you I presume."

    "He is. We were actually going through some proposals for Mr Leon." Scott said to him, taking slow steps down the corridor.

   "Good. Make sure to get the contract Scott."

    "I will." Scott nodded.

  "And please don't embarrass yourself in that place, for the company's sake."

    "I have everything under control." Scott rolled his eyes.

    "I still have a meeting with some investors, I have to go. I'll call you later, to ask about the progress."

     "Alright." Scott said walking passed a closed door. "Bye." He said to him before hanging off.

    Scott sighed for relief, the old man should give him a little break.

     "Is someone there?"

     Scott heard a voice and he turned back to see who said that. But of course, no one was there.

       "Can anyone hear me?"

  He frowned, retracing his steps back to the closed metal door. He heard light banging on the door.

       "Can anyone hear me?!"

     The feminine voice yelled louder behind the door, she seemed frustrated....

         "Um... Hello?"Scott touched the door. Had he heard wrongly?

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