We weren't always mutants

"We weren't always this huge and saving cities. We use to be a human boys pet before we became known as the mutants we are today. My name is Michelangelo but Mikey for short. That's what my brothers call me. I'm the party dude out of the four of us and also the youngest. Donnie or Donatello was the third oldest and the smartest, Raph was the strongest and a hothead, Leo was the oldest brother of all. Master Splinter is a rat that taught us how to be ninja's and he is our father. I know what your thinking a rat for a father of four turtles? Well, shell yeah. No one else was gonna be our father but also Splinter was once human and took care of us. But, I'm getting off track. Let's start at the beginning"

Some year before the turtles were mutants. They were in a bowl and a little boy was happy to buy them. The boy was walking to get back home then stops at a corner. The walk sign turned on but then a truck was rushing past and everyone moved out the way. The boy dropped the bowl of turtles and they fell into the sewer. Hamato Yoshi was sitting with his rat friends reading a book on the renaissance cause it was his favorite. Then four turtles fell on him and he smiled.

Hamato Yoshi "New friends. Why hello little ones. I wonder where you came from? Were you flushed away or did society not want you either?"

The turtles look at him and then Hamato smiled petting them.

Hamato Yoshi "Do not worry I will take care of you four. You must be hungry. I will buy food or at least see what i can find."

He his home to find some food for the turtles. Hamato Yoshi was walking through the streets careful not to run into the foot clan. He went to the store to pick up some food and went back to his sewers. When he was in the tunnel he called home he see pink ooze covering the little turtles. He went over to them and clean off the ooze that covered the turtles. The next thing that happened was the turtles started mutating and turn into teenagers. Hamato Yoshi was amazed to see them turn into human like teens. But then he started to feel himself change and then he was mutated into the rat. He was horrified but then accepted it. The turtles were confused and looked at Hamato Yoshi. He smiled at them and called them his sons then decided to teach them how to talk and fight. The turtles learned to speak and called him their father/master. Hamato Yoshi changed his name to splinter given to him by his rat friends.

Master Splinter "Now bout naming you four. Hmmm.....I know what I will you you. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo. My sons you have learned the art of ninjitsu. Use this wisely not for evil but to help those who can't protect themselves."

Leonardo "We will Master."

Master Splinter gave them their masks. Leonardo had a mask and was given katana swords cause he was skilled with them. Raphael had a red mask and was given sai's. Donatello had a boa staff and had a purple mask. Michelangelo had on a orange mask and was given nunchucks.

Michelangelo "Alright! We get our very own weapons and everything bros"

Raphael "Hey, Mikey. Can you scream any louder? I mean I'm excited to but when do we get to beat up some bad guys?"

Leonardo "We can't go out their. Master splinter says we should stay down here cause the human world isn't ready for us."

Donatello "Well, what do we eat?"

Michelangelo "I don't know dudes but i could go for some carrots or something."

Donatello "Uh, Mikey. Carrots are in the store."

Raphael "Thanks genius. Tell us something we don't know."

Leonardo "Well, be some left over food somewhere? Hey, Raph. Why don't me and you have a look around?"

Raphael "Who made you leader?"

Leonardo "No one. I'm just trying to look out for all of us."

Donatello "Come on, Mikey."

Michelangelo "Sure thing Don."

They split up and went off to find something to eat. But no luck and they came back together.

Leonardo "Any luck Don?"

Donatello "No such luck on our end. How bout you and Raph?"

Raphael "No. Me and Leo looked but couldn't find anything"

Michelangelo "So we're gonna starve."

Leonardo "Well, if were sneaky enough. We can go up top and find food."

Michelangelo "Shell yeah!"

Donatello "Yeah, lets go."

Raphael "Okay."

They went up top and were careful to not be seen. They then climb up to the roof top and look down to see what they could eat. Michelangelo points to a pizza shop and they climbed down then smelled the pizza scent coming from the shop. Their stomachs growled.

Michelangelo "Man, it smells delicious."

Leonardo "Whatever it is. It must be good."

Donatello "Ninja pizza shop."

Raphael "Ninja pizza? Must be a shop for ninja's only."

Leonardo "But we can't be seen."

Donatello "I have an idea guys. We can call them then the guy will give us pizza."

Michelangelo "that's a great idea Donnie."

They went to find a pay phone but then realized they don't have money. Then they went back into the shadows to hide again.

Donatello "Jeez, I kind of forgot we don't have money."

Leonardo "Now, what?"

Raphael "Great. No money, no food. We mind as well be eating sushi with Master Splinter."

Michelangelo "No way, dude. I'm not eating sushi."

Donatello "Then maybe theirs another way."

Leonardo "Like what?"

Raphael "We can always do acts or join the circus." 

Leonardo "Very funny, Raph." 

Donatello "Well, lets just put on a show for these people."

Michelangelo "But, won't these people be scared of us?"

Raphael "Yeah. But it couldn't hurt to try."

Leonardo "I don't know."

Michelangelo "Please....I'm hungry."

Leonardo sighed then nods. They see some clothes on a hanger and some guy selling them. They sneak over there and take some clothes. Then put on a show for people and they got some money to buy pizza. They go back to the sewer and eat the pizza.

Michelangelo "Awesome! Dudes, this pizza is so tasty."

Donatello "Yeah."

Raphael "you got that right."

Leonardo "We should go to bed."

They nod and were off to bed. Before they go to bed they take off their masks and climb on their bed sleeping. 

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