Freaking Life 10
We're at the dining table now, and with me are Dad, Mom, and Dennis. The four of us are complete in front of the dining table, but Thane and Elana aren't here right now. Thane told me earlier that he needed to visit Feldenberg, and as for Elana, well, I don't know where that crazy girl is.
"So Lizzy, what happened to you for the past 13 years? It's okay if you don't want to answer now, I'm just curious," Dad asked me.
It's good to think that he's somewhat sensitive to me; he knows how to understand me.
"It's okay. Since I don't really remember when I was four, the age you said I disappeared, someone adopted me, and she's aware of who and what I am. But that's all in the past; she was already long gone, and I've already accepted it," I said.
I shortened my response to avoid having to explain further. I can say that I've accepted it, but deep down, what Mama did still hurts me.
"Okay, I'm not sure what to say to you right now, Lizzy, but all I can say is I'm proud of you because you managed to survive alone for such a long time," Mom said softly.
I just smiled at her, not knowing what to say in response.
After we finished eating, I excused myself to go to my room. It's just that I didn't expect that today I would see my real parents. I was overwhelmed when I saw them and happy at the same time.
I sat in front of the dressing table, brushing my hair. I had just finished bathing, and I was wearing a loose dress. I glanced at the wooden box and remembered the locket. I took it from inside the wooden box and looked at it again. I wonder if I can open it. It has a keyhole in the middle and it's quite heavy. It's uncomfortable to wear around my neck.
My attention was shifted when there was a knock on the door. I quickly placed the locket back on the dressing table and went to open the door. I was surprised to see Mom wearing a nightdress similar to mine, but hers was beige while mine was pastel blue.
"Am I disturbing you?" she asked me with a slight smile on her lips.
"Not at all, please come in," I replied.
She entered and looked around my room. Then put her gaze back on me.
She smiled and looked at me, and I stared back at her, then sat on my bed.
"They brought you back to your room again. This used to be your room, Lizzy, one of the finest suites in the Keep," Mom said.
I didn't find her words surprising; it's quite obvious that this is one of the finest suites, given its size and extravagant design. The bed I was sitting on was also incredibly beautiful. But I was still contemplating whether I deserved such high-class materials. I used to be a normal person before.
Mom's attention was diverted when she saw the locket on the dressing table. She approached it, picked it up, and examined it with a surprised expression, which quickly turned into a smile.
That was a mixed emotion. I feel you, Mom, I often feel that too...
"This locket, it's still with you?" Mom asked incredulously as she held the locket, then moved closer to me, sitting beside me on the bed.
"Actually, I didn't even know I had this. My adoptive mother kept it hidden from me," I explained.
Mom's expression shifted slightly, seeming to hold a hint of anger, understandable since her child was taken away. But she quickly reverted to her usual look.
She moved closer to me and showed me the locket as if she wanted to explain it, and she really smelled nice, not just from perfume, but from the scent of the fabric of her clothes.
"Look at this," she said, pointing to the initials on the front of the locket.
"There are J&K and D&E, right?" she asked, raising it as a question.
I nodded.
"J&K stands for Jared and Kiara, your dad and my initials, while D&E stands for Dennis and Elizabeth, yours and your brother's initials. I gave you this locket when you were just three years old, but of course, I only made you wear it or hold it during events. Actually, you didn't want to let it go when you were younger," Mom explained with a beautiful smile on her lips.
She took something from the necklace hanging around her neck, and I saw a key. Could it be? She have the key all this time? I heard a clicking sound as she opened it using the key she had as a necklace, and as usual, there was a picture inside the locket. One picture on the left showed Mom and Dad together, Dad's arm around Mom, and they looked like they were in their twenties in the picture.
On the right side was Dennis, embracing a little girl who was his height—me, that's me when I was younger. I was surprised as I looked at Mom and then smiled. This is the truth—I've always been with them three in this locket. It's a memory.
"Mom, thank you for never giving up on finding me," I said to her.
She hugged me tightly, and I hugged her back.
"Everything may be lost, except for a mother's love," she said as she embraced me.
"You guys have a sleepover and didn't invite us?"
Mom and I let go of each other when we saw Dad and Dennis by the open door, both in their pajamas.
Mom gave me the locket, and I put it on while she wore her necklace with the key pendant again.
"It's a girls' night," Mom said to Dad.
"No, it's Family night!" Dad disagreed.
"Sleepover!" Dennis shouted, jumping onto my bed.
"Canon ball!" Dad copied Dennis and jumped onto the bed too.
Mom and I quickly stood up and moved away from the bed.
This is unusual. I was surprised at what they were doing. Why are they doing that on my bed?
I shook my head, unable to believe what they were doing—they were having a pillow fight.
"I thought acting like that wasn't allowed for royalty?" I asked, puzzled.
"We can be normal for a day," Mom replied.
I gasped at her response. Wow, they are so happy.
"Boys," Mom and I said together.
We looked at each other and chuckled, then joined in their pillow fight. Laughter filled my room, along with scattered feathers from the torn pillows. They'll pay for this; they chose to have a pillow fight here, so they can't escape getting even with both Mom and me. This is a Girls Against Boys pillow fight. They better be ready!
I woke up suddenly and remembered what we had done last night. I wished it wasn't a dream, but thankfully it wasn't because I noticed that I was beside Mom, and she was still sleeping and hugging me.
My bed is quite large, as it's a Queen size bed. I also noticed that Dennis slept here too, and I was in the middle between Mom and Dennis. Mom was beside me, Dennis was next to me, and Dad was next to Dennis.
And Dad's snoring is so loud. Seriously, how does Mom manage to sleep with his snoring every night when they sleep together? I was lying down and noticed that Dennis was facing me. I turned to him.
He looked at me and yawned. Surprisingly, he didn't have bad breath.
"You're awake. Gosh, my body hurts. You hit me with your pillow so hard last night," he groaned softly.
"Hey, it's not my fault? You and Dad started it!" I groaned softly too.
We just chuckled softly because Mom and Dad were still asleep. Actually, it's already morning, but they're still asleep. These guys really sleep like logs.
Mom moved and faced the other side of the bed. I looked back at Dennis, and he was looking towards the foot of the bed.
"Thank you, Dennis, for looking for me," I said to him with sincerity in my voice.
He looked at me and smiled.
"Lizzy, I wouldn't have found you today if it wasn't for Thane. He started all of this, the search for you," he replied.
"Well, I guess he deserves some credit too," I replied.
"And Lizzy," Dennis called my name.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Get up and brush your teeth, your breath stinks," he said.
I glared at him and gave him a hard slap on the arm, but Mom and Dad didn't wake up.
"Ahh!" he reacted quietly, clutching his shoulder, clearly in pain.
Serves him right.
I immediately got up and slowly left the bed. He also got out of bed and stood in front of me. I gave him a playful look before heading to the bathroom, knowing he was annoyed with what I did.
Serves him right.
I tidied myself up in the bathroom and put on a bathrobe. When I came out of the bathroom connected to the room, Mom, Dad, and Dennis were gone. Wow, was I really that long in the shower?
I dressed in my usual dress and tied my hair into a ponytail again. Ugh, my hair gets so messy if it's not tied up.
I went downstairs to the hall and saw Mom and Dad there talking to Thane and Dennis, but Elana wasn't there. It's strange that she suddenly disappeared.
I noticed Mom was wearing a fancy dress and Dad was in a suit.
"Mom, Dad, where are you going?" I asked them.
"We need to return to Erewhon first, dear. We can't leave it unattended; we just took a one-day leave to see you," Dad explained to me, and it was obvious in his voice that he didn't want to leave just yet.
"Okay, well, I guess I'll stay here for now," I replied.
"We'll still see each other, on your coronation day. We'll be waiting for you," Mom said to me, smiling.
Mom approached me and hugged me, and so did Dad. Mom hugged Dennis too, but Dad just patted Dennis on the shoulder. Mom then looked at Thane, and Thane bowed to Mom and Dad.
"Be safe, Your Majesties," Thane said with respect in his voice.
I'm not used to Thane being like this, so respectful. I can't believe that crazy guy can be as respectful as that.
"Trent, we've told you, to only use formalities during events. Just be normal," Dad told him.
I chuckled slightly when I heard that, 'Be normal.' Thane gave me a glare.
"You can call us Aunt and Uncle, Thane. You don't need to address us like that," Mom added.
"So we'll be leaving now. See you again soon, Lizzy, Dennis, and Thane," Dad said as they exited the Keep.
Mom waved before finally leaving and getting into the car. We also got out of the Keep, but we only went as far as the door, watching their car drive away.
I sighed and looked at Thane and Dennis.
"Aren't you going in yet?" I asked them.
No one answered. Okay? What's going on?
"So Dad wants you to be normal?" Dennis said to Thane, teasingly, with a hint of laughter in his voice. He found it funny too? I thought it was just me. Well, twins.
"Shut up," Thane retorted.
Dennis burst into laughter, and Thane tried to keep his composure. Meanwhile, I stared at Dennis in disbelief. Seriously, how silly. He's finding joy in such trivial things.
"Tsk," Thane reacted, glaring at Dennis, and then he left.
Dennis regained his composure and glanced at me.
"Good job, Dennis!" I said to him with a thumbs up.
Why? I also want Thane to be annoyed. Serves him right. All this time, I've been the one who gets annoyed by him, so let him deal with it.
1 month before the coronation
It's my summer break now, but it seems like I won't really have a good one, you know, like a vacation? Oh, wait! Even before, I never really had a vacation. I live in my aunt's house, which originally belonged to my mom. Someday, I'll have it back. Take note, she's always bossing me around. How can I call that a summer break?
I haven't been very happy with my summer breaks until now, and currently, I'm still studying these princess lessons, which I find very tiring.
And anyway, Roy hasn't returned since he bid farewell last month, and we haven't heard any news about Paul either since what happened at school, and according to Dennis, he's gone into hiding, that mole!
And the new language instructor for me is none other than Oliver, my butler. Can you believe that? He's actually fluent in many languages. Almost everyone here at the keep is full of surprises. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.
And anyway, Elana is still here, continuing to torment my life, and Thane, well, I nearly lose my voice in his music lessons, but somehow I'm making progress with their teachings, little by little, I'm becoming a princess. But that doesn't mean I've truly forgotten who I am; I'm still a normal person, a former commoner, deep inside.
As for Dennis, after Dad left, he informed me that he and Phillip (his butler) would be leaving for a while, and he said that Thane would be in charge of me for the time being. Like I would listen to him. He also mentioned that he needed to search for something. I wondered if he was looking for Paul, but I doubt it. For the past few days, I've been sneaking out of the Keep, but somehow, Thane always manages to find me.
Also, Miles found out about what Paul did, so one of his tasks is to find him and hold him accountable for his actions—not only to his friend but also to Erewhon. I can't even imagine how difficult and painful that must be for Miles, but I think he can endure it.
I slouched on my desk, barely paying attention to Oliver's teachings. I did manage to learn something, though. I didn't want his efforts to go to waste.
"Do you understand, Your Highness?"
I quickly snapped back to reality when Oliver called me.
"Ah, yes," I replied promptly, even though I wasn't really listening.
I was just at the back of the Keep, sitting on the wooden swing, when I saw Thane approaching me and sitting beside me. For the past few days, all he's done is annoy me, constantly lecturing me and monitoring my actions, as if I might run away again. That's exactly the point! I escape because I don't want to be treated like that, duh! I can make my own decisions.
I just scowled as I looked at the flowers, silently wishing he wasn't here.
"Lizzy, I'm sorry for being like that to you. You can't blame me, though. I mean, if anything happens to you, I'll blame myself, and I might not be able to forgive myself, also your family might not forgive me" he explained to me.
"Yeah, but I told you, I can protect myself," I complained, my is voice calm but with underlying annoyance.
"You don't understand. If only I could explain everything to you," he said.
"Explain what?" I asked, puzzled, furrowing my brow as I looked at him.
He was about to answer when a young girl arrived, looking younger than me, maybe around 15 or 16, and she was beautiful. Her hair was loose and straight, and she was tall with fair skin, wearing a pink dress. She looked very modest and polite. Another princess. I'm not even surprised; my plain appearance couldn't compete with her beauty. I always wore my hair in a ponytail and didn't wear makeup. Like duh! My face gets so itchy.
Thane glanced at her and immediately stood up from his seat, leaving me alone on the swing. Finally, he wasn't beside me anymore.
"Jessica? Is that you?" he asked the approaching girl.
And here I was, trying not to pay attention to them, hoping they would leave.
"Thane! Oh my gosh! I miss you so much!" she exclaimed to Thane in her high-pitched voice. Ugh, irritating.
I glanced at them, and she hugged Thane tightly, and he returned the hug as if they hadn't seen each other in ages. Really? Right in front of me.
After they hugged, that Jessica girl looked at me.
"You must be Elizabeth, the finally found princess," she said to me.
Seriously? I always hear that whenever someone from royalty meets me. Duh!
I just stared at her, bored.
"Oh! Where are my manners!? I am Jessica Marie Brige, Elana's little sister," she said.
They're sisters? They look so different. I found Elana fearless and rude, and this one seems a bit flirtatious and cheerful. They're complete opposites. I barely know her, but I'm already thinking she's flirtatious. Like, really? Well, I can judge whomever I want.
"Well, it seems like you already know me, so I probably don't need to introduce myself," I replied to her.
"Rude," she retorted, slightly pouting, as if she's cute. She actually looked like a duck.
She immediately clung to Thane like a leech. Ew, so clingy. Thane just let her, smiling at her like an idiot.
I gave them a disgusted look and walked out. I didn't have time to watch them; it's cringey. But somehow it bugs me. I don't want her getting close to Thane. God, what the hell is happening to me? Why does it affect me?
I returned inside the Keep, feeling like I'd been through the wringer when someone called out to me.
"Hey! Lizzy!"
I turned to the voice, my eyes widening in surprise, and I smiled. Oh my gosh, something good to see. It's Miles! It's been a month since we last saw each other.
"Miles!" I shouted and rushed towards him.
"You're still the same after one month," I told him.
"Of course," he replied, spreading his arms as if waiting for a hug.
I just smiled and hugged him, but not for too long. We quickly went to the living room, where he started sharing his experiences. Actually, I feel comfortable being with him. He's kind as a friend, even though he used to have a bit of a promiscuous side. I bet he's changed now.
"It must be painful for you to find out the truth about what Paul did," I said to him.
"Yeah, it is. But I accept it. I also had my faults. I didn't pay attention to how he felt when he was by my side. I didn't even ask if he was okay," he said with regret and concern in his voice.
"Cheer up! You will get your title and honor back," I said to him, smiling.
He just smiled and messed up my hair. I gave him a look.
"How dare you touch my hair," I said, half-jokingly and half-serious.
"I can see a bond here," Miles and I turned our heads when we saw Roy approaching us.
"Roy!" I exclaimed as I remained seated where I was.
Then I remembered what he did a month ago when he gave me a kiss on the cheek, so I felt a little bit awkward around him.
He didn't sit on the couch; instead, he said something to me.
"Lizzy, you need to see something," he said, with a smile on his lips, and there was excitement in his voice.
I glanced at Roy and then at Miles because I guess he knew what Roy was talking about.
We went up to the second floor and entered a room with bookshelves and books. It's a library, wow! Quite extra.
I saw a guy in a white coat standing with his hands behind his back, looking out the window and observing the surroundings of the Keep. Next to him was a chair, and there was a girl sitting on it, reading a book. She was wearing a high-waisted skirt, a black crop top, and a cardigan. Only one person I know dresses like that.
"Detdet," I called out, surprised at the sound of my own voice.
Detdet looked at me, letting go of the book she was reading, while my Godfather also turned to look at me when I called out.
"EE!" she shouted as excitement cracked on her face.
She quickly approached me and hugged me tightly, and I could feel tears dropping from her eyes onto my shoulder, and I found myself crying too. We hadn't seen each other in months; she's my best friend, and also a person I consider my sister.
"I missed you, EE!" she said.
"Me too, Detdet, me too," I softly replied to her.
We let go of each other from the hug and looked at one another. She's still the same, unlike me, who has changed a lot.
"So, you're wearing dresses now," she joked, wiping away her tears.
I just nodded at her, still smiling.
"You look beautiful," she said sincerely.
That's the first compliment I've heard from her.
Detdet glanced at the people behind me, Roy and Miles, with a puzzled expression on her face.
"What are they doing here ?" she asked.
"I'll tell you later," I replied.
"Okay, so where's Dennis?"
I immediately looked at her. Okay, I know she knows Dennis, but why does it seem like they're close all of a sudden? Am I missing something here?
"Why are you looking for him?" I asked, puzzled.
"I think you're not aware of the whole thing. He came looking for us with Dad, saying he needed information, and despite finding us long ago, he stayed with us for a month, persuading Dad to do something I don't care about," she explained.
So Dennis was with them the whole time? My brother has so many secrets.
This is freaking mind-blowing.
"What!" I exclaimed, shocked.
All of us turned our attention when Thane entered, and this time, Jessica wasn't with him anymore.
"Uhm, guys, what's happening here?" Thane asked us.
"Whoa! Atticus Thane Zachary?" Detdet said, as if amazed to see Thane.
"It's weird, Dennis bumped into me by the door earlier and then he ran off in a hurry, looking nervous," Thane explained.
I noticed Detdet biting her lip as if trying not to laugh.
This girl, she needs to explain to me later.
"Anyway, Godfather, why are you here?" I asked when I looked at him.
"Let's talk about that later. For now, have some fun with Bernadeth," he replied with a smile on his lips, clearly happy to see me
"Okay," I agreed with Godfather.
"Bye, guys!" I shouted to everyone before pulling Detdet and heading to my room.
I have so much to tell this girl, and I'm so happy she's here. And again, this girl owes me an explanation about what's happening between her and Dennis. Something's off about them.
Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote, thank you❤
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