The daughter of Yachovich

I woke up to the smell of bacon and scrambled eggs. Man did that smell good, I rolled out of bed and picked out a dark gray t shirt and some black khakis from my closet and quickly changed into them and tripped down the stairs due to the pants being too big. I entered the kitchen to see dad at the table reading the newspaper the daily Ninjago press. Daniel was dishing out scrambled bacon and eggs on three plates. Daniel made great eggs. I sat down with Daniel and dad and started on my eggs. "Anything interesting in the paper dad?" Daniel said before taking a bite of egg. "Nothing much, but there is something about the opening day permire of Cliff Gordan's movie film "Fritz Donigan and the space machine". It seems to be a big hit or something."  ((sry if I spelled it wrong)) I almost choked on my eggs. "Fritz Donigan?!" I shouted. In my mind it was quieter. "Inside voice Cole," dad said staring at me over the newspaper. "The neighbors probably heard you. Speaking of good news." Dad said folding up his newspaper and placed it on the coffee table. "The producers of the Ninjago classic talent show is creating a new trophy for the winners and they are having some one find an ancient relic a recreate it into the winner's cup! The guy will be here this afternoon and I've been chosen to inspect the trophy!" "Wow dad, that's a honor." Said Daniel who was cleaning up breakfast. "Who's the guy?" "His names Ronin I think," Said dad unconcerned. "He's pretty young for the business he's in. But I've heard he can get the job done." "Ronin?" Daniel said surprised, "I've heard of him. He's a young smuggler, he's sixteen I think. He works as a collector of artifacts and ancient relics."
I took my plate to the kitchen a put it into the dishwasher and started it. Listening to the dishwasher's noises and my dad and Daniel start a quiet argument about Ronin, staring out the kitchen window. Last time Daniel argued with dad like this he packed his things and moved to Ninjago City. Not wanting to be there when Daniel left to some other part of the country I sneaked back upstairs, took out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and placed them in my rucksack, walked out the kitchen back door outside and walked down my street. It was quiet in the early hours of the first day of the weekend. Thinking of going to the free-climbers academy to do some climbing I swung my rucksack on my left shoulder and made my way down Pickings Rd. Then something caught my eye. The girl that I saw the night before at the Four corners diner was walking towards me from across the street. Her long black and purple streaked hair flying behind her in the slight breeze. I slowed my walking pace and soon we were walking in sync next to each other on the sidewalk. "So..." I said awkwardly. "So what?" She said back. So what? What was that supposed to mean? "I saw you last night at the Four corners diner last night." She said to break the awkward silence. "Yeah, I saw you as well." I replied. Why did I clam up when I talked to people? "Are you just going to rephrase everything I say?" She questioned. "I don't know. I'm confused--" I started to say but she interrupted me. "You don't act or look confused." Surprised I was when she said that. "I don't?" I asked her. "Well now you do." She said giggling. "You're Mr. Brookstone's youngest son aren't you?" "Yep," I said "my names Cole." I stopped and turned to her and held out my hand to shake hers. "I'm Mr. Yachovich's oldest daughter Camille." And she shook my hand. After we shook hands we continued to walk down Pickings Rd. "So where are you going?" Camille asked, curious. "Nowhere really." I answered. "I just like to walk around town." "Well I have practically nothing to do on the weekend." Camille said. "Do you have any suggestions?" Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Camille was asking me? Her father was a billionaire, a kind of guy that gives a tip of $200 at a restaurant. And she's asking me? "W-well," I started, "well there's a free-climbers academy on the outskirts of town." "There is?" She said surprised. "Well I'll have to check it out won't I?" "Yea, it's a pretty cool place." I said. Then the most random, most rude question bursted through my mouth before I could stop them. "Why'd you dye your hair purple?" She took a purple lock of hair and stared at it for a bit and then stared at me. "Follow me." She said in a quiet whisper as a smirk went across here face, then she dragged me down a dimly lighted alley way. "What in the name of wacky Wu's cracky tea pot did you bring me here for?" I said in a nervous tone. "I wanted to show you something Cole, something amazing." She squinted and her appearance changed into a double of myself. I didn't know what I was looking at. It was bazaar. Then she turned back into her usual self with black and purple hair. "Wow." I said in amazement. "How'd you do that?" "I've always been able to change my appearance at will." Camille said giving me a half smile. "That's-that's incredible." I stuttered amazed at first but then I heard footsteps from the opposite side of the alleyway. "Brookstone! Hey! Brookstone! Turn around and show yourself!" It was Barkley. I quickly turned to face him and stood in front of Camille. "Yea Jones?" I said in a calm yet strong voice that didn't sound like my own.  Barkley walked to Camille and I and he said to me. "You're gonna pay for what you did to Frank Juniper Cole." I registered his malevolent sneer that I knew all too well. But gone were the days when I, Cole Brookstone would cower and let Barkley walk over me like a doormat. Gone were the days when I wouldn't stand up for myself. "Hey," I said in that strong voice that was starting to grow fimiliar. "We could do this the easy way, or the harder, more painful way. The choice is yours." Then three things happened in quick procession. Barkley threw his fist to my gut, but I was ready. I blocked it with a right uppercut and gripped his punching hand with my left hand. Since I had unbalanced him I pushed him backwards. He stood up and tried again, this time he went for my head. I blocked his fist with my forearm. He stepped back and tried to ram me over but I signaled to Camille and she backed out to the right of the alleyway and I backed out to the left and he ran past us. Then before he could turn around to look at us we had ran out the other end of the alleyway down onto Hemrock St. After we stopped running Camille said. "I didn't know you knew how to fight." "I didn't either." I replied. "But Cole what did you do to Frank?"  Camille asked. "I punched him in the jaw." I said quietly. Where did that strong, calming voice go? "Hm," said Camille quietly. "Good job Cole." Wait what? Was she complimenting me? I wasn't sure. "What did I do?" I asked her. "You stood up for what was right," she said smiling again. "Frank and Barkley and the Wes twins are up to no good. And you gave them cold feet. Just what they deserved." "Well thanks." I said. Their was a beeping noise, it was Camille's watch. Checking my own it said 9:45 am. "Oh gosh, I almost forgot." Camille said standing up. " I have to watch my younger brother for the rest of the day. Nice talking to ya Cole. Cya!" And then she ran off. Whoa, I thought that went pretty well. But I double checked my watch. 9:46 am. If I had listened to Daniel last night, he said he would be leaving today at 10:10 am. So I ran down Hemrock St then turned onto Pickings Rd. I crept into my house through the back kitchen door and found myself in the kitchen. To see Daniel, ashen faced and tired. Daniel turned his head and saw me. "Is it true?" He said urgently. Confused, I said. "Is what true?" "Is it true that dad retired?" Daniel said. I nodded and then Daniel stood up and stared at me in disbelief. "So he can retire from teaching but I can't?" Said Daniel more to himself than to me.  "Who said you couldnt stop teaching?" I said even though I already knew the answer. "Dad." Daniel said. Who was obviously upset. "But if I don't retire from teaching the tango I won't get my promotion from Mr. Borg. Then I won't be able to pay off my rent-" "Daniel," I said, sitting Daniel down and sitting next to him. "If you want to be an engineer, be an engineer! Dad will except the fact that you will be at the pivotal point of new technology and will be proud of you." I said to Daniel looking up into the face that had inspired me to dream big.  "You're right kiddo." Daniel said to me. "One day, I'm sure of it that you and I will both make this world a better place." And then he gave me one of his bear hugs. And stood up. "Well Cole," he said. "I've gotta go back to Ninjago city.  I'll miss you kiddo." And with that he left the living room and went outside to his dark blue pick up truck and drove out of the driveway. I watch the truck till I could see it no longer. Then I rubbed my back and I found a sticky-note attached to my t-shirt. It said;

Meet me at the bottom of wisdom's peak on Tuesday at midnight

Cammile Yachovich,

I read through it four times before actually believing what it had said. In shock I stuffed the note into the pocket of my shorts. I was going to do it. I was going to meet Camille on Tuesday at midnight.

Hey guys it's me again. I'm super sorry about the late update. The Easter holiday made it quite hard to finish but I hope you enjoy this part and stay tuned for part 4

(Haven't figured out a name)

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