Dancing clown

"Get up!" Mr. Brookstone said for what seemed to be the millionth time. "Get up and try again!" Slowly I got up, I had been falling on my face for the past two hours. Being humiliated in front of the class by my own dad. But I didn't call him dad, not since a week ago when he signed me up for sing and dance lessons. What gives? I stood up and walked back into the group of kids that were in my class, there was only six of us. Barkley Jones, a transfer student from Darkley's boarding school for bad boys. His strong suit in dancing was contemporary hip hop style. He was in a gang with four other boys in our class,  Bob Stern, Frank Juniper, Chad Wes and Tom Wes. They call themselves the 'black tones' Barkley  was Mr. Brookstone's favorite.  "Here comes the clown of dancing boys." Sneered Barkley. The rest of the class snickered. "Shut up Barkley Butt." I spat back, the rest of the class gasped. "Don't call me that, or I'll rearrange your face, Cole." I gave Barkley a withering look and I pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head and wished that I could disappear. "Now now." Said Mr. Brookstone, "no talking now unless you are told to. As you all should know, the Triple Tiger Sashe is the most advanced dance move of all time. Many have tried, none have succeeded. Do you think you have what it takes?"   He pointed at Chad. " yes sir! I have what it takes!" Said Chad, determined. "I love your enthusiasm, hate your chances." Mr. Brookstone said turning to the blackboard where was a highly detailed diagram of the Triple Tiger Sashe. Three complex flips the first one landing feet first, the second flip lands on the left arm. And the final flip lands on your head, then you do a side roll into a fanged tiger. "I want you to write a five page essay on the Triple Tiger Sashe about why it's legendary and about who created it. That is all you are dismissed." The bell rang and the class left the room and went down the hall. Barkley stopped me in my tracks and his gang surrounded me. "You should watch you tongue. And by watching it I mean shut up, looks like you're out numbered Cole, five to one." He said as his gang snickered. I realized what he was going to do a spilt second before he acted as I ducked as his fist went through the air where my face was a second ago. Stunned, Barkley withdrew his fist and went to punch again, this time in my gut. I wasn't ready and he hit me hard. Clutching my stomach, I backed up a bit and elbowed Chad and Tom out of my way and ran,  ran till I was out of school and out of town. After running five miles I was tired. I sat down against a tree. I knew my dad would be mad at me for ditching school, he wouldn't listen to my excuses. He'd give me a long lecture about how I've dishonored the Brookstone name. I pulled out my note book and I started on my essay. It was difficult, all I could think about was Barkley and how my gut was sore. I pulled up my shirt to check to see what damage had been done and I saw a purplish greyish bruise. I tucked my shirt back in and painfully stood up. I thought I would go to the library to do my essay. I walked back into town and into the Hemrock library where I showed my library card to the librarian, Mrs. Jockley.  She looked questionly at me as she scanned my card but didn't say anything. I went to a history section and found a book on dances. Opening it up to the table of contents I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, I looked up to see the assistant librarian, Jessica Holdman. "Excuse me but aren't you supposed to be in school?" Snap. I was caught, but I didn't want to go home to do homework. "Actually,  schools off early today." I said calmly. "Oh Really?" She said. And left me to talk to Mrs. Jockley. I looked down the table of contents and found page 427, the description "greatest dance technique and moves and their makers." I muttered. I turned to said page,  to see a diagram of the Triple Tiger Sashe. Almost the same diagram my dad had on the blackboard at school. I read the caption below and it said, 'the maker of this special dance move was the legendary Sensei Wu. Son of the first Spinjitzu master creator of Ninjago. He used this special move to defeat his corrupted brother, Garmadon. Even though Sensei Wu never used it as a dance move, Joshua Brookstone recreated this fighting style into a dance move.' Well that's just swell. How am I supposed to make a five page essay on a six sentence subject?  I went back to the table of contents and something caught my eye. Page 368, Heros of Ninjago. Turning  to that page I saw a picture of a young man with blonde hair holding a long staff standing with his back to another young man with dark brown hair who was slightly older he was also carrying a long staff. Reading the caption below it said, 'Garmadon and Wu were brothers but they couldn't have been more different. But they fought together in the serpentine war and fought against skeletons. Until Garmadon was consumed by darkness and was exiled to the underworld. Ever since Ninjago has been at peace.' I looked around, having ran away from school on a empty stomach I was hungry. So I picked up the book I was reading, checked it out for the week, and started to walk back to school. I got there just in time for lunch, I got in the cafeteria line unnoticed. Well almost unnoticed, as Tom Wes pointed me out to Barkley I heard Barkley crack his knuckles threatening. The guy serving lunch today handed me some meatloaf and green beans, I helped myself to a water bottle from the vending machine and sat down at the table farthest from everyone else. Biting into my meatloaf I suddenly didn't feel hungry. I poked my green beans around my plate thinking about heros and villains. I took a gulp of water and spat it out faster than you could blink, Frank had pulled me backwards and I fell on my back. Sputtering since I dropped my water bottle and I got sprayed. Soaked and mad, I stood up and punched blindly and I felt my fist hit Frank right in the jaw. I withdrew my fist and wiped the water and angry tears out of my eyes to see everyone in the room staring at me, me a nine year old kid land a serious blow on a fellow student. Man was I in trouble. I stared at Frank who was lying on the ground rubbing his jaw. I instantly knew what I did was wrong so I ran again out of the building this time I ran far past the boundaries of town and I stopped at a building, behind it was the coolest rock formations ever. I read the sign on the door and it said, 'free-climber's Academy open mon-fri 6:30 am - 10:45 pm' maybe I'd just take a look around. I walked through the door to see a buffed up dude at the counter. He stared at me and said, "hey kid, ya here to sign up? Why are you all wet?" "Yea I'd like to sign up." I said. Thinking it would be kinda cool to learn to rock climb. "Ok" he said handing me a form. "All you need is to have a parent or guardian sign with their signature." I took the form and signed it with a random signature, the guy bought it and I was in a free-climbers club.


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