The Bad Guy
"Breaking News! Supervillain EX has caused havoc in the city again!"
Doc turned off the television and sighed. He leaned back on the couch and listened to his bickering friends.
"It wasn't my fault! I wasn't the one who had him in my grasp!" Grian snapped.
"He punched me hard! You'd let go too if you got your nose broken!" Tango snapped back.
"Guys, fighting is not going to stop EX from striking again." Wels said calmly, as not to provoke the bickering duo.
Now Doc's life wasn't normal persay. He had powers, he could talk to animals and understand the plant's feelings. He lived with a superhero group named the Hermits. Of course Doc was apart of this superhero group, and he enjoyed his work, but lately supervillains have been terrorizing the city. The supervillain that was terrorizing the city was known as EX. Nobody knows what EX stands for, but as far as Doc knows it's nothing good.
"Butt out of this Wels, you weren't there!" Cleo snapped at him. Cleo had the power of regeneration or basically invincibility. As soon as she got hurt she'd be regenerated a lot faster than others.
Most of the time EX does his wrongdoings in silence which means he's a lot harder to track. Last night EX robbed a bank which caused a lot of commotion. Grian, Tango, Python, Cleo, Iskall, and Doc went out to try and catch him, but they failed.
There would have been more hermits on the call if most weren't out stopping other small petty crimes.
"Guys why can't y'all just calm down and talk it out civilly?" Joe says. Joe was a local bartender. He didn't have any powers or superhuman abilities, but he did have a friendly spirit and a kind attitude. He didn't want to take part in the action, but he did get all the town gossip and info for the hermits. He knew basically everyone in town and everyone in town knew him.
"Stay out of this Joe." Iskall warned. Iskall was part cyborg. He had a laser eye, and could charm a lot of people with his swedish accent.
Wels moved to sit between Doc and Joe and leaned against Joe. Wels was very level headed when it came to well everything. Wels had the power to generate force fields at will.
Doc noticed multiple people including the people on the couch with him become uncomfortable. Most of them had some dark pasts and the group bickering wasn't bringing up good thoughts or memories.
"Guys...." Doc grumbled lowly. The group didn't acknowledge him and kept fighting. Wels shifted beside him, and Joe just shook his head at how childish the others were being.
(Why do I want to make this a poly hermits thing now?)
"Hey! We all could have done better, now stop playing the blame game before I come over there and end it!" Xisuma yelled across the room. The few that were fighting quickly quieted down at the yell.
(Ah screw it, they're all in a polygamous relationship let's go back and edit a bit)
Doc was relieved that X had diffused the situation so easily. X had the ability to bend shadows at will.
"Thank you." Doc said relieved that his lovers stopped fighting.
"You're welcome." X said as he plopped down on the couch beside Doc, "Now you four apologize."
Tango, Grian, Cleo, and Iskall all mumbled their own apologies.
"Now what are we going to do about EX?" X said as he leaned forward. X had
"We can't do anything until he strikes again." Impulse said leaning against Ren.
And then the base's alarm goes off.
"Thank god you guys are here." said the police chief as the heroes showed up. It was Doc, Cub, and Scar that showed up to the alert.
"What's the situation?" Scar asked. Scar had the power to manipulate plants. He could grow them on command.
"A little girl is being held hostage on the roof." the chief said pointing up. The heroes looked up to see a middle aged man on the roof holding a gun to a little girl's head.
"C'mon let's go." Cub said as he hurried into the building. Cub had the ability to turn into a bear. When the trio got to the roof they slowed down.
"Hand the girl over and no one gets hurt..." Cub said slowly. Doc started to inch forward, he easily flew under the man's radar.
"Not until they pay!" the man yelled. The little girl flinched, and Scar sent a comforting look over the the girl.
"Who's they?" Scar asked, trying to buy time for Doc. The building was too tall, and even if Scar tried to grow some vines up to the top he'd fear it'd be too late.
"The ones who took them away from me!" the man yelled, an insane look overtaking his features.
Doc was halfway across the roof now, and the guy hadn't noticed his advance yet.
"They took who away from you?" Cub asked genuinely curious.
"My best friends of all time!" The guy said giggling insanely. He raised his gun and shot near Doc's feet. "If you come any closer she gets it."
Doc stepped back a bit and gritted his teeth. It's Plan B time.
Cub pulled out his gun, pointing it at the man. The man immediately raised his gun to Cub, and that gave Doc time. Doc charged the man, and before the man could react he pushed him off the roof. Scar ran up, and picked up the crying little girl.
Doc looked over the side of the building, only to see the man raise to his feet and run away. He swore the man should've died from a fall from this height.
The three got back to their home, or base, or headquarters, or whatever you'd like to call it. Doc sat down on the couch, soon to be joined by the water mage that we all know as Impulse.
"How'd the call go?" he asked, leaning into Doc.
"It went well, saved a little girl, but the perp got away." Doc replied wrapping an arm around Impulse.
"Dang, you always hate to see that." Impulse replied.
Iskall came up with a soda in hand, and sat down on the couch next to Doc.
"Every perp gets away every now and then. Nothing to be down about." Iskall said very ironically. Python came up behind the couch and wacked Iskall a good one. Python was a multi-hybrid, he was part snake, part creeper, and part human.
"That's no good way to talk for someone who was arguing over a perp that got away." Python hugged Doc from behind and leaned down to pat Impulse on the shoulder. Impulse giggled as Iskall gawked at Python. Python smirked at Iskall before leaving the room.
Tango's laugh could be heard from the kitchen, which was connected to the living room, "He got you there Iskall!"
"I've never felt more attacked!" Iskall put a dramatic hand over his heart.
"Give it up Iskall! This is where you finally lose!" Ren said ducking behind a nearby chair pointing finger guns at Iskall. Ren was a werewolf, and his wolf side showed a lot through his playfulness.
"I'm not going down without a fight!" Iskall yells getting up. Ren charges forward, and tackles Iskall. Soon the two are wrestling on the floor, trying to pin one another.
"Boys, whatcha gonna do with 'em." False says sitting down on a chair in the living room. False was a pyromancer, she could bend fire to her will.
"What in the word is going on in here?!" Doc hears the mustached fiend himself screech as he was almost hit with a flying shoe that Iskall threw.
"You're guess beats mine." Doc replies looking over at Mumbo. Mumbo was technically a hacker, but his powers ranked him a bit higher than a hacker. It was complicated. Mumbo could somehow magically transfer his conciousness into a computer. Doc never really understood it.
"I don't even want to know what's going on in here." Grian said walking in, then quickly walking back out. Grian was a summoner, he could summon mythical beings at will. Mumbo follows after Grian quickly, probably not wanting to get hit by a random flying shoe.
"Heeeeeeey guys." Tango said slinking onto the couch beside Doc. Tango was a demon, there was absolutely nothing to it.
"Hey Tango." Impulse said smiling at the demon.
"Hey! Break it up break it up! You don't want to destroy the living room!" Stress scolded splitting the cyborg and the dog apart. Stress had ice powers, getting her the nickname "Ice Queen".
"Thank god they're finally done." Zed said stealing Iskall's soda off of the table beside the couch. Zed was a necromancer, he could raise the dead. (And I thought Zloy was the necromancer)
"Hey! That's my soda!" Iskall yelled out. Zed quickly chugged the rest of the can.
"Sorry I was just taking a sip." Zed said, putting the empty can back where it was before, and hastily making an exit.
"Hey! There's no soda left in this can!" Iskall yelled throwing the can, and running the way Zed disappeared to.
"Woah! Be careful there." Jevin said almost getting mowed down by an angry Iskall. Of course, Jevin was a slime.
(I wanna draw a human Jevin now)
The hermits goofed around for a bit longer, soon everyone joined them in goofin and gaffin. Soon X had to leave.
Everyone lived in the base together, except X. Of course he was offered a place in the base, but he turned it down. Nobody really questioned him about it though. Nobody questioned him about anything he did.
X arrived back at his house to find his door unlocked. He sighed, and decided to slip into the shadows just in case.
Xisuma slowly crept in silently closing and locking his front door. He snuck into the living room omly to be met with teo people casually lounging on the couch.
"You know you could've locked the door right?" X sighed, reappearing out of the shadows.
"Not my job." Zloy, the lovable Russian zombie, looking slightly bored.
"Ah, I knew I was forgetting something." Pixl mused. Pixl was known as the infamous Pixlriffs after terrorizing multiple people with his telekinesis powers.
"You two are definitely gonna get me caught one of these days." X grumbled, rubbing his helmet.
"Love you too." Zloy teased whilst getting up.
"So who's the victim today?" X asked as he followed Zloy. Pix stayed behind because Zloy had rescued him from his terrible home a while back and didn't want him involved in their work.
"Some guy named Tyler Ellis, he's 24, and has a lot of friends who care for him, who'd probably be willing to pay up for his safety." Zloy said, droning off the information as if he knew it by heart.
"Ok let's do this." Xisuma said while he went to move a picture of him and his longtime best friend, Biffa. X hesitated for a second looking at the picture longingly, before moving the picture and pressing the button that resides behind it.
A panel in the wall slid to the side exposing a secret set of steps leading down.
X descended with Zloy close behind. They entered a dark basement. It was of course dark and gloomy. There was a table in the middle of the room, and a few cabinets to the sides of the room.
The room sounded pretty normal, but there was something off... There was a cage stationed at the back of the room, and inside that cage was a pale boy. The boy had light brown hair that was covering one eye, and he was wearing a white v-neck with black lining. He also wore gray jeans, and some purple converses.
When the boy looked at them they could see his dark red eye.
"Where am I? Let me out!" the boy yelled at them. Zloy snickered and turned to Xisuma.
"He's all yours." Zloy smirked and went back upstairs leaving X alone with the young man.
X went up to the bars.
"Oh we're going to have fun tonight." X said s twisted grin on his covered face.
Ty's screams were heard by no one.
I was planning to write something along the lines of a torture scene, but nah...
Just know, yes there is gonna be a part 2 of this.
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