~| Day 14: Violet |~
Bit of a funny one since I've been slapping you guys back-to-back with angst lol
Series: Rainbow Quest
AU: Settling Sky (After the loop, Sabre comes back. Except this time, the Sky People start to follow. They are welcomed as they come, and are settling in the RQ world. Sabre and his people build a place for them, with a portal hub in the center of that town for easy travel)
Context: A few people went to stay extensively in the Violet Kingdom because their powers would help with a current problem, however it had to be cut short because of an... effect.
[Sabre's POV]
I was just talking with a few of the Leaders near the portal hub in the new town, when we hear uproarious laughter coming from nearby.
M, the Indigo Leader, the Orange Leader, and I all turn our heads towards the noise.
"What on earth is that about?" M wonders aloud.
"I dunno, let's check it out." I say.
When we reach the portal hub, we realize it's coming from in front of the Violet portal. The Violet Leader walks over, snickering.
"What's going on?" The Orange Leader asks.
"Yeah, what's everyone cackling about?" I add.
"So, remember how a bunch of Sabre's people have been staying in my kingdom to help with that issue about those wisps?" The Violet Leader says, holding back more laughter.
"What about it?" The Indigo Leader says.
"Well... something happened." The Violet Leader says, looking towards the portal.
That's when we see what all the commotion's about, and start laughing as well.
There's the group that was staying in the Violet Kingdom... but they're all covered in splotches of bright neon pink. Their hair, their clothes, even some parts of their skin, all of it. Just- pink. Only a few spots of their normal colors show. Some are laughing as well, but most look extremely annoyed by the change.
"Now how did- How did that happen?" M says between breaths, calming down.
"Our people are built to adapt quickly to where we're living." I explain, facing the Leaders. "That's how the group that's exploring the snow biomes suddenly developed white hair and became more naturally suited for cold weather, or the group exploring the caves suddenly got night vision. I guess since they've been staying in the Violet Kingdom for so long..."
"The aura we have that turns our environment pink after living there long enough turned them pink as well." The Violet Leader says, knowing what I was about to say. He's still laughing as a few Steves and others of my people are playfully teasing the group.
"Exactly. And it can lead to some... funny situations." I say.
"It's not so funny if you're the one that's pink." A familiar voice says next to me.
I turn to see Lucas has walked up next to me, and he's pink as well. The Leaders and I can't keep our laughter as we see all of the red Lucas has on him has turned a bright violet, accenting his now pastel rosy hair. One of his eyes has even turned magenta, matching one of the splotches of neon pink now on his skin.
"Shut up." Lucas growls as I'm still laughing.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just- BRUUUUH." I reply, motioning to him.
"It's not funny!" Lucas says, really irritated.
"It kind of is though..." The Orange Leader says quietly.
Lucas still hears it and glares at the Orange Leader, which makes us start laughing again. Eventually, the Leaders stop laughing, but I'm still chuckling a bit.
"STOOOP." Lucas groans, noticing.
"It's hard not to laugh when you look like a freakin' cupcake, man!" I say.
Lucas punches me in the shoulder, and I just laugh harder. He's still glaring at me when we hear a 'click' in front of us.
We turn to see Ryan holding up a camera, a wide grin on his face as he giggles. Lucas stares for a moment.
"You did NOT." Lucas says after a while.
"I did." Ryan laughs.
"Delete it." Lucas says, sounding a little panicked.
"Heck no dude, I'm keeping this foreeeeever!" Ryan says, holding the camera closer to him.
"Ryan I swear-"
Ryan starts to run through the portal hub.
"RYAAAAAN!" Lucas yells.
Lucas then chases after Ryan. It takes me a minute to stop laughing.
"Those are your best friends, huh?" M says, sighing with a smile.
"Darn right." I answer.
"Alright, you're the last one. Just go over to Cicilia's house and she can get the adaptation reversal serum for you." I tell the last of the pinked group.
"Okay..." The person in front of me says, walking away.
It's about a few hours later, and I've just tracked down the last of the group that needs the reversal serum so they can be turned back. I'm about to leave and go back home when I hear someone calling for me.
"Sabre!" The Indigo Leader says, walking up to me as I turn around.
"Indigo? What are you still doing here, I thought you and the other two Leaders already left?" I ask.
"They did, but I wanted to talk to you about something." The Indigo Leader says, motioning to a more remote spot of the town so we can talk.
"Uh, alright." I answer, following him as he walks towards the closed shop.
We stop in front of the closed shop's doorway, standing under the awning. The people are much farther away, since it's starting to become evening and nobody's really over here then.
"So, what is it?" I ask.
"Well, the other Leaders and I have been discussing something in meetings recently, regarding your people." Indigo says.
"Uhm... okay. What?" I reply, guessing where this is going.
"Well, we've been wondering who's going to take the role of Leader of your people, Sabre." Indigo says. "They need representation in our meetings as well, you know. And I don't mean any offense, since you're used to it, but things can get a little... chaotic with your people. You have to admit that a little order is needed."
I sigh, having heard word on the street about this topic.
"That's the thing; we've never had a Leader before." I reply. "We have no idea how we should go about selecting one, or what qualifications they should have, or... anything about running a governing system, really. Our whole lives, we've just been going along with whatever happens."
"And we're all impressed on how far you've gotten with that." Indigo continues. "I mean, there's so many of you and you've all kept yourselves from getting into too much trouble for all those years. The Steves would barely last a month with that kind of thing."
Indigo looks at me, as the streetlights begin to light up from the time getting to dusk.
"But it still applies. Your people need to have a Leader eventually."
"I know..." I sigh. "We've just never had to adapt to a change like that one."
There are a few beats of silence as the evening wind flows through the nearby trees, giving some ambience so it's not awkward. Indigo breaks the silence after a few seconds just staring into the streets.
"You know, the other Leaders and I have been talking about you being the Leader."
Okay, that caught me off-guard. I stutter for a few moments before composing myself enough to form words.
"NO. No no no no. No." I quickly say. "I- I'm not- I don't think I'm cut out for that kind of role. I mean, you know me. You've seen how I handled that kind of stuff before. And I've screwed up so many times with so many things after that I- I just- I feel like I'd just do a bad job. A-And that's- that's a seriously big responsibility. I don't think I could handle it too well."
"Sabre, that's a bunch of nonsense." Indigo chuckles.
"No, seriously, I genuinely would not be a good fit for being a Leader." I say. "You know why. You've seen why. I- I just ain't it."
"On the contrary, you seem like an absolutely perfect fit for such a role." Indigo says.
"Why? What makes you guys think I could be the Leader of my people?" I ask.
"Well for a start, you're already very well-known among everyone, so there'd be no need for introductions or anything like that." Indigo explains. "And so many people, not just yours, trust you. You're already good friends with the other Leaders and Light Steve, which those relations are an important part of any kingdom in this world. You've always been great at keeping the peace between people. You've proven yourself to handle stressful times better than most. You already know how the meetings work. You've sacrificed so much in an instant just to protect others, and despite us not knowing it at the time, you always took the only options left despite those sacrifices. I admit, none of us would've ever acted as quickly as you did if we knew what you were fighting then. Not to mention how, despite being so chaotic, your people listen to every word you say to them. They already look up to you so greatly; who's to say becoming their Leader would change that? In fact, I think your people would just be happier with you as their Leader."
"I- I just... I don't..." I say, trying to find the words. "I just don't know. I don't even know if I want to be a Leader."
"Well..." Indigo says. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems like it's happening whether you like it or not, Sabre. The other Leaders, and even Light all seem to think it's a good idea. And you're basically already doing a Leader's work despite not actually having the title, and doing it extremely well."
I stare out into the street as the last few people that were about head home leave, smiling. Soon, after a few minutes, all that's left is the occasional firefly in the background.
"Sabre...?" Indigo says.
"...I just don't know if I'm ready for something like that." I say.
"Well, let me tell you something Sabre;" Indigo smiles. "None of us were. But we still had to step up, and now we're here. Something tells me you might just do better than we will... don't tell the others I said that, though."
We both laugh, and it takes some of the tension from the conversation.
"Thanks, Indigo." I say. "I... I'm gonna think about it."
"Alright." Indigo says, then starts walking away back towards the portal hub. "Take care, Sabre."
Then, it's just me left. After a while of just looking around that area of town, I decide to head back home.
Maybe this won't be so bad.
...Oh who am I kidding, I'm going to be an anxiety-filled mess the next time that topic comes up in a meeting. Hopefully I don't freak out.
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