Chapter 3

 Tekina stared intensely at the clock waiting for class to be over for lunch, shaking her right leg anticipating the time, Mima noticed her behavior, trying not laugh. The English noticed the behavior from the girls, he sighed. "HEEEEEEEEY!! I know its ya'lls second day here but please pay attention!"

Both of the girls started to blush from embarrassment and a few students chuckled quietly.

 What seemed like a long time, the bell finally rang. Tekina quickly packed up and walked out of the room quickly. Mima, Bakugo, and Kirishima followed right behind her.

 Tekina looked behind her seeing her three friends, Mima gave her a thumbs and smiled at her. Tekina smiled back, nodded and headed to lunch early.

 "What's orbeez girl's problem?" quipped Bakugo, Kirishima laughed and wrapped a shoulder around Bakugo. "Well yesterday the lunch line was pretty long, so she probably didn't want to suffer through it again, poor pistachio.."  Kirishima rambled.

Mima watched the two teenagers, making eye contact with Bakugo, quickly looked away blushing. "Anyways, let's get to lunch before it's too late." Mima stammered walking to the stairs, with Bakugo, raising his eyebrow, confused,, and Kirishima following her.

Tekina had got to lunch has quickly as she could, stopping a moment to catch her breath. She looked around for Shinso as she recovered, while looking for him, she figured out the lines are not at long as yesterday. Tekina frowned from not finding Shinso.

She sighed, "I guess I came here little too early, oh well at least the lines are short." She walked to one of the lines and waited to get her food tray.

Mima, Bakugo, and Kirishima got to lunch and went the lunch lines. Mima spotted Tekina and called out her name. Tekina looked towards the sound, smiled and waved back at Mima and the just noticed Kirishima waving back at Tenkia, while Bakugo waits in line impatiently.

A moment later, Tekina got her lunch tray and payed for her lunch. Before she could step out of the line, someone whispered in her right ear. "Boo." Tekina quickly turned around, bumping her lunch tray into Shinso again, smirking down at her. " Heh, again clumsy..." He lethargically chuckled. Tekina smiled. "Hey Shinso" She tensed up a little.

"So where are we going to sit at?" She wondered. Shinso made eye contact with her and looked down, thinking. His eyes lit up, "I know a spot where we can chat at, come on follow me." He directed, and Tekina followed him.

At the lunch table, Kirishima had witnessed Shinso and Tekina's meet up, "Man...she could have told us she's going to meet up with somebody intead of leaving us hanging, plus isn't he the dude that fought Midoriya at the sports festival?" He pouted while chewing his food.

Bakugo sighed annoyingly, "You know she can't always just hang out with us shitty hair." While Bakugo and Kirishima were arguing, Mima was thinking of an idea for her and her friends to hang out.

"Hey!" Mima yelled for them to stop arguing. They looked at her, with annoyed looks. "How about we all spend time with each other after school, like go to a cafe or library, maybe the park...?" Mima suggested, hoping she might have gone through them.

Kirishima smiled, "That's a great idea!" He exclaimed, Bakugo's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not gonna come along.." Mima looked at him, saddened at the fact that he doesn't want to meet up, "Why Bakugo?" She perplexed sadly towards Bakugo.

"Because I have something to deal with at the dorms.." Bakugo scoffed. Kirishima sighed, "I guess I'll have to talk to her about this at math." Mima smiled "Thank you for telling her for me." He smiled back, "Ah its no problem, a man gotta do what he gotta do to help his friends!" Bakugo stared at Kirishima out of jealousy.

Footsteps echoed near the roof top. "We're almost there clumsy, don't trip on the stairs." Shinso teased Tekina, with her scoffing. "Yeah right." She smirked.

Shinso got to the door to the rooftop, and opened the door. The two teenagers walked on to the rooftop and sat against a wall. They began to chat and laugh with each other, letting the time pass by.

Shinso popped a random question on Tekina, "In all seriousness, what is really up with the orbs surround us and them changing colors?" He asked.

Tekina blushed, she knew if she tell him more about her quirk, he may get clever around her and figure out her little crush on him, but she also knew that she can't keep hiding part of herself.

"Well...uhh...normally for the people that I like hanging out with, such as my friends or acquaintances they go around me and that person, and...the colors reflects my emotions." She explained. Shinso nodded as he listened, enjoying her awkwardness.

"Plus the energy blasts I send out is the same color as the orbs, and depending on my emotion it can be powerful..." Tekina finished explaining her quirk. "Wow, that's interesting..." Shinso somnolently said staring at the orb having by him. Shinso checked his phone and sighed. "Class is about to start again, want me to walk you to class, clumsy?" He offered, standing up and offering his hand to Tekina. Her cheeks flushed, the orbs surrounding them turned pink, and he smiled. 

Tekina grabbed his hand and Shinso pulled her up. They walked back down stairs to the hallways and walked to Tekina's next class. "So, you're in class 1-A?" Shinso wondered. Tekina chuckled nervously, "Yeah...Its a bit chaotic." "Hmph, I would assume so with the ego maniac in your class." He laughed, Tekina laughed along with him. 

Tekina sees Kirishima, called out to him, and waved. She looks at Shinso, "I gotta go, Shinso, see you later!"She bubbled as she ran to Kirishima, Shinso waving goodbye too her and walked to his class. Kirishima wrapped an arm around Tekina, "Sooo, pistachio, I can tell you got a new friend~" chortled Kirishima playing with her hair a bit while walking into class. 

Tekina blushed massively red as he played with her hair. Kirishima started laughing and Tekina got to her seat quickly. "Awww, I'm sorry pistachio!!" He giggled, Tekina smirked up at him. "Its fine." piped Tekina. Once the two teenagers calmed down, Kirishima cleared his throat telling her about the plan Mima made about meeting up. "Okay, okay, even though Bakugo probably won't come by, but I can convince him with your friend." Tekina raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Bakugo has a small interest of the wolf of the night." Kirishima grinned while Tekina was trying not to fan girl. Tekina cleared her throat, "Well try your best, because the moon has an interest with him too~" Tekina chimed. The teenagers squealed as they thought of putting their best friends together. 

The bell ranged for class and everyone in the room got into their assigned seats. Kirishima turned back to Tekina, giving her a wink and a thumbs up.

[- Time skip- ] 

Tekina and Mima walked to their dorms together planning their night out. "So, have you decided on a place to hang out at, Mima?" Tekina asked. Mima nodded. "Yeah, we already planned out to go to the park, I already told Kirishima about it." Tekina nodded and walked into her dorm room to get ready, along with Mima.

A few minutes later, Mima came out of her room with her hair bowed up, wearing a black crop top and ripped high waist black jeans, and high healed boots, with Kirishima and Bakugo waiting for the girls. Mima was shocked, "I thought your weren't-." She commented, but cut off, trying to keep in excitement inside. "Shitty hair convinced me..." He interrupted. 

Tekina finally got out of her room, wearing a peach colored sweater with a sky blue skirt, white stockings and brown dress shoes. "Sorry, I took a long time.." She spluttered. 

Kirishima's eyes widened with a light blush on his face. Mima clapped her hands together. "Alright! let's go now, before its too late." announced Mima. The four teenagers walked out of the 1-A dorms and went to the near by park.

As they walked to the park, Tekina saw the swings. She quickly ran towards them and started swinging. "Don't judge me!" she burst out as Kirishima and Mima started to to laugh. Kirishima went to Tekina and pushed the swing she was on.

Mima watched as her friend bond and smiled. Bakugo wrapped an arm around Mima, she looked up at him, blushing. They both continued to walk around the track of the park.

 "Those two are children.." sighed Bakugo. Mima chuckled. Mima swayed while walking and Bakugo swayed along with her. She breathed in the fresh air around her. "It's a nice day isn't, Bakugo?" mused Mima, he looked down at her. "Yeah it is a nice day." He echoed.

"So what are you planning for your hero costume, lone wolf?" Questioned Bakugo, Mima eyes widened in shock and fear. "Oh...I forgot.." She admitted. Bakugo looked at her in anger. "HOW COULD YOU FORGET THAT IDIOT, ITS DUE TOMORROW!" He yelled as Mima laughed. "I'm sorry, but I'm new to this school, give me a break." Mima sassed.

 Bakugo snarled and crossed his arms, blushing slightly. Mima smirked and chuckled. "Fine, this is my plan for this costume.." Mima began to explain her hero costume, she explained her costume being a black jump suit that allows her to shift into different animals, and it includes a bandanna that covers the mouth. "Not bad." complimented Bakugo. Mima smiled and said her thanks.

"Weee!!" Tekina piped and she was pushed by Kirishima into the air. Kirishima began to giggle. "Anyways pistachio, what are you planning for your hero costume!?" He yelled out to her. "What!?" Tekina yelled back. 

Once the swing got to ground, Kirishima grabbed the chain to stop it from swinging. He repeated the same question, but in a calmer tone, "What are you planning for your hero costume, Kokoro?" Her face went blank, "Heh..I nearly forgot." She chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. Kirishima chuckled along with her. "Luckily I reminded you, pistachio." He chirped, winking at her.

Tekina began to explain her ideas for her hero costume and the mechanics for it.  Her main piece is a black body suit with a black shaw with a hood, having wires with patches that stick on her head and back that tracks her emotions, that releases through her gloves and boots, including a prosthetic mask that is unable to break. "Wow! That's pretty cool, pistachio!" Kirishima exclaimed. 

She blushed, smiled, and murmured, "Thanks." Kirishima smiled back at them. As they enjoyed their moment, they heard Mima yell out, while her and Bakugo were walking to them, "We gotta go back now, it's getting dark!" They both yelled okay and Tekina got off the swing.

The four teenagers walked back to the 1-A dorms and went to their dorms, saying their good nights. 

Tekina and Mima both started their blueprint for the hero costumes to turn in for the next day, Bakugo went off to sleep, and Kirishima laid in his bed thinking through out his day, smiling to himself.

[- Chapter 3 end- ]

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